Gilded Cage (Harbour Bay Book 6)

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Gilded Cage (Harbour Bay Book 6) Page 11

by Camille Taylor

“Don’t be, that was what I wanted” He patted her on the back. “That was pretty darn good Bethany.”

  Bethany’s heart did a happy dance as she glowed from his approval, although she still hadn’t gotten over the fact he had almost broken her arm and truthfully, she didn’t think it would happen any time soon either.

  Declan retrieved a small hand towel from the ground and wiped the sweat from his forehead. “I’m just glad you went for my foot instead of my crotch.”

  Bethany bit her lip. “It was touch and go there for a second.” She had liked the idea of hurting him like he hurt her, but she knew he was only trying to help her, so she had changed her mind at the last second.

  “I don’t mean to be a vicious arsehole. I just know the type of men out there coming for you and need you to be prepared.”

  She sank down to the ground, her knees giving way. “How close have you gotten?”



  Declan studied her face closely. “Pretty close. In fact, if I’d have been a second slower, I wouldn’t be standing here right now.”

  And she would never have met him. “How do you deal with that?”

  “It’s all part of the job.”

  She drew her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs. She barely felt the cool air as it hit her sweat coated body. “So why do you do it?”

  “Why not? Someone has to. It may as well be me. Besides I’m not much of a sitting around twiddling my thumbs kind of bloke.”

  “Have you ever killed anyone?” It wasn’t curiosity on her part to hear the gory details, but to learn more about the man currently living with her, the man who had promised to protect her.

  “When you raise a gun, you have to be prepared to use it.”

  “So, that’s a yes.”

  “It’s either them or you. The answer was obvious to me.”

  Bethany nodded. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “Everything. I know I can be a pain in the arse sometimes but I don’t mean to be.”

  Declan tucked an errant strand of hair that had escaped her ponytail behind her ear. His soft touch had her skin tingling. Her insides quivered, dancing in merriment. His touch had such a powerful effect on her.

  “You’re not a pain.”

  Together, they started towards the pool.

  She doubted he’d have said the same when they’d first met. Though truth be told, they’d both changed since then. He wasn’t the harsh, unfeeling man she’d believed him to be.

  As they had done each day after training, they swam. Once again, she won their race and basked in the obvious pleasure he derived from her ability. She floated around her, allowing the peace of the water to wash over the tension of the past few hours. Seeing Declan’s face, much too serious, she splashed him only to incite a game of catch and release. He tossed her in the air, she retaliated by pushing him underwater. Well, he allowed her to do so. She was certain if Declan didn’t want to do something, no mountain would move him.

  She climbed out using the stairs, snuggling beneath her robe. She’d been more prepared since that first day and had now always wore a sporty black bra and athletic shorts beneath her work out gear which she’d discarded prior to slipping into the warm water.

  He gripped her wrist when she started for the house, his lips in a firm line, the man she’d become used to once again not home and in his place a man who’d seen too much.

  Her chest constricted. She wished she could remove that look permanently.

  “Are we okay?”

  “Of course.”

  “I was out of line before. I’m sorry.”

  “No, you weren’t. And there’s nothing to be sorry for. If these men or any other man got a hold of me what do you think they’d do?”

  His jaw clenched.

  “They wouldn’t stop until I was broken. I need to know how to prevent that.”

  “You’re stronger than I ever gave you credit for. For that, I’m deeply sorry. Never again, Bethany.”

  His head bobbed before he slipped into the house leaving her standing on the path, a hot tear sliding down her cheek.

  Why’d he have to go and say something so wonderful to her?

  There wasn’t anything more she’d like than to put the brakes on and stop but she feared it was too late for that. There was something about Declan that had her wanting to throw herself recklessly into the wind, damn the consequences. She bit down on her lip and waited for the explosion.

  Unfortunately, she was not Ashley nor did she have Ashley’s carefree attitude. She was Bethany and in danger of being swallowed whole and spat back out. She was no good at games. But if she wanted Declan she needed to step up. Declare her feelings without fear. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? Except she had no idea how to tell him she wanted him. Her body ached without him.

  It wasn’t only his fine physique she was attracted to. Declan was kind and patient with her. Except for their first day which seemed so long ago. How many others could she say would teach her to protect herself, to sit beneath the stars on a frosty night all because she wanted to? It went beyond his job, what he was paid to do and it warmed her heart.

  She couldn’t just say what was on her mind. It gave him time to think. To be reasonable. She didn’t want that. She wanted him as fired up as she’d been since the day they met.

  Bethany needed to seduce him.

  The problem was, she had no clue how to start let alone finish.

  Later that night, she began to research.

  Chapter 21

  “You do realise it’s freezing, right?”

  Declan followed Bethany across the lawn, darkness enveloping them. Thankfully, the soft glow from the house guided their way, while, at the same time, was too far away to obstruct the view of the cloudless sky which lit up like millions of diamonds.

  She glanced back at him. “I admit it’s a bit crisp.”

  The leaves of the nearest gum tree rustled in the breeze which carried the floral fragrance of the winter-blooming flowers, McAllister had nurtured.

