Broken Politics

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Broken Politics Page 8

by Janae Keyes


  I CAN’T REMEMBER ever being this nervous before. I’d planned an evening for Kayla and I at the White House. You would think I’d been this nervous before, but no. Election day I remember being ridiculously calm and here I am planning an evening with my girlfriend and shaking in my boots.

  For now I was stuck in a Homeland Security briefing. I was trying to pay attention, but I could only think of Kayla. Our three days at Camp David were perfect. She was so smart and though our opinions differed we were able to get through the three days without much political talk and we just got to know one another.

  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t expecting tonight to end in sex. I wanted her more than anything could express. Who wouldn’t want to be with such an intelligent and beautiful creature? I wanted to have my hands all over her body and I wanted to taste her on my lips. I wanted to run my hands over her glowing brown skin. I tried to not smile to myself as I thought about her. That night in the pool we’d become so close. We were right there, but alas I had my responsibilities.

  Damn them all.

  “Mr. President… Mr. President.” A voice repeated. I then remembered where I was in the middle of this briefing.

  “Yes…yes..sorry…thinking… thinking about what you said about the South African terrorist group. They...uh… seem as if they could be a problem in the future.” I spluttered out trying to make a recovery from daydreaming. It was hard to not have every corner of my mind occupied with thoughts of Kayla.

  “Yes sir we are doing what we can to find out more information and if they do have grievances against the United States. We are also looking into working with the government of South Africa to help dismantle the group for all of us.” The Secretary of Homeland Security said.

  “Is there anything else?” I questioned eager to get out of this room. I had so much to do in order to get ready for Kayla.

  “Nothing else today sir.” The Secretary answered. I simply gave him a nod.

  “Well thank you for your time. I will see you soon.” I said quickly standing. I extended my hand to the Secretary who shook it.

  “Next time sir.” The Secretary said. I then started to make my way towards the door as I walked quickly as possible without running. Then I heard a voice I didn’t want to hear. It was Victor.

  “Mr. President sir. You have a meeting in the Oval in 15 minutes with Congressman Bockstal.” Victor huffed out from behind me. I opened the door and motioned for Victor to follow me. I walked in the direction of the residence.

  “Reschedule Congressman Bockstal for me.” I stated.

  “But sir we’ve been trying to work out this meeting for weeks now.” Victor said following close behind me. I really wasn’t in the mood to argue with Victor, but I needed this time to get ready. I had a surprise for her.

  “Still reschedule.” I spat.

  “Sir I don’t think it’s wise.” Victor said sternly. Victor was a bully and he was trying to bully me. I wasn’t going to have it today. Today was about Kayla and I.

  “I have other plans.” I said as I walked through the doors of the residence and closed the door behind me. I knew this wasn’t the wisest move. I knew this meeting was important, but Kayla was also important to me. I knew that I didn’t want my personal life to interfere with my job as President, but to me this one time was ok. This one time was a free pass.

  I walked into my bedroom taking off my jacket and tie and loosening the buttons on my cuff. I rolled up my sleeves before leaving my room and making it back through the sitting room and the dining room to the kitchen. In the kitchen there were multiple shopping bags on the counter. The intern I’d sent had done her job and brought me everything I asked for from the store.

  I unpacked the bags and got to work. I would only hope that Kayla would enjoy my surprise.


  LEAVING THE METROGIRL offices I went straight home. Matthew had invited me to the White House for dinner at the residence with him. I hadn’t seen him since we returned from Camp David because we were both very busy and I was eager to see him. I quickly showered and put in a red cap-sleeved, belted, fit and flare dress. I looked in the mirror only hoping that I wasn’t showing too much cleavage. I slipped on my black heels and I was happy with how I looked. I pulled my curly hair from my ponytail holder and let my curls rest on my shoulders. I grabbed my purse and my car keys before leaving my apartment and going straight to the White House.

  It was strange walking through the White House at night. Most of the press had gone home for the evening and also most of the staff was gone. A couple Secret Service agents who knew me greeted me. They allowed me in the residence with no problems. I was still amazed at the access I had to The White House and Matthew himself. I stepped into the sitting room that was empty. I knew Matthew was around here somewhere. I at once heard what sounded like pots and pans in the kitchen. When I opened the door to the dining room I inhaled the most delicious smells. I nervously walked into the kitchen to find Matthew in a light blue button up shirt with his sleeves rolled up and an apron tied around his waist.

  His eyes went straight to me and he grinned. He wiped his hands on his apron and came directly to me.

  “Hey Baby.” He said as he put his hands on my waist. Butterflies fluttered around my stomach and my heart skipped a beat. He’d never called me Baby before. He placed a gentle and slow kiss on my lips. No one had ever kissed me the way he did. There was something about his kisses that made me weak.

  “Hey.” I said softly against his lips. I’d been waiting to see him for the last couple days and now I had him. Nothing had changed about him. He was still Matthew and still mine. He slightly pulled away from me as he let his eyes scan me.

  “You look beautiful, but that’s always.” He said to me. I could feel my cheeks getting hot. He was always complimenting me. I’d never had anyone take notice of me in that way. No one had ever insisted on calling me beautiful. He made me feel beautiful.

