Moving to You (Rolling Thunder Book 5)

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Moving to You (Rolling Thunder Book 5) Page 4

by Pj Fiala

  “Dakota’s father, Rog, is a Devil. He took up with Kayden when she came back from New York. He had worked for me, tending bar and helping out around here for about three months when she first came home.”

  Sensing her father looking at her, Kayden met his gaze. Her mouth formed a straight line, and she slowly shook her head.

  Oakes continued anyway. “Kayden was sick when she came home—weak, and he took advantage of that. He took advantage of both of us.” Oakes took a drink from his beer, swept his hand through his short gray hair, and continued.

  “We found out about a year ago that the Devils want this land. Rog was initially sent in here to get a job and figure out how to get this place from us. I don’t know if he got Kayden pregnant on purpose or if it was an accident. She’s asked, plenty of times, but he won’t answer.” He looked over to see if Kayden was listening. She wasn’t, so he continued. “They were willing to let Rog work this all out as long as we didn’t sell to anyone else. They had other things to worry about, like coming up with the money. But I think he fell in love with her and couldn’t go through with their plans.”

  “Why?” JT asked. “What’s so special about this land?” The thought of Kayden being in love with someone else landed like a stone in his stomach. He could see Rog or anyone falling in love with her; she was stunning. His dick did a workout every time he thought about her. Seeing her made it work a bit harder.

  “Mica. It’s full of it.” Oakes continued. “And, not just mica, but Muscovite Mica. Premium.”

  Ryder looked at JT and his mouth turned into a frown. “They use that in horizontal drilling don’t they?”

  JT nodded. “Also in caulks, sealants, powder coatings, and other things.” He looked at Oakes. “So this land is valuable—not the bar. That’s why they don’t care about the customer base. They want you out.”

  Oakes nodded. “I’ve owned this bar for twenty-three years, since right after I got out of the Marines. I laid around for a while, depressed and broken, and then a friend told me this place was for sale. I brought Kayden out here to look at it, I guess she was around four years old, a bit younger than Dakota is now.” Oakes smiled. He looked over at his daughter and saw her talking to Joci, Emma, and Molly. They were standing at one of the bar top tables and laughing while looking at pictures on their phones.

  “She saw the bright red building and the big yard out back and took off running around the place. She squealed, ‘Daddy, we have a yard.’ That little apartment we were living in downtown didn’t have any more room than what we’re standing in right now for our whole place. I still remember the look on her face. She lay down on the grass and giggled like I’d never heard her. I bought it right then. For her,” he said as he nodded toward the women. “I never knew about the mica until last year, when Kayden started court proceedings to have Rog’s custody removed. The Devils dragged us through court over and over, contesting the custody, placement; they ran that girl through the ringer. She was so afraid they’d get their hands on Dakota. Then my attorney was digging up some documents in the courthouse and found some mineral rights papers on this land. Turned out they were included with the deed. Things came together pretty fast then.”

  JT watched Kayden talking with the women in his life. She looked perfect with them. Like she belonged there. They were giggling and, shit, that smile of hers was stunning. Then she looked over and caught his eye and smiled. At him. It was like a lightning bolt hitting him. The sizzle ran from his head to the tips of his toes. If he didn’t know better, he’d think his hair was smoldering.

  “You don’t have to hang around if you want to get home to your family, JT. The Devils won’t come back tonight; they made their point. Besides, they did their duty for today, as you can see,” she said looking across the bar, “everyone has left for the night.”

  Kayden finished refilling the beer cooler, and Oakes came out of the kitchen. “Go on home; it’s almost nine o’clock and Payton will be bringing Dakota home soon. I’ve got this.”

  He took the empty beer carton from her hands and kissed the top of her head. “Tell Dakota I’ll be expecting her for coffee in the morning.”

  JT’s eyebrows raised. “Coffee?”

  Oakes chuckled. “I drink coffee; she drinks milk with three teaspoons of sugar and a splash of coffee.”

  “And you shouldn’t be drinking coffee, and she shouldn’t be drinking sugar milk. I don’t know why you don’t listen to me,” Kayden chastised.

