A Wallflower at the Highland Court: A Slow Burn Highlander Romance

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A Wallflower at the Highland Court: A Slow Burn Highlander Romance Page 7

by Barclay, Celeste

  “Will you allow me to escort you on a walk tomorrow morn?”

  Maude bit her bottom lip, and Kieran pounced. His tongue pressed her lips apart before he nipped at the bottom lip she’d sunk her own teeth into. Their tongues dueled once again before a singular knock came at the door, warning them that her father’s patience was dwindling.

  “I’d very much like that, but if we go in the morning, the queen and ladies will be there.”

  “Do you fear I won’t want people to realize I came to join you? Or would you rather people not see you’re linked to me?”

  “I’m not worried for myself.”

  “Buttercup, don’t look for trouble where there is none. I’d very much like for people to see us together. I’m proud to have garnered your consent to court you.”

  “But that’s not what they’ll say. They wouldn’t have said that before, and now that news of the clash has made it to court, people will say my father sold me to you as repayment for what happened to your clan.”

  “Let someone say as much, and they won’t be long for this world.”

  “But they will. Perhaps not to your face, but they will.”

  “You worry aboot Madeline.”

  “Among others,” Maude sighed.

  “What happened?”

  Before there was time for Maude to explain, the door burst open with Hamish glaring at Kieran. “I warned ye nae to dillydally.”

  “Hamish, I would ask you to give us a moment. Something’s happened between Maude and my sister. She’s been unkind to Maude before, and I would find out what Madeline’s done now.”

  “You sound as though you’d defend Maude.” Hamish’s skepticism was clear.

  “Of course I will. Even if I wasn’t aware of my sister’s mean streak, I would still defend Maude before any others. I intend for her to be my wife. She comes first.” Kieran sensed Hamish was testing him, but he couldn’t keep himself from being provoked when it came to protecting Maude. Whether it was from potential highwaymen or his sister’s viperous tongue, he refused to back down if there was any chance Maude might be hurt.

  “Vera well. I shall send Donald to stand guard outside yer door, lass. He will tell me how long the lad stays.”

  “Da, can we come to the Sutherland suite instead? Wouldn’t it be easier if we use the solar? That way you can be certain how long Kieran stays?”

  “It would, but I dinna want ye wandering the passageways alone when ye return here, and it seems to defeat the point if Kieran escorts ye right back here.”

  “I can stay in my old chamber.”

  “Vera well. Come along.”

  Chapter Eight

  Maude compromised with her father and agreed to leave the connecting door between the family solar and her parents’ dressing chamber open. Her father retired to his chamber, leaving his door ajar. While she negotiated with her father, Kieran built up the fire in the solar and in the chamber where Maude would sleep. When she returned to the solar, she peered over her shoulder but didn’t see her father moving about. Kieran took her hand and led her to a loveseat, but rather than sit side-by-side, he pulled her into his lap and arranged her so she had room to stretch her legs on the open cushion. She leaned her head against his chest and closed her eyes. Kieran didn’t rush her to tell the story; he enjoyed the peaceful embrace as much as she did. It was only when he feared one of them would drift off that he asked what happened.

  “When you informed your sister aboot your departure, you must have looked one too many times at Arabella. Madeline began demanding Bella explain why you were looking at her and how long you’d been lovers. Bella insisted that you only looked at her because she was restless and couldn’t stand still. Bella had already told me aboot how Madeline tried to push Laurel toward you, but you weren’t interested. She told Bella that your parents had practically promised you and Laurel to one another since the cradle. I figured she was trying to get a rise out of Bella, but it was my face that must have reacted. I didn’t even feel it, but the next thing I know, Madeline is standing in front of me, in the Great Hall just as the evening meal is aboot to start, laughing and pointing. She demanded I explain why I would care who you were intended for. She mocked me, saying you would only look my way if you needed a sow to roast or if you wished to lure a wildcat since I have plenty of meat to spare.” Maude had stood in silence as Madeline humiliated her, refusing to add to the scene by caterwauling like his sister.

  “When she finished, I leaned forward and said either way it meant you wanted me, which was more than she could say aboot any mon at court. I should have left well enough alone and continued to ignore her, but she got the better of my temper. Once I insulted her, she began accusing the Sutherlands of massacring your people. That we intended to overrun the MacLeods of Assynt and steal their land from honest, God-fearing people. Madeline called my father and brother butchers. She swung back around to her earlier comments, adding you’d only want me if you could toss me in a dungeon to rot as punishment to my father. She said even the rats in Stornoway wouldn’t want me.”

  Kieran sat stunned. He believed every word Maude said. He knew his sister all too well. His only disbelief was that his sister was that naïve or that narrow sighted to not recognize the damage her ranting might do to their clan. The Sinclairs and Mackays were the Sutherlands’ allies, which meant they greatly outnumbered the MacLeods of Assynt. It was that reason that the rogue band of Sutherland cattle rustlers attacked. If Madeline didn’t still her tongue, she would cause a feud between the MacLeods and the Sutherlands along with their neighbors. The sept in Assynt was far too small to defend itself, which would mean he’d need to send men from Lewis to protect them. If he did that, he’d weaken his own defenses at Stornoway. Beyond that, Madeline once again humiliated the clan by showing her mean-spiritedness in public. He’d received inquiries from the Matheson laird looking for a wife for his fourth son. What he needed more than a woman was the bride’s dowry that accompanied her. But Kieran was familiar with the man, and his sons were all close to his own age. Of all Matheson’s sons, the fourth one was the best suited to deal with a hoyden like his sister. Kieran didn’t fear the man would ever raise a hand against Madeline, but he wouldn’t tolerate her behavior either. He would respond to the missive he’d received while at home. He would make arrangements to send Madeline to a new home and new husband.

  “You’ve gone awfully quiet.” Kieran hated hearing the timidity in Maude’s voice. She might have been shy and self-conscious, but she wasn’t timid.

  “I’ll arrange a marriage for Madeline to the Matheson’s fourth son.”

  “Not because of me.” Maude tried to scramble off Kieran’s lap, but he kept her in place and kissed her temple.

  “Not entirely. Madeline’s lack of diplomacy at court makes her a danger to our clan’s standing, not only here, but at home. If she’s willing to insult the Sutherlands without fear of repercussions, then she has no clue how clan matters work. She would risk a feud with your father, which would rally the Sinclairs and Mackays against us when Assynt is unprotected. To make sure they’d have a fighting chance, I’d have to send men from Lewis, which would only weaken us against the MacDonalds and the Mackenzies. Beyond that, her behavior reflects badly on our people. I don’t want my clan, my family in particular, to be known for being spiteful and hateful. That won’t strengthen any of our alliances. Who wants to be seen supporting a clan in disgrace?”

  “Once she knows you’re courting me, she’ll put two and two together and find me at fault for her being sent into exile.”

  “I don’t want to hide that I’m courting you. I’m proud to be asking for your hand, but I also don’t want to put you at risk for more of my sister’s vitriol while she’s still here. Nor do I want to ruin any chance of a peaceful keep when she visits us. I’m certain she’ll hold a grudge.” Kieran stroked Maude’s back until she leaned against him once more.

  “Then I think, for now, you pursue the betrothal with the Mathesons i
f you believe it would be a good match for her, not a hurried one to distance her from court. Once that’s secure, you can take her to her new home. After that, we can make it known that you are courting me.”

  “Buttercup, that might take months. I don’t want to be forced to skulk aboot trying to steal a few minutes with you here and there. How’re we supposed to get to ken one another if we can never see each other?”

  Maude nodded against his chest. “Especially since I suspect we wouldn’t spend those few stolen moments in conversation.” She giggled when Kieran pinched her bottom.

  “Cheeky lass.” He palmed her backside and squeezed, ensuring she understood his double entendre.

  “Only for you,” Maude purred. The sultriness of her own voice surprised her. Kieran growled low in his throat and tilted her chin back to kiss her. His hand trailed down her neck to her breast. She still wore her nightgown and robe, so her nipple pebbled beneath his ministrations.