  “So you’re cooking.” I said motioning to the mess that covered the kitchen counters. “I didn’t know you could cook.” This was a fact I was surprised with. I never expected him to be the type who knew his way around a kitchen.

  “Of course I can cook. My mother would have a cow if I couldn’t cook. She ran a catering company for years and I was her right hand as a kid. I learned everything I know from her. Don’t worry tonight’s food is going to be amazing. I’m using some of my mother’s very own recipes.” He said happily. He looked so confident in his abilities and I wasn’t going to question them because it smelled fantastic in here. “How was your day?” he asked as he walked back to the stove. I moved over to the barstools at the counter and took a seat on one of them.

  “Good I polished up my article and gave it to Kizzy for publishing. Next issue of MetroGirl will contain part two.” I said happily as I watched him move around the kitchen.

  “How many parts are there?” he asked as he stirred a pot, but looked directly at me. I loved how attentive he was when anyone or myself spoke to him. He always looked anyone he was speaking to directly in the eyes. I appreciated this gesture.

  “There are going to be three in total.” I said.

  “Then what, you just leave me?” he asked looking like a sad little kid. I gave him a smile and shook my head.

  “I will still be around. I get to stay working with the Press Corp and working on the MetroGirl website blog.” He gave me a grin. I knew he was happy that I was going to be around the White House still. “I will be weird though when I finish. I won’t be able to hang out with you all day.”

  “We will figure out something when the time comes.” His voice laced with assurance. I wasn’t going to question it or him about it, he was the President and could make it happen.

  “So what are you making?” I asked as I looked over the counter to see what he was stirring in the pot.

  “Pasta with a homemade meat sauce that is nearly done.” He said as he took the wooden spoon from the pot.
He leaned over the counter with the spoon putting it to my lips. “Taste it.”

  I took a small taste of the sauce on the spoon. I felt the zing from the tomatoes hit my tongue immediately followed by a small bit of sweetness and a dash of spicy, it was perfect.

  “Mmm tastes really good.” I said giving him a smile before I licked the rest off my lips. I looked up to see him watching me. There was a special glint in his eye that I hadn’t seen since that night in the swimming pool at Camp David. I was quick to look away from him. I was nervous. “Do you need help with anything?” I asked as I looked around the kitchen.

  “Yes.” He said at once, then promptly began to fumble around. “You umm… you can set the table.” He stuttered.

  He walked to a cabinet and pulled out plates and then silverware from a drawer and napkins from another. I got off the stool and walked to him taking everything from him. I left the kitchen and made my way into the dining room where I sat the plates on the table.

  It kind of hit me all at once. I was setting the table for a meal that my boyfriend was making for us. It had been at least a couple years since I’d called anyone my boyfriend. Dating wasn’t something that I’d actively put myself into especially since my last relationship. Being single had become my norm and I was completely fine with it.

  All of this made me wonder about Matthew and I. What we had was pretty insane and something I would have never imagined. How long could we keep our relationship private? How long until I was thrust onto the cover of every gossip mag talking about the most intimate parts of my life? I was scared, but I still wanted him. I still wanted to see where this went with us.

  “Alright the food is ready.” Matthew said as he came in the dining room carrying a pot that I knew contained the sauce he’d had me taste. He sat the pot down in the middle of the table and went back in the kitchen and eventually coming out with another pot. “Can you get the wine and glasses for me? Everything is on the counter.”

  “Sure.” I said as I went into the kitchen.

  I spotted the wine and glasses on the counter, just as he had instructed. I walked over and picked up the glasses in one hand and the red wine in the other. When I made my way back into the dining room I noticed that the lights were now dim and candles were lit on the table. I couldn’t believe that he’d gone through all of this for me. I’d never had anyone take this much care into making a night romantic and intimate.

  “Come sit.” He said as he pulled out a chair for me.

  I laid everything on the table and took my seat. I peered at the bottle that was a 1997 Pinot Noir. He pushed the chair in towards the table before he started loading our plates with pasta and covering the it with that delicious sauce. He then poured wine for the both of us before taking his own seat.

  I took my fork and dug it into the remarkable smelling pasta he’d prepared. Of course it tasted amazing and the pasta was cooked to perfection.

  “Mmm.” I said as I began to chew. “This is delicious.”

  “Thank you.” He said looking very proud of himself. He raised his wine glass. “To us tonight.” He said giving me a smile. I raised my own glass smiling back at him before taking a sip. I wondered where this night would end. I had a suspicion that it could possibly end in his bed.

  AFTER WE FINISHED eating we stayed seated at the table as we sipped our wine. Conversation over dinner had been light. He told me about his day and some of the upcoming events he was going to have to attend. He was enthused about what he did and I could appreciate that.

  He stood with his glass in his hand and came over to me. He put out a hand for me to take. I took it and stood also taking my wine in my other hand.

  “What about the mess?” I asked.

  “There are people to take care of that.” He said giving me a smile. He began to pull me along into the sitting room. He sat on the couch and pulled me down with him. I sat with my glass in my hands. He put an arm around me and I shivered at the feeling.

  “So there were a lot of protesters outside today.” I mentioned casually while taking a slow sip the delicious Pinot Noir.

  “What were they protesting this time?” he asked in a sigh that sounded like he was annoyed. “There are so many out there on so many days that I don’t even follow what they are protesting about anymore.”

  “Well today it was about those recent cuts to the Food Stamp program.” I stated. “I would have been out there with them, but I was coming here for the President to make me pasta while their families can barely put food on the table.” I said it all so nonchalantly. He merely looked at me and rolled his eyes. “So you are going to roll your eyes?” I questioned.

  “I am because you and those others out there standing in the rain don’t fully understand why there were cuts to the program.” He stated clearly as he sat his wine on the coffee table, I did the same with mine. He was obviously offended in some way.

  “There were cuts because of the stupid conservative rhetoric about not giving handouts, but by all means let families starve.” I stated clearly.

  “Those cuts were made in order to fund the Deliverance Bill that I’m introducing next week.” he said to me.

  “The Deliverance Bill?” I questioned. I hadn’t heard anything about this and I stayed on top of everything.

  “Yes The Deliverance Bill. It is a bipartisan bill I’ve been working with members on both sides on Congress. In fact I blew off Congressman Bockstal this afternoon so I could get ready for dinner with you. This bill introduces an entirely new food stamp program. It will give food stamps to those families and anyone who is able to work will be started in a works program. We’ve got companies and government agencies all over the country willing to do job training and give jobs to these individuals. If they are to complete their program they will either be taken fully off food stamps or the amount they receive will decrease depending on the pay of the job. We want to be able to transition as many families as we can off of the program in hopes of them being self-sufficient. That is why the funding was cut. This bill is expensive and we needed to find the funds somewhere. Everyone will be freaking out and protesting this week and rejoicing next week.” he explained it all to me and I took it all in.

  Truthfully it was an amazing idea. I looked at him and studied his face. I wasn’t quite sure where I wanted to start. This bill would change everything and it could be for the better, but it seemed to me the chances of the bill passing were slim.

  “It’s a great idea, but…” I started. The very smug and confident look on his face started to fade when I got to the but.

  “But what?” he questioned.

  “But you can’t just cut this funding in anticipation of this bill. What if it fails at passing through the house? Then there is still the issue of the cut funding and families who are now starving.” I explained to him. As president I am sure he knew all of this, but I felt the need to reiterate it.

  “They won’t starve. The bill will pass.” He knowingly stated.

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “I am.” He smirked.

  “You are so arrogant.” I rolled my eyes.

  “I’m not.” He said looking slightly offended, but slightly amused.

  “You are. You are sitting there boasting about the bill that may or may not pass while there are families going without dinner tonight because you took the money to fund this bill that isn’t a 100 percent.” I explained angrily to him. He just seemed to not get it. He stood up. I figured he was angry with me, but I didn’t care because someone needed to tell him. I stood up also ready to go head to head with him. I wasn’t afraid just because he was the President. “Then there is the fact that you aren’t sure you can get the funding…” he cut me off by grabbing me and pressing his mouth roughly to mine.

  He then picked me up and carried me keeping our lips locked. I couldn’t figure out exactly where we were going, but he then put me down. I realized we were now in his bedroom. I’d only ever seen this room briefly when I accidently walk
ed in on him in his underwear. He at once stopped kissing me and I just looked at him. I wasn’t sure if I was furious with him or not.

  “You didn’t let me finish.” I growled in his direction.

  “Well you aren’t going to.” he said as he sat me on the edge of his bed.

  “Yes I am. You aren’t even sure if you can get the funding back if the bill fails so then millions of American will be going without food.” I stated.

  “We aren’t talking about that anymore.” He said standing between my legs towering over me.

  “Yes we are.” I spat.

  “Then you will be breaking our rule.” He said. I looked up at him confused. “No politics in the bedroom. You are in my bedroom therefore no more politics.”

  “Oh yeah.” I said with a frown. He was clever that was a definite fact. I crossed my arms and pouted. He simply smiled at me. “I guess to shut me up you are going to keep me in here for the rest of the night.”

  “That’s the plan. We don’t need to be fighting over politics.” He said. I knew inside he was right. That was the one thing that could majorly force us apart and I liked his presence too much to lose him by fighting him over his job and my stance on his job.

  He bent and took my face in his hands before touching his lips to mine lightly. He gave my lips soft and supple kisses. His hands moved onto the bed next to my legs. I broke the kiss and looked into his eyes. There was that glint that now looked more like a hunger.

  Without any hesitation I pushed my mouth back onto his roughly. I felt one of his hands slip behind me, his fingers moved around until he found the zipper to my dress and he started to unzip it. I wasted no time moving my fingers up every single button on his shirt, pulling it open once I reached the last button. I moved my hands up his rock hard abs and chest. He moved his arms and slid his shirt off. My hands were already at his belt working to undo it. While working at his belt I could feel the bulge in his pants growing larger with each passing second. He reached to the hem of my dress and started to pull it up. I moved to help him. He pulled his lips from mine for just that moment to yank my dress over my head.


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