Blessed: A Bad Priest Romance

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Blessed: A Bad Priest Romance Page 22

by Alexis Angel

  "Can’t I travel on a normal airline?"


  He hangs up without another word. Good talking to you, too, Dad.

  I have thirty days left where I can try to be normal. Thirty days where I can pretend I don't have a guillotine hanging over my head.

  I need to make the most of it.

  I stare at my cellphone. Nicole pops into my head. I look out of the window. It's a beautiful day. I go out of bed and pad into the kitchen on socked feet where the napkin she’s given me still sits on the counter. If I'm going to make the most of my last month, I have to start now.

  I dial the number and wait for it to ring.


  "This place is really nice," I say when the seating hostess leads us to our table. Café Boulud is in the Upper East Side. It's run by a celebrity chef and classier than any place I’ve ever been before on my modest student budget. Thomas walks with the air of someone who belongs here. He’s given his reservation name with authority. He's at home in luxury, I realize.

  He wears black slacks with a sharp crease down the middle of each leg, a crisp button-down shirt that looks debonair on him, and his hair is slicked back like he’s run his fingers through his wet hair and it froze in place.

  I feel out of place in this upscale surrounding. I’ve put on a red, Lily Pulitzer style dress and black pumps. I feel like I'm walking on stilts. I’ve tied my hair up and put on makeup, which I don't usually do. Despite having dressed up, I still feel like I don't belong here.

  The dining room is beautiful. Crisp, clean décor makes it feel open and comfortable. A red carpet stretches from wall to wall, with dark brown wood finishes on the wall and mirrors to make the space look bigger. The white table clothes on the tables bring light back into the room with dark brown chairs with red cushions.

  Thomas pulls a chair out for me, and I sit down. He pushes the chair in again and sits to my right at the four-seat table, rather than opposite me.

  "I’m glad you haven’t been here before," he says. "I like it when it’s a new experience."

  "It’s definitely a treat," I say.

  I pick up the menu and read through the options. There are interesting choices and combinations I’ve never heard of.

  "You look beautiful," Thomas says. When I glance up at him, his eyes are deep enough to drown in. A blush creeps up to my cheeks, and I smile, looking back at the menu.

  "Do you drink wine?" he asks.

  I shake my head. "Not usually. My experience is only with box wine, and it’s not my favorite."

  He snorts. "Box wine … is just a box full of headache."

  I chuckle. "You’re not wrong."

  "In France, wine is a culture, not just something to drink. Buying a bottle is a ceremony, and they see tasting wine as an art."

  "I didn’t know that," I say. Thomas studies the wine list.

  "Wines taste different due to soil types, grape types, planting and wine-making. To be French is to have the knowledge of wine."

  A waiter arrives at the table. Thomas smiles at him.

  "Adam," he says as if he knows the waiter. He puts the emphasis on the second a. He speaks with an accent that I haven't noticed at Starbucks. He speaks with the words in his mouth as if he savors each of them before saying them out loud. "Please, bring us a cheese platter and a bottle of your finest Chianti."

  Adam, the waiter, bows from the hips and hurries away.

  "You don’t mind cheese as an appetizer?" he asks, as if my opinion is an afterthought. I shake my head.

  "I’m at your mercy," I say.

  He grins at me–a devilish grin. "Well, now," he says. "That’s what a man wants to hear."

  I blush. I'm not sure why. Something about the way he looks at me makes me clench at my core. I fiddle with the fork on the table.

  "You know," I say, trying to sound casual. "I don’t usually go out with someone so quickly. Especially when it’s a complete stranger. This is a first for me."

  Thomas lifts his hand and moves slowly, as if he doesn't want to scare me off. He lightly traces the back of my hand with one finger. I shiver.

  "The first time is always the best," he says in a low voice. It's like velvet caressing my skin.

  I clear my throat, shaking my head, trying to get rid of the heat that's come with his touch.

  "You speak with a slight accent," I say. I have to get the topic onto something safe. I'm not sure why it isn't safe right now, but I feel bare. "I can’t place it."

  Thomas smiles and removes his hand. I let out a breath I didn’t know I’d been holding. He looks around the restaurant. All the tables are filled, and a soft murmur provides the soundtrack for the evening, laced with soft music emanating from invisible speakers.

  "I come from a small country perched on the border between France and Germany. It’s called Elanda."

  "Oh, I’ve heard of it," I say.

  He blinks at me. I can't tell what he's thinking.

  "Are your parents here, too, or are you the only one?"

  He shakes his head. "I’ve come here to study. My family is still in Elanda, waiting for me."

  "Are you going back, soon?" I ask. I watch him lick his lips, his tongue darting out.

  "My parents are hard to please," he says.

  I chuckle. "Aren’t they all?"

  He smiles at me, and he seems to relax a bit.

  "So, you’re completely… what… Elanden? Is that your nationality?"

  He's still smiling. He shakes his head. "We don’t label ourselves. We're a small country, but we see ourselves as the only country that matters."

  "That’s a very absolute way of thinking," I say.

  Thomas glances at me. Again, I can't read his expression. When I met him, he was charming and arrogant. Tonight, I can't place him at all.

  "It’s open to interpretation," he says. "Sometimes it takes a little bit of distance to understand how something works, even if it’s been under your nose your whole life."

  I nod. "Very philosophical."

  He grins at me. "I don’t talk about home often. I prefer to be in the now."

  He glances down at my hand on the table. I move it into my lap.

  "Tell me about your life at boarding school, then," I say.

  He chuckles. "So many questions."

  I shrug. "To know, one must ask."

  "You’re very intelligent, aren’t you?"

  I blush. It's a question, but he says it as a statement. I’ve been called pretty or beautiful, and it flatters me. I’ve been called hot, and it's charming. But calling me intelligent is sure to win me over.

  "I like to pursue knowledge," I say.

  He nods. "And get to know people, I gather."

  I nod, too. "What else is there if not for companionship?"

  He flashes that same sly grin at me. "Oh, I can think of a few things."

  I shudder. What's he doing to me? They're all just words. Words and bold looks. The way he looks at me makes me feel vulnerable and naked. I don't know how I feel about it. I like him. He's a pompous ass, but I like him.

  "My life at boarding school was straight forward," he says.

  "I’ve never been to boarding school," I say. "I grew up in Brooklyn. I don’t know what ‘straight forward’ is."

  He nods, looking around the restaurant. "Well, I was shipped here to attend the best schools. My parents were far away. I lived a life that was independent from the start, and I made my way through school, learning what I had to learn and doing my own thing when I could."

  I nod. "That sounds very brave."

  "Sometimes, the only choice we have is to be brave."

  This is true. I can't figure Thomas out. One moment, he's all confidence and charm, and I get the feeling he's only after one thing. The next, he's deep and personal, and he surprises me with things that I wouldn’t have thought to ask for myself.

  "I’ve had more than enough of talking about me," Thomas says when the cheese platter and wine arrives. The waiter po
urs a small bit of wine into his glass. He swirls the glass the way you see them do in movies and lifts the glass to eye height. He tastes it, breathes in and looks thoughtful before he puts the glass down and nods at the waiter.

  Adam pours more wine for Thomas, and he fills my glass halfway, too.

  "That was intense," I say when Adam disappears.


  "I always thought wine was wine. You did the whole, tasting thing."

  I place a cube of cheese in my mouth and chew.

  Thomas chuckles. "Don’t tell them that if you ever get to France. You won’t be very popular." He reaches for the cheese as well. I sip the wine. It tastes amazing.

  "Next time I go overseas, I’ll remember that," I say.

  "Next time?" he asks. "You’ve been before?"

  I shrug. "I traveled a little, yes. In the summer of my first year of college, I wanted to get away for a while. I never had a gap year between school and studying. I saved up all the money I could earn as a waitress and went to Germany for a week."

