Friends with Benefits

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Friends with Benefits Page 21

by Anne Lange

  “Who are you?” She spat the words out, her eyes narrowing as her jealous glare traveled up and down Angela’s body.

  “I’m Angela O’Neil. I live here.”

  Cindy’s gaze moved between them, widening a bit when Tyler appeared behind his wife.

  “Who is it, honey?” Ty’s question deflated Cindy’s anger, but piqued her curiosity, judging by the thoughtful, yet malicious look on her face.

  “I’m not sure yet.”

  Angela appeared to be waiting for an introduction. Connor wasn’t about to offer one.

  “I’m Cindy, Connor’s girlfriend.” Both Angela and Tyler shot him looks. Ty’s eyes flashed with anger and he scowled. Angela’s started with confusion, and then turned to hurt.

  “Ex-girlfriend,” he ground out. “As in, I haven’t seen her in almost a year ex-girlfriend.”

  “Connor, don’t be that way. Didn’t you tell your friends about me, about us?”


  “Excuse me,” said Angela, and Connor’s heart cracked at the pain she managed to express in those two little words. “It was nice to meet you, Cindy, but I…ah…I have…I have something on the stove I need to get back to. If you’ll…” She spun around and pushed past her husband, escaping inside the house.

  Connor wanted to flee with her. But seeing as Cindy followed him to Rosewood, she’d probably just follow him wherever he went.

  Tyler crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the doorframe, his eyes hard and cold. A muscle ticked in his jaw. The vibe coming off him didn’t bode well.

  A nasty, spiteful look came over Cindy’s face as she batted her eyelashes. “I hope it wasn’t something I said?”

  Faked innocence didn’t suit her. Never had.

  “Cindy. Go. Away.” Connor growled. He took her elbow and helped her down the steps and over to her car. She tripped over her wedge heels in her attempt to keep up with his two paces for each one of hers.

  “Let go of me.” She yanked her arm from his grasp and turned her back to her car. She smoothed out invisible wrinkles in her skirt and glanced over his shoulder to where Tyler still guarded the front door, his scowl back in place. “Are you staying with your friend and his wife?”

  Connor winced. “It’s none of your business.”

  “Look, Connor, I want to get together for a drink, maybe dinner. We can catch up. We can talk about your job with Daddy.”

  He gritted his teeth, grinding his back molars together. “No.”

  “Oh, come on, what’s the problem. Do you have another girlfriend?” She enunciated each word in a clear, concise tone. If she found out, she would cause trouble. When he’d tried to introduce a little kink into their relationship before, she’d called him a pervert and threatened to tell her father about him, which would have put a serious crimp in his career plans. But the joke had been on her, because her father also had plans for who his son-in-law would be, which suited Connor fine, and in fact, gave him the out he’d needed to leave town.

  After that, he’d known she wasn’t the woman for him. She wanted money, a fancy home, and her idea of a normal relationship. He wanted all that too. But his definition of normal didn’t match hers.

  “I want you to leave, Cindy. Now.” He reached to open the car door, and urged her in, restraining himself from shoving her in and slamming it shut. “I’ll say it one last time—we were done a long time ago.”

  He turned his back, ready to face his friend’s anger. Would Tyler ask him to leave?

  “I know you don’t mean that. You loved me.”

  Connor stopped mid-stride. He’d never said those words to anyone. Not even during an unguarded moment.

  “Think about this, Connor. If you still want your job and your own company someday, you’ll take me back.” She started the engine as he turned away. “Oh, by the way, Daddy would like to meet with you. Apparently he has something to tell you.”

  Connor glanced over his shoulder, ready to find out what the fuck she meant by that, but she had put the car in drive and pulled away, tires spinning, gravel flying.

  “I thought you said she was out of the picture.”

  Connor looked up. Tyler hadn’t budged from the doorway. His troubled face peered down at him.

  “She is.”

  “Apparently she didn’t get the memo.”

  Connor rubbed his hand through his hair. “Is Angela OK?”

