[Bellevue Bullies 01.0] Boarded by Love

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[Bellevue Bullies 01.0] Boarded by Love Page 16

by Toni Aleo

  “What did Jimmy have to say?

  She eyes me, and then rolls her eyes. “I know you aren’t jealous.”

  “No way, I’m just asking,” I say and she laughs.

  “Oh gosh, nothing. He asked me if I wanted to dance, and I said no, that I’m with someone. Is that a problem?”

  Yes. “No, not at all. You can dance all you want.”

  She laughs as she wraps her arms around mine and leans her face on my shoulder. “Do you know how cute it is when you pout being all jealous?”

  I don’t answer and she giggles as she rubs her nose along my jaw. “Have I told you that I’m glad I’m here with you?”

  I give her a sideways glance and shrug. “No.”

  Her giggles continue but then her hands slide down my thigh and I jump in surprise. Looking at her, I say, “Wow, getting a little frisky, aren’t you?”

  “I’m trying to cheer you up,” she says innocently and I laugh, bringing her in for a kiss, but she dodges it. “I don’t kiss my competition.”

  “But you’ll feel them up?”

  She looks at me all wide-eyed and like I’m an idiot. “Of course. It weakens you.”

  All I can do is shake my head. “Well played, Ms. Anderson.”

  “Thank you,” she says and turns her attention to the stage where my brother is doing a horrible rendition of NSYNC’s “Bye, Bye, Bye.” We watch as Matt, Bryan, and Caleb have their turns, and in my opinion, my only competition is Claire. Going up next, I grab the mic as Justin Timberlake’s “Summer Love” starts. Looking out toward Claire, I smile as I sing and she moves in the chair, singing along with me. Moving my body to the beat, the girls all scream, and my girl looks at me like I’m a big piece of cake and she is the fattest kid in America craving me.

  Hell, if I’d known singing Justin Timberlake would get her all hot and bothered I would have done this four days ago.

  Finishing the song, the place goes wild and I know I’ve taken this category. There is no way she can beat that response or the fact that I didn’t miss a lyric at all. Jumping off the stage with a little more pep in my step since I know she won’t beat me in the rap category, I head toward her and she meets me in the middle again.

  “Was that for me?”

  I shrug. “Maybe.”

  “Good choice, but my beloved JT won’t distract me from kicking your ass. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have extreme karaoke

  to beat you in,” she says with a look, and then she passes by me as I fight the smile that wants to come out.

  This girl is nothing but fire.

  When I get to my seat, I turn to see that she’s handing the DJ her phone and then she goes onstage. I don’t know what she’s doing, but then the soft medley to a song starts and her voice is like an angel’s, filling the quiet pub. I know the lyrics though; it’s a remake of Drake’s “Hold on, We’re Going Home.” It’s soft and beautiful, and as I watch her sing, I know my chances of winning this round have just been blown out of the water. Not only that, but good God, she is amazing and the words…I know they’re for me. Because she’s a good girl and I know it, and everyone knows I act so different around her. While I had done the same, it was playful and to throw her off her game, but this feels way different. When her eyes meet mine, everything inside me sizzles.

  When she ends the song with a grin, the crowd isn’t as loud as they were for me, but still, she won that round, in my opinion. Coming offstage, she exchanges a grin with Jayden before coming toward me as I stand.

  “I have to admit, that may have thrown me off my game,” I say and she smiles up at me.

  “That’s our song,” she says as she takes a step toward me. “At least for now.”

  “So that means you’ll be taking me home?”

  Her smile grows. “Or maybe you’ll take me home? For sleeping purposes, of course.”

  “But of course,” I agree, and she laughs as I wrap my arms around her, kissing the top of her head.

  She turns in my arms and I hold her as we watch as the rest of our group go. They all suck and I really don’t know why I come here to steal their money. It sort of makes me an asshole, but it’s fun nonetheless, and if they want to donate to the “Jude likes food” fund, that’s on them. As I hold Claire, I can’t help but want to steal her and take her back to my house, hold her body and feel her against me as we sleep. As soon as that thought enters my head, I can’t help but wonder who I’m becoming. There was a time when I wanted to get a girl home to fuck her, but I just want to cuddle with Claire. This girl has completely taken over my brain, and I don’t mind one bit.

  When it comes to my turn again, she turns in my arms and gives me this little puppy dog look that has me weak in the knees. Batting her eyelashes as me, her hands slide down my back to my ass where she grips it, causing me to groan, my eyes locked with hers.

  “I hope you don’t mess up,” she says with a big innocent grin that I know is crap.

  Removing her hands, I playfully push her away and set her with a look, totally surprised by her antics to win. I can’t help but admire them, but still! I don’t like being the victim of them.

  “You play superdirty!” I accuse.

  “Dirty is the only way to win,” she says with a grin.

  I eye her some more, and I know that I’m in trouble with this girl. Heading toward the stage, I know I am going to win, even with her ruthless playing. I know this song like I know the back of my hand. It’s one of my warm-up songs and also a favorite. When the beat drops and “Talk Dirty” by Jason Derulo comes over the speakers, the girls lose it. I know everyone likes this song; I’ve sung it before and cleaned house against everyone. I start to work the crowd, acting as if I’m singing to everyone. Before I would have been, but now, I’m just trying to win. When I catch her gaze, she’s glaring, but there is a grin on her face, so surely I’m not in trouble.

  If I am, I’ll worry about that after this. Right now, I gotta win.

  When I finish the song, everyone is so loud that I think I’m playing hockey and not trying to kick my girl’s ass in some karaoke. High-fiving people and receiving hugs and even numbers from girls, I head toward Claire and she’s still giving me that glare. Reaching for her hand, I place the numbers in it and she rips them up before throwing them in the trash beside her.

  “I was gonna do that,” I say and she rolls her eyes.

  “I’m sure you were. I’m just making sure it’s done right.”

  Laughing, I say, “Aw, are you jealous, baby? That’s so cute.”

  With her eyes in slits, she flips me the bird and walks past me. I smack her ass, and her hands go to cover her ass as she looks back at me, a beautiful, happy grin on her face. Sticking her tongue out at me, she goes to the DJ and I laugh all the way back to my seat.

  “You are a completely different person when you’re with her,” Jayden says when I reach him.

  I shrug. “Maybe.”

  “It’s good, Jude, real good.”

  Looking away a tad bit embarrassed, I watch as Claire goes to the middle of the floor. When the music for “Drop it Low” by Ester Dean starts, I know I’m in trouble. Like I knew she would, as soon as she starts singing, her ass is wiggling and moving along with the beat, sending the guys in the pub into a frenzy. Holding on to the chair, I watch as my girl basically works her ass like a stripper would. Everyone in the pub is on their feet in no time, hollering and cheering her on as she not only sings well but works that ass like she wants the gold. Or better yet the hundred and twenty bucks that sits in the middle of the table. Dropping it down, she moves with the music, and while yes, it turns me on, I have to applaud her drive to win.

  Bowing as everyone cheers and hollers, she stands back up and then looks over at me with a look that tells me she knows she just won. When she comes to the table and Hannah hands her the money, she grins at me as she steps over to me.

  “Guess there’s a new winner in town,” she says, fanning the hundred dollars out and cooling herself wi
th it.

  “You cheated.”

  She laughs. “How?”

  “Working that stage like a stripper! That’s not fair, all that ass is memorizing!”

  Something flashes in her eyes, but it’s gone immediately, and she’s laughing while looking away. “Good thing, huh?”

  “How is that a good thing?!”

  Looking up at me, she says, “’Cause all this ass is yours.”

  Something hot lights up her eyes and I reach for her, pulling her against me as I nod slowly. “Yeah, you’re right, that is a good thing. A really good thing.”

  I may have lost, but really, with that last statement, I think I just won.

  Chapter 21


  I love walking with Claire like this.

  My arm is around her shoulders, her arm comes across her body and her fingers are laced with mine. She’s tucked into my side, so close and it feels as if she’s molded into me. Like a part of me, almost.

  It’s comfortable. It’s right to me.

