Better (The Change Series Book 2)

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Better (The Change Series Book 2) Page 18

by Melanie Jayne

  She didn’t return my smile. “Let’s get started. Tell me what happened the night in question.”

  “My brain is dead.” I slid into the front seat of Forde’s SUV. “If she’s on my side, then I don’t even want to think about what the defense is going to do to me.”

  He checked his mirrors and backed out of the parking space. “I think she was being extra rough on you because I was there.”

  “I guess with everything going on, I haven’t thought much about the workings of the trial. It was always just the end of this nightmare.” I shrugged and looked out the side window.

  “I want to put in a call to Tye and get his input, especially from the defense point of view.” He slowed to pay the parking attendant.

  I blew out a breath. “I think that I need all of the help I can get.”

  “Hungry?” He pulled onto Washington Street.

  “Can we just go home? I’ll throw something together, or we can order pizza. I think I need quiet and comfort food.”

  “Sure.” He flashed a reassuring smile. “I like that.”

  “You do?” I didn’t think he was talking about my food choices.

  “You called it home.” He covered my thigh with his hand and squeezed.

  “I guess that’s what it is now.” I felt self-conscious and vulnerable.

  “Another step closer.” His voice went low as he stopped at a red light.

  The ringing of Forde’s phone woke me up. I sat up straight in surprise. He usually had it on vibrate. Typically, I would wake at the sound of his voice and other times not at all.

  The past several days had been busy and draining. With my work at Limited, and then meetings with Tye and Ms. Miller, by the time we got home I just wanted to eat and go to sleep. Yesterday, I went shopping with one of Tye’s paralegals and his secretary for clothes to wear to court. It was three hours of two women I didn’t know very well, handing me clothes while I stood around in my underwear.

  When we finally returned, Tye and Forde went over our selections. My “team” had a very clear vision of how the grieving widow should dress. The pieces coordinated with one another—plenty of navy and black skirts in conservative cuts and a new pair of black pumps with a lower heel. I hated those shoes.

  As tired as I was, the last two nights I’d had nightmares. I know Forde was concerned, and I was too. I had been short with him earlier over something stupid. I guess all this talk about Brian and our marriage was making me wonder what would happen with Forde, once all of this was over.

  He grabbed his phone. “Forde.”

  He always sounded aware when he answered the phone, like he hadn’t been asleep a few seconds earlier.

  “Say that again.”

  I leaned over and turned on the new lamp on my nightstand. There was something about his tone that rattled me.

  “When?” he barked and ran his hand through his hair. Then he looked at me, and I felt a chill run through my body.

  My heart started to pound, and I pulled the covers up high to my shoulders.

  “Keep me updated.” He ended the call and exhaled.

  I braced because I knew whatever he was about to say was going to be bad. “Forde?” I whispered.

  He was still holding his phone. He looked down at his hand, and then took a deep breath. “That was a guy I know who works at county.”

  I didn’t know what that meant. “County?”

  He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. “Lock up, the jail. Juan Moreno was found dead in his cell about two hours ago.”

  “Dead? How?” I couldn’t seem to make my mouth and brain connect.

  “Don’t know, and I really don’t care. My guy said it wasn’t natural, so I imagine that it was a hit.”

  I started shaking, and he pulled me against his chest. I started to cry. I don’t know why. I just felt the tears start to fall.

  When I calmed down, I asked, “Did you—”

  He cut me off immediately. “No, dammit, I didn’t order the hit. God, Lay, what kind of man do you think I am?”

  I stared at him for a second, because he was that powerful, and people all over the city owed him favors. I shook my head to clear out that thought. “Um, that wasn’t what I was going to ask.”

  “That’s good,” he grunted.

  I felt my temper spark. He’d been the one who’d jumped to that conclusion, and now he was mad? I cleared my throat and shifted away from him a little. “I wanted to know if you had any idea that this could happen?”

