Giving Birth To Mr White's Baby (BWWM Interracial Romance)

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Giving Birth To Mr White's Baby (BWWM Interracial Romance) Page 4

by J A Fielding

  Dear Diary,

  Today was the most awful day. I am done with men. DONE. I cannot keep trusting in some guy who will never do me any good. It’s almost as if I only ever seem to attract assholes. I am not sure what about me screams, “Desperate and looking for the next bad boy.” The last one was a serial liar but I have just found out that Darryl is a serial cheater! I do not think there is one girl on the entire campus he has not hit on or slept with. Bastard. This is what happened.

  Last night, Darryl and I had plans to go to dinner. I have been working my ass off for the last week just so I could have last night off. That’s what I get for having a double major. But Darryl did not even consider that little fact when he unceremoniously cancelled on me even after I spent half the day shopping for an “appropriate” outfit since everything I own somehow “does not do my body justice.” I should have known better. Imagine my surprise, after he texted me saying that he is bedridden with a cold, when I saw him with some dumb ass re head outside my damned dorm building. And apparently this is not the first time. He has been doing this forever. I thought me and him were exclusive. Well, maybe I could simply just go on and start liking girls.

  “What are you doing? Is that your old journal?” Mitchell asked as he walked in carrying Alexis. Natasha smiled and nodded.

  “I needed to pass the time,” she said. Mitchell shrugged.

  “There is so much you could do to pass the time. You could watch a movie or just some TV. We do have cable, remember?” he said in a low voice as he sat on the edge of the bed.

  “I know. Sometimes I just like to think of myself as Robinson Crusoe and just delve into pen and paper,” she said with a smile. Mitchell looked at her and shushed her. “What? Why are we whispering?” she asked putting the journal away.

  “She just went down,” he said in a whisper.

  “Oh, so she was just cranky?” Natasha asked looking down at the sleeping baby girl. Mitchell shook his head.

  “No, it was the usual suspects. Hungry, diaper change,” he said as he rocked Alexis. “So, who were we reading about today?” he asked looking at her.

  “Darryl Jones. Third year of college,” she said looking at him.

  “The jerk?” Mitchell asked with a smile. Natasha laughed.

  “They were all jerks,” she said looking into his eyes.

  “So,” Mitchell said as he slowly laid the baby on the bed. “Is there anything there about me?” he asked looking at her. Natasha smiled and felt her cheeks flush. For some reason, even after so long, Mitchell still managed to have this effect on her. She looked at him and nodded. “Really?” he asked looking more interested. She nodded again and ran her fingers through her thick curls. Her hair was a big frizzy mess; at least, that was how she saw it. She had become so accustomed to weekly salon appointments but lately, she barely had enough time to sleep, let alone get her looks in check. Mitchell touched her chin and turned her face so that he could look at her. “Can I read it?” he asked, his eyebrow raised in hope. Her eyes widened as she shook her head.

  “Hell no!” she said so loud that he almost woke the baby up. Mitchell put his finger to his mouth and shushed her. “Why would you want to read that?” she asked in a whisper.

  “I would want to know what you first thought of me when we first met,” he said with a smile. She gave him a disapproving look.

  “I don’t know,” Natasha said looking at him.

  “Come on,” Mitchell said, almost in a pleading voice.

  “Well, what’s in it for me?” she asked looking at him.

  “Oh, so we're being businessy,” he said with a smile. She looked at him and nodded.

  “I married a man who tells me that in every little thing, there is a hidden business transaction. So maybe it’s about time I took his advice,” she said with a smile. Mitchell took one of her hands in his and looked into her brown eyes.

  “That’s some wise man. I would like to meet him some day,” he said with a smile. “So what do you say, one entry about good old moi?” he asked. She looked at him and rolled her eyes and finally gave up.

  “Fine. One, just one,” she said as she picked up her diary again. “Okay let’s see…..oh, here’s a good one. This is about the first time we met,” she said looking at him. “Okay here goes,” she said as she got comfortable.