  “I have to admit,” she starts and I look down to meet her blazing blue gaze. “I didn’t expect you to sing so well.”

  “Ah, underestimating me. How shitty of you.” She laughs, and I smile before saying, “Yeah, my mom always says when I don’t want to play hockey anymore that I need to sing, but I won’t ever not want to play hockey.”

  “I haven’t seen you play yet, but I know how hockey players are, and that’s usually how it is. All-in or nothing.”

  I nod. “Yup, very true. You have a nice voice.”

  “Thanks,” she says with a grin. “I have a karaoke voice but not a stage voice. I’m more of a dancer, I think.”

  “Yeah, I have to agree with you on that. I’ve seen you dance, which, by the way, what do you mean you haven’t seen me play? That’s just sad. We’ve been dating for almost a week, and you haven’t seen me murder the ice yet. I’m so appalled.”

  She laughs, turning out of my arms and then dropping her hand from mine to wrap around my waist. Looking up into my eyes, she grins and I’m lost in her gaze. It’s heart-stopping, honestly.

  “I promise to come to your next practice. When is it?”

  “Saturday, 5:30 a.m.”

  “Good God! Why?”

  I laugh. “’Cause my coach is evil.”

  “Agreed. Jeez, yeah, I’ll be there.”

  “Awesome,” I say and she wraps her arms around me a little more firmly. My heart warms as she tucks back into my side and we begin walking again. I feel so right with her like this. I feel as if this is what I’m supposed to do all the time. Close to my girl, her body pressed to mine and walking, silently, with no cares in the world because I have her to myself. It’s perfect.

  When we reach the Bullies’ house, I stop and look down at her. “So where are we going? Am I taking you back to your dorm, or are you staying here?”

  She grins up at me. “Can you keep your hands to yourself?”

  I smirk. “I can try, but more than likely, I won’t.”

  “Should I go home then?”

  “No, you should come in,” I say, kissing her temple. We start for the door and she says, “I have to leave early though. I have to go dress shopping with Reese.”

  “Do you need a ride?”

  “No, I’ll go get my car and head out.”

  “Want to go get it now?”

  She shrugs. “It doesn’t matter.”

  “Yeah, let’s go. We’ll ride my bike.”

  It only takes a few minutes to get on the bike and head to her car. She points out her car and when I see that it’s a BMW Z4 Roadster, I’m floored.

  “Damn, you drive that?”

  She laughs as she gets off the bike, handing me her helmet. “It’s old. Don’t get hard off it.”

  I scoff. “It doesn’t matter how old it is, that sucker is beautiful.”

  “Yeah, funny thing is I used to think this car was ugly. I was wrong, obviously. I love her and her old ass – she’s my girl. Anyway, I’ll meet you over there.”

  “Cool,” I say, still checking out her car and then checking her out as she gets in it. It’s extremely sexy having a hot girl in a hot car. I have to adjust in my seat just to relieve some of the pressure my dick is causing in my jeans. Letting out a long breath, I can’t help but think that it’s gonna be hard, literally, sleeping beside a hot girl who drives a hot car. I’ll manage, though.

  Pulling away, I drive toward the house and wait out in the parking lot for her. She pulls up a few minutes after I do, and I laugh as she gets out of the car.

  “With all the power that car has, you drive like an old lady?”

  She glares. “For your information, I don’t like getting tickets, and having this kind of car, campus police are on me like white on rice.”

  “Always so responsible,” I tease, but when the heat flashes in her eyes, I am swallowing loudly.

  “Let’s go inside and I’ll show you how irresponsible I can be,” she says as she comes up to me, taking my face in her hands and pressing her mouth to mine. Wrapping my arms around her, I kiss her hard, holding her so close I’m sure she can’t breathe, but I can’t help it. Heat rolls off her body, and my dick is so hard against the zipper of my jeans that it hurts, but I just can’t stop. I need to feel her, and the more we kiss, the more I know my earlier thought of not being able to sleep beside her and not be buried inside her rings true. But when she pulls away, her eyes blazing with lust, I know that I’ll wait forever as long as I get to see that look after each kiss.

  “That’s against the rules,” I point out, and she smiles a little minx-type grin.

  “Maybe we can bend them a bit?”

  I eye her, wondering if this is a trick. She could be testing me, but the lust in her eyes says she isn’t, and I don’t know how I feel about that. While I want nothing more than to lose myself completely in her, I know that I want her to know this is for real.

  “Let’s go in,” I say roughly and she nods, looking so damn good it hurts.

  Dragging my gaze away from her, I head inside, and as soon as the door shuts, all the guys who are on the couch look back at us. One by one, they grin, and I glare as they all shout out catcalls.

  “Get it, Sinclair.”

  “Yeah, buddy, back on the horse.”

  “Damn, she’s fine.”

  In my head, I’m planning Matt’s funeral as I flip them off before heading downstairs to my room. “They’re idiots.”

  “Most guys are.”

  I flash her a mock hurt look, and she laughs a little harder. “Except for you, babe.”

  “That’s right,” I say, wrapping my arms around her and then pushing her against the door, intending to go in for a long, lusty kiss, but before I can, it slams open and Jayden looks up from his computer, raising an eyebrow.

  “Hey, guys,” he says cautiously.

  “Hey, leave,” I say.

  He glares and Claire smacks me.

  “That’s rude!” she scolds me and I laugh.

  “Do you want him seeing you in panties and a bra?” I ask and her look says it all. No, she doesn’t. Looking back at Jayden, I say, “’Cause I sure don’t, so leave, Jay.”

  “No way. I was here first.”

  “I don’t care, this room is off-limits for the night,” I say, detangling myself from Claire and throwing my keys down.

  “That’s fucked up. You never cared before!” he says, grabbing his computer and then his pillow before standing up.

  “You had sex with girls in front of your brother?” she gasps, bringing my attention back to her. “And you watched?”

  I shrug. “They didn’t matter.”

  “I didn’t watch. I’m not a freak,” Jayden says.

  Shaking her head, she says, “That’s so not okay.”

  “Yeah, probably wasn’t. Bye, Jayden,” I say as he passes by us.

  “Fuck off!”

  “Thanks,” Claire calls.

  “You’re lucky she’s nic
e!” Jayden yells as he stomps up the stairs.

  I shut the door and then glance down at her.

  “I think he might be upset.”

  Laughing, she says, “I think so. Can’t blame him.”

  “Ah, he can room with a freshman if he’s that mad. I need privacy with my girl,” I say, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her in close, nuzzling her neck.

  “Isn’t he a freshman? Why is he sharing with you?”

  Pulling away, I kiss her jaw before letting her go to remove my shirt. “’Cause my mom wanted to make sure he was safe, and plus freshmen are dirty. I’m not.”

  She looks around my room and nods. “Yeah, I can see that.”

  I flash her a grin before pulling off my pants and then locking the door. Running toward the bed, I jump onto the small trampoline I use for cardio when I’m bored and bounce up onto the bed. Feeling like a badass, I send her a grin.

  “Impressive,” she says, but I don’t think she thinks I’m as cool as I do.

  “Thanks,” I say with a wink. “Care to join me in my love bed in the sky?”

  Giving me a look that tells me she’s not impressed with my love bed in the sky, she says, “Have you washed the sheets lately?”

  That came off a little sharp. “Of course,” I say slowly, eyeing her. “Wait, are you mad ’cause girls have been in my bed?”

  “I’m not mad,” she says as she removes her shirt and then leggings, leaving her in a delicious pink push-up bra and matching thong. “I don’t care. Just don’t call it some stupid love bed in the stupid sky.”

  Yup, she’s mad.

  “You’re such a liar,” I say as she climbs the ladder to my bed.

  “Whatever. And what grown man sleeps in a bunk bed!”

  I chuckle as I shrug. “It’s not really a bunk bed ’cause Jayden’s bed is over there instead of under mine.”

  “Still, it’s weird,” she says with a snotty little look as she lies beside me.

  Laughing, I look over at her. “Stop.”

  “Stop what? I’m doing nothing,” she says, cuddling up with my blanket, but I pull it away and cover her body with mine.


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