  “You tempt me far too much. Your father will find us with my hand up your nightgown and your breast bared if you continue with that voice. It goes straight to my cock.”

  “And does what?” Maude shifted to make her hip graze along his rod. She noticed it harden when she sat on his lap, and it had grown the longer she remained pressed against him.

  “What have I unleashed?” Kieran’s hand kneaded her breast.

  “Only time shall tell.”

  “And it’s time for him to retire,” came a voice from the other side of the door.

  Maude and Kieran looked at each other and struggled to smother their laughter. Kieran eased Maude from his lap and walked with her to the door of her chamber. He looked back at the solar, reassured that the angle of the doorways would keep Hamish from seeing him enter Maude’s chamber.

  “Be quick, buttercup, and I shall tuck you in.”

  Maude’s eyes grew wide, but she nodded. She hurried across the room to the bed. She kicked off her slippers and tossed the robe on the foot of the bed before diving under the covers. She pulled them up to her chin and kept darting nervous glances at the door.

  “Even if he follows us in here, all he will see is me giving you a chaste kiss goodnight. It’s all I can manage when we’re so close to a bed.” Kieran brushed the loose hair from her cheek. He had noticed the thick braid that hung down her back, but he hadn’t commented on it. He wondered what she would look like with her hair unbound, it spread over her pillow and his chest. He groaned before dropping a kiss on her forehead.

  “Are you all right?” Maude whispered.

  “Aye, just picturing you in a manner I shouldn’t until you’re my wife, yet my mind keeps returning to.”

  “Is it any consolation that my mind does the same thing?”

  Kieran choked as he looked at Maude, who looked virginal in her white nightgown against white sheets pulled to her chin. Yet her words proved she had a wildness that reminded him of why he’d started calling her buttercup.

  “Nay. It doesn’t help a whit. It only makes me want to climb in beside you, but if we’re to marry and have a family, I’ll need your father not to geld me. Goodnight, my bonnie lass. Sleep well.”

  “Sleep well, my braw protector.” Kieran pulled away before their kiss grew more heated. Showing restraint was one of the greatest feats of his life when his mind and his body screamed for him to stay. He crossed the room and paused at the door. Maude had rolled to her side and watched him. When he returned her smile, her eyes drifted closed, and he shut the door behind him.

  Kieran’s head jerked up as his heart sank when Hamish’s voice greeted him.

  “Ye may have spoken quietly, but with nay other noise in the suite, yer voices carry. Did ye ken that I kenned that?”

  Kieran followed Hamish, who waved him over to the whisky decanter. Hamish poured them both a dram and gestured toward the table with several chairs around it. Kieran realized it was where their family would dine when they were in residence and chose not to go to the Great Hall.

  “Ye’re good for her. She’s like a spring bloom that’s had too much heavy rain dropped on it. She will blossom, but she needs a reprieve from what weighs her down. Michael wrote that he shared a bit aboot Maude’s childhood, or rather the time when she became a young woman. She’d played alongside her brother since she could chase after him. Blair did too, but she hasnae loved being outside like ma Maude. She ran, swam, climbed trees, and rode along with her brother. While some women turn lean from so much activity, Maude did the opposite. I would still wager on her to win any horse race even if she wasna riding Trioblaid. She can still best most of ma archers, and I caught her climbing an apple tree the last time she was home since they’d already picked all the low hanging fruit. She learned to do all these things to keep up with Lachlan. Blair preferred to be inside, but Maude has a wild streak to her, but ye’d nae guess it from how shy she’s grown. Without Blair to play with, it was difficult for the laird’s daughter to play with other children her age. That’s why she worked hard to keep up with Lachlan. Lachlan grew tired of being teased aboot his wee sister always trailing behind her. Rather than speaking to her, he did what a lad of four-and-ten is wont to do. He passed along the teasing because it embarrassed him. He and Michael began the taunting, but the other lads grew far meaner. Michael’s ma mother’s sister’s grandson. He grew up in a croft within the walls, and until he left to become a monk, he was Lachlan’s closest friend.”