  Dear Diary,

  Today was supposed to be the best day of my life. I finally landed the interview of my life: Nolan Schmidt Communication Solutions but the day had to start on an all-time low when I passed out at the parking lot and guess who found me? My future boss, Mitchell Schmidt! As if that was not embarrassing enough, I was blushing, and I know he noticed. I am a black woman who does not have the darkest skin. Damn it! I’ll be damned if I even manage to get a second interview.

  Working at NSCS has been my dream job and the fact that I have to work under His Royal Hotness! Okay, maybe that is a bit immature but anyone who has a pulse must have noticed just how hot Mitchell is. He is tall, he is muscular, and he has great hair. He is like a very real Derek Shepherd. Maybe that’s what I’ll call him. McDreamy, or is it McSteamy? Maybe he is both McDreamy and McSteamy rolled into one.

  Natasha looked up and smiled at Mitchell.

  “Why did you stop?’ he asked looking at her. He could tell that her cheeks were flushed.

  “I never promised to read you one full entry,” she said as she put the diary back in the drawer.

  “Come on, Tasha. Why not?” Mitchell asked looking at her. She shook her head and smiled.

  “At this rate I might need to get a safe installed here somewhere,” she said looking at him.

  “What are you talking about? This house is full of safes,” he said laughing. Natasha rolled her eyes.

  “I’m sorry but two safes in a three bedroom house is not my definition of, quote unquote, ‘full of safes,’” Natasha said with a smile. She climbed of the bed and walked to the bathroom.

  “Where are you going?” he asked looking at her.

  “To shower,” she said as she turned on the water. “I’ll be out in a few,” she said walking into the bathroom. Mitchell sighed. Since she gave birth, she barely let him see her naked. She would get dressed and undressed in the bathroom, cover up that lovely body in his oversized t-shirts. It was about time he showed her that he still appreciated her. He got up and picked up Alexis slowly and then placed her in her crib. He made sure she was comfortable before he stripped down and walked to the bathroom. He opened the door and looked at Natasha standing under the running water and smiled.

  “What are you doing?” Natasha asked when she saw him standing there. Mitchell walked in and slipped an arm around her waist. “Mitch, you know I still can’t,” she said in a whisper as he pulled her closer to him. He smiled and gently claimed her lips.

  “I just want to make love to my wife. We don’t need sex for that,” he said as he kissed her again. Natasha wrapped her arms around his neck as they kissed. She loved the way her naked body felt against his own muscular one. It had been a long time, too long since she felt this way. She felt his tongue slowly make its way inside her mouth as one hand slowly caressed her back. She let out a moan when she felt his hand on her ass, squeezing and kneading gently. He slowly pulled away from her and looked down at her. She gasped when he suddenly turned her around, letting his already fully engorged cock press against her ass. She closed her eyes as he slowly lifted both of her arms and secured them around his neck. He went on to slowly run his fingertips along the fine skin of her body, expertly avoiding any spot that would suddenly turn her into a fire engine. She moaned as she felt him exploring her, softly, gently, lovingly. She let out a moan as his fingers trailed upwards from her waist and her navel. She gasped loudly when he cupped her breasts. Her nipples were already hardened, pressing hard against his palms. She moaned again when he began to slowly rub his palms on her breasts, making her want him, lust for him.

  “Mitch…” she moaned as he continued his torture on her br
easts. Just when she thought she could not take any more, he slipped his hand down to her pussy and gently touched her clit. He smiled when she suddenly twitched and pressed harder against him. He got both hands on her thighs and forced them apart. She let out a moan again when he began rubbing his finger against her already distended clit. She leaned against his shoulder and squeezed her eyes shut as he pleasured her. She felt her legs get even more weak when he slipped a finger inside her. He smiled when he found that she was already drenched. He was surprised that there was no pre-cum leaking down the side of her leg but then again, it could have very well have been already washed away. She suddenly cried out and he knew, she was ready.

