A Wallflower at the Highland Court: A Slow Burn Highlander Romance

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A Wallflower at the Highland Court: A Slow Burn Highlander Romance Page 12

by Barclay, Celeste

  “That’s so wrong. It’s dishonorable. It’s--”

  “Kieran,” she snapped. “Not everyone here is a Highlander. They don’t hold themselves by the same values we do. Consider those who’ve served the queen most recently. A Kerr, a Dunbar, a Johnstone, an Elliott, a Maxwell, a Kennedy. They’re all Lowlanders. There’s me, Blair, and Cairstine Grant who was cozy at times with your sister. Laurel Ross was as thick as thieves with Madeline, though she apologized to me just before I left the solar. Elizabeth and Deirdre Fraser are both married now. Your sister—well we ken aboot that. I’m outnumbered here. It’s Blair and me. I can’t expect the others to understand our way of life and adopt Highland values. Not when life as a courtier is aboot gossip, intrigue, backbiting, and politics. The other three Highland ladies banded together against me because they understood life at court. It was best to leave well enough alone, and that’s how I’d like to keep it.”

  Kieran wanted to argue with her and convince her he was correct, but he wasn’t a lady-in-waiting, nor had anyone made him live here for the past seven months. His sister had been here for years. When he examined it in those terms, he realized Madeline’s changes shouldn’t have shocked him. The influences here were not ones to make her a paragon of virtue.

  “If that’s what you want, then I will stand beside you. But I say that with the full disclosure that I won’t turn a blind eye or a deaf ear to anyone who speaks ill of you.”

  “I know, turtledove.” Maude slid her hand up his chest until she found his nape and guided him toward her for a long, last kiss. “I must prepare for the evening meal.”

  “Where I shall sit beside you.”

  “We’ll see what Da has to say aboot that.”

  They slipped back to their own chambers to prepare for the evening meal.

  Chapter Twelve

  The evening was going perfectly. Maude didn’t remember the last time she enjoyed supping at court. She and Blair joined her father moments before Kieran arrived. His presence garnered attention since it had been days since the last time he sat at the Sutherlands’ table, and this time, he sat far too close to Maude for anyone to doubt his interest. Their arms brushed together throughout the meal, and Kieran pressed his thigh against hers under the table. Hamish’s glare warned him to keep both hands where the old warrior could see them.

  Kieran leaned toward Maude and reached past her for the jug of ale, using it as an excuse for his chest to touch her shoulder as he whispered. “I touched your hair when it was down this afternoon, but it was too dark for me to see it. I didn’t have a chance to say aught yesterday. But I shall not be remiss any longer. Your hair looks beautiful. You look beautiful.”

  Maude blushed but offered him her half-smile. Kieran decided he found it enigmatic. He also noticed more men looking at her as the meal progressed, and he feared they would think the same way. It would act as a siren to them to figure her out, discover what mystery lurked behind it. He forced himself to keep his jealousy at bay and not make an arse of himself as he did the day at the priory. Maude gave no indication that she noticed anyone else, though Kieran knew that would change when the dancing begun. Maude would have more dance partners than she’d had the entire time at court. He knew she would draw some men with honest intentions, but her physique would draw the lechers as well. Her clothing was no different than before, but her hair down gave her a youthful look that was appealing. She smiled more that evening, laughing at both her sister and her father while sharing that enigmatic smile with him. Men would circle like birds of prey despite Maude having been at court for months and never garnering such interest.

  When the meal finished, servants swept in and pushed the tables and benches aside. While they cleared the floor, Maude stood beside Kieran as she spoke to Blair, who stood on her other side. The back of Kieran’s hand rubbed against the back of her own, causing bolts of electricity to surge up her arm to her breasts, making them feel heavy and full before settling in a pulsing tingle between her thighs. It was a brief and light touch, but she experienced it all the way to her core.

  Hamish stepped next to Kieran and clapped a hand on the younger laird’s shoulder. He had missed none of their heated glances, nor how Kieran positioned himself to reach for the jug so he might touch her and whisper to her. Hamish hadn’t heard what Kieran said, but it made Maude blush, then smile. He’d almost forgotten how lovely his little girl’s smile was, but he reminded himself that she was a woman now. No longer a wee lass bouncing on his knee, she had a suitor who would soon twirl her around the dance floor.