  A chuckle escaped him. “Yeah, just a tad.” He rubbed his hands together briskly.

  Bethany’s mouth turned up on one side. “Yes, but how often will you get to see such beauty?”

  He looked at it now. But it wasn’t the sky that captured his attention.

  “It’ll be like camping.”

  She shook out a blanket and he dropped down the pillows he’d been carrying. Another couple of blankets joined the first and then Beth was wriggling into a sleeping bag.

  “Have you ever been camping?”

  Laying down, he rearranged the blankets over them as Bethany joined him. She snuggled into him, stealing his warmth. He moved his arm so she could rest her head on his shoulder.

  His stomach bunched at how natural it felt. He continued to skirt danger and yet he couldn’t seem to be able to put distance between them. The truth was, he liked her company. The softness of her personality and the fire inside here when they sparred.

  “No, but I imagine it’ll be fun.”

  “You’re not like other girls.”

  She was silent for a moment. “I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  “Do. Because it is one.”

  Beth let out a contented sigh. “Have you ever been camping?”

  “Yep. Worst week of my life.”

  A gruff laugh passed her lips. “It can’t have been that bad surely?”

  “I was twelve and a tick burrowed its way under my armpit. Dad had to cut it out. I’ve still got the scar.”

  He could still remember the pain. He’d never resented his father more than at that moment, though logically he knew his father was saving him.

  “Oh, that’s terrible. I changed my mind I don’t want to go.”

  “Everyone has a different experience. Riley neither loved or hated it. She did catch the biggest fish though. Wasn’t that humiliating. Beat by a wisp of an eight-year-old.
And a girl at that.”

  She laughed. “Poor baby. Okay, one day then.”

  He was certain she had a long list of ‘one days’.

  “You and Riley sound close. I wish I had a sibling.”

  As always, he smiled when thinking about his little sister. The only thing he loved more than life itself.

  “We were once, and I hope to be again. That’s why I moved here. But she doesn’t need me now. Not when she has Nick, her husband.”

  Her eyes melted as she looked at him with more stars than the sky.

  “You might miss the show.”

  She kissed his cheek. “I think Riley will always need you, Declan.” Turning her attention back to the sky, she sighed. “So bright and shiny. Makes me feel like I’m not alone.”

  “Most people would say the stars make them feel insignificant.”

  “Not me.”

  Beth stared up at the sky, her eyes reflecting the bright twinkles and wonder. He stared at her instead of what lay above them. Why look elsewhere when the rarest treat lay beside him?

  He wasn’t sure what he would do once he left her employ. He’d miss seeing her every day. Miss swimming beside her. Miss her smiles, her laughter, and her pretty face. He only hoped she kept her wings. Seeing her grow these past few weeks had made him proud. He didn’t want her to go back being the subservient daughter.

  “You don’t have to worry about me all the time. I’m not about to disappear.” She must’ve read something of his thoughts in his expression. He skimmed his fingers along her cheek and jaw. She closed her eyes.

  “That’s my job.” He dropped his hand. Any longer and he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from exploring her further.

  “Only for now. Soon you’ll return to your old life. Back to doing what you love.”

  Her words had his stomach flipping. He could barely remember his old life, so consumed by their time together. It seemed so odd that several days ago he cursed his promise to Caitlyn and now being anything but Bethany’s bodyguard he considered strange.

  “What about you? Do you like what you do?”

  “I guess. I’m good at it. Though I had to work hard to be and in the beginning it was tough. It’s like gardening and cooking. I do it because I can. Not necessarily because I want to.”

  He understood what she meant. She couldn’t do the things she wanted so she made herself like the things she could do.

  “What do you want to do?”

  Her shoulder lifted then fell. “I don’t know. When I was younger I used to think I’d work at Bennett Shipping. But my father made it clear it’s not the place for me. Since then I’ve kind of been adrift. I enjoy my website business, but it’s not something I’m passionate about.”

  “If you could do one thing what would it be?”

  “I don’t know. It’s never been a possibility so I’ve never given it a thought.” Her breath fanned over his exposed neck.

  “Without hopes and dreams, we have nothing.”

  “Well, I’ll just keep searching until I find mine.”

  “So…what are we looking at?”

  “Well directly above us is Scorpius the Scorpio.” She pointed with her finger marking out the stars. “And then there’s Beta Centauri, and of course, the Southern Cross.” She dropped her hand and pressed it between their bodies. He nodded and just stared at the sky with this incredible woman by his side. It hadn’t taken long before he’d pushed away his unfair and unfounded perception of her. Beth could possibly be the sweetest, caring woman he’d ever met. And he wanted her. Mind. Body. Soul.

  “Look! Can you see them?”

  He redirected his thoughts from Beth and focused once more on the sky as bright streaks zoomed past. Only Beth would make him want to freeze his balls off just so she could watch a meteor shower. Although, he had to admit it looked pretty impressive.

  Her excitement made him smile. Pretty much everything she said and did made his lips twitch. Bethany had a way of seeing things, full of innocence and amazement which changed his perception too.

  “How do you know so much about this stuff?”

  Her interests and knowledge were far and wide. An impish smile fattened her cheeks and her nose wrinkled cutely.