  “Shush. She’s the only granddaughter I have, and I want to spoil her and spend time with her.” Oakes pointed to the kitchen. “Now go on home.” He looked over at JT and asked, “JT, will you see my baby home, please?” Then he bent over the sink and began washing the dirty glasses without waiting for an answer.

  “Sure,” JT said, but his voice cracked. He’d been sitting here wondering how he’d get her alone. Actually, most of his thoughts were on getting her alone. JT stood, pushed his glass to the edge of the bar and tilted his head toward the kitchen door as he looked at Kayden.

  “’Night, Daddy,” Kayden said as she kissed his cheek.


  “You been thinking about getting me alone tonight, JT?” Kayden stopped halfway between the kitchen door of the bar and the garage. She turned and looked up at him, and he swallowed.

  “Maybe,” he croaked.

  “Hmm. Maybe.” She turned and kept on walking. He took two long strides to catch up to her. Her hair moved softly in the faint breeze. It was still in the eighties, but that little whisper of wind helped keep the humidity at bay. For the first time, since his first time, JT was nervous. Something about this gal knotted him up. He looked down at her and saw her kick at a stone in the driveway, and he smiled. They reached the door to the garage, and she pulled a key from her front pocket.

  She unlocked the door and stepped inside. She turned and looked into his eyes, and he was lost. He reached forward and placed both hands on either side of her jaw, his thumbs caressing her cheeks, his breath coming in short spurts. Her eyes were dark now, almost brown in the faint glow that filtered in from the yard light. She locked onto his eyes with hers and waited. His heart hammered out a swift beat and something he hadn’t felt in a long time flitted in his stomach. Much to his surprise, his fingers lightly shook, the anticipation both delicious and unnerving. Unhurriedly he moved closer, giving her time to object. She slowly closed her eyes.

  He smiled and then softly pressed his lips to hers. Holding her head in his hands, he moved her head slightly, so their mouths fit perfectly together. Slowly, his tongue teased her lips, then her tongue as she opened for him. A moan escaped his mouth and hers at the same time. Her arms wrapped around his waist and she pulled him tight to her. And she felt…perfect against him. Her lips, soft and pliable, tasted like the sweetest candy. The feel of them moving against his made a shiver slide through him. He wrapped her in his arms tighter and her hard nipples, so damn visible through her tank top, poked into his chest, and his dick grew thick and long. He slid his hand from her waist down to her ass and pulled her into him, and she whimpered.

  The sound of a car on gravel caused Kayden to push away from JT and step back. She looked to the ground and swiped at her bottom lip with the pad of her thumb. Clearing her throat, she looked up and softly said, “Dakota’s home. I have to get her ready for bed.”

  JT was dazed. Briefly furrowing his brows, he was about to say something, and then he noticed the headlights of the car approaching. He turned to look and a woman in the front seat waved and smiled as she parked the car. Dakota quickly scrambled out of the backseat and giggled. “Hi, JT. Did you come to see my bedroom?”

  He smiled at her infectious exuberance. He wanted to see her momma’s bedroom, but he couldn’t say that. “Can’t tonight, Dakota. Can I take a rain check?”

  “It don’t rain much here.” She looked up into his face and squinted. He kneeled down, so she didn’t have to crane her neck.

  “Doesn’t. It doesn’t ra
in here much.” Then he winked.

  “Right. Sorry.” Dakota looked over at her mom and walked into her waiting arms. Kayden scooped her up and kissed her cheek.

  Payton walked toward them, carrying Dakota’s pink backpack. “Everything okay?”

  Kayden nodded. “JT, this is my friend Payton. Payton, JT. He was just walking me home.”

  Payton’s brows rose into her bangs. Her head slightly cocked to the side. “Pleased to meet you, JT.” Payton’s bright blue eyes were the first thing people noticed about her. When they looked closer, you could see she was attractive. Her short blonde hair said no nonsense; her capris, sandals, and t-shirt said casual.

  JT reached forward and shook her hand. “Nice meeting you.”

  Payton smiled and looked at Kayden; she smiled knowingly. “Okay?”

