Better (The Change Series Book 2)

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Better (The Change Series Book 2) Page 21

by Melanie Jayne

  Mateo let go of my hair, and I tried to roll my neck to relieve the pain. Now, it was Javier standing over me.

  “Tell me how Juan ended up dead,” he asked in that silky tone.

  I dug my chin into my chest. I felt my hold on my emotions give way. “I don’t know who did it. I didn’t want him to die.”

  Javier shook his head slowly. “Marlena, you live with Lucas Forde, and you work at Limited. Am I supposed to believe you asked no more questions?” He raised his eyebrows.

  I shook my head negatively.

  “A smart woman like you might overhear something, no?” He ran his finger over my ear.

  I fought the urge to yank my head away from his touch. “I don’t know anything.”

  “Now, that is disappointing.” He took something out of his pocket. A knife! He opened it. The blade was long and shiny.

  I knew nothing about knives, but something told me he was comfortable with it in his hand. He held it up so I could clearly see it. He enjoyed this part, terrorizing me.

  “Marlena, are you sure you don’t know anything? Maybe a little cut might help you remember a detail?” Hands were gripping my hair again.

  I tried to prepare for the pain, fisting my hands. I felt the knife’s edge run along my cheek, right at my hairline. It stung, but I didn’t cry out.

  He chuckled deep in his throat. “Very good, you didn’t flinch. That could be unfortunate, making my hand slip.”

  Javier continued playing with me. My blood had soaked the neckline of my t-shirt and the hair around my face. I stopped answering him. It didn’t matter. I didn’t have any answers.

  I tried to escape to a safe place in my head. I used to do it when I was a kid and I was scared. I’d hide under the bed or in my closet and imagine that I was in a different place. A picture of what Tony and Zoe’s cabin looked like started to form, and then became clear. She’d told me that the backyard rolled down to a creek. I liked the idea of that. I made it beautiful. I’d never had the chance to live in the country.

  “This is going nowhere, cousin,” Mateo’s angry voice broke into my beautiful mental escape.

  “Perhaps, you are correct,” Javier answered.

  “Set up the camera. Let’s end this and get out of here.” Mateo was pacing back and forth.

  “I’m sorry, Marlena. You seem like a nice lady, but a man must make the most of an opportunity, no?”

  I swear Javier wanted me to agree. Oh, hell no, I wasn’t going to agree to anything that was going to cause me more damage. “What are you going to do?” I sounded defeated. I already knew I wasn’t going to like his answer.

  “We’ll make a video and send it to Forde. Of course, he’ll believe Vador was responsible, and he’ll take care of him. With Vador out of the way, I’ll become the king.” Javier smiled as if he had just put together a master plan.

  Mateo was doing something to the camera, putting it on a tripod.

  Javier cut the tie anchoring my left hand, then lifted my hand and opened my fingers slowly caressing each one. He grasped my little finger and pushed it backwards until it popped.

  I didn’t scream. Yeah, I made a sound, but I did my best to swallow it. I wasn’t going to make Forde hurt. I knew he would watch this over and over, probably trying to find a way to blame himself.

  “So brave,” Javier chuckled, and this time he took my thumb.

  That fucking hurt, I moaned, and it made my dry throat ache. I made a decision to act. It was out of anger, but I wasn’t going to sit there and endure having bones broken until this sadist had had enough. “Your conclusion is wrong,” I said, panting the words.

  Javier stopped stroking my throbbing hand. “How so, Marlena?”

  I hated the way he said my name, like a caress. “Forde won’t stop with Vador. He’ll take out anyone associated with the Cancerberos. He’ll torch the earth. Nothing and no one will be safe.”

  “That kind of damage would draw attention to him,” Javier purred, ignoring my warning.

  “Forde won’t care. If you kill me, he won’t care about himself. He’ll get his vengeance no matter the cost.” I met his eyes. I believed it. My man was a warrior.

  “We shall see, or rather I will.” He laughed, and it was terrifying.

  “Mateo,” Javier called as he wiped his knife on my chest. “Since you caused his brother’s death, Mateo gets the honor.” Javier stepped to my side.