  “This is yer chance to stake yer claim. Make it clear. The vultures are circling now that Maude has come into her own. I’d thank ye if I didna want to thrash ye for bringing the attention to her. Dance at least thrice with her and be sure to dance the first two. People willna doubt yer intentions.”

  “I thought to dance every one with her,” Kieran grinned before looking down to find Maude’s smiling face looking up at him. He took her hand in his and led her to the dance floor. Their approach, hand-in-hand, sent a ripple through the crowd. Instead of her hand on his arm as was customary, they showed an intimacy that most married couples and lovers lacked.

  “People are staring,” Maude hissed.

  “I know,” Kieran smiled. “The men are jealous.”

  “I doubt that, but the women will call me a wanton.”

  “As long as that wanton side is only for me.” Kieran pulled her into his arms for the first dance. He’d expected it to be a country reel, but it was one that would keep them together through the entire set. “If I can’t feast on you in private, then I shall enjoy every minute you’re in my arms in public.”

  “Don’t you think this is a wee over the top? You not only sat with my family for the meal, you sat practically on top of me. No one looking at our backs missed how close we sat. Now you’re holding me indecently close.”

  “I’m making up for lost time.”

  “And if my father weren’t here, people would whisper that I was your mistress, not your possible intended.”

  “There’s no possible, Maude. You are.”

  Maude relented and enjoyed the dance. As one set ended, and the dancers lined up for the next, she thought she might sit it out or pair with someone else, but Kieran stood across from her in the line. The music began, and they came together before turning to their neighbors. They moved through the dance, always returning to one another. When that set ended, Kieran guided her through the crowd toward her family, avoiding the men converging upon where they stood. Once back at the Sutherland table, Kieran filled her chalice with ale before quaffing his. He refilled it for her again before returning the jug to the table. He reached up to brush away hair that stuck to her temple but caught himself and pushed his hair from his face instead. That would have been too great a breach of propriety, and he doubted Hamish would forgive such a blunder.

  “Lady Maude,” a young Lowlander dared to approach. “Would you share the next dance with me?”

  Maude glanced at Kieran, who looked pained but attempted to smile at her as his jaw twitched. Maude accepted the man’s offer and left Kieran to watch. The courtier’s smile was polite, but his eyes were riveted to Maude’s bust, making her uncomfortable. Kieran recognized that the man stumbled on purpose, so Maude’s bosom would press against his chest. Maude jerked away and looked over at Kieran, seeing the heat rise in his neck. Kieran waited for Maude to signal that she needed him; he wouldn’t intervene unless she asked. The song drew to a close without further incident, but before Maude returned to his side, another man asked her to dance. Once more, she glanced at Kieran, this time with an apologetic shrug. He forced himself to smile. He wanted Maude to enjoy the evening and to enjoy the attention after being starved for it. But, as he feared, the men who approached Maude were ones that only wanted to bed her. A third man pulled Maude too close despite her drawing away and attempting to put more space between them. His hand spread across the small of her back as he pressed her
closer. Kieran observed Maude shake her head to something the man said. He maneuvered them further from the center of the dancers as though he would lead her outside. Kieran caught the moment Maude panicked and began a frantic search for him. He plowed through couples and those mingling about until his hand encircled the man’s bicep. Kieran’s fingers and thumb almost met as he yanked it from Maude’s back. He twisted it behind the man’s back and leaned to his ear.

  “You aren’t taking the lass anywhere. She’s spoken for.” Kieran squeezed. “By me.”

  “I—I wasn’t,” the man spluttered. “Barbarian. Uncouth lout.”

  The man still had hold of Maude’s hand, which she squeezed until the man winced and leaned back as his knees buckled. She bared her teeth as she prepared to defend Kieran.

  “I dinna ken who ye think ye’re speaking to, but I do ken Laird MacLeod is a far better mon than ye are, ye swine. The only barbarian here is ye. Ye’re lucky it’s Laird MacLeod who stopped ye because ye were aboot to get ma knee to yer bollocks. How’s that for uncouth, ye arse?”

  She released the man’s hand, and Kieran shoved him away. Maude’s former dance partner stumbled away as he glanced over his shoulder several times. Kieran pulled Maude into his arms and guided her back into the dance.

  “Are you well?” Kieran murmured.

  “Aye. Thank you. I panicked when I couldn’t see you anymore. I would have kneed him if I had to, but I--” She shook her head. “I didn’t like knowing if I couldn’t see you, then you couldn’t see me. It frightened me.”