  “She will be.”

  “Listen, Ty…”

  “She may be pretty, but she’s a viper, Connor. I understand now why you dumped her.” Conner jerked his head up. “You may be done with her,” Tyler continued, “but she’s not done with you. You realize that, right? If she came all this way to find you, she has a plan.” He pushed away from the door frame. “Come on. Let’s go grab a beer and smooth the waters with Angie.”

  Tyler spun on his heel and reentered the house. Connor glanced out to the street again. What the hell motivated that woman? She knew Connor’s preferences. Did she still think he’d change for her? This was one of her games, he had no doubt. But who was the target this time—him or her father?

  * * *

  Angela fled to their bedroom. She closed the door behind her, not wanting to hear the hum of the conversation taking place on her front porch.

  Last night, after they’d returned from the club, and long after Tyler and Connor had fallen asleep in exhaustion, she’d slipped from bed and sequestered herself in the spare room. There, she had started writing a letter to her sister. Although e-mail and the telephone offered a faster, more immediate means of communication, she and Stephanie loved the almost-forgotten art of writing a letter, and often used it when they had serious things to discuss. Then depending on the urgency, sent it through the regular mail, or scanned and sent it via e-mail. This would definitely be an e-mailed letter.

  Angela needed her sister’s perspective. Stephanie was the one person she could confide in. The one person guaranteed to give her honest, unselfish feedback.

  Angela walked over to her bedside table to retrieve the pages she’d tucked into the drawer in the early hours of the morning. She moved over to the window seat, and settled in. Thank God it overlooked the back of their property and not the front.

  Her gaze dropped to re-read what she’d written so far.

  Hey, sis,

  How are you? How are my niece and nephew? Not giving you too much trouble, I hope. Well, actually I do hope, a little anyway. Did Jaimee enjoy the set of drums I sent for her birthday? At five, I think she’s old enough to begin exploring the world of music, and discovering her natural talent. Should I send earplugs for your birthday?

  I miss you, Steph. Sometimes it’s hard not being able to get together for coffee, or to shop, or to talk. Besides, without you here, mom only has me to focus on. She’s in desperate need of a distraction.

  Things are good. We’ve been busy around the house. Finally got the deck for the hot tub finished. Oh, and a friend of Tyler’s moved to the area. His name is Connor. They went to university together. They have similar tastes. Connor is a good-looking man. Too bad I’m already taken…lol.

  Sis, can I ask you something? Do you and John ever…experiment? You know, play out some of your fantasies? Tyler and I had been talking a lot about ours—about the things we’d like to try, wondering if it might spice things up a bit. Nothing too serious, not whips and chains or anything. But maybe a blindfold or role playing, or…sharing.

  Do you know what I mean? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be with another man? I’m not talking about an affair; I’m talking about you and John inviting somebody you trust into your bedroom.

  Well…We did it. I did it. Steph, I’ve had sex with another man…am having sex with another man. Two men, actually—Tyler and Connor. Oh. My. God. It’s…it’s amazing. Hot. Erotic.

  Connor’s been living with us since the start of the summer. We’ve done things…oh, Steph, the things those two gorgeous men have done to me. And they treat
me like a princess. Last night we went to this private club. OMG. I can’t tell you the details, but let’s just say it’s hot, and I combusted. Afterwards, back at home, they took me places that left me feeling like a puddle of melted chocolate. I’ve never felt so loved.

  But, I’m not sure where we go from here.

  Angela had ended the letter there. She picked up her pen to continue.

  Unfortunately, Connor’s ex showed up at our front door this morning. What if she wants him back? What if he leaves? I’m not ready for him to leave. I know this was only supposed to be temporary, a summer to explore our fantasies. But…

  Can I tell you a secret?

  Stephanie, I think I’ve fallen in love with my husband’s best friend.

