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by J. D. Light

  He raised both eyebrows like he was surprised by my question, but I myself would be surprised if someone didn't ask that. Had nobody ever asked him that?

  He seemed to think about it for a while, before he just shrugged. "I guess I haven’t really felt lonely, or even like I needed someone. I go to the city for… male or female company, but I haven't even really done that in nearly a year. I guess I just stay so busy, the only time I really feel like I'm missing out on anything is at night when I climb into bed alone." He smirked, rolling toward me and pulling me into his arms. "Thankfully, I haven't had to do that for a couple of weeks now. Maybe you're curing me of my loneliness."

  My chest tightened, both sad for him and his years of going to bed alone, and me, because I'd stumbled upon a new concern.

  Had my presence merely been a convenience to him? Was I just the person he was using to fill a void because I was there, and he had easy access to me?

  I didn't know what my face looked like, but something must have given away my sudden distress, because one second he was smiling softly into my face as I lay in his arms, facing him on my side, and then I was being pressed onto my back as he rose up over me, frowning.

  "What's wrong, sweetheart?" he asked, concern evident on his face and in his voice as he pushed my hair back from my face.

  I absently noticed I probably needed a haircut as I licked my lips and looked away, not wanting to answer, since I knew it would reveal my vulnerability and force him to tell me one way or another what he actually wanted from our relationship.

  Running his thumb along my cheek as he cupped the side of my head, he pressed a soft peck to my lips. "Come on, sweetheart, look at me." I couldn't ignore the plea in his voice, and I met his gaze.

  Sometimes I didn't recognize myself when I was around him. I'd always been so tough. The job that I loved so much really depended on that toughness. The summers were hot and the winters frigid, and everything involving animals that weighed over a thousand pounds meant relying on strength both physically and mentally. It just seemed since I'd met Byrum Rodgers, I'd slowly become less and less mentally sturdy.

  I was constantly fighting with myself on doing my best not to do or say something far too mushy or romantic for what the situation called for. To be fair, Byrum was incredibly sweet, so it was near to impossible not to fall into those dark eyes and want all of the mushy and romantic things with him, but I was really starting to wonder whatever happened to that hardened cowhand who'd resigned himself to being without anyone for the rest of his life, because he didn't think it was even a possibility in his line of work.

  "Tell me what is making you sad, please," Byrum begged, once again pressing a small, soft kiss to my lips.

  I bit my lip and closed my eyes for a moment, swallowing hard as I prepared myself for the fallout of admitting what I was going to have to admit, even if it meant the end of our… whatever the hell it was.

  "Are we doing this… are you doing this with me because I'm convenient?" I asked, in a weak voice that came out barely above a whisper.

  "What?" he asked, when he pulled back, looking shocked. "No, sweetheart. How could you possibly think that? I've wanted you from the moment I saw you, and yes, I realize that's not what you're asking me, but nothing about my attraction to you has lessened the more I've gotten to know you. It has unquestioningly only gotten stronger. You are by no means just a gorgeous face and body that warms my bed because there isn't anyone else available. I'm sure I could have found someone like that had I been looking, but I wasn't. When you came into my life, I went from not needing anyone, to craving you too much to keep it hidden."

  He smiled, rolling his eyes. "Both Wilder and Cutter called me on it the first time they saw me around you. Yes, I value our friendship and would never want to do anything that would jeopardize it, but I've wanted more from you since practically the beginning."

  I licked my lips, tears pricking the corners of my eyes, and though I was frustrated by the fact that it was yet again an example of me turning soft, I just didn't give enough of a shit to worry about it in the face of Byrum telling me I actually meant something to him beyond the friendship we shared.

  "Really?" I asked through the tightness in my throat.

  "Yes, sweetheart. I genuinely like you." He leaned down and kissed the tip of my nose. "A lot."

  "I really like you too," I whispered, thinking the whole time that like wasn't near strong enough to cover the way I felt about him, but it was definitely a start.

  His big gorgeous smile that always made me do that stupid sighing thing reserved for swooning maidens, fourteen-year-old girls with a crush on the football player, and apparently, cowhands who fall for their bosses and have no subtlety slid onto his face.

  He pressed another soft kiss to my mouth, but the happiness bubbling inside of me wouldn't just let it end at a quick peck, so I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled his mouth to mine again, when he drew back like he was going to actually try to move away.

  His eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly melted into the kiss. It was hot like always, but there was a layer of sweetness to it that surprised me.

  As usual, the heat between us built quickly, and I groaned as my dick, which should definitely have been spent after the way Byrum had swallowed me less than half an hour before, filled quickly as he licked inside my mouth and pressed his body close.

  He eased on top of me, sliding his chest against mine as he used his foot to press my legs apart before levering up and climbing between them. Instead of lowering his body down on top of mine, he bit my bottom lip, and then moved his mouth over the side and down my cheek nipping at the skin just below my ear at the curve of my jaw.

  I moaned, trying to press my hips up at him, needing friction. There was none as he kissed along my neck to my shoulder before rolling his face against my collarbone, his whiskers rasping deliciously.

  I whined, throwing my head back and allowing him access to it all. It hadn't taken either of us long to discover my love of whisker burn, or his love of marking me with it. Sometimes, my skin would be so red and raw by the time we got out of bed the next morning, the spray from the shower was almost too much.

  He moved down, licking the lower curve of my pec before nuzzling across my nipple with his slightly scruffy cheek, and I cried out, arching up to give him more access.

  "Fuck," he groaned, scraping his teeth against the abused nub. "I love the way you look when you're naked beneath me and writhing. I think I could get off just watching you react to what I'm doing to your body. It has to be one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen."

  I whimpered, rolling my head against the pillow beneath it. I nearly screamed when he skimmed his lips lightly against my skin until he reached the other nipple, torturing it similarly.

  "Byrum, please," I yelled, running my hands over the top of his back and up into his hair before going back down and repeating the process as I struggled in frustration to find some kind of relief.

  "Please, what, sweetheart?" he asked, his dark eyes meeting mine as he flicked out his tongue, strumming my bright-red nipple. "What do you need?"

  How could a man look like sin and goodness at the same time? I wanted to be ravaged by him while he whispered sweet endearments in my ear. I wanted him to hold me down and slowly move his body with mine. I wanted to be made love to and fucked within an inch of reasoning. I wanted everything.

  "I need you inside me," I barked, cupping his head and dragging him up to my mouth for another searing kiss before pulling back and staring directly into his eyes, making sure he understood me. "I need to feel you with every inch of my body and soul."

  "Oh, God," he groaned, his eyes falling shut for a moment as he breathed, a shudder running through his body. "I don't know if I'm gonna make it."

  "I have supplies," I whispered, biting my lip. "I bought condoms yesterday when we ran into town."

  He let out an odd sounding chuckle-groan before nuzzling his cheek against mine.
"Me too."

  I chuckled, happy to hear we'd been on the same page before pressing him backward so I could rollover and grab what I needed. I tried to close the drawer back, but for some reason it wasn't closing, so I just left it, hoping I didn't hit my knee on the damn thing when I got up later to go to the bathroom, but not invested enough in the thought to give it much focus as I rolled back into position, holding the lube out to him, while pulling my knees up, so he had access.

  He bit his thick bottom lip while he looked down at me, groaning.

  Squirting a nice, thick dollop of lube onto his fingers, he rubbed them around before finding my hole with the tip of his index finger. We both gasped at the contact, and I pulled my knees right up to my chest, giving him even more access.

  "You're fucking gorgeous, Jefferson. I want to kiss and touch you everywhere."

  He pressed against my opening and I let him in easily, whimpering at the feel of any part of him inside me. The second finger went in just as easily, and he pressed against my prostate as he leaned down and sucked hard on my collarbone, no doubt drawing a hickey up on my skin.