  “The internet.”

  His whole body shook with laughter. His insatiable girl. He squeezed her tightly knowing this night would soon come to an end and he’d have to keep his distance. His resolve weakened every day.

  The show above them unfolded with such beauty. A trail of light burning so far away. He was glad he’d gotten the opportunity to see it. He figured he never would again.

  By the time the meteors had passed, disappearing from view Bethany slept comfortably in his arms. Not wanting to wake her, he lifted her, sleeping bag as well, into his arms and trekked around the lawn. He tucked her into bed, a surge of possession terrifying him.

  He stayed for a few more moments, simply staring down at her. In so few days, she’d become important to him. A woman with a pure heart. She deserved so much better than the hand she’d been dealt. And yet, she took what she’d been given and found some happiness. Completely the opposite of him who for months had been in a state of depression dwelling on something he couldn’t fix. He’d made the right decision. No matter what happened, he’d never regret storming through the door. Somehow, he needed to make peace with his uncertain future. Not to think of his loss but look for the possibilities this situation had opened up.

  Like Bethany would.

  He kissed her forehead, unable to stop himself. He may be the one teaching her to fight but he’d learned from her too. Everything is an opportunity. Take what you can and appreciate it for it can all be gone tomorrow. He needed the reminder to kick his arse out of his self-pity. He could’ve easily lost his life. Or Riley. Instead, he lived on, had been there the day Riley had married, her happiness making his pain worthwhile.

  Meeting Bethany had changed him, turned him from his rapid path to bitterness.

  Now he had another problem. He’d gotten close to her. Too close. She’d broken down his defences. Made him feel. He acknowledged the difficulty of trying to protect her when he feared for her safety. He had to find a way to step back. To clearly define his role in her life.

  Only, he didn’t know how to begin. Nor it seemed did he really want to.

  Chapter 22

  For four hours each day, Declan worked Bethany beyond her endurance. Pushing her harder, needing her to be better. She needed to be at a satisfactory level. What would take months to learn he’d taught her in a few days. At first, she’d been tentative in her punches now he could feel the force behind them.

  She attacked her lessons with a single-mindedness he admired. Behind her pretty face was a tenaciousness and a sharp mind. It was a shame it went to waste locked behind unscaleable fences.

  He didn’t want to feel anything for her beyond what was required for him to his job. But Bethany had surprised him and continued to do so.

  What the hell was he going to do about Bethany? She wasn’t coy, the heat in her eyes broadcasting clearly what she wanted, despite her pretending otherwise. Would she make a move? He liked to think him gentlemanly enough to send her away but just the thought of holding her bare breasts in his palms was enough to say he wouldn’t. That he would welcome her into his bed, something he couldn’t allow to happen.

  He was all for fooling around and didn’t set any rules for his relationships, didn’t go in thinking only of a good time. He wanted to know where it could lead and if marriage and kids were on the cards he was all for it, but it just so happened the right girl had yet to come along. And the right girl certainly wasn’t Bethany Bennett.

  She flopped flat on her back and breathed heavily, covered in sweat and yet still nothing turned him off.

  “Swimming time?” The eagerness in her eyes and voice had his chest tightening.

  “Not yet. I want to do one more thing before we end today’s session.”

  She groaned a
s she sat up, taking his offered hand and allowing him to pull her to her feet.

  “What? The Vulcan nerve pinch?” She snickered at her joke.

  His mouth curved. One in a million.

  “No. Though it would come in handy.”

  Her eyes widened as he retrieved his Glock from the bag beside the mats. He’d already unloaded it and ensured the chamber had been cleared. He wasn’t taking any chances.

  “Knowing how to use a weapon is just as important especially knowing the enemy has no difficulty obtaining one. Should you be in a position to relieve him of it, you can’t hesitate. I’d love to set up real targets and use live bullets but the law doesn’t allow it. Not even for a Bennett.”

  Her lips flattened. A ball of regret at his words bounced in his stomach.

  “Come closer.”

  After going through the general safety and basic mechanics, Declan handed her the gun.

  Bethany gripped the handle. He waited until she’d gotten used to the weight and held it comfortably before stepping up behind her and shifted her body.

  “Remember always present a smaller target. The same rule applies here as it does in a fight.”

  He gritted his teeth as her sweet body brushed against his, her perfect arse pressing into his groin.

  He had to remember this was just like when he’d taught his sister. Except this was nothing like showing Riley.

  He corrected her hold. “Both hands, Beth. Always both until you’re used to the weapon. Squeeze the trigger.”

  When she did, he pushed her arm to imitate the kick of the gun.

  “Hey! You did that on purpose.”

  She turned to glare at him, her face just inches from his. All it would take is for him to lean in, then those delectable lips would be on his and he’d be taking what he wanted from her. Every single muscle tensed. His feet felt weighed down, unable to move away when he knew it was the safest option.

  He swallowed hard, his mouth dry. His desire for her amplified. He couldn’t keep this up much longer.

  “And if I didn’t, the first time you fired your shot would go wild. You need to practice holding the gun until you can hold it steady. Try again.”


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