  Mitchell turned her around again and held her against the cold tiled wall of the bathroom. He looked into her eyes and kissed her again. He slowly pulled away so he could admire her face. He thought she looked beautiful, with her hair all wet, sticking to the sides of her face and neck. She watched him as he sunk to his knees and slowly kissed her thighs before he slipped his hand under her knee. She looked down at him as he placed it on his shoulder. He leaned forward and began kissing her pussy. He loved the way she tasted, that beautiful taste of her being so close to an orgasm. He slowly kissed her pussy in the same manner he would have kissed her mouth. He interchanged her labia as he slowly ran his tongue along the inside of her outer lips. She sighed and gasped especially loudly when he engulfed her clit with his mouth. She moaned loudly as he sucked hard on her. She could not hold herself back any longer. She was about to explode and he knew it. He could feel her spasming against his mouth. She screamed out when he suddenly shoved the entire length of his tongue inside her pussy, making her cum hard. He held her close to his mouth as she shook against him before he finally pulled away from her. He released her leg and pulled himself to his feet.

  Natasha looked at him as she gasped for breath. This was the first time she had felt like a woman in a long time. She looked into his eyes and smiled. He pulled her from the wall and held her against his body as they stood under the running water. She could still feel his raging cock pressing hard against her ass.

  “Thank you,” she said in a whisper. “Pity I can’t take care of this,” she said as she reached behind her and held his cock in his hands. He sighed loudly and held her tighter.

  “You are taking care of it just fine,” he said as she began stroking his cock. She stroked him long and hard as he began moaning. A few strokes in, she could already feel his cock get harder and twinge in her hand. She obviously needed to get him some servicing and soon. But she had to wait for a couple more weeks before she got back in the saddle. By that time, her stitches would be completely healed. The doctor had recommended six weeks but it was too uncomfortable. Her doctor had told her that the wound would be a hundred percent healed after twelve weeks and she intended to wait. She could remember how great her sex life was before the baby and if she had to wait to feel that again, she was willing to make the sacrifice.

  She suddenly felt Mitchell’s hot jism all over her hands and smiled. “God, you are still the sexy goddess with all the tricks up your sleeve I married,” he said holding her close. She smiled and leaned against his shoulder. “I hope your screams did not wake Alexis,” he said in a whisper. She turned around and kissed him deeply.

  “You better take the blame if you ever hope to tap this again,” she said with a smile.

  Chapter 5

  Mona’s eyes grew wide as she looked at Natasha.

  “What do you mean you have not had sex in two freaking months?” she asked in a whisper. Rita looked at the two and rolled her eyes.

  “You must be kidding. There is no way the Natasha I know goes for a week let alone two months without getting freaky,” she said making goo goo noises at the baby. Natasha had decided to spend the day at her Nan’s after Mitchell had to rush out suddenly that morning. This was actually the first time he was away from the house in a long time since he had opted to take some time off work so that he could spend time with Natasha and Alexis. When he left, Natasha took the baby and drove straight to her Nan's house. Halfway down there, she decided to call the girls. She was going to turn this into a girls’ day out. God knows she didn’t have enough of those lately. Needless to say, the girls jumped at the idea almost immediately except for Stacy who could not get away from work.

  “Trust me when I tell you, I am serious,” Natasha said. “And given the way I look like a big tub of Jell-O lately, I doubt anyone would be willing to even see me naked,” she said. Mona playfully slapped her knee.

  “Have you seen your clothes? I don’t blame Mitchell if he can’t get it up,” she said pointing at the oversized t-shirt Natasha was wearing.

  “Hey, what’s wrong with my t-shirt?” Natasha asked frowning.

  “It’s not yours, for starters,” Rita said without looking at her. Natasha shot her a dirty look.

  “None of my clothes fit right now,” she said. Mona snapped her fingers and rolled her eyes.

  “You are married to a millionaire. Buy clothes that fit,” she said matter of factly.

  “Come on, I will never look as good as I used to,” Natasha said looking at Rita and then at Mona.

  “Have you looked in the mirror lately? You are still the hot mama we know. In an oversized t-shirt,” Mona said smiling. Natasha smiled as she looked at Mona.

  “And by the way, Mitchell has no problem getting it up, thank you very much,” she said giving Mona a wink.

