Broken Politics

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Broken Politics Page 21

by Janae Keyes

  I simply let out a sigh and opened the folder looking over the talking points for my speech later tonight. “Thanks Victor.”

  “If I may sir. This would be a good time to break ties with the reporter. Shit is literally hitting the fan just over her identity and imagine if news of your relationship with her was to slip into the wrong hands. Your political career would be over. You could kiss re-election goodbye. Already her presence has caused you to veer greatly from your intended route in this presidency.” Victor said.

  I didn’t even want to look up at him in this moment. My blood was boiling because he thought he had the audacity to comment on my personal relationship. I wasn’t going to allow him or anyone else dictate the course of my relationship with Kayla nor the course of my presidency.

  “I’m not even going to respond to you Victor because if I do I will tear you apart. Now if I were you I would leave this instant.” I growled while looking down at the folder in my hands.

  “But you know I speak the truth… Mr. President.” Victor said. I shot my head up at him. I knew that my eyes must have been filled with pure rage by the way Victor looked at me. “Think on it Matthew… Think on it.” He said before he turned and walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

  I had to take a deep breath. I had to calm my nerves. I needed to hear her voice. I needed her to calm me. I sat the folder down and went to find my phone. I picked it up and instantly dialed her number. It was a Saturday morning in DC. It rang a few times and then the sweetest voice I’d ever heard answered the line. An instant wave of calm rushed over me.

  “Hey.” I said to her.

  “It’s so early.” Kayla groaned sleepily.

  “I’m sorry. I just needed to hear your voice before I left to this banquet.” I told her. I could hear the sounds of her stretching. “Sleeping well at Blair House?”

  “Yeah the bed is comfy. I still miss your bed.” She said. Feelings of electricity shot through my body with her words. I missed her beyond anything. I wanted to feel the simplicity yet complexity of her touch. I wanted her lips, her hands, and her body… I needed her near more than I needed air to breathe.

  “I miss you.” I said simply.

  “Just under two weeks now.” She stated. These would be the longest two weeks ever. I knew exactly what I wanted to do to her the moment I saw her. I knew exactly the places I wanted to kiss and the places I wanted to touch. I could feel tension growing in my pants as I thought of her. I cursed under my breath as I saw I would have to leave in only moments.

  “I can only think of all the things I want to do to you when I see you.” I said to her nearly growling as I spoke.

  “MmmHmm.” She answered with a sigh. I knew she was also thinking of those things. “I’m going to try and go into work today. At least go to the MetroGirl offices.”

  “Be careful Kayla.” I instructed. She was so hardheaded. I knew she couldn’t be still and that working was all she wanted to do right now.

  “I promise that I will.” She responded. I knew she was smiling to herself. I knew the tone of her voice when she was smiling. God I loved her.

  “Mr. President the car is ready.” A voice called from the door.

  “I’ve got to go Baby.” I said to her. I heard her sigh.

  “Have a good time at the banquet.” She said sweetly. She was so selfless. I loved that in simple words she could encourage me. I wasn’t terribly looking forward to the banquet, but with just a few words I was feeling a bit more optimistic about the night.

  “I love you.” I said to her.

  “I love you too.” She said. “Bye.”

  I ended the call. I wasn’t just counting down the weeks, but the hours, minutes, and seconds until I could have Kayla in my arms again and all would be right in the world because it was only right when I had Kayla by my side.


  Hello…My name is Kayla

  This week has been a challenge for me. This week you all learned who I am. You by now all know that my name is Kayla Johnson. I’m 29 years old and I write full time for MetroGirl Magazine. I started Broken Politics when I moved to DC. I was now in the center of the American political atmosphere and there were so many problems that I was starring in the face. I wanted to voice my opinions on our broken nation. I wanted to voice my opinions on this broken political system and I wanted to voice my opinions of those we put our trust in to fix it.

  Many people have taken what I write to heart and it has inspired some good and has also inspired some hate. Please don’t take what I write personally unless it has hit something in your core. If my writings have done that then look deep into yourself and figure out why it has affected you so.

  I just want to write and write I will, but please the emails, letters, and packages that are laced with pure hate and disgustingness are not needed and they retract away from my goal. I am human and my feelings also get hurt. I simply ask that I am allowed to use my First Amendment rights to voice my feelings and concerns as you all do.

  Until Then,


  Chapter Fifteen


  IT TOOK ABOUT five days, but the story died. The world knew that I was K. I’d been forced out of hiding, but I guess it was due. I felt I had more freedom in a way. I was no longer keeping one secret, but I still had another huge secret.

  Matthew had returned from Asia after a very successful trip. Having him back with me was everything. Things were how they were supposed to be again. At least for now they were.

  I came into the residence holding a garment bag that held my dress for the party tonight. There was a party and dinner being held in honor of a long term White House staffer who was retiring. I’d bought myself a new dress for the party and I even got Simone an invitation.

  “You’re back already.” Matthew said as I walked into his bedroom with my dress. I put my dress over a chair and walked to the bed where Matthew was sitting with a laptop. I bent to him and kissed him gently. There was a surge of electricity that went through my body when I kissed him. I loved that feeling.