  I shouted in surprise as I felt my body gearing to release already.

  "I'm ready," I panted, needing him to make love to me before I spilled from him stretching my ass and marking me at the same time.

  "It's not enough, sweetheart," he said, his voice sounding wrecked as he continued to work me open. "I need to prep you better."

  "Please, Byrum. I'm not going to make it if we don't go now."

  He looked down at my face, a small frown between his brows as he contemplated whether or not I was in my right mind, and in all honesty, I probably wasn't, but there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted his big, beautiful dick being choked by my ass.

  "Please," I whisper-whined. "I want to feel the burn of you inside me."

  He groaned, letting his head fall forward, but he eased his fingers out of my body. I snatched the condom from where I'd laid it on the bed next to me and ripped it open before leaning up and wrapping my hand around his dick, smiling at the way he pulsed against my palm as he moaned, and I bit my lip, loving the look of ecstasy on his face as I rolled the condom down his dick, glad I'd gone for the size up when it was on and looked like it wasn't cutting off too much circulation.

  I eased back down onto the bed, pulling my knees up and wrapping my hands around them so he could see where I wanted him the most in that moment.

  He swallowed hard, once again biting that lip before pressing the tip of his dick against my hole and pushed. I pushed too, and he slowly slid inside.

  The stretch definitely burned, but I loved it. I'd never been so filled in my life, and a guttural groan left my body.

  I bit down on my lip, trying to shut down the instinct that had me wanting to say I love you as he paused there above me, looking almost pained with his eyes squeezed shut, and shudders wracked his body as he tried to hold still.

  "Move," I whined, when I couldn't take another moment of not having him moving inside me, and he grunted, his eyes finally opening.

  "Are you sure?" He looked almost fevered as he gazed down at me with his glossy, lust-filled eyes.

  "Yes." I was beyond sure. If it had been up to me, he'd have been moving already.

  He slid out slowly and I gasped as his entire length slid along my prostate. It did the same as he slid back in, and I knew without a doubt that this was about to be the quickest fucking orgasm in the history of man.

  He was just the perfect size to massage my prostate with every thrust, and that along with the way his abs lightly brushed against my leaking dick each time, and the way he looked at me like I was the most amazing thing he'd ever seen in his life. I didn't stand a chance, and as predicted, it took next to no time at all for me to come. I threw my head back against the pillow as ribbons of cum landed on my stomach.

  He yelled out and his body went rigid. His thrusts became short and choppy, until they ceased completely and shuddered, his body collapsing down on top of me.

  He didn't move for so long, I thought he might have fallen asleep, but eventually, he eased back, looking down at me with another of his sweet smiles stretching those gorgeous lips, and I smiled back, again forcing myself not to blurt out the words that I wouldn't be able to take back, and had the potential to ruin everything if he wasn't ready to hear them.

  He eased out of me, holding on to the condom. He made his way to the bathroom, probably throwing it in the trash and grabbing a rag to clean me up, and I flopped back against the bed, feeling amazing.

  I heard a chuckle and I opened my eyes, wondering when I'd closed them, and found Byrum standing by my bed, looking down at something over in that direction.

  He tossed the rag across his shoulder and then bent over slightly, the sound of a drawer being rattled had me blinking in confusion before remembering that I'd gotten the drawer stuck.

  "This was what was jamming you up," Byrum said, holding Mr. Rodgers up with a smirk, making me chuckle. "It's brown."

  I shrugged, glancing at his beautiful chocolate-colored chest. "I was trying to be as realistic as possible."

  Chapter Eight

  I smiled as Jefferson absently reached out and ran his hand down my back as we entered the café. He'd been doing that a lot lately, and I was pretty sure he had absolutely no idea. I was confident that it looked friendly enough that he wasn't accidently outing himself to the entire town before it was time.