  “We shall dance through this song, and then we’ll return to the table. We drew too much attention, and I would diffuse it by appearing as if all is normal.”

  “This is our third dance together when I have danced that many in the seven moons I’ve been here. That is hardly what anyone will consider normal.”

  “Mayhap, but they will understand that you’re under my protection, and it will be clear in the morning that I’m courting you. And by the by, little one, you might not have been able to see me, but I can reassure you I had my eyes on you the entire time. I’m a touch taller than you, buttercup. I can see over everyone’s head here who isn’t a Highlander, too. These Lowlanders don’t eat enough as weans. They’re puny.” Maude grinned, and Kieran’s heart stuttered. “Keep smiling at me like that, my bonnie buttercup. You make me feel ten feet tall.”

  “You are the brawest mon here.” Maude’s eyes twinkled as a crease formed at the outside of each one. Kieran glimpsed the tips of her bottom teeth where they overlapped. He yearned to run his thumb over them before doing the same with his tongue.

  “Compliments will get you everywhere, mo leannan.” My sweetheart. The one tiny extra word, the ownership of the sentiment, made Maude’s hands tighten around Kieran’s.

  “I shall hold you to that, mo ghràidh.” My darling. Kieran’s eyes widened, and his nostrils flared. It was the first time she’d used an endearment other than turtledove, and she’d only used that a handful of times. “Will you sit with my father, Blair, and me during the morning meal? We can go for our walk after.”

  “I’d enjoy naught more. I will meet you at the end of Mass by the chapel doors.”

  Maude canted her head to the side as she ruminated on plans for the next day.

  “Do you mind missing time in the lists, or will you go in the afternoon?”

  “One day of missed training won’t harm me. I’d rather spend the time with you.”

  “Then I intend to ask my godfather for a favor.” Kieran raised his eyebrow at her statement. “I’ll ask him to join the queen in her solar tomorrow afternoon and have you accompany him.”

  “You’d ask the king to rearrange his schedule and share our courtship with him?”

  “And the queen. She will know before any of us arrive in her solar. I’ve asked them for naught since I was a child and begged the queen for candied apples.”

  “Where did your desire for subtlety go?”

  “After tonight? There’s no point. People have already taken notice. I’d rather make the most of our time than waste it.”

  “Do you think he’d indulge you?”

  “Aye. Unless he already has a meeting or something urgent takes him away, he will. If not for me, then because he enjoys the time with the queen. Despite the flowery poetry and tittering, he enjoys the reprieve from his advisors badgering him.”

  “When will you ask?” Kieran led Maude back to the table as the song ended.

  “Now.” Maude flashed a smile before stepping around Kieran and walking to the dais. She curtseyed and waited for permission to approach. Two sets of eyebrows rose as she walked to the stairs and climbed onto the dais rather than stepping forward and remaining below the king and queen.

  “Lady Maude,” the king intoned. “This is a pleasant surprise.”

  Maude looked around to determine who watched or, more importantly, who listened. The other people on the dais appeared disinterested. She knew her father had a place at the table if he wished to take it, but he preferred to sit among his clansmen. Maude leaned forward so she was close enough to whisper as she stood between her godfather and godmother.

  “I would ask a boon of you, not as my king and queen but as my godparents.” Maude paused and waited for their reaction.

  “You’ve asked naught of us before, Maude,” the queen mused. “You might have asked for a boon many months ago.”

  Maude understood the queen meant Maude should have asked for help with Madeline and the others. She appreciated the offer, but she didn’t regret her choice. She prayed she wouldn’t regret this one either.

  “Uncle Robert,” she began. She used the title the Sutherland and Sinclair children grew up calling the king, one that felt familiar and comfortable. “My request is that you would join Aunt Elizabeth in her solar tomorrow afternoon.”

  “That isn’t much of a boon, lass,” the king mused.

  “That isn’t the boon, or at least it isn’t all of it. I’d ask that you have Laird MacLeod accompany you.”

  “Kieran MacLeod?” The king wondered aloud.

  “She’s grown fond of him since he arrived. They’ve developed a tendre for each other, and it wouldn’t surprise me if the lad doesn’t ask your permission to marry our Maude,” the queen attempted to hide her smile, making the corners of her lips twitch. “I suspect Hamish has already given his blessing. At least he will soon if he hasn’t. The lad was practically sitting on the lass’s lap this eve. And I feared for a moment that Allan Maxwell’s life would end on the floor of our Great Hall.”

