Friends with Benefits

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Friends with Benefits Page 18

by Anne Lange

  “Why do you need to know all that?” Tyler asked the very question that was foremost in Angela’s mind.

  “It gives me and my staff awareness of your boundaries. Often people are interested, but too shy to approach, or don’t know how to express their limits. We can introduce you to others who have similar tastes, and steer away those we know may make you uncomfortable. Solid relationships are formed here. I work very hard to ensure everybody’s needs are met without putting anyone at risk.”

  “I can’t speak for my wife or Connor, but I’m impressed by what I’ve seen and heard today. I’d be interested in checking out the club. Honey, what you do think?”

  The heat in Angela’s cheeks gave away her thoughts before she opened her mouth. Tyler smiled.

  “I’d like to see what it’s like here at night,” she said. “I’d love a chance to dress up sexy and dance with you and Connor in a place where we won’t cause trouble.”

  Gabe frowned. “Cause trouble?”

  “Nothing we did.” Connor reached over to brush his hand down her arm. His big hand warmed her. “We went out to a local bar. Some jerk came on to Angela when he saw her dancing with the two of us. We ended up in a fight. Insults were tossed around.”

  Gabe nodded, but his features tightened.

  Angela sighed. “I’d like to experience a night out with these two guys without being labeled a slut.”

  Gabe frowned. His tone was firm when he spoke. “That doesn’t happen here, I can assure you.”

  Tyler stepped forward as Gabe stood. “Gabe, thank you for the tour, and for extending us an invitation for this weekend. We’ll be on our way; I’m sure you have lots to do, and I think you’ve answered all of our immediate questions.”

  Gabe moved around his desk to shake their hands. “The pleasure was mine. Scott spoke very highly of you. I hope you enjoy yourselves, and please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.”

  “Thank you, we will. It was nice meeting you.”

  Angela’s skin tingled from Gabe’s touch when he shook her hand. Oh yes, she and Tammy needed to talk soon about this hunk of a man.

  He walked them back out to the front entrance and watched as they piled into the car and backed around to drive out.

  They were down the street and stopped at a red light when a terrible thought crossed Angela’s mind.

  “Oh no,” she gasped.

  Connor swiveled his head to peer back at her. “What’s wrong?”


  “What the hell am I going to wear?” She groaned. “Don’t you two roll your eyes at me.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Angela stared into the mirror. Since Wednesday, she’d thought of not much else, other than what she’d see at the club. Would people be naked? Would she have the courage to remove her clothes? What would people think seeing her naked? Would she be less attractive than the other women? Starting at the top of her head, she let her gaze roam down her body—a first quick trip, then she started again, with a more critical eye.

  She had a fair complexion, not perfect, but no obvious blemishes, other than that teeny birthmark near the corner of her mouth. Her blonde hair, ashy she guessed, brushed her shoulders. She’d decided to wear it down tonight so she would appear relaxed, as long as nobody noticed the slight flaring of her nostrils, or the panicked look in her blue eyes.

  She tilted her head. She had never noticed how pointy her chin was before. Crap, no time for surgery. She moved on, raising and shaking her arms. No flab yet, thank God. She cupped her breasts, let them go, and cupped them again. Still somewhat perky. Oh, some freckles there too, next to her right—nope, her left areola. She tweaked her nipples, feeling like an idiot standing in front of the mirror like this.

  Next, she ran her hands down her stomach and over her hips—hips that flared out too far in her opinion. She trailed her fingers over her pelvic bone, widened her legs a bit, and palmed her pussy. Both Tyler and Connor liked her shaved. Although a pain in the ass to maintain, it was smooth, and she did love receiving oral sex from them.

  She liked her legs in heels. She dropped her gaze and wiggled her crimson-tipped toes. They’d look incredible in her black four-inch peep toes tonight.