  “We had some visitors tonight and JT and Daddy were concerned. It’s all good now, though.”

  Payton glanced briefly at Dakota and then over to JT. She mouthed, “Devils.” Kayden nodded. Frowning, Payton said, “Okay. Well, it was nice meeting you, JT. Dakota, darling, I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

  “Bye, Payton. Thank you for taking me swimming.”

  Kayden set Dakota down and softly said, “Go on up, honey, and start getting your jammies on. I’ll be right there.”

  “Okay. ‘Night, JT.” She started up the steps as Kayden reached over and flipped a light switch, illuminating the staircase.

  JT smiled as he noticed she was wearing a pair of purple shorts and a little purple t-shirt and her red cowboy boots. He whispered to Kayden, “Does she always wear those boots?”

  Kayden smiled as she watched Dakota reach the top step and walk into the apartment. “Every day. Daddy bought them for her in Sturgis a few weeks back, and she won’t wear anything else, no matter how hot it is outside.”

  JT chuckled. “Okay. Well, I’ll be heading to Sturgis in the morning to set up the show bike at the park. I’ll stop by on my way home, though. Will you be here?”

  “You asking me on a date?”

  JT looked into her eyes and saw the fine crinkles at the corners; then his gaze drifted down to her lips. She was smiling at him and his heart started beating furiously. “You saying yes?”

  “You didn’t ask.”

  His voice lowered. “Will you go out with me tomorrow night, Kayden?” He smiled at her and let his fingers brush her jaw, his thumb slightly brushing her bottom lip.


  Kayden took a deep breath. This man. He was something special. She didn’t know how she knew that, but she did. He stood up to the Devils for her, though she didn’t know if he knew exactly what he was in for. She should explain that. She owed him that much. Looking into his summer green eyes, she saw a sincerity there that surprised her. But, he’d be leaving to go home in a couple of weeks, so it wouldn’t ever be anything serious between them. She’d have some nice memories to keep her company at night when he left. Probably keep her warm at night too, judging by his confidence and the way he carried himself. He admitted that he ‘loved them and left them’ so he probably had a fair amount of experience.

  "Yes, I’ll go out with you, JT.” She tried to keep her voice from being breathless, but she didn’t totally succeed.

  He smiled at her and then winked. That wink zinged straight through her, landing between her legs. She resisted the urge to squirm. He reached forward and gently grabbed her chin and kissed her once again. Simple, sweet and too damn brief. “See you around seven tomorrow night.”

  He turned to leave, and Kayden couldn’t help but look at his tight, fine ass. Mighty fine. He stopped and turned, and then the grin spread across his face when he saw where she’d been looking.

  “I have a brain, you know,” he teased.

  She chuckled. “I’m aware. But it comes in a pretty package, and if you don’t want the ladies looking, you should cover it up.”

  “Right now, Angel, I like you looking at it.” She tried masking the emotions that just ran through her at the name Angel. It was beautiful, soft, and endearing. No one had ever called her Angel.

  He broke into her thoughts. “I was about to ask if you were going to be able to get off work tomorrow night.”

  She blinked and took a breath to get her head out of the clouds. She was a single mother, bartender, and wannabe entrepreneur. She was clearly no Angel. “Oh.” Clearing her throat, she continued, “Yeah. No problem. As you can see, it hasn’t been that busy. But it’ll start getting busier on Wednesday as all the bikers start rolling in.”

  “About that. Have the Devils been coming in a lot?” She needed to tell him how awful they were. He needed to watch himself if he saw them.

  Dakota opened the apartment door at the top of the steps. “Mama? I’m in my jammies, but I can’t find my book.”

  Kayden looked up at Dakota, then back to JT. “Can we talk about them tomorrow? I need to get Dakota settled and in bed.”

  JT glanced up at Dakota and waved. Then he touched Kayden’s shoulder, and she shivered. “No problem. You’ll be okay tonight?”

  She whispered, “Yeah. Goodnight, JT.”

  As he turned to walk away, she quickly added. “You’ll watch out for anything…funny on the road, won’t you?”

  JT tilted his head. “You think they’re waiting for me somewhere?”