  “Working in bed today?” I questioned. It had been a few hours since I left this morning to get my nails done and pick up my dress.

  “Yeah since getting back from my trip I feel like I’m coming down with something. I figured I would get some rest in and work from here today.” He said watching me as I walked back to the chair and opened the garment bag that contained my dress.

  I pulled out my dress. It was a strapless babydoll design. The bodice of the dress had a sweetheart neckline and was covered in gold sequin while the skirt was cream chiffon and stopped just above my knees. My dress was perfect because I knew there would be a lot of dancing tonight and it was appropriate enough for a party at the White House while sexy enough to keep Matthew’s eye all night.

  “Do you like it?” I asked him as I held the dress up.

  “I love it. It is going to look perfect on you.” He said with his eyes going back and forth between the dress and me.

  “Perfect.” I said as I put the dress back into the bag and zipped it up.

  I walked over to the bed and took off my shoes. I climbed onto the bed and pulled the blanket over myself before cuddling onto Matthew’s chest. I felt his hand stroke my arm and I lay there. We’d been nearly inseparable since he’d got back from his Asia trip. He closed his laptop and sat it on the bedside table before fully wrapping me in his arms.

  “I was thinking we could go on a little trip.” He said into my hair.

  “Where? Camp David?” I asked him knowing we didn’t have many options besides Camp David.

  “No I want to go somewhere warm. I was thinking my parents place in Anguilla. They own all the land around their property including the beach so we would be virtually alone plus out of this snow.” He said. I smiled thinking of being in the sun once again. “I was thinking we could go in another couple weeks. We could get there around the 14th of February.”

Valentine’s Day.” I said thinking of spending Valentine’s Day with him on a tropical island. I was instantly excited and I knew I was totally down for this trip.

  “That was the plan.” He said placing a kiss on my forehead.

  “Then it’s perfect.” I said looking up at him. I pulled myself to where I could be face to face with him. I pressed my lips to his hard. He held me tighter and moved me so I was lying on the bed and he was over me. He stopped the kiss and his green eyes looked into mine. I could only smile. This was the two of us. Made for one another.

  SIMONE AND I walked through the party with drinks in our hand. I spotted Matthew on the other side of the room. This was one of those times where we were in the same room, but couldn’t interact the way we wanted to. The party was packed and there were quite a few reporters here. This was my first party at the White House. I knew they were glamorous and amazing and this was amazing.

  There were some pretty important people here all dressed to the nines. The drinks were flowing and all the food was fantastic. I spotted Joey and waved him over to Simone and I. Joey was wearing a nice black tux. He gave me a smile as he approached us.

  “How are you ladies doing tonight?” he asked us.

  “We’re doing great. Joey this is my best friend Simone. Simone this is Joey Stevens and he writes for The Daily Post.” I said introducing the two of them.

  “I finally meet the famous Simone. Kayla talks about you all the time.” Joey said as he took Simone’s hand and kissed it.

  “Well you know I’m pretty awesome…so.” Simone said. I playfully rolled my eyes at her. I finished off my glass of champagne and put it on the tray of a passing waiter.

  The DJ then changed the music and the lights went lower. A strobe light then came on and it seemed that the real party had started. The song Yeah from Usher started to play.

  “Oh my goodness this is senior year of High School.” Simone said with a squeal. I started to laugh as I thought of Simone and I in High School blasting this song out of my 1989 Ford Escort. Simone then grabbed my hand and pulled me with her to the dance floor.

  We were dancing and having a blast. It seemed a good chunk of the room had also joined. The dance floor was packed and it seemed that all of these people who outside of this room seemed to be the most stuck-up people who sucked out all of the fun were also on the floor dancing like there was no tomorrow. I spotted Matthew across the room. I saw him give me a smile as I danced. I wanted to dance with him. I wanted us to have fun together. I looked back a moment later to see him in an intense conversation. My heart seemed to sink. This was us with our secret.

  Joey joined us on the dance floor. We were all having such a great time. I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned to see Victor who gave me a motion to follow him.

  I followed Victor off the dance floor and out of the room. He walked me down to his office. I stepped inside of his office. I’d never been in here before. It was dim and haunting. I could feel all of the negative energy that he seemed to put off in this room.

  “Kayla.” He said simply. He leaned on the front edge of his desk and just looked at me. I could only wonder why he wanted me in here. “I need you to do something for me tonight.”

  “Something like?” I questioned not feeling comfortable at all. I already didn’t like where this was going.

  “You are going to go to Matthew and you will break off your relationship.” He stated simply.

  “No I’m not.” I said. I turned and went to leave the room. I put my hand on the doorknob.

  “I wouldn’t leave if I were you.” He said. I turned back to him wondering what he was getting at. “Want to know who leaked your identity as K?” he simply questioned with a grin. “It was me. It wasn’t hard to connect the dots really especially once I learned of your relationship with Matthew. You’ve seemed to blind him with whatever you are offering him. Maybe it is the companionship or maybe it is the sex. Whatever it is. It will stop. I can ruin everything you have going for you. I can make it all crumble with the snap of my fingers.” He said as he simply snapped his fingers for effect.