  Angela looked up from the pages in her hands. In her mind, she pictured the woman Connor had once, or maybe still, loved. Beautiful, sexy Cindy standing on her front porch in her short skirt, high heels, her breasts overflowing from the scooped neckline of the blouse she’d been wearing. She must really care about him to have come all this way after they’d been apart for such a long time. Had he called her?

  Jealousy flared, bright and hot, but she shoved it aside. He’d had a life before them. He would have a life after them.

  The question remained, how long did she have left with Connor in her life?

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Tyler paced in the den. After Cindy’s visit, Angela had hidden upstairs and Connor had stormed out back to the pool, to sit slumped in a chair, a beer in one hand, staring off into space. They’d been together for weeks now. Tyler could see the affection growing between them. Unless he missed his guess, Angela loved Connor and he loved her. Neither had admitted it, but the looks that passed between them, the touches they shared—he’d noticed the little things. Angela brushing Connor’s hair out of his eyes, going on tiptoe to kiss his cheek, going out of her way to make his favorite meals.

  With Connor, he’d seen the glassy look in his friend’s eyes. The bulge in his pants every time Angela walked into the room. He noticed the soft touches at her lower back, the massaging of her shoulders when he stood behind her, or gave her a peck on the top of her head while he wrapped his arms around her from behind.

  Hell, her parents had come to expect Connor to be there when they visited, though they didn’t have a clue about the extent of their relationship.

  Tyler was so close to realizing his dream. He looked out the window and noticed Connor talking on his cell. By the gesturing, he got the distinct impression his friend was not happy. When Connor jumped out of his chair and appeared to be yelling into the phone, Tyler left the den and hurried outside.

  As soon as he opened the sliding patio door, Connor’s angry words blasted him.

  “Look, Mr. Tormonte, I have no intention of rekindling my relationship with your daughter. I told you, it ended a long time ago.” He paused. “I don’t care what she’s told you. My project with you has nothing to do with her. We’ve been through this. I respect you. I know the influence you have and your reach in the industry, and you know I do damn good work. All I want from you is your reference after this project is completed so I can get my business off the ground.”

  Tyler slowed his steps. Cindy’s father was the person Connor worked for?

  “You hired me for this project because you know I can make it happen. That hasn’t changed.”

  Connor had his back to him, but Tyler sensed the tension radiating off him. So the ex was manipulating him through her father?

  “Keep the O’Neil’s out of this.”

  Tyler’s ears perked up.

  “If she or you say one word that threatens my friends or their business—” Connor glanced down at his watch. “Fine. I’ll be there in thirty minutes.”

  Tyler backed up a step to stay out of view.

  “I said I’d be there, but she’d better not be,” Connor went on. “This is between you and me.”

  Tyler’s own rage began to build. Anger that this woman and her father dared to put his best friend in a position to test his professional ethics.

  “I’m in love with another woman. I’ve already told you—and I believe I was crystal clear—I refuse to be coerced.”

  Elation whipped through Tyler at hearing those words. He turned and hurried back inside, giving Connor privacy to conclude his conversation.

  He knew it. Now he needed to get Angela to admit it too and they could move on and live as a true threesome.

  * * *

  “What do you mean, you’re leaving?”

  “Would you please keep your voice down?” Connor glared at Tyler. “I can’t stay, man. I’m sorry.”

  “But things are great between us. I heard you say you loved her.”

  Connor stopped pacing. “When did you hear that?”

  A chagrinned look crossed Tyler’s face, then he sobered, and the expression was replaced with one of determination. “I went outside and overheard you on the phone. You said you were in love, and not with Cindy. Unless you’ve been spending your nights somewhere other than in Angela’s bed, I assume you’re in love with my wife.”

  Connor rubbed the back of his neck, working to rid it of the tension that had taken up residence there. “I do. But I respect your relationship with your wife and our friendship more. I won’t mess with that.”

  Connor looked at his friend and then turned his head toward the window. His gaze clung to the reds and yellows of the setting sun. Regret sat like a stone in his gut. His heart bled. “Walking away from my best friend and the only woman I’ve…” He bowed his head. “You and Angela mean far too much to me, Tyler. I will not stand by and let vindictive and closed-minded people destroy your reputation in this community because of me.”