  “You look gorgeous.” A pair of hands, the skin a shade darker than her own, snaked around her waist. She raised her head and looked into the mirror, her gaze capturing her husband’s. His chin rested on her shoulder. “I have no complaints about your body, baby. Curves in the right places, sweet-tasting flesh, and long to-die-for legs. But I love those lush rosy pink lips. Especially when they’re wrapped tight around my cock.”

  Angela spun around in Tyler’s arms and looked up, way up. She smoothed her hands up his arms and over his biceps, squeezing the muscles. Her fingers had no hope of spanning their width. His hair, wet from a swim in the pool with Connor, hung in his eyes. Those beautiful chocolate-brown eyes of his sparkled and his boyish grin had an edge to it tonight, as though delightful, sinful things were going through his mind.

  “You’re going to get me all wet.” She stepped out of his arms and gazed down his body. Light blond hair lay sprinkled about his muscular chest, trailing down like an arrow to his—whoa, he’d shaved. She reached out and with a tentative touch, traced the tips of her fingers over the spot just above his cock. “When did you do this?”


  She giggled. “Cleaning up for somebody special?”

  “For you, baby. Only for you.”

  She dropped to her knees before him. His thick member dangled in front of her, but due to the special attention, began to rise to the occasion. Before her eyes, it elongated and thickened, much thicker than the circumference of her hand, finger to thumb. The dark purplish head, so satiny smooth, brushed her lips. While she watched, she ran her hands up and down his thighs, the hair tickling her palms. He widened his stance, his sexy feet shoulder-width apart.

  “I like you in this position.” His voice, husky with desire, whispered through the room, as he placed a firm hand to the back of her head.

  She tipped forward a little, stuck her tongue out, and swiped it across the tip of his cock. A tremble coursed through his body.

  “Um, although I’d love to continue with this little treat, sweetheart, I need to take that shower so we can get going.”

  She sighed and rose from the floor, licking her lips.

  “Fine. I guess I’ll just search for some old thing to put on then.” She flipped him a grin and turned her back. “I think I’ll search for the longest, most basic floral dress I can find that provides the best coverage.”

  Tyler chuckled and walked into the bathroom, while she considered her options.

  * * *

  “Fuck me.”

  Angie spun away from the full-length mirror. Tyler almost swallowed his tongue. The front view outdid the back.

  His wife smoothed her hands down her sides. “Are you sure it’s not too much?”

  “You look hot,” Tyler said. Fist facing the floor, he pointed down and twirled his finger. “Turn around for me, slowly.”

  Tyler’s cock sprang to attention inside his dress pants. The short black dress hugged her curves. The zipper running from the choker collar down her spine to the top of her tailbone was sexy as hell. Cutouts showcased her trim waist and left her shoulders bare. The front had a deep V down the middle of her chest, providing a tantalizing glimpse of breasts pushed up high thanks to the seams in the fabric. She teetered on what had to be four-inch platform shoes. Red-tipped toes peeked out the ends.

  Tyler tossed his shirt on the bed and walked over to his wife. He took her hand and placed it tight against his erection. “Definitely not too much.”

  She blushed and pulled away. “I meant for the club.”

  “Sweetheart, it’s an adult club. I’m sure there will be women showing more skin than you are.” She tugged at the bottom of the dress, but he slapped her hands away. “It’s fine.”

if I sit, my crotch will show.”

  “And what’s wrong with that?” Connor asked from where he slouched against the doorframe. The man cleaned up like a GQ model. Tyler watched Angela swallow a mouthful of saliva as she stared at him.

  Tyler grinned. “Exactly.”

  “You two are incorrigible. We have to leave soon. Tyler, you need to finish dressing.”

  Tyler retrieved his shirt. “Yes, dear.”

  He pulled on the shirt and started doing up the buttons.

  Connor straightened and stepped into the room. “You look fantastic, Angela. And I think you should put your hair up to show off that beautiful back and neck you have.”

  Tyler grinned at his wife. “See, honey?” He sobered for a moment, tossing a quick glance over his shoulder to his friend. “I think we should also set a few ground rules before we go.”

  “I agree.” Connor nodded.

