Broken Politics

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Broken Politics Page 14

by Janae Keyes

  “My pleasure Ms. Johnson. I’m always happy to talk to MetroGirl.” I said as we began to walk.

  “You are the youngest President to date. Do you think your age hinders you or elevates you?” she asked her voice flowing like silk.

  “I think it elevates me. I think I’m closer to the age of the majority of the voters and that helps me see the world from their perspective a bit. Also I have great respect for those who came before me. In a way I feel like they’ve left bits and pieces of their wisdom with me in the White House.” I answered. Kayla stopped walking for a moment. I paused with her.

  “Which President of the past is your favorite and why?” she asked.

  “Thomas Jefferson. He had some amazing ideals and hell he was a founding father. How can you not admire one of the men who laid the groundwork down for our great country?” I answered truthfully. Kayla smiled and started to walk again. I paused for a second and watched her walk. I loved watching her delicious brown sugar legs. I wanted to just pull her close to me. I let out a quick sigh and then followed her.

  “So we are in Paris… the city of lights and one of the most romantic cities on the planet and you’re single; the first single president in the last 130 years. Is it weird or lonely or just right?” She asked me. I let out a small chuckle.

  “It’s a bit of all of them I would say. It is just right because without a first family I can focus on the country. The American people are my family and I want the best for them. Then it is weird because there is so much tradition wrapped around there being a President and a First Lady that just being me can be strange. I feel like I’m breaking traditions.” I stopped and looked out onto the water and Kayla joined me. “It’s also lonely. I want someone to share my life with. I want to share my home, and my bed with someone special.” I looked to her for a moment. I had a deep desire for her to see in my eyes that she was that someone.

  “I’m sure all the MetroGirl readers want to know. What is your ideal girl?” Kayla asked. I looked at her and looked as if I was thinking for a moment.

  “My ideal girl is smart. I love an intelligent girl who knows how I to hold an intelligent conversation. She is strong-minded and has her own ideas even if they differ from mine. I love when a girl can go head to head with me. I truthfully find it sexy as long as at the end of the day we can find a resolution. She’s also beautiful in her own way. She doesn’t try, she just is.” I explained thinking of Kayla and how she was all of these things and so much more. She was absolutely perfect to me.

  “Ok let’s switch gears and talk Foreign Policy.” Kayla said as we started to walk again. I loved that she could go from the MetroGirl questions to her own. “We are obviously in Paris on a mission of diplomacy. What do you hope to accomplish?”

  “I hope a lot can be accomplished. The French President and I are working on way to combat the terrorist group, The Alliance, among other things I think so far it has been a productive trip.”


  I WAS PLEASED with how the interview went in the end. It was hard to walk with Matthew and not hold his hand. We were in one of the most romantic cities in the world and I was unable to have him hold me and kiss me. He was definitely a good sport for going along with the interview and as always he was so honest with me.

  It was nice to get a small moment to regroup before heading off to the ceremony at the Eiffel Tower. I changed from my fun floral dress that I wore for the MetroGirl interview to a more professional dark purple sheath dress. I sat on my hotel room bed for a moment to take a breather. I watched as Tatiana came out of the bathroom still wearing what she wore for the MetroGirl interview.

  “I think the President likes you.” Tatiana said as she pulled her hair from the ponytail that she wore it in.

  “As in?” I questioned attempting to not seem so interested in her statement.

  “Come on you had to see the way he looked at you. He was eating you up with his eyes. He wants you.” She said as she sat down on her own bed. I chuckled.

  “Yeah the President wants me of all people.” I said trying to dismiss her with an exasperated eye roll. I thought of his words about the type of girl he wanted. I knew that he was describing me because he’d told me a number of times that I was his ideal girl.

  “He wants to have hot and sweaty sex with you. I can tell. He was having sex with you with his eyes. You are the luckiest girl ever.” She said as she slipped her heels on. I let out a breath. Thinking of Matthew and everything I felt for him.