  "Hey, it worked out for everyone," I said to Sam, dryly as I slid in next to Jefferson in the booth, barely resisting the urge to lean over and press a peck to his lips. I did throw my arm along the back of the booth behind him, though, and after a small moment where he froze, eyes going wide, he eventually leaned back into it, and actually pressed his side into mine. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye and gave a small wink when his eyes found mine.

  "He wasn't going to get the amount he wanted for those old cows anyway," I continued, shrugging. "They might have one, maybe two more breeding seasons in them. I don't like the idea that there were people out there that would try for longer, but I know for a fact if Aces' would have gotten them, Andrew would have tried to get three or four more calves out of each one. Especially at the price he was asking. This way, he gets cattle that are a lot younger and healthier, and ready to be bred in March. That was what he was going to turn around and buy anyway, and I get thirty head, ready to calve in January, plus the peace of mind knowing these ladies will be retired when they should be, instead of when some old-school rancher thinks they should be."

  Sam and Cutter both gave grunts of acknowledgement… or something, and I turned to look at Jefferson, my body jerking in surprise when I found him watching me the way he did when he wanted me to press him down on the bed and bite and suck at his skin and mark him all over with my stubble before sucking him off.

  My dick sprung to life, and I fought a groan.

  I leaned down in close and his lips parted like he was hoping I'd shove my tongue between them. "You need to stop looking at me like that if you don’t want me to molest you in public," I growled quietly.

  "Damn, you two are cute," a teal haired waiter said when he sauntered up to the table, smiling wistfully at Jefferson and me. "That older man, younger man thing really does it for me."

  Jefferson stiffened for a brief moment before taking a deep breath and relaxing further into me. I wanted to drop my arm to his shoulders and pull him even closer and rub his arm for comfort, but I didn't want him getting all anxious on me,

  "Good afternoon, Justice. Where's Manda?" I asked, giving the ornery young man a smile.

  "She asked me to take her shift today." He leaned, rolling his eyes. "She wanted to go down to the sale and find her a cowboy. I tried to tell her the cowboys rolling into town will be rolling out just as fast, but she's convinced she can get one to stick around just for her." He waved his hand in the air dismissively. "Sounds super romantic, but most of those men are cattle traders, going from sale
to sale all over the country. They don't settle down. But hey, extra work means extra money, and Luther is being super cranky right now, so it is my absolute pleasure to add a degree of difficulty to each and every order made."

  Luther was the owner of the café, and Justice lived to make that man's life more interesting.

  "He's going to murder you and bake you into a pie someday," Sam said, smirking down at the menu he was reading.

  "A little Justice-pot-pie would probably be fucking delicious," Justice said, with an eyebrow wiggle.

  Justice took our drink and food order at the same time, since we still had to get back and start setting up the alley and shoot in the north-west corner of the mile section to get the cattle in that lot, so we could vaccinate them the next day.

  "Is that Ray Wilkins?" Sam asked, leaning across Cutter where he sat in the booth next to him, looking out the window, and I felt Jefferson stiffen again as we both looked over… sure enough.

  "What's he doing here?" Cutter grumbled, clearly not any happier to see the man than I was.

  "I bet he came for the sale. The Stevenson's are selling some open Hereford heifers, and one of their high dollar bulls," Sam said, leaning back as Justice placed our drinks on the table. "Personally, I think they'd do better with Angus, but they've already made their bed."

  "Look at me," I whispered, leaning close to Jefferson's ear. "Everything is going to be okay. Don't forget, you don't work for that asshole anymore. You work for me, and no matter what, you'll stay working for me."

  He looked up at me, searching my face for a long moment before he relaxed again, smiling.

  "Right," he whispered, his eyes searching mine. "I'm safe."

  His handsome face was mesmerizing, and I couldn’t help but smile my biggest, dorkiest smile as I traced the lines with my eyes.

  "I want that," Justice said on a sigh, and I turned to find him bent over the table, cradling his head in his hands as he blinked dreamily, while he looked back and forth between Jefferson and me.


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