Gilded Cage (Harbour Bay Book 6)

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Gilded Cage (Harbour Bay Book 6) Page 24

by Camille Taylor

  She clutched at her heart as a tight band snapped and took a shuddering breath.

  “Can we see him?” Riley spoke up from beside her.

  Rose smiled warmly. “Sure. Right after I check Beth out.” She rolled her eyes. “The boss has spoken.”

  Her forehead creased. “Boss?”

  Riley gripped her shoulder. “She means Declan. Come on, I’ll come with you.”

  Bethany shook her head. “No, that’s fine really. I’ll be fine.”

  Rose arched an eyebrow at the ludicrous statement. It was probably clear to anyone that she wasn’t fine. Her body ached and it hurt to breathe. She wouldn’t be surprised to find she had a couple fractured ribs. But she didn’t want anyone to make a fuss over her. Her injuries were inconsequential compared to Declan’s and she needed to see him with her own eyes to ensure he would be all right.

  She took a wobbly step, her legs as sturdy as a wet noodle. Her skin burned where Riley and Nick gripped her arms tightly, each on either side of her holding her up. Bethany guessed she had them to thank for not face-planting the hospital floor.

  “Honey, if I hear those three words from your mouth again I’m going to scream.” Riley smiled to soften her words and wiped a tear from Bethany’s cheek. She bit her lip. She’d been crying all this time and hadn’t noticed.

  “I just want to see Declan. Please. I promise I won’t stay long. I just need to make sure he’ll be okay.”

  She prayed Riley would continue being generous. No doubt the other woman been happy to see the back of her.

  Riley shrugged. “You heard her, Rose.”

  Barely a minute later, she was inside his room. She gasped when she saw Declan. With his eyes closed and connected to so many machines, he looked small, his once dominating presence reduced with illness. Her nose twitched at the strong scent of antiseptic. Bethany turned towards the door, not wanting to disturb him now that she realised he was asleep. If she thought she’d get away with it she would’ve made herself comfortable beside his bed but the nurse who had allowed her entry to Declan’s room had been very specific. Five minutes. Bethany knew she had only gotten that because of Rose’s influence. With one last look over her shoulder at Declan, covered from chest to toe with a lightweight hospital blanket she moved to open the sliding door of his room.

  “How are you?”

  Beth jerked her head back to the bed. Declan’s amazing blue eyes watched her intently. She stepped closer. “I got off easy.”

  She blinked back fresh tears. He was the one lying in a hospital bed and she was blubbering. Hardly a fair trade.

  “Don’t cry.”

  She sniffled. “I’m not crying.”

  “Good, I don’t like it when you cry.”

  “You’ve never seen me cry before and if you think your current predicament is going to get you out of trouble you’re wrong. You damn well should’ve waited for backup. Any fool knows that.” She thumped her fist on his mattress beside his hip. “What were you thinking?”

  “Mo ghrà.” He held out his hand, but he was already asleep before she could take it.

  “What?” She kissed his hand and pressed it against her cheek.

  “He said ‘my love’ in Gaelic.”

  Bethany jumped.

  Riley moved farther into the room. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. How are you holding up?”

  “Why are you being so nice? Stop it. I almost cost him his life.”

  Her lip quivered. She bit on it.

  Riley stepped forward. “I felt guilty too when he was shot protecting me.” Tears glistened in her eyes as she looked at her brother. “It probably cost him the career he loves but he never once blamed me. It’s who he is, Beth. He’d put his life on the line for anyone and never think twice about it. But we can’t change him.” She placed a hand on Beth’s arm. “We just have to love him as he is. You do love my brother, right?”

  Beth closed her eyes and nodded. “Yes, I love your brother. The damn buffoon took over my life, opened my eyes to a whole new world and made me fall in love with him.”

  “I’ve often wondered what the woman who stole my brother’s heart would be like. I’m glad it’s you, Bethany.”

  Something inside her snapped. Released.

  “I like you too, Riley.”


  Bethany stared out across the vast lush green estate that had been her home for twenty-five years. But it had also been her prison. Declan had been right about her gilded cage. It was time for her to break free.

  She shivered as a gust of cold wind cut through her. Her lungs protested each breath she took. Bethany tightened her scarf around her neck and continued up the path. It had been a week since that night, a week of recovery and soul searching. The bruises on her body had faded to an ugly yellow but the memories would never leave her.

  Her father joined her. “I’ve been looking for you.”

  She didn’t look his way. “Next time try the morgue, you’ll get better results.”

  “Now, it wasn’t all that bad.”

  Bethany stopped and faced her father. “Wasn’t that bad? Two of my friends are dead and I nearly died, not to mention my bodyguard. How is that not bad?”

  “You’re still alive.”

  “No thanks to you.”

  “Now see here young lady—”

  “No, you see here. I’m twenty-five years old, Dad. I’m not nine anymore and I’m certainly not the same person you left a month ago. I’ve changed.”

  “I can see that.” His tone suggested not for the better.

  She started walking again, keeping a brisk pace. Up ahead the peach mansion stood as regal as ever. “You could’ve told me your problems, you know. I’m not as useless as everyone seems to think.”

  “I never thought you useless. I’m very proud to have you as my daughter.”

  “Sometimes I really wonder, if I’m not just another trophy on your wall. Something that looks good and collects dust. I’ve never been a priority to you and frankly, you treat me as if I’m merely an asset to you. A man came after me because of my association with you.”

  “I did all I could to keep you safe.”

  “Well, you know what, Dad? You shouldn’t have let me get in danger in the first place.”

  “I’m sorry, Beth. I am. I never meant…”

  “Save it. You’ll never change. When I wanted a father, I got the CEO of Bennett Shipping. There is no in-between for you.”