  “We should get going. We don’t want to be late getting there. Traffic is going to be a pain.” I said trying to change the subject. I didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

  WE STOOD AT the Eiffel Tower with the other members of the press. The large brown structure was just how I’d imagined it and so much more. On such a beautiful day it was obvious that you’d want to be here with the one you loved. I watched as Matthew assisted in the ceremony that was happening of giving service members of both the American Military and French Military medals.

  I studied Matthew’s face as he stood next to the French President who was speaking. He looked proud to be involved in such a ceremony. I watched his mouth. I thought of his mouth on mine. I thought of the kisses he’d planted all over my body. I looked at his green eyes that seemed to sparkle.

  Standing here I thought of what Tatiana said about the way he looked at me. I then saw him look in the direction of the press. I knew his eyes had landed on mine. I smiled and bit my lip.

  As long as we kept our relationship secret it was going to be strange to be around one another in public. As I watched him I could only think of standing there with him. I craved to walk along holding hands and kissing in front of the tower. I wanted what every girl wanted at the Eiffel Tower. I could only think of what I would think months ago if you’d told me I would be head over heels in love with Matthew Von Hansen. I would think whoever told me that was smoking something.

  In the end I was in love with him. We were opposites, but we seemed to blend. I couldn’t believe that I’d allowed myself to be with him, but at the same time I knew he was what I was looking for my entire life though he didn’t quite come in the package that I expected. There was no way I couldn’t love him.

  As I watched him I thought about our future together.

  First Lady Kayla Von Hansen – It had a nice ring to it.

  I shook my head as I thought of it. That wasn’t the life I’d ever expected. Could we survive a life as husband and wife? Would he even want me to be his wife? I wondered about everything. It was all so much. I’d only ever thought of parts of our story, but never this.

  The ceremony ended and I saw Matthew shaking hands with people. He was a people person and that helped with his role. I watched as women in the crowd swooned over him. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, but I couldn’t deny that his sex appeal held power. I sighed as I saw him hug one of the women. I missed the feel of his arms around me. I felt like it had been forever since he held me. Sometimes this keeping a secret thing drove me to the edge.

  “Kayla!” I heard a familiar voice with a thick southern accent calling my name. I turned to see Julie coming in my direction.

  “Julie!” I said happily to my friend who’d reached me and hugged me. “How’s married life?” I asked her. Julie had come to Europe right after her wedding, but was coming to Paris to cover Matthew’s visit and then would continue with her honeymoon.

  “It’s everything I ever wanted.” She said as she glowed with happiness and pride. I was envious of her. I could see how much she obviously loved being married. In that moment I realized that I did have a desire to marry and I wanted to marry Matthew. “How’s that mysterious boyfriend of yours?”

  “He’s good.” I answered.

  “I bet you miss him.” She cooed as she looked around the crowd.

  “More than you know.” I said as I glanced at Matthew who was getting into his limo.

  “Ohhh a mysterious boyfriend… do tell!” Tatia
na piped in. I tried my best to hide my annoyance.

  “Yeah she’s got this boyfriend and they have all the hot sex. I was so jealous of her before I got married, but now I’m getting the hot sex.” Julie said cheerfully. I instantly laughed out loud. “There is nothing on the schedule for a few hours. Let’s get lunch.”

  “Yes I’m starving.” Tatiana said happily. I guess I had no choice, but to bring Tatiana along.

  LUNCH WASN’T SO bad with Tatiana and she could actually be fun. After we all finished lunch it was time to go to the joint press conference with Matthew and the President of France. It was pretty straightforward and diplomatic. Once it was over I knew that Matthew would be going to get ready for the big fancy party and I would be sitting in a hotel room with Tatiana having McDonalds for dinner.

  The window to our hotel room was open blowing in fresh air. It was a decent warm night and our hotel didn’t have air conditioning. I sat on my bed wearing a spaghetti strap top and pajama shorts while I typed up some notes I had for my final article. Tatiana sat on her bed painting her nails. I looked up at the clock and it was after 11pm. I let out a sigh as I looked out of the window for a moment. I could hear the sounds of laughter and music coming from the café that was on the corner.