  “Wait, you mean that in all this he is the long suffering victim?” Rita asked looking at Natasha who was nodding. “What is wrong with you?” she asked. Natasha shrugged.

  “I look like a pumpkin and he is not seeing me naked,” she said. “Well he did see me in the shower the other day – well, he did a little more than simply see me,” she added looking at Rita.

  “Okay, that’s it. We are taking some well-deserved girl time at the salon,” Rita said. Natasha laughed.

  “Have you met me? I have a baby now. I can’t just up and leave when I want,” she said looking at Rita. Just then Estelle walked in carrying a tray of tea and freshly baked muffins.

  “Hey Estelle, we need a favor. Could you watch Alexis for a few hours?” Rita asked looking up.

  “Actually for the night. Natasha here and Mitchell need some time alone if you know what I mean,” Mona said smiling. Estelle smiled and sat down.

  “You don’t need the baby around you when you are doing the nasty. Of course I will watch her,” she said pouring some tea for them.

  “No muffins for me. I am already too chubby to continue stuffing my face,” Natasha said.

  “It’s just one muffin. It’s not like it will make a big difference,” Estelle said. “The only problem would be if you have more,” she said holding a muffin up to Natasha’s face. Natasha pushed her hand away and shook her head.

  “I know you made some for me to take home. So no way,” she said before taking a sip of her tea. “Come on guys, we have work to do,” she said as she stood up. She picked Alexis up from Rita’s arms and kissed her. “See you later princess. I love you so much,” she said as she planted another kiss on the baby’s forehead before handing her to Estelle.

  “You won’t even finish your tea?” Estelle asked looking up at Natasha.

  “I’m sorry Nan. There are not enough hours in the day,” Natasha said as she pulled Rita to her feet. Mona smiled and picked up two muffins before following the girls out. Natasha was ecstatic as they drove to the salon. She had not been pampered in a while. She could not wait to get to the salon. The first stop was obvious, a manicure and pedicure before she headed off to get waxed. She was a little sore as they headed to the hairdresser.

  “Oh my god, Tasha? Girl you are a mess,” Ivan, her hairstylist said as soon as they walked in.

  “Tell me about it,” Natasha said as Ivan hugged her. Ivan was almost like one of the girls. He was masculine but everything about him was ever so feminine. He liked shopping, did hair and gossiped bette
r than a Stepford wife. “Ever since I had the baby, I never get time for myself,” she said as Ivan sat her down.

  “You could have called me. I make house calls you know. I would hate for any of the competition to know I am your stylist especially now that you look like that,” he said pointing at her clothes.

  “Oh please, Ivan. Don’t we know it. We are going shopping after this,” Mona said. “Our girl needs to get laid,” she added. Natasha’s face flushed.

  “Mona!” she yelled as she stared daggers at Mona.

  “What? It’s true,” Mona said as she sat down. Ivan smiled as he led Natasha to a chair.

  “When I am done with you, people will be begging to get into your pants. Even you,” he said winking at Natasha’s reflection. Natasha felt her cheeks flush again.

  Ivan was right. He did a fabulous job. He got her highlights and got rid of her split ends before he turned her frizzy mess into a glamorous pile of wavy curls. She looked absolutely gorgeous. She looked at the time and sighed. She had exactly three hours to get something to wear and make dinner. She would never make it in time.

  “Oh please. We can totally make it work,” Rita said as they walked into a boutique.

  “How do you suggest we do that?” Natasha asked looking at Rita and then at Mona. Rita took her phone out and quickly scrolled through her contacts list.

  “You don’t have to cook. What are you in the mood for?” Rita asked as she looked at Natasha.

  “I don’t know….”

  “…never mind. I know of a great Moroccan place. They make great chicken,” Rita said cutting her short. Natasha smiled at her as Mona walked over to a rack of dresses. She pulled out one short dress and held it against her body. Natasha shook her head and frowned.

  “That will never fit,’ she said.

  “It’s a stretch. Just go inside there and try it on. If it doesn’t fit then we can always get another one,” Mona said.


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