[Bellevue Bullies 01.0] Boarded by Love

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[Bellevue Bullies 01.0] Boarded by Love Page 20

by Toni Aleo

  “Hey, Mom,” I say, kissing her cheek, and she hugs me tightly before kissing the side of my mouth.

  “Hey, honey. Move, I want to see her,” she says, pushing me to the side and then holding out her hands. Claire takes her hands and smiles as my mom takes her in. “Stunning. You did good, honey.”

  “She’ll do,” I say with a wink, and like I expect, Claire glares. But what I don’t expect is for my mom to basically punch me in the chest, knocking the air out of me.

  “I don’t know where I got him from. You’d think he was raised in a barn,” she scolds, wrapping her arms around Claire and leading her inside.

  “I was joking!” I say, following in behind them. “Of course I did good. She’s freaking hot.”

  Looking back at me, Claire sticks out her tongue playfully and I do the same, loving the laughter in her eyes. Setting her bag down, I go to catch up with them, but I’m attacked by a little monster who wraps her sweet little arms around me.

  “Angie!” I say, kissing her cheeks and nuzzling her neck, which makes her laugh. She soon leads me to her dollhouse and has me playing with her before I know it. I don’t mind. Angie is my little princess, and I’ll do anything to make her happy. I’m a little worried about Claire, but then again, she can handle herself. She’s quick on her feet and can adjust to any situation, which is something I admire about her.

  “Hey, bubba,” Lucy says as she comes up beside me. “Where is your lady?”

  “Mom stole her,” I say, standing up to give her a side hug and kiss her cheek. “I think they’re in the kitchen.”

  “I gotta go check her out, make sure she’s worthy of my brother.”

  I laugh. “She is, probably better.”

  Lucy sends me a grin, and I pick Angie up so we can follow. She complains a little bit, but soon she starts to inspect my nose and mouth and forgets that we aren’t playing anymore. When I reach the kitchen, I find Claire leaning on the counter that Lucy, Jace, and Jayden are sitting at as my mom talks loudly with her arms flailing in the air.

  “You would have thought he broke all the bones in his body. He was screaming and crying so bad. I mean, he only fell two feet,” she says and everyone starts to laugh. I know she’s talking about the time I fell ten feet out of a tree and broke my arm. It’s one of her favorite stories. I’m not a fan of it.

  Glaring, I say, “It was ten feet, and it hurt! What kind of mother makes fun of her kid breaking his arm?”

  “A truthful one! You sprained it, and it was two feet. It didn’t even knock the air out of you,” she says, but I’m sure my mother must be losing her memory because that tree was a hundred feet in the air and I fell at least ten feet.

  “Whatever,” I say as Angie reaches for Lucy. Handing her off, I head toward Claire, wrapping her up in my arms. “Don’t listen to her, she’s losing her memory. I’m tough and strong. I don’t ever cry.”

  “He was screaming, Claire, like a freaking girl, big tears rolling down his girlish face,” Jace teases.

  “How do you know? You were like five!” I counter.

  “Nine,” Jace corrects me, and I’m not sure if he’s right or not, so I roll my eyes.

  “Whatever,” I say, which makes everyone laugh. Claire’s body shakes my own, and I smile as I kiss her temple.

  “He’s right, Claire. Jude is the biggest baby,” Jayden says, and I flip him off behind Claire’s back so that Mom can’t see me.

  “I am not. Tell them, baby. Tell them I’m big and strong,” I say and she giggles.

  “Strongest guy I know, hottest too,” she says, and my mother beams as Jace and Jayden roll their eyes.

  “He is kinda cute, isn’t he?” Mom asks with a grin, cupping my face before turning to take the chicken out of the oven.

  “I think he’s ugly,” Jayden says.

  “Looks like a goblin to me,” Jace agrees.

  “I was thinking an ogre,” Lucy chimes in and I let Claire go to flip them all off while my mom’s back is turned. Claire is laughing beside me, and I send her a mock glare before wrapping her up in my arms and kissing her hard against the lips.

  Parting, she smiles as she says, “I think you’re hot.”

  “That’s all that matters then,” I say and then smile at my mom when she turns to look at me. Her eyes are so full of love and happiness. I was so nervous about coming here, but now I feel good about it because I know Mom likes her. She has to. “So I see everyone is getting along? We like her?”

  “Of course. She’s delightful,” Mom says with a grin before heading to the dining room.

  “I think she’s great,” Lucy says. “Must be something amazing if she can pin you down.”

  Claire grins up at me, and I return the grin before saying, “Yeah, she is.”

  When my mom comes back into the room, she says, “Let’s head into the dining room. I hope you’re hungry, Claire. You are little skinny; I might need to fatten you up.”

  Claire laughs as she shakes her head. “I guess I need to. My aunts said I was skinny today too.”

  “I don’t think you’re too skinny,” I say as I walk with her to the dining room. “I think you look great.”

  “That’s ’cause you like me.”

  “Maybe,” I say before we both share an intimate grin, but as soon as we enter the dining room and I see my father, my grin disappears. “Dad.”

  “Jude,” he says, and immediately I don’t like the way he’s looking at Claire. “So this is the guest of honor?”

  I nod. “Claire, this is my dad, Mark Sinclair.”

  My dad doesn’t move as he says, “You can call me Mr. Sinclair.”

  “Of course. It’s nice to meet you,” she says and heads toward him to shake his hand. “You have a lovely home.”

  “Thank you,” he says, still eyeing her, and I’m not sure if he’s disgusted or he likes what he sees. Either way, I am sure I don’t like the way he’s staring at her.

  “Let’s eat,” Mom says, and I pull out a chair for Claire. She falls into it and then I sit beside her, taking her hand in mine and then taking Jayden’s. My mom blesses the food and then we dig in. “It’s so wonderful having you, Claire. I hope you enjoy the dinner.”

  Claire’s grin is genuine as she says, “Everything is wonderful. Thank you for having me and making me feel at home.”

  “Of course,” Mom says with a grin, but when I look at my dad, he’s still staring at Claire.

  He then asks, “So you go to UB with Jude?”

  Swallowing what’s in her mouth, she nods. “Yes, I’m a sophomore.”

  “Scholarship or your family paying for it?”

  Mom stops eating and looks at my dad. “Why does that matter?”

  “’Cause only people with money go to UB.”

  “So it matters if she has money? I don’t see how that makes a difference.”

  My dad glares as he says, “Because I would like to know. Can I ask a question without being questioned by you?”

  I grit my teeth as I stare at my plate. I refuse to fight with him in front of Claire. I may have told her we weren’t normal, but I don’t want her to think we’re insane.

  “My uncle pays for my college,” Claire answers suddenly. “He plays for the Nashville Assassins.”

  Looking up, I see my dad is interested. “Is that right? Who is he?”

  “Phillip Anