Burnside's Killer: An Interlude Novella between Parts 1 & 2 (The Hunter Legacy Book 6)

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Burnside's Killer: An Interlude Novella between Parts 1 & 2 (The Hunter Legacy Book 6) Page 6

by Timothy Ellis

  "A Pocket Battleship entering Earth system unannounced gave the locals kittens. The codes you gave me for contacting your boss worked, but not before some idiot in a fighter threatened to fire on me unless I stopped. I admire his guts, but not his stupidity."

  "Your PD tried to make me give a reason for wanting to see your boss, but I ignored them, and simply walked in on him. I forced a download of your files on him before he managed to get out of his chair in alarm, and he was barking orders out his door well before the download completed, to assemble a team to examine the documents."

  "They took a whole day to go over everything you sent, bringing in lawyers and judges, sworn to secrecy. The decision to exclude PD's from the loop was made very early on. Instead, it was decided to use military forces, to try and avoid leaks fouling up the arrests."

  "It took the rest of the week to co-ordinate the raids, all along the spine, so that every single one, on planets, moons and stations, were all hit at the same time."

  "Your name is currently spoken in terms of awe."

  "I've informed your boss that Ingrid's ships have already been adjudicated to you, and Hunter Security consider all bounties associated with Ingrid's kills should be immediately awarded to you. I also stated quite firmly that all government bounties on everyone arrested should be paid to you, as the person responsible for providing the evidence. Some of these people, as you know, have only escaped arrest before now because of a lack of hard evidence, and bounties exist for providing the evidence. While not all of it will stick, enough will that when the dust settles, you should be wealthy enough to buy your own island on Gold Coast. Your boss mentioned something about your contract, but desisted when I insisted your Hunter Security contract overrode his as the most recent. He came around quickly, admitting he would have paid anything for the coup you and I dropped in his lap."

  "The media are only now starting to realize something major is going on. Within a couple of hours, you should be inundated with media people wanting interviews. I've already informed Amy Allen she's been nominated as your spokesperson, so expect to hear from her within the hour. As Jon is wont to say, buckle up!"

  "Your retirement will be announced as part of the media interviews here. Your boss was understandably annoyed with your resignation note, but understands why you sent that now. More, he's damned glad you had the sense to leave it vague and send everything by courier. You're retiring as a PD hero, and will go down in history as the record holder for the most number of arrests in a single case, with the biggest clear up rate at the same time. Everyone wants to know how you did it. Maybe you should write a book about it, rather than have people constantly bothering you about it in the future."

  "If you have anything here you want, let me know as soon as you can. There will be some awards I will collect on your behalf later today. The General Custer is a couple of days from here, so I'll be heading after her rather than coming straight back home. But I have time to collect anything you want, saving you the need to organize moving things later."

  "Fleet Captain Jane, on the Earth torus, out."

  A Message to my Readers

  If you have enjoyed this story, I hope you will take the time to leave a review on the Amazon site. All reviews are greatly appreciated, as they help assist purchasing decisions by other readers. Sales and reviews will help me to focus on the next book in the series, which impacts how fast the next installment is released.

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  Thank you.

  Also by Timothy Ellis

  These Kindle eBooks can be found on

  Timothy Ellis’ Kindle Author page.

  These links can also be found at TimothyEllisAuthor.com.


  The Hunter Legacy

  Part One

  Hero at Large.

  Hunted Hero Hunting.

  Send in the Hero.

  Make or Break the Hero.

  Hail the Hero.







  Burnside's Killer.


  Part Two

  Hire a Hero. *forthcoming*

  The Long Road to Outback



  PC Games

  The X3 Handbook.

  The X3 Handbook for Albion Prelude.




  The Wisdom of the Ages is available for the price of asking a question.

  The Wisdom of the Ages Volume 2.

  The Wisdom of the Ages Volume 3.

  The Wisdom of the Ages Volume 4.

  The Wisdom of the Ages Volume 5.

  The Wisdom of the Ages Volume 6 Accrued Karma.

  The Wisdom of the Ages Volume 7 Healing the Indigo.

  I want to go home, Ascension for the travelling soul.

  Personal Healing using basic meditation.

  101 Tips for the John of God Brazil Experience.











  Feng Shui

  Life Harmony, Feng Shui in Plain English.





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