  Just make it quick, I prayed. I wished I had told Forde I loved him when he’d called. I should have called him back. Of course he knew, he had to know that I loved him, right? More tears fell at that thought.

  I raised my head, and I looked straight at the camera, “I love you, Forde. All of you.” He’d understand my message. That I trusted he would do whatever he thought was best.

  There was noise outside of the room, footsteps running and shouts. Something was happening. I tried to figure out what I should do because I should be doing something to take advantage of this opportunity. Someone hit me in the side so hard the chair tipped, and I was on the ground. I think it was Javier getting in one last shot.

  A shot rang out, and then others followed. Move, my brain screamed. I was too exposed in the middle of the floor. I tried to inch along the floor like a worm, arm outstretched pulling my body, then knees scooting. I wasn’t covering much distance. I’d fallen onto the shoulder I’d injured, and my side stung painfully where I’d been shoved.

  Suddenly, I was pulled upright by my bad arm. I cried out in anguish, not caring anymore.

  A hand covered my mouth, and I was being dragged backwards, chair and all. I tried to bite the fingers, but the owner shifted his hand.

  I was dragged out the back door, still tied to the stupid chair. It all happened so fast, my head was spinning.

  “Cut her bindings. Free her,” a male voice ordered.

  I squinted in the darkness, trying to locate the speaker. There was little light outside and it was night, which added to my confusion.

  As soon as my other arm was freed, I pulled my broken hand protectively under my breasts. The ties binding my ankles eased.

  “She’s still breathing.” The man’s voice came from my right side. I tried to see him clearly, but it was too dark.

  “Mrs. Shepherd, can you stand?” The other voice was cultured and filled with concern.

  “I, uh…” I tried to stretch my legs, but they wouldn’t work. “They’re numb.” I looked down at them, and then in the direction of the stranger with the authoritative voice.

  He stepped out of the shadow and I sucked in a breath. It was Salvador Ulloa.

  He smiled at my shock. “At last we meet. I apologize for the reason.” He moved closer, his gaze raked over my body.

  I tried to wiggle in the chair. I didn’t know if this was a better situation. I needed to be ready for my chance at escape. I needed to move.

  “Carry her,” Vador ordered.

  I was lifted by my rescuer. I swear he simply grabbed my waist and hoisted me over his shoulder like I was a bag of dog food. He secured one arm over my calves so I couldn’t kick when my legs started working. We followed Vador to a black SUV.

  Every step caused my body to throb. The pain was everywhere. Plus, I was worried that if I squirmed too much, he would drop me on my head. I bit my lip so hard I tasted more blood.

  I was deposited into the back seat, driver’s side. Surprisingly, Mr. Vador joined me. The man who’d carried me got into the driver’s seat and started the engine. We took off down what seemed to be an alley.

  “Mrs. Shepherd, are you injured?” Vador’s tone was sincere.

  “He broke my fingers,” I said, my voice shook. “Yes. He broke my fingers…and Caesar slapped my face. Twice.” I didn’t continue. I was alive and I needed to concentrate on what was happening.

  “That is unfortunate and painful.”

  “Very.” I rushed to say. “Thank you for asking.” Something about this man made
me want to show good manners. “They were going to kill me. I couldn’t answer their questions.”

  “I should be thanking you for managing to stay alive long enough so that we could locate you.”

  “Forde. I need to talk to Forde.” I started to look around the interior of the vehicle for a way out. I didn’t recognize where we were, and I couldn’t see any street signs.

  “My people will let him know you’re safe.”

  “Am I?” I didn’t mean to voice that thought. I should stay quiet and try to assess the situation, but I had been through too much, and I felt weird, plus everything hurt.

  The streetlights illuminated the interior of the SUV, and I watched Vador study me. He smiled. “You are an interesting woman.”

  “I want to go home.” My control was breaking. I wanted to see Forde. I was still wearing the thick, fleece hoodie I had borrowed from his closet and a knit T-shirt under it. Suddenly, I was freezing. I tried to pull the hoodie closer around me.

  We rode in silence for a few blocks, then I heard Mr. Vador sigh.