  “We don’t give a damn what other people think.” Tyler’s voice shook with emotion.

  Connor stared his friend in the eye. “But I do.”

  Tyler stood tall, his fists clenched, a clear sign of his anger. Not at him, but at the situation.

  Connor sighed and his nostrils flared when the scent of apple filtered into the room, overtaking the fading aroma of lemon furniture polish. His body reacted as it did every time she came near him—growing hard and hot.

  “What about me? I guess I don’t have any say in this.”

  At the soft-spoken query Connor spun on his heel to face the woman he loved. He closed his eyes against the confusion etched on her face, and the pain tearing her eyes. He hated hurting her most of all.

  “I can’t stay.” His words came out a whisper.

  “I thought you liked being with us. I thought you cared about us. About me.”

  Connor’s frustration poured out, his tone harsher than he intended. “Don’t you see? It’s because I care that I need to leave, Angela. You’ve seen how people have reacted to the three of us.”

  “They were reacting to rumors and innuendo.”

  “Damn it.” Frustration pushed the words from Connor’s throat. Anger forced them out louder than he wanted. “What happens if you get pregnant? What would happen then? The possibility of our children being ridiculed by ignorant people makes me ill.” His chest tightened. He’d planned for this to be quick and had purposefully sought out Tyler in private to avoid putting her through this. But who was he kidding? He hadn’t wanted to see her face when he told her good-bye. “Christ, we haven’t even told your parents the truth.”

  “You’re right. Maybe we haven’t handled this situation the way we should have. I haven’t told my parents, but I did tell my sister. And you know what I told her, Connor?”

  He peered at her from under his lashes.

  “I told her that I love you. I do. I love what the three of us have. I don’t want it to end. I don’t want you to leave.” Her eyes shimmered with tears.

  “Listen to her, Connor.” Tyler moved across the room to join his wife. His arm snaked around her waist. He used his thumb to wipe away the tears streaming down her cheeks. “We—all three of us—can survive whatever p
eople say. We can raise our children to do the same. It’s only because it’s new and different. In time, something else will catch their attention.”

  “Fuck. I’m damned either way. If I stay here, I lose my chance at having my own firm. Everything I’ve worked for goes down the drain. If I go, I lose the both of you. But I’ll lose you regardless because Cindy and her father won’t let me walk away that easily. They’ll destroy your reputation, and your business will suffer, Tyler. I can’t let that happen. Your friendship means too much for me. I don’t want you to end up hating me.”

  “Please, Connor. Don’t go.” Angela’s voice broke on a sob.

  * * *

  The pain of Connor’s announcement on Angela’s face was almost too much for Tyler to bear. Angela loved Connor and Connor loved Angela.

  “I don’t want to come between the two of you,” Connor whispered.

  “You’re not.” Angela sniffled and moved forward, her arms out to embrace Connor. But when he put his hand out to stop her, Tyler watched them fall to hang limp at her sides.

  “Please, don’t. If I hold you now, I won’t stop.”


  “No, Angela, please. This is for the best.”

  “The best for whom?” Tyler ached for his wife and his best friend. They had no idea the bond this type of relationship offered on a long-term basis.

  “For all of us, Ty.” Connor’s shoulders heaved with his heavy sigh. “Look, it rips my guts out to witness Angela being shunned by other women in the neighborhood, or potentially by her family.”

  “My parents would get over it,” Angela said with force. “And, you know what? I don’t give a damn what my neighbors think of me.”


  “No, you’ve had your turn, now you listen to me.” She stepped up to Connor and poked him in the chest with her finger. “I don’t plan to flaunt our relationship, but I don’t plan on hiding it either. I’m tired of hiding. If somebody asks, I’ll tell them I live with two men. If they have a problem with that, they can go fuck themselves. They don’t know what they’re missing.”


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