  “What kind of rules?” Angie asked.

  “Since this is our first time there, we stick together. Angie, I don’t want you going off on your own. One of us should be with you at all times.”

  “What about Tammy? You said she and Scott will be there tonight.”

  “Fair enough. I think we should start with the voyeur room.”

  Oh man, would he love to put Angela on display. The thought of other people watching his wife experience an orgasm made Tyler hard as nails.

  “I think for tonight we focus on scoping the place out,” he went on, “have a drink and enjoy a night of sensual dancing. It should be fun. Nobody will think anything of seeing the three of us together. And if we like it, we’ll consider a membership.”

  “That makes sense to me.” Angie looked at him, her eyes shining. “I’m curious about the other areas too, especially the basement, but I’d be happy to spend time with you two without feeling like everyone’s looking at me.”

  Connor snorted. “Oh, everyone will be looking at you, baby. But it won’t be because you’re with the two of us.”

  A pretty shade of pink tinged her skin. Tyler laughed. The more he laughed, the redder she got.

  “OK. Let’s finish getting ready, and we’ll leave in about forty-five minutes.” Connor chuckled as he turned away, heading to the spare room down the hall.

  On his way past her, Tyler put his knuckles under Angela’s chin, lifting her face until she looked him square in the eye. “You look beautiful.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “I can’t wait to have you in my arms later, snuggled tight between my body and Connor’s. Every guy in the room will be wishing they could trade places with us.”

  Tyler hovered near her lips, lingering, waiting until she opened her mouth. He dipped his tongue inside. “Mmm…you taste minty fresh.” He gave her another hard kiss and then let her go, walking toward the bathroom. “Can’t wait to taste the sweetness between your legs.”

  He closed the door on her feigned gasp of shock. God, he hoped tonight went as planned. He had high hopes based on what Scott had told him. The ambiance of a club like The Vault could allow them to explore this relationship in an environment where others accepted it as normal behavior, an environment where a relationship consisting of two men and a woman wouldn’t be frowned upon.

  Tyler wanted, more than anything, to be honest with the people he cared for most, to confess the one thing he never told either of them about. If they knew, would they think him and his family strange? Or would they understand his sudden need for this thing between them to work out?

  When he’d visited with his mother, he had told her about his plans. Of course she supported him, but she also cautioned him on his approach. She cared for Angela, and she didn’t want to see either of them hurt. Tyler had no intention of hurting his wife. In fact, if everything worked out, she would have more love than she knew what to do with.

  * * *

  At night, the house looked majestic, tall, and somewhat imposing. Lighting, placed in strategic spots throughout the property, provided enough illumination to guide visitors to the parking area around the side of the building, while the grounds themselves lay hidden in the shadows.

  Tyler noticed that the main entrance also remained dark, discouraging people from approaching that door. He found an empty spot between two luxury sedans. About thirty cars filled a lot built to accommodate twice that number. He turned the engine off and looked over to Angie, then to Connor.


  Connor’s easy grin appeared in the yellow light of the lamplight coming from the corner of the lot. “Absolutely.”

  “Angie? How about you? Ready to go inside?”

  “As I’ll ever be.” She gave him a nervous smile.

  He reached across the seat to take her hand, and rubbed his thumb over her soft skin before bringing it up to his lips to place a kiss on each knuckle.

  “Dancing. Sexy dancing, but it’s a simple night out. That’s what tonight’s all about. Nothing more.” He flicked his tongue out to lick between two of her knuckles. He let his voice drop lower. “Unless, of course, you want more.” Her hand trembled. “Let’s go in.”

  He got out and went around to Angela’s side of the car. He opened the door, and reached in to help her out. One long, gorgeous leg preceded the other. He tugged, ever so slightly, and she stepped out and moved into his embrace.

  Connor pushed the seat forward and maneuvered his big body out from the tiny back space, grunting and swearing as he did so.

  Angela chuckled. “Connor, I told you I would sit back there.”

  “Nope, no need to cram you back there, honey.”