  “This is my dilemma. Your abduction and injuries will infuriate Forde and the police.”

  “There are issues within your, uh, group,” I said. Again, I wished I could stay quiet.

  “I believe those problems have been solved.”

  I nodded once. I assumed that the gunfire took care of the Morenos.

  “My concern is that your Mr. Forde will not be pleased with my handling of things. A displeased Forde will be a problem for me.” His tone had gone very serious and scary.

  I tried to find a more comfortable position. My shivers were turning into shakes, I was so cold. I shook my head to clear it. Finally, I offered, “I could help you with that.”

  “Really?” He pretended to be curious, playing along.

  I knew we were doing a dance. I was willing to do anything if it meant I could get to Forde, even deal with this devil. “You don’t want Forde to have a problem with you or the Cancerberos.” I sounded tired and a little breathy.

  He nodded.

  I shifted again, putting more pressure on my left butt cheek. “Honestly, I don’t want Forde to have that issue. I’m selfish; I want him safe. I know your reputation Mr. Vador. There would only be losers and that wouldn’t benefit either side.”

  He chuckled. “Very wise, Mrs. Shepherd.”

  Stifling a groan because my side throbbed, I swallowed. “I promise that I’ll do everything in my power to try to stop Forde from starting a war.” I was losing control. I could feel my body getting weaker.

  “And you have that kind of power over Forde?” He clearly didn’t believe I did.

  “Forde will take one look at my injuries and do whatever it takes to make me happy, to make me forget how Javier terrorized me with his knife.” I had to stop for a second and catch my breath. I could hear his voice in my head and feel his breath on my skin. That man had freaked me out. “I can convince him to let you handle things.” I probably should have ended it there, but I couldn’t. “Then it will be on you, to make sure I’m never in danger again. I’m going to be a priority for the rest of your life, because if anything happens to me, Forde will murder you and anyone dear to you. So if I can live free and safely, then Forde will be handled.” I ended my offer with what I hoped was a badass stare. I was making promises I wasn’t sure I could deliver.

  Vador patted my knee. “Thank you. I will consider your offer.” Then he chuckled. After a few beats he continued, “I find you delightful Mrs. Shepherd, and I look forward to you being an albatross around my neck.” He then told his driver, “Place a call to Mr. Forde. Put it on speaker.”

  I tried to sit up straighter, but a bolt of pain shot from my side. The edges of my vision went black. I needed Forde.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The last three hours had been the most terrifying of my life. I’d been in many bad spots and tricky situations, but knowing that Layla had been taken by the Moreno family scared the shit out of me.

  When it all turned to shit, I’d been sitting in Limited’s kitchen with Tye and Jenn. She was telling me about her cousin, who she thought might work out for the other I.T. position.

  “I’m not sure that a high school English teacher is what we’re looking for.” I tried to soften my negative reaction.

  “I get that she’s on a sabbatical, but this job has nothing to do with the other.” Tye leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

  “Holly’s hard to explain.” Jenn played with her Red Bull can. “She teaches at a lousy school for a year or two. Then she gets burned out or restless and travels. Sometimes, she goes somewhere to learn something new. She’s kind of a gypsy.”

  “Where is she now in that timeline?” I was curious.

  “She’s spent about seven months studying Krav Maga in Houston but she says she’s tired of getting the shit beat out of her. I told her this was a desk job, and she thought she’d be ready for a little office work.” Jenn smiled.

  “So, she’s travelled, studied martial arts, and can teach.” I tried to soften my words. “Jenn, I just don’t see how that is going to fit here.”

  “Dude, who do you think taught me everything I know? Well, not everything, but if you want someone to get in, she can do it. She makes me look slow.”

  “You’re shittin’ me.” I tried to picture that, because Jenn was good. I think the only reason she worked for me was that I didn’t have a lot of rules. That, and I paid her a shitload of money. The thought of having another “troubleshooter” made me want to move Holly Higgins here tomorrow.

  “Fuck, you are one lucky son of a bitch,” Tye laughed.

  “Set up an interview,” I said to Jenn.