  His brow furrowed. “There’s always a chance of something like this happening when you’re locked up. Juan wasn’t smart, and he might have said something to the wrong person, or another gang might have settled a score. Then again, it could be Vador taking care of a problem and using this hit as an example for the rest.”

  “So, I guess this means that the trial is off?” The first thing I was going to do was return those ugly shoes.

  “Yeah, so that’s good, right?” His phone vibrated with an incoming text. He glanced at the screen.

  “Right, it’s really good.” I tried to pump enthusiasm into my answer. I felt like something was off-kilter.

  “Rick’s got news; he’s going to be here in ten.” Forde threw back the covers and climbed out of bed.

  I scrambled to my feet. “I’ll make coffee.” I moved to the dresser to grab something to put on.

  “Thanks, that’d be good.” Forde pulled up his jeans. He checked his screen again. “Make enough for Osi, too.”

  I quickly racked my brain for a recipe to make a quick coffee cake. Since it looked like there was a great deal to discuss, I didn’t want the guys to go hungry.

  “I say we give it a day or two, and then make contact with the Cancerberos to reiterate our stance on Layla.” Rick nodded at me as I held the coffee pot.

  I’d said little as the men gathered around the dining room table. They’d consumed the coffee cake in what seemed like seconds, along with the fresh fruit I had cut up and served with an endless pot of coffee. Word had spread about Juan’s death. All the guys were getting reports, so the meeting had to pause for incoming calls and texts.

  After I completed a pass refilling cups, and was walking back to the table, Forde scooted his chair back and pulled me onto his lap. I smiled up at him. I needed to feel our connection after the rocky start to the morning. “We keep up the escorts and safety protocols for a few more days. Understood?” He looked around the table.

  “It hasn’t been that bad. I mean she only got away once.” Osi flashed a grin in my direction. “Found a hole and wiggled through it.”

  Forde ran his hand up and down my arm. “Just a few more days. I want to make sure things have died down, and I want to talk to Eames about the other cases.”

  I shrugged. “You guys know what’s best.”

  Forde gave me a squeeze.

  “You’re still going to work at Limited, right?” Rick asked casually.

  That was another thing Forde and I needed to discuss. The deal had been that I’d work through the trial, and then we’d see. “I like it. So, if the boss says that I can, then yeah, I’d like to stay on.” I felt Forde chuckle against my side.

  Rick and Osi both smiled.

  “Lay, you should have waited a little,” Forde said, giving me a squeeze, “and made me offer you a raise.”

  “I figure if I want a raise, I’ll get creative and convince you.” I winked at him.

  “When the sexy talk starts, it’s time to go.” Osi pushed back from the table.

  “Yeah, I don’t want to be here for the convincin’ part,” Rick said, using his hand to shield his eyes.

  “Especially the creative ways.” Osi teased. Who knew he could?

  I hopped off of Forde’s lap and put my hands on my hips. “Guys, I didn’t mean that I’d do it right now.”

  “Too bad for you boss,” Rick said, as he made his way to the door. “Since we’re l
eaving and you’re awake, seemed like a good time to start.” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

  All three men looked back at me and continued chuckling.

  I sent them a scowl but spoiled it by giggling. It hit me I was having fun. I was comfortable with these people. This life made me happy, and Forde had given me that. My gaze swung to him. He was throwing the deadbolt. When he turned, our eyes met.

  It was like a bolt of lightning hit me, I got it. I loved him. I was madly, deeply in love with Lucien Forde. My body froze as I scrambled to think of what I wanted to say. How to say it? This was really important. I think I made a sound deep in my throat, because I was straining to find the right words. I could feel my chest rising and falling like I had just run a race. I kept staring at my man, hoping that he could see it in my eyes or use his superpowers to read my thoughts and what was in my heart.

  He moved to me, kissing me lightly on the lips. When he pulled away, all that he said was, “Me too, babe.”

  My man got it.

  Chapter Twenty

  “You should have a party.” Zoe looked around the condo as though she was making plans in her head.