  It shouldn’t have surprised Maude that the queen had seen so much and deduced most of the situation.

  “Maxwell?” The king looked between the two women.

  “Lord Maxwell attempted to force me off the dance floor and onto the terrace.”

  “What?” The king’s hand slammed down on the table and made the platters and chalices rattle. People looked toward them, seeing the king’s ruddy complexion flush even brighter. He scanned the crowd, searching for the culprit.

  “Kieran, that is, Laird MacLeod, resolved the issue. Lord Maxwell won’t approach me again.”

  “That’s a polite way, Maude, to explain how your young mon nearly ripped Allan Maxwell’s arm from his body. And you looked to have crushed his fingers.”

  “I’d hoped that went unnoticed, Aunt Elizabeth,” Maude murmured.

  “It did, lass,” the queen reassured her. “The better view of those before us is why the dais is raised. We would observe those present to better prepare and protect ourselves.”

  The king reached out and patted Maude’s hand. “I’m happy to fulfill your request. You, your brother and sister, and cousins never ask aught of us despite being family. The few times one of you is in need or wishes for something, your queen and I do our best to oblige. None of you have ever tried to take advantage of or exploit your position as our godchildren. I miss hearing the pack of you call me uncle. It seems too long ago.”

  “Ye wouldnae have a piece of treacle for me in yer pocket would ye, Uncle Wobber?” Maude grinned and the king’s chuckle morphed into a hearty laugh that once more drew attention. The queen’s laughter was more circumspect and daintier, but just as merry.

  “As it would happen, lass,” The king reached to a platter further down the table. “I don’t have it in my pocket, but I have it here.” He passed her the sweets from which she nabbed a piece. She was about to reach for another but pulled her hand away.

  “Take one for your lad. And one for your sister, too. She has a sweet tooth the same as yours.” The queen nodded. “And you may as well take one for Hamish, since that’s who you inherited it from.”

  “Thank you.” Maude paused and her smile faltered. It was one of many times when she wished she could return to her childhood. She would have kissed her godparents on the cheek and received one in turn. The king tapped his cheek just above his beard. She pressed a quick kiss and beamed when he offered her one.

  “You won’t be skipping me, lassie.” The queen proffered her cheek, on which Maude dropped a kiss. The queen returned it and squeezed her hand. “I hope you’ll be happy with him, Maude. You deserve the very best, and I suspect Kieran MacLeod is a mon who will spend his life making you know how special you are.”

  Maude’s eagerness was infectious, and Blair embraced her sister when Maude presented the treacle to her. Kieran kissed her hand, stroking his thumb over her palm when she offered him the sweet. Hamish grinned and kissed the crown of her head. It had been many years since Maude felt so loved and happy.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Kieran waited at the doors of the royal chapel as the members of the royal court socialized while they left morning Mass. He was impatient to speak with Maude, and didn’t understand why people about to sit together to break their fast needed to linger in the narthex. Seated by rank and clan significance, the MacLeods and Sutherlands sat further forward, with the Sutherlands sitting directly behind the royal couple. This trapped Kieran and Maude and forced them to wait until the congregation filtered out. He looked over his shoulder several times, offering Maude a secret smile. She returned it, but kept her eyes down. The other ladies-in-waiting surrounded her, jostling one another as they squeezed up the aisle. When he reached the door, he greeted the priest and received his blessing before pressing his way through the crowd to stand near the wall. It wasn’t long before Maude exited with Blair and Arabella chattering alongside her. She caught sight of Kieran, and her cheeks flushed. The evening meal had been exhausting for her, but she relived the moments when she sat with and danced with Kieran. Images of them dancing at their wedding feast had swirled around her mind and through each of her dreams that night. Maude looked forward to breaking her fast, then going for a stroll with Kieran at her side. Her father invited Kieran to sit with their family for the morning meal, and Maude was eager to make her way to their table. As she walked past Kieran, Lairds Gordan and Grant, who were once more at court, stopped to speak with him. She watched as he shook his head and glanced at her, but his face tightened as he looked at Laird Grant and nodded. Maude saw regret in his expression, and she realized he would not be joining them for the meal. She prayed that he’d still join her in the gardens.


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