  “He seems very close to Maude now. I didn’t realize they were related until the end of our visit, after I made an arse of myself in front of Michael and my jealousy nearly drove Maude away.

  “Ye remind me a great deal of maself when I met ma wife, but that is a story for another day. It wasna until after the fact that Lady Sutherland and I learned of what the lads were saying to Maude. They told her she looked more like a mon than a woman because of her strength. They teased her aboot being built differently than the lanky lasses her age. They kenned she was strong, but they didna ken that that’s why she wasna light as a feather. When she developed, the boys began making crude comments aboot how they wished the wenches at the tavern had her attributes. All the while, they teased her aboot being the plain one. They would ask why Blair got all the looks, and she got all the girth.”

  Hamish paused to collect himself, and Kieran realized retelling this story pained Hamish. The older man blinked several times before he continued. Kieran sat in silence, refusing to risk Hamish ending the conversation.

  “She began starving herself and refused to go outside. Her mother and I thought she was taking more of an interest in learning to be chatelaine because she understood she was approaching a marriageable age. We didna realize she was hiding, retreating into herself. Blair tried to tell us, but Lachlan laughed it away, and since she’d spent more time with him than with Blair, their mother and I listened to Lachlan. It wasna until Lachlan sought Lady Sutherland and me to say he noticed Maude was acting strangely that we truly paid attention. The four of us noticed Maude arrived after meals began, offered to get aught or do aught that would take her away from the table, took the smallest servings, even slipping food under the table to the dogs, and excusing herself as soon as she could.”

  Hamish looked at the door to Maude’s chamber and wished the same thing he had wished for years: that he had the power to go back and rescue his little girl before insecurity and self-doubt took hold. He’d understood that trying to get slimmer was only a partial reason for Maude’s disinterest in eating. He recognized that she believed she possessed little control over her life and her appearance other than what she ate. He’d seen his brothers do the same, except they’d used an excess of alcohol where Maude fasted. His brothers felt powerless in the face of their belittling and belligerent father, and Maude felt powerless to the unrelenting teasing.

  “One afternoon, Lachlan tried to coax Maude to go for a ride with him or to go down to the loch, but she declined, saying she needed to finish her sewing. She was retreating to her chamber as she di
d most days, but Lachlan refused to give up. Thank the blessed angels and saints that he didna. She collapsed on the stairs and pitched backwards. Lachlan grabbed her and stopped her from rolling more than two or three steps. He bellowed for me and their ma while he carried Maude to her chamber. He was as white as a sheet when ma wife and I arrived. Lachlan shook as he told us how one moment she was refusing to go outside, and the next he looked back to see her tumble backwards. It took the healer all of five minutes to determine what was wrong with Maude. She’d passed out from hunger. When Lady Sutherland stepped out to speak to me in the passageway, she was inconsolable. Maude’s kirtles hid the wrong things. While she looked to have a wide-set build, her ribs were practically poking through her skin and her hip bones stuck out so far from her stomach being so flat, that the healer pinched them.”

  “Is she—is she still that way?” It embarrassed Kieran to ask her father such a question, but he feared for Maude’s health. He wanted to bundle her up in his plaid and run far away from anyone who might hurt her.

  “Nay, lad. She isnae. But even after months of coaxing and encouragement to eat again, she never came out of her shell. It devastated Lachlan when he learned what was wrong. He shouldered the entire guilt even though we were all to blame for nae noticing and speaking up sooner. He developed a reputation for being a hothead, but it was only when it came to comments aboot Maude. A few of the lads realized that they had the power to goad him in the lists by continuing to make fun of Maude. He and Michael ended up in a brawl against the other young warriors who had once been my son’s and cousin’s friends. I’d been aboot to step in and cease the crude taunting, but before anyone realized I’d entered the lists, Lachlan and Michael launched themselves at the ringleaders. I hated seeing my son take so many fists to the face and ribs, but I recognized he believed he needed to prove and redeem himself. The fight didna last long, as he and Michael partnered throughout the years and complimented each other’s fighting style.”


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