  “Yeah, a ‘Layla’s Free’ party,” Tony chimed in as he took a drink from his beer.

  Four days had passed and things had been quiet.

  I glanced at Forde to see what he was making of this after dinner talk.

  He shrugged. “I like it.”

  “Just our close friends?” I asked. I liked the idea of entertaining, but I didn’t want to be the center of attention.

  Forde answered immediately, like he knew what I was feeling. “Just people from work, you two,” he pointed at Zoe and Tony, “plus Tye, and maybe a few from his office.”

  “The food would have to be easy to serve.” I started planning in my head.

  “I could help,” Zoe said.

  We all looked at her and her belly that I swear had grown since last week.

  She wrinkled her nose. “Well, I could offer moral support.”

  “How about we bring the drinks?” Tony offered smoothly. Zoe hated to cook, and Tony did most of the kitchen work.

  “That include the booze?” Forde teased.

  “Sure.” Tony told us.

  “If we have it Saturday night that gives us four days to prepare.” I wanted to jump up and grab a notepad to start jotting down ideas.

  “I’ll send out a text. What time babe?” Forde was holding his phone.

  “I don’t know, uhm, seven?” I offered.

  Forde nodded and started typing.

  “Come on, Layla. Let’s check out for some ideas.” Tony stood.

  “Hey, I can help,” Zoe whined.

  “Honey, I love you, but let’s be honest—the kitchen is not your thing.” Tony moved to Zoe and helped her out of her chair.

  She stretched her back and gave him a sweet look. “Well, I can help make the lists of supplies you’ll need, like plates and cups plus ice. People always run out of ice.”

  We moved to the living room and got down to business.

  The next morning at work, I’d just sent an email to Tony with some more ideas about the food, when the buzzer at the door sounded. I checked my computer screen. We didn’t have any morning appointments. I saw a teenage boy at the door.

  I’d asked Building Services to make up a sign asking visitors to use the speaker. That way, we could keep the door locked at all times. I lifted the receiver and dialed the code to the speaker box. “Forde Limited, can I help you?”

  I watched him shuffle his feet for a moment. “Yes, please.” He paused to clear his throat. “I’d like to speak with Mr. Forde.” He looked at the camera directly, and my heart skipped a beat.

  I hurried to the door and opened it. “Please come in.” I knew my voice shook a little.

  “Thank you, ma’am.” He had a drawl, slow and sweet.

  “I’m Layla,” I told him as I led him to the chair across from my desk.

  “Oh, uhm, sorry. I’m Ryan McReynolds, and I think that Lucas Forde works here.” He looked around before taking a seat. “Can I see him for a minute?” His voice cracked on the last word, signifying how nervous he was.

  “He does, Mr. McReynolds. Since you don’t have an appointment, could I tell him what this pertains to?” I asked, as I stared into eyes so similar to those I saw every night before I fell asleep.

  He looked down at his feet, and his cheeks grew pink. “Well, it’s a…a little personal.” Then he looked back at me.

  I read so much in that look. He was trying to be brave but was scared. I gave him a reassuring smile. “I’ll go check to see if he’s available.”

  “Thank you, ma’am.” He told my back as I punched in the code to the interior office suite.

  After I heard the door close behind me, I paused for a second and leaned my back against the wall. When my heart calmed, I took a deep breath and headed to Forde’s office.

  After I knocked, Forde motioned for me to come in. He was on the phone. I closed the door behind me. Forde shot me a puzzled look. I rarely closed the door behind me unless we were going to fool around.

  I tried not to bounce from foot to foot as I listened to Forde wind up his call.

  Finally, he said his goodbye, and then looked at me with a questioning look. “Lay?”

  “How long ago were you married?” I asked.

  “What?” His eyes narrowed in confusion.

  “How long ago?” I pressed.

  “Why do you want to know?” He started to stand. I’m sure he thought I’d lost my mind.

  “I’m asking because there’s a boy who looks to be about sixteen in reception, and he’s asking to talk to you about personal business.”