  Her heart began to race. She didn’t know, but the thought suddenly entered her mind, and her stomach twisted. “I honestly don’t know, JT. They’re dangerous and very unpredictable. Just, please be careful.”


  JT stood and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his arm. “Damn, it’s hot here,” he griped. He was tired and edgy. Since leaving Kayden last night, he hadn’t slept more than an hour at a time. Her gorgeous face entered his dreams and didn’t leave. He’d dreamed of fucking her sensuous body in every position he knew. Maybe he’d learn some new ones. He’d tugged himself off more than once, and that didn’t sit well with him.

  Chase, the Rolling Thunder employee with him, had sweat dripping off his forehead. His fine blond hair matted to his head; the minuscule length pulled back into a ponytail of sorts. His arms were covered in tattoos, the skin taut over the muscles beneath. Just the smallest movement was enough to raise the heat level ten degrees, and being inside the trailer was like standing in an oven.

  “Sure is,” Chase said, turning the wrench on the footboard, making sure it was tight. “All done. Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  JT straddled his baby—the beauty he’d spent the past three months building. He wanted to win this show so damn bad. Biker Build-Off was a sought after award. He hoped that it would also show his father that he was a great bike designer. He knew it wasn’t, but it felt like everything was riding on this contest this year. He’d put the pressure on himself; no one else had, but he’d been patient for years. He learned the ropes at Rolling Thunder; he kept his nose to the grindstone; he did everything his father wanted him to do. He knew the business inside and out, and he was good with customers. Damn good. Working with them while designing their bikes would be no problem. It would be a dream.

  Slowly backing the bike out of the trailer, a light breeze cooled him down a fraction as soon as he cleared the trailer door. Easing it off the ramp, he stopped and dropped the kickstand. They were behind the building that was hosting Biker Build-Off, in a designated area, sectioned off from the other bikes. He stood back and looked at it one more time. Sexy. He’d started with a V-Rod and tore it completely apart. The entire body, frame, and fenders were powder coated pearl white. Chrome pipes, motor and oil tank gave it enough sparkle that she gleamed. The wide fenderless tires created the look of one badass bike. Tough looking, no doubt about it.

  A gruff voice yelled out, “Okay, let’s go, get ’em inside. Time to get the bikes in and ready for the show.” A tattooed bald man wearing a badge with Judge written on it walked behind the building yelling as he went, rounding up all the builders. JT’s stomach fluttered with excitement.
He took in a deep breath; this was it.

  Chase said, “Go on, I’ll get everything back into the trailer and lock it up.”

  “Thanks.” He began walking the bike into the staging area. The noise level grew, and the temperature was slightly cooler as he entered the building. Large ceiling fans circulated the cool air blown in by the massive air conditioners which were groaning to keep up. The heat outside, the growing temperature inside as it filled with people, motors, and hot metal bikes, gave them a workout. Glancing around to locate his assigned stall, JT tried not to spend too much time looking at the other bikes. He knew the competition would be fierce. Finding his spot, he maneuvered his bike into its appropriate position and let out a long breath.

  A large hand clapped his shoulder as Ryder said, “It’s perfect, JT. This is it for you. Dad will come around.”

  JT slapped his brother on the back and nodded. “Thanks. Your support means everything to me. Gunnar’s, too.”

  Ryder nodded. “We’ve always got your back.”

  That’s when JT allowed himself to look around at the other bikes. He had to wait for the staging judge to come over and check him in before he could leave, but he wanted to see what his competition looked like.

  “Have you looked around?” he asked Ryder.

  “A little. There are some beautiful machines here, JT. But yours, in my opinion, is top of them all.”

  JT chuckled; Ryder was loyal, no doubt. “Thanks. Where’s everyone else?”

  “Having a beer over at Spokes—except my future wife; she’s snapping pictures.” He raised his arm and pointed across the room. Indeed, Molly was snapping pictures and chatting with some of the builders. As if she knew they were talking about her, she looked up and waved.

  The brothers waved back, and Ryder said, “I’ll stop back in a bit; I want to go see what she’s up to. We can walk around and see what the landscape looks like here.”


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