  Thomas leans with his arms on the table. I notice his elbows are off the table. A sign of good breeding? Thomas is from a different class than I am. It shows in everything he does. He's refined, groomed, and trained in the art of being a gentleman. And yet, when he looks at me, there's nothing gentlemanly about it.

  "Where would you like to go next?" he asks.

  "Actually, Elanda sounds interesting."

  I watch his face for reaction. He wears an expressionless mask.

  "I wanted to go there when I was in Germany. I was close to the border, but I didn’t have the time."

  Thomas nods. "There’s so much time left for you," he says. "You have your whole life ahead of you to do whatever you want and go wherever you want."

  "You say it like you don’t have that luxury."

  He smiles. "Oh, you know. Now that I’m finished with my studies, I feel like I’m tethered to the family business."

  "It’s not what you want?"

  He shrugs. "No child dreams of becoming a businessman. We all wanted to grow up to be heroes, right?"

  I nod. It's a classic concept.

  "You said you got your MBA. At Columbia." He nods at me. "What else would you have liked to do?"

  He shrugs. "I don’t know. It’s a question that I don’t dare to ask about myself. There’s no fighting fate. The sun will rise, the sun will set, and I'll take over the family business."

  I want to ask more, but he steers the conversation away from him. Again.

  "What about you?" he asks. "Tell me why you want to be a psychologist."

  "I told you. There are so many people out there who need help."

  "There are other ways to help people," he says. "Like becoming a doctor, for instance."

  I shake my head. "The medical field is well-developed. They know a lot about the human body, now. Enough to save lives by the thousands. The human mind, the psyche, the emotional setup? It isn’t nearly as concrete. It’s undiscovered territory. I want to find out what there is that we don’t know yet."

  "You don’t take the easy road," he says. "I find that admirable."

  I shrug. "It’s not that simple, but yes. I don’t like whatever comes easy. Every person is different. Every past is different. All interpretations are different. It’s a wonder any of us can co-exist at all."

  Thomas nods. "And yet, some of us get along so well. You can find a soul mate in this wild world and be happy."

  I swallow. I don't believe it's that easy. "Most people will agree with you," I say.

  Thomas smiles. "But you don’t."

  I shake my head.

  "I didn’t think you would," he says.


  "That would make you like everyone else. You think differently. You’re unique. It’s what makes you so attractive."

  I blush, again. I know my ears are bright red. Thomas’s smile grows.

  "You’re beautiful when you blush," he says.

  I shake my hair out of my face, trying to get rid of the flames on my cheeks.

  "You’re insufferable," I say. "Throwing compliments at me like confetti."

  "A woman like you deserves them."

  I laugh. "That's so corny," I say.

  "That doesn’t make it any less true."

  He pins me with his gaze. My face isn't the only part of me getting hot now. I have no idea how to respond to Thomas. I'm not used to anyone being as forward as he is. Most people dance around things. He charges straight ahead and addresses things directly.

  Lucky for me, Adam appears again, giving me a moment to compose myself.

  "Have you decided what you’ll have for your entrée?" he asks.

  Thomas shakes his head and picks up his menu for the first time. "We haven’t even looked. The conversation was too good. Give us two minutes."

  Adam nods and disappears again. Thomas glances down at his menu. I take the time to study his face. His hair is a darker blonde with whatever product he used to style it with. It works with his liquid eyes. He has a strong jaw and a straight nose. Something about him reminds me of statues of ancient Roman emperors. He has a sort of majestic bearing to him.

  By our very nature, women are attracted to a man who has strong features. It's a plus for reproduction. If the man is strong, the children will be strong, too. Not that I'm thinking about having children with him.

  And I don't feel that attraction toward Thomas. At least, I don't feel only that. Yes, he's hot. When he looks at me with those smoldering eyes, I flash on what he would want to do to me. And I think about what I’d like him to do to me. I’ve never had these kinds of dirty thoughts before.