  He paused and stared at me. His mouth was hanging open just a little bit.

  “He said his name is Ryan McReynolds, and Forde, honey, he looks just like you.” The words tumbled out of my mouth.

  He started to move to the door, all man of action.

  I grabbed his arm as he passed me, stopping him. “Hang on a sec. Don’t go out there all pumped up. You’ll terrify him. Take a breath, and then go meet your son.” I let go of him and started to follow. I didn’t want to miss this scene.

  He made it to the doorway out of his office and whipped around. “My son?” His voice was rough.

  “Do the math, and when you see him, you’ll know.” I was clenching my hands into fists so tightly my nails were making marks in my palms.

  Forde didn’t jog to the door leading to reception, but he moved swiftly. I was right behind him as he walked into the area.

  I knew the moment Forde saw Ryan’s face. His entire body jerked, but he recovered quickly and held out his hand to the teen. “I’m Lucas Forde.”

  Ryan shot to his feet and moved to Forde. He shook his hand and exhaled. “Wow.”

  Forde’s face broke into a warm smile. “Yeah, wow.”

  I don’t know who moved first, but father and son hugged one another.

  I felt the tears in my eyes. God, I loved my man. He didn’t throw out a bunch of questions, he just pulled the boy in.

  Suddenly, there was banging on the exterior door. A woman’s voice shouted. “Let me in. Let me in before I call the police.”

  I moved to my desk to look at the monitor. “What in the world?”

  “That’s my mom,” Ryan said as he pulled away from Forde.

  Forde moved to the door and opened it.

  The woman stormed into the room and got right in the boy’s face. “Ryan, I told you to wait for me.” She flashed a very unhappy look at her son.

  “Tessa,” Forde said as he closed the door.

  The petite blonde turned in a complete circle, taking in the room before she faced Forde. “Luke.”

  Everybody in the room stared at the woman.

  “I think we should go into my office. It looks like we have a lot to discuss.” Forde nodded at the door

  I moved to unlock it, and then I held it open.

  “Show them the way, Lay,” Forde said, his tone even, but his eyes were flashing with anger.

  After I’d settled mother and son in the chairs in front of Forde’s desk, I asked if anyone wanted something to drink. When they said no, I turned to go.

  “Stay,” Forde ordered as he took his seat behind his desk.

  “Luke, I hardly think your secretary needs to hear this,” Tessa muttered.

  “Tessa, this is my woman, Layla Shepherd.”

  A little shocked by Forde’s introduction, I nodded hello as Tessa looked me up and down. I could tell she wasn’t impressed by the small sniff she gave.

  Forde leaned onto his forearms as I leaned my hip against the credenza on the wall to the side of our visitors. “So, what the fuck, Tessa?”

  “There’s no reason to use that kind of language, Luke,” she said, sounding outraged.

  Forde just raised an eyebrow.

  I studied his ex-wife with interest. She was tiny, maybe five one, and she filled out her expensive clothes nicely. This was a woman who spent money on her looks. Her hair was a golden blonde and styled so that it looked like all that she had to do was run her fingers through the waves. Her breasts were a bit too big for her petite size so I guessed that they were fake, because at her age, well, even the best bra couldn’t do that much heavy lifting. She had tiny feet in sky-high boots. She didn’t wear a wedding ring, but there were plenty of diamonds on the bracelets on her wrists.

  Ryan spoke first. “I wanted to meet you. When I found out, I started doing research online, looking for you. When I found you, I told my mom I was going to use the money from my birthday to fly up here.” Ryan gripped the arms of the chair tightly. I could see the muscles in his forearms clearly.

  Forde turned his attention to the teen, giving him a smile filled with affection. “I’m glad you did.”

  “Grandpa said you didn’t know anything about me. That you, you know, had a son.” Ryan’s leg was bouncing.

  “I didn’t.” Forde’s hungry gaze was taking in every inch of Ryan’s face.

  “This isn’t how I wanted you to find out,” Tessa blurted.


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