  I heard the sounds of a cell phone ringing. I looked over to Tatiana who looked at me.

  “Not me.” She said at once. I at once remembered the phone Matthew gave me. I searched through my cluttered purse and pulled it out. On the screen it displayed that Secure was calling. I was instantly happy without a doubt.

  “Hey!” I gushed answering the call.

  “That’s the voice I’ve been missing all night.” Matthew said to me. It was pretty impossible to not smile in that moment. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you too.”

  “I want to see you…Tonight.”

  “Tonight?” I questioned. It would be virtually impossible. His hotel was on the other side of the city and flocked with reporters.

  “Yes be ready in 20 minutes. A car will come get you.” He said. I was instantaneously excited, but at the same time I was afraid. I wanted to spend just a moment of time with him while in Paris.

  “Ok I’ll be ready.” I said.

  “See you then Baby.” He said before he ended the call. I jumped out of bed and went to my suitcase. I pulled out something to wear and rushed into the bathroom. I dressed in a pair of jeans, a white tank top, and a gold sequin shrug. I pulled my straight hair from the bun I was wearing it in and let it fall to my shoulders. I quickly grabbed my make-up bag from the counter and put on just a small bit of make-up. Looking at myself in the mirror I felt beautiful.

  I walked from the small Parisian hotel bathroom and back to my suitcase where I pulled out a pair of gold pump heels and slipped them on.

  “You look hot!” Tatiana said. In those moments I’d forgotten she was even here. “I am in love with that shrug and those shoes are everything. Was that your mystery boyfriend who called?”

  “Yes.” I answered proudly.

  “Oh Em Gee you’re going to see him. He’s in Paris?” she questioned. She looked like she was going to crap her pants out of pure excitement. I swear she was more excited than me and I was pretty excited.

  “Yes I’m going to see him now.” I said as I picked up my purse and secured cell phone from my bed. A smile was permanently planted on my face.

  “Have fun!” she said happily.

  “Thanks. Don’t wait up.” I instructed before I left the hotel room.

  I didn’t have to wait outside long. A black Mercedes with tinted windows pulled up. The passenger door opened and Ray got out of the car.

  “Hi Kayla.”

  “Hey Ray.” I greeted him as he opened the back door for me. I slipped into the backseat and he closed the door. We zoomed off through the streets of Paris. I just looked out of the window not knowing exactly where I was being taken. Paris was beautiful at night. All of the old and regal buildings seemed to pop even more in the dim glow of the streetlights.

  I spotted the Eiffel Tower all aglow. It was beautiful, as the lights seemed to simply sparkle like stars. Its beauty struck me. We began to get closer and closer to it until we were right out front and the car stopped. Ray got out of the car and opened the door for me. I stepped out into the warm summer Parisian night air.

  “This way Kayla.” Ray instructed. I simply followed him.

  I realized that the streets around the tower seemed to be blocked by Paris police and there were secret service agents all around. I spotted the back of a man that I knew too well. He turned around and it was Matthew giving me a huge grin. He was still in his tux from the party. I wanted to run to him, but I kept my pace and made it to him. He quickly grabbed me into his arms.

  “God I’ve missed the smell and feel of you Baby.” He said into my hair. I pressed my face to his chest and inhaled his scent. I looked up at him and smiled before he brought his mouth to mine in a warm and passionate kiss. I felt his hands slip down the sides of my body taking in my curves. He then grabbed at my backside.

  “Matthew!” I said playfully hitting his chest.

  “The elevator is here sir.” A secret service agent said.

  “Come with me.” Matthew said as he took my hand and we stepped into one of the Eiffel Tower elevators with a secret service agent.

  He held my hand tightly as we rode up. When we made it to our destination we stepped out and it was like nothing I’d seen before. This entire old city was lit in a dim golden glow. I turned to Matthew who gave me a smile. I walked to the barrier and he slipped his arms around my waist.