  This isn't what draws me to him, though. I'm intrigued by him, the way he switches from suave to serious and back. There's more to this man, and I'm interested in finding out how deep it goes.

  I want to get to know if the man who says he's attracted to my intelligence has what it takes, or if he’s just feeding me another line.

  I want it to be the former, but I can't get my hopes up too high. Most of the men I meet are the same. If Thomas is different, I would be pleasantly surprised.

  Thomas looks up at me, feeling my stare. He smiles, and I flush, feeling like an idiot for being caught.

  I read over the options on the menu again. I have no idea what I want. I just know that whatever I have tonight, I'll be having it with Thomas.


  Nicole is drop dead sexy. Whenever she talks, her lips move in a way that makes me want to kiss her. Her lips are plump, but not too full. I can just imagine what they would taste like. If things keep going like they are, I won't have to keep imagining for very long.

  Twice, she catches me staring at her lips, and she blushes. She's innocent and pure, blushing at the thought of a man finding her interesting, let alone sexually attractive. If she knew what I wanted to do to her, her face might actually catch on fire.

  The dress she wears shows off her curves. I imagine ripping it off her and throwing it on the floor. Then I would drink in every inch of her body like fine wine, savoring her to the last drop. I want to see that innocent face of hers twist up in sweet agony, and I want to hear her scream my name when I make her come.

  My body responds to my thoughts, and I shift in my seat, trying to find a comfortable position in my pants for my hardening length. She has no idea how she makes me feel, but I'll let her know soon enough. I force those thoughts down and focus on what she's saying.

  "My parents decided that, instead of traveling, they wanted to stay in one place to create a stable life for me and my sister."

  She's telling me about her life in Brooklyn. I'm only half-listening. She lifts her hand to push her dark hair out of her face. Her hands are slim, with long, slender fingers, but not too bony. Just right, in fact. I want them on my skin. I want to feel the burn of her touch.

  I shake my head slightly. I'm getting ahead of myself. All in good time, I think, and try to focus on what she's saying again.

  It's getting hard to concentrate. My dates always end in sex, and I'm eager to skip to the last chapter. Tonight, I drank more wine than I should have. The alcohol has burned through my veins, making me ache for the kind of attention you can only get from a gorgeous woman, away from public eyes.

  The conversation lulls, and Nicole turns back to her meal. Her eyes are on her plate. Beautiful eyes, a pale gray. They're sharp and miss nothing. She feels my stare and looks up at me.

  I swallow and lick my lips, not hiding how much I like looking at her.

  After dessert, I call for the bill. I want to get out of here. I’ve been good for far too long. Nicole has sat across from me all night, teasing me with her innocence, too polite for words. I like good girls. Does she know that? I want to corrupt her and find the wild woman lurking beneath that innocent mask.

  I pay and stand up, tugging at my belt. My shirt's un-tucked. It hides my obvious erection. "Let’s get out of here," I say.

  She hesitates before taking my hand. She's careful. When her hand slips into mine, her skin is warm, and I intertwine our fingers, leading her out to the car.

  God, I want her so badly. Every fiber in my being screams at me. Take her.

  "Where to?" I ask.

  "I’ll direct you," she says, and I turn onto the street. "I know a route that should be safe for you to take."


  "You’ve been drinking."

  I blink at her. I can't remember when I’d worried about DUIs. I'm the crown prince of Elanda. If anything goes wrong, I have my papers to show them. I have diplomatic immunity. I'm basically untouchable, as long as it isn't anything serious.

  Either way, I still let her show me the way. I want her to take a little bit of control. She's shy and a little timid. I want her animal to come out. If it won't come out on its own, I’ll find a way to bring it out of her.

  She guides me through the streets of Manhattan. We crawl closer and closer to the Starbucks where we first met, the area around the University. It's not the best area, in my opinion, but Nicole tells me she’s been happy here throughout her years of study.

  I've never lived in anything smaller than a thousand square feet. The whole neighborhood makes me feel cramped for space.


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