  “One thing,” she said, looking at Tye, “Holly’s hot. So if you try to fuck her, I’ll erase you. You will no longer exist.” She ended the threat with a glare. “I’m warning you for your own good, and all of ours. Holly isn’t a good bet. She has issues with relationships.”

  “Hey,” Tye held up his hands, trying to look innocent. “I don’t hit on every woman I meet.”

  “Please, if she ain’t a client, she’s a possibility.” Jenn continued glaring at the attorney. “You can go to the gym with her, ski a black run with her, but don’t take her to bed or get attached. It won’t turn out well.”

  I shook my head because I knew Tye, and it wouldn’t work out. My phone vibrated, and I saw that it was Ryan.

  “Ryan.” I could hear the affection in my own voice. I had a son. The fact still amazed me.

  “Dad.” His voice shook.

  From that one word, I knew something was horribly wrong. “What’s happening, son?” I tried to keep my tone even.

  “They took her. They pulled up and took Layla.” He started to sob.

  I snapped my fingers to get Tye and Jenn’s attention, but they were already paying rapt attention. I hit the speaker button. “Ryan, where are you now?”

  “The grocery. In the manager’s office.” He took in a loud breath. “We were putting the groceries in the Expedition. She must have seen them coming because she told me to run.”

  I heard my pulse pounding in my ears. “You did good, Ryan. You’re telling me that Layla was abducted from the parking lot at Johnson’s, the store on College?” I spoke slowly so that Tye and Jenn could get it all.

  Jenn was on her phone immediately. My gaze met Tye’s, and he shoved his chair back and moved to the hallway.

  I heard him yell, “We need help in here, everybody, anybody?”

  “Ryan, are you okay? Did they hurt you?” I tried not to sound outraged. I had to stay in control.

  “I’m fine. I ran back into the grocery, and I’m so dumb I forgot I had my phone. I just got inside and started screaming for somebody to call the cops.” He sounded out of breath.

  I saw Rick and Osi barrel into the tiny room. I nodded. “So the police have been called?”

  “Yeah, like eight people cal
led them, and there are two ladies here who saw the whole thing. I told them they couldn’t leave. Did I do right, Dad?” Ryan sounded young then, and unsure.

  “Yeah, you did right. Stay in the office, son. I’ll be there in ten minutes. Call me back if you need me, but I’m coming to you.”

  Tye, Rick, and Osi jogged to the door. I was right behind them.

  “Three squad cars are heading to Johnson’s,” Jenn yelled as she followed us. “I have Det. Eames on the line. I’ll tell him to meet you there.”

  I didn’t break stride. “I’ll call in as soon as I know anything. Send them everything you have on the Cancerberos and the Morenos.”

  We took the stairs at a run, not waiting for the elevator. In the garage, Rick was at the door of his SUV. “Forde, man, I’m calling Vador’s second. If this is his move…?”

  I didn’t hesitate. “You’ll be talking to a dead man.”

  Tye was at the passenger door of my SUV. “Fuck.” His words came out in a low rumble.

  I had responsibilities, but I wanted to ignore them and start hunting. However, my son needed me. Deep down, I knew that Lay would want me to go to Ryan. Unfortunately, that would involve dealing with Tessa.

  I was kneeling in front of my son assuring him he’d done the right thing by running. By the time we’d arrived, he’d convinced himself he should have stayed to fight off the men. Tye was standing in the corner taking calls and watching me convince my son that by running, he had done the best thing.

  At that moment, Ryan’s mother arrived at the manager’s office. She threw a fit. Ryan finally took her by the arm and said, “Mom, you should be worried about Layla. She’s the one who got kidnapped.”

  Tye took over the handling of Tessa. God bless him.

  I stood with my phone in my hand, feeling useless. Osi and Rick were checking out known Cancerberos properties and hang outs. Jenn was running through real estate records, following every familial thread. In the store’s office, I took a call from the leader of the Cancerberos. It was a very short conversation with Vador. He swore he knew nothing about the abduction. Unfortunately for us, I believed him. With Vador, I could negotiate but the Morenos—I had nothing.


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