  “What do you want from me?” I asked.

  “I want you gone. I want to make this White House white once again.” He said with no emotion. I couldn’t believe how blatantly racist he was being to my face. “Now you will do what I say or your career will be over faster than it can begin. Think you can get somewhere better than MetroGirl? You can, but with me in your way you will never get anywhere. Then think of your poor mommy in California. I can have her out of a job in a second and then who will make her house payments and then where will she live?” The moment he mentioned my mom my entire body went tense. He knew where to get me. He knew that you could break me all you wanted, but my mom that was another story. “Then of course think of Matthew. If your relationship were to go public he would be the laughing stock of the party. A republican President having an affair with a black liberal journalist, he could kiss a re-election nomination goodbye and we both know that would crush him. We both know he is good at what he does and he needs all the support he can get, but with you he could kiss that support out the window. Oh yeah and think of your followers. All those niggers out there, who for some reason look up to you. Knowing that you, their hero was fucking the man they despised… You would be laughed away and your little blog would be nothing. So Kayla… you are going to tell Matthew what you have is over and you will get the hell out of this White House.”

  I just stood there. Every single raw emotion I could feel was welling up inside of me. I didn’t know what to think. I could think of Matthew and how I knew he wanted to be re-elected. I couldn’t keep him away from his dream. I loved him too much to not allow his dreams to succeed. He supported my dreams with everything and the one thing I could do in return was to support his dreams.

  Then there was my mom. I knew Victor was ruthless and I knew Victor had connections. I knew what Victor could do. I couldn’t let my mom’s life be ruined based on who I wanted to be with. I just looked at Victor trying to keep the tears from spilling out and I nodded.

  “What’s that?” he asked a grin appearing on his face.

  “I’ll do it.” I choked out. I turned away wiping away my tears.

  “Well go on.” He plainly with no emotion whatsoever.

  I couldn’t remember walking back into the party, but I had. I looked around the room. I spotted Matthew. I saw his smile and his green eyes. I hated myself in the moment. My heart was in so much pain as I walked. I walked straight to Matthew. I saw him look away from his conversation and his green eyes instantly met mine.

  “Mr. President there is a small matter that needs your attention. Could I steal you for a moment?” I said as I looked away from his eyes. My heart was pounding out of my chest.

  “Yes. Excuse me Mr. Ambassador.” He said to the man he was speaking to. I led us from the room and down the hall. I was walking quickly. If this was to happen I needed it to happen quickly. “Kayla slow down.” He said from behind me.

  We walked into the residence and stood in the sitting room. I couldn’t look at him. I already felt the tears that were falling down my face.

  “Kayla what’s wrong.” He asked me instantly as he took my face into his hands and started wiping away my tears. I said nothing. “Kayla speak to me.”

  I took a breath and looked up at him. I moved his hands from my face and took a step back. “Matthew.” I said through my tears. I rarely called him Matthew and he knew instantly I just knew that he knew. “I…I can’t allow this to continue. We need to stop this here.” I pulled the promise ring from my finger.

  “Kayla. Why are you doing this?” I could hear the pain in his voice. I looked away from him. I couldn’t look at him. My entire body was in pain. I was shaking. I wanted to vomit. I could literally taste the bile trying to work it’s way up. I never imagined doing this.

  “Because I need to. I’m ending this. I’m ending you and I. I… I can’t anymore.” I said choking out s
obs. I felt his hands on my shoulders. I shook them away. “Take this.” I put the ring in his hand. “I’m going to go. Please don’t follow me. Just let me go. If you love me you will let me go. You will move on with your life and I will just be a distant memory.”

  “Kayla.” He simply whispered. I wiped my tears away and I began to walk away. With every step I took I could feel my heart literally shattering into a million pieces. “Kayla please…don’t.” I could hear him crying, but I couldn’t look back. I needed to go.

  I found myself back in the party. I scanned the room and found Simone dancing with Joey still. I quickly walked up to Simone who instantly stopped dancing and looked at me. She knew something was wrong.

  “Kay… what’s wrong?” she asked.

  “I need to go. I’m going home.” I said at once trying to not breakdown in the middle of the dancefloor.

  “I’m coming with you.” She instantly said. I just nodded. I spotted Matthew by the door. I could see the pain in his eyes and on his face. My tears were falling as Simone and I left through another door.

  I sat in Simone’s car and I cried. I just looked out of the window and watched the White House get further and further away. I watched my life with Matthew dissipate.

  “I can’t breathe.” I said at once as I struggled to roll the window down. I was sweating and my breathing was quick and hard. My heart was beating hard. I was having a panic attack.

  “Breath slowly with me. In…and out….In….and out.” Simone said. I followed her instructions and started to breath in slow deep breaths. I closed my eyes for the moment. I could see Matthew’s face; the pain in his eyes. I’d broken both our hearts. “Kayla what happened?”

  “I broke up with Matthew.” I said simply looking out of the window. It was real. I’d broken up with him. I’d ended the most amazing thing I’d ever had. I was in pain now. I’d allowed this pain; I caused this pain.


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