  Her father let out a frustrated breath. “What would you have me do, Beth?”

  She rounded the corner and smiled when Declan came into view, standing by the pool, waiting for her in the exact spot they had first laid eyes on each other.

  Her heart skipped. She loved that man. It seemed so long ago. So much had happened, it hardly felt like a handful of weeks.

  “Just be there, that’s all I ever wanted. To know I meant more to you than anything else. Money buys protection, but it doesn’t buy love.” She handed him a folded piece of paper and kissed his cheek. “Goodbye, Dad.”

  “Wherever you go, you’ll always be my daughter.”

  “I know. I love you, Dad. I just can’t do this anymore.”

  “He better take care of you.”

  “I’ll take care of myself. He’s just coming along for the ride.”

  She left her father staring after her. Declan met her halfway, a hand sliding around her waist and drawing her against him. His heat thawed the ice which had formed over her heart when talking with her father. He would never understand and worse, would never try.

  “You okay?”

  She smiled. “I’m—”

  “Don’t say ‘fine’.” The warning was clear in his tone.

  “I’m going to be all right.”

  “What about him?”

  She glanced back. Her father stared down at the piece of paper.

  “He’ll be all right too.”

  Declan nodded. “So what do you want to do today?”

  “Surprise me.”


  Later that night, as she lay in Declan’s arms, Bethany told him what she had done.

  “Wow, I hadn’t expected that.”

  “I doubt neither did he. The money never made me happy. Besides now you have no more excuses. We’re on even ground.”

  She’d signed all her money over to her father, besides a small start-up fund, barely a drop in the bucket compared to what she used to have.

  “Now there’s just your issue with age to combat.”

  “Age is overrated.”

  “Thank heavens. I wasn’t sure I’d win that one.”

  “Do you think you’ll be happy here…with me?”

  He hadn’t stopped worrying about her since she’d stepped foot into his tiny, slightly dingy apartment. It wasn’t the luxury she’d been raised in, but she liked it. Cosy and warm, despite the lack of personal touches. It was Declan’s and he’d worked hard for what he had which meant more to her than the finest silver.

  “So long as I have you and you continue being the man you’ve shown me, yes.”

  “We don’t have to stay here. We can look for something better tomorrow.”

  “I don’t need money or fancy houses. I just need someone who sees me. Has use for me.”

  “How can anyone miss you?”

  He ran his hand up and down her naked back. Her whole body shuddered. This man had the ability to ruin her. But he was also the man who could put her together again. He’d shown her more than how to defend herself and fire a weapon. He taught her about life and love and sex. When they’d first met, she’d merely been existing. Now he’d breathed life into her and she’d begun experiencing all it had to offer with him by her side.

  “Well one of us is going to need a job soon.”

  Her eyes widened and she sat up, tucking the sheet under her arms. “That’s right.” Guilt took up residence inside her belly. She’d been so caught up in her own drama she’d completely forgotten Declan mentioning he had a physical therapist appointment. “I’m so sorry I forget. I take it you didn’t pass?”

  “Nope. It was a toss-up between desk jockey and retirement. Today, I’m no longer a cop.”

  Her heart ached. Being a cop had been important to him. For once she could truly understand what losing it meant to him for she’d felt the same when she’d believed she’d lost him.

  She kissed his cheek, then his lips. Just a quick press. This was about comfort, not passion.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Sure. It’s hard to let go and I’m not sure I’ll ever look back and think what if, but it could’ve happened any time. Nothing is certain.”

  She held him close. “What are we going to do?”

  “How about we open up that security firm you talked about? You still want to come work for me?”

  She cleared her throat. “Work for you?”

  “Someone needs to be in charge. We can call it O’Neill Security.”

  Her mind exploded with possibilities. “Sounds good.” She leaned over him, her breasts pressing into his chest. “Provided my name is O’Neill too.”

  “I think I can manage that.” Placing his hand on the back of her neck, he pulled her down to him, his lips feather light across hers. The sweetness didn’t last long and soon they were both clawing and nipping at each other in a sensual race where they were both winners.


  Thank you for reading Gilded Cage. I would appreciate it if you could help other readers find my book by leaving an honest review at the e-retailer you purchased it from and/or Goodreads.

  Follow/Like me on social media to be alerted to new releases, including the next instalment of the Harbour Bay Series featuring Alec Harris and Caitlyn Buchanan.

  Check out the links on the following page for more of my books!

  Other Books by the Author

  Harbour Bay Series:

  Not Forgotten

  Open Wounds

  The Dead Don’t Lie


  Fatal Fiction

  Gilded Cage


  Law Series:

  Russian Law

  American Law

  No Law

  Heavenly Series:

  Bella Italia

  Forever With Me

  Town of Secrets

  Melting Her Heart

  No Other Place

  Woollybah Creek:

  Home Sweet Home

  About the Author

  Camille Taylor is an Australian sexy romantic suspense author who lives in the Nation’s Capital with her fluffy sidekick. She spends her time reading, writing, blogging and procrastinating on Pinterest looking at nail art, books, home improvement tips and cake decorating. A bookworm, she enjoys most genres, particularly romance and mysteries and is HEA chaser so you’ll always find one in her books. She started writing at sixteen and is currently working on her Harbour Bay and Heavenly Series, both set in Australia. Camille is also an incurable genealogist and has traced her heritage to England, Scotland, Ireland and Russia. She loves scrapbooking, hockey, tae kwon do and travelling.

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  Gilded Cage is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2019 by Cherrie-Anne Forrest

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorised editions.

  Cover Images by imagerymajestic/DepositPhotos and SweetCrisis/DepositPhotos




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