  When Connor made it out and stepped aside to straighten his jacket, Tyler shut the door and locked the car. Then, flanking Angela, they walked across the lot to the single door on that side of the building. Connor opened it and ushered them through ahead of him into the coatroom Gabe had shown them earlier in the week.

  The fact that nobody stopped them surprised Tyler. The impression of entering a sacred chamber held his tongue. Angie must have felt something similar. Her steps faltered, before the slight pressure of his hand against her lower back urged her to continue.

  “Wow. I assumed by the number of cars outside that the noise would have the floors pulsing. It’s like we’re the only ones here.” Connor’s whisper broke the utter silence.

  Tyler grunted in acknowledgment. In any other house this would be considered a mud room. In this place, you could eat off the pristine floors. They passed through the archway into the hall and turned left, away from Gabe’s office, toward the ballroom. It looked so different at night. Wall sconces provided low light, creating flickering shadows up and down the interior walls.

  A pretty brunette in a long crimson dress, with a slit all the way to her upper thigh, floated across the floor toward them.

  “Hello. You must be Angela, Tyler, and Connor. My name is Wendy. Welcome to The Vault. I understand Gabe gave you a tour the other day, so I won’t bore you with the same side-show.” She smiled. “You know where the coatroom and change rooms are. Feel free to use the lockers. There’s no cost, but don’t lose the key. If you’ll follow me, I’ll have you sign in over here.”

  She turned and ushered them to a round table set up in the center of the main foyer. A large bouquet of fragrant roses stood on the smooth tabletop. The flowers were a deep red, a perfect match to Wendy’s dress. Next to the vase lay an elegant-looking guest book. Tyler leaned over the table to sign them in.

  “As Mr. McBride’s guests tonight, you may head straight into the main room and enjoy your evening. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to look for either myself or one of the other attendants. We have staff circulating throughout the premises at all times. The men will be in dark suits with red ties and a red boutonniere. There are a few other women, and we all wear red dresses with a red flower in our hair.” She posed, with a hand to hers. “Don’t be shy about coming to any of us if you need anything. And of course, Mr. McBride and the twins are available, if necessary.”

he twins?”

  She laughed at Tyler’s confusion. “Kyle and Kade. They’re Mr. McBride’s brothers and share ownership in The Vault. They’re around here somewhere. Believe me, you can’t miss them.” The woman winked at Angela and then fanned her face.

  Tyler wasn’t surprised this woman seemed to know who they were on sight. Hidden cameras must have announced their arrival. He jutted his chin toward the double doors that closed them off from the ballroom. “This place must have fantastic sound proofing.”

  Wendy chuckled. Her eyes twinkled when she looked at him. “You’ll find The Vault prefers to keep a more sensual atmosphere. Loud, pounding music isn’t conducive to private conversations or demonstrations. Our clientele prefers sensual and sultry, and they like to hear and be heard when they’re talking to somebody. But I assure you, when you walk through those doors, the volume will rise somewhat, just not to the norm of a typical night club.” She smiled at each of them in turn. “I hope you enjoy yourselves tonight.”

  “Thank you.” Tyler placed his hand to Angela’s back again, and as a group they moved across the tiled floor to the double doors as Wendy moved off to greet another couple whom he’d noticed coming down the hall.

  He smothered a chuckle when he heard his wife take a deep breath as though preparing to be thrown to a pack of wolves. He turned the knob and opened the door, allowing her and Connor to walk in ahead of him.

  They paused inside the entrance and scanned the room. Couples and small groups clustered around tables or on the dance floor. This wasn’t a brothel, or a simple sex club. This establishment reeked of class, from the way people were dressed to how they behaved. Romantic lighting. Sultry music. The hum of chatter. Sexy laughter.

  In this environment, they could be a threesome without being chastised. In a place like this, they could explore and test their boundaries. Tyler envisioned the two of them pleasuring her while she lay bound and others watched. At some point down the road, he’d love to play in The Vault and see if any of the kinkier stuff turned his wife on.


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