  “It’s all so beautiful.” I breathed taking in the city in front of me.

  “Just like you.” He whispered his lips just grazing my earlobe. I turned slightly and looked up at him. This was all I wanted. I just wanted to be in this city with his arms around me at least once. He bent his head down to mine and kissed my lips gently. I then turned and looked back out at Paris.

  After a few moments and standing in silence he took one of his hands from my waist. A few seconds later a little teal Tiffany box was in front of my face. I took it from his hand and turned to him.

  “What’s this?” I asked him.

  “A little something since it is your first time in Paris.” He said. I slipped the bow off the box and opened the box to find a sterling silver Eiffel Tower charm for my bracelet.

  “I love it.” I proclaimed as I lifted the charm from the box.

  “Here.” He said as he took the charm from my fingers. “Give me your arm.” He then said. I lifted the arm that I wore the bracelet on. He picked a spot and clipped the charm to my bracelet. I looked at my bracelet in the light with my three charms.

  “It’s perfect. Thank you.” I said before I kissed him fully on the lips. I felt my stomach jump as I kissed him. He pulled me much closer and deepened the kiss. I allowed his tongue into my mouth. The passion that he transmitted to me through the kiss was all encompassing. Moving his lips away from mine I couldn’t help, but to grin happily.

  “By the way during the interview I loved every time you called me Mr. President. You sounded unbelievably sexy.” He said giving me a grin.

  “Is that so… Mr. President.” I said putting a very seductive emphasis on Mr. President.

  “God you are everything and so much more.” He affirmed as she quickly grabbed me into his arms he pulled me as close as possible. I could feel his heartbeating and his mouth came to mine. He held my waist tightly with one hand while the other hand slowly traveled up my shirt. It felt like fire on ice feeling his fingers slowly glide along my skin. His fingers slipped over one of my nipples that were getting harder with each passing second. He planted kisses from my mouth down to my neck. “I need you... right now.” He growled in my ear. I felt his arousal pressed against me as he held me tighter.

  “Well we can’t do that here.” I said to him.

  “Then let’s go.” He quickly pulled away and gr
abbed me by my hand and pulled me with him to the elevator that was waiting for us. A secret service agent was in the elevator as before, but Matthew didn’t seem to care. He pulled me close his hands all over my body. He wanted me I could feel it and I wanted him too.

  When we reached the ground floor he pulled me with him. He held my hand firmly as we walked at a rapid pace to his waiting limo. A waiting Secret Service agent opened the door for us. I got inside as fast as I could and he followed me in.

  In the limo he pulled me close and planted kisses along my collarbone. With each kiss I could feel his wanting building more intense. His lips brushed my neck slightly and it tickled. I let out a small giggle and looked at him.

  “Oh Mr. President.” I said giving him a grin. I could see the lust growing deep in his eyes.

  “I can’t wait for all your clothes to be off.” He practically growled at me. His hands slid up my thighs. He kissed me hard. His teeth graze along my bottom lip. I moaned into his mouth wanting everything he had to give and more.

  By the time we reached his hotel the two of us are out of breath from our intense make-out session and both of us were ready for much more than kissing. The limo pulled into a garage behind the hotel away from the prying eyes outside. The car came to a stop and the door was opened for us. Matthew quickly pulled me from the limo with him. We entered the beautiful hotel.

  “This place is gorgeous!” I said amazed at how beautiful the hotel was. The walls were lined with a dark cherry wood and everything seemed to regal and timeless. “This is much better than the dump I’m staying at.”

  “Next time you stay with me.” He said as we reached an elevator that was waiting for us.

  Ray stepped into the elevator with us. Matthew kept his fingers intertwined with mine as we rode up to his floor. At once the elevator opened and he pulled me out with him. We walked briskly up a hall until we reached the Presidential Suite. The agent outside of the door opened the door and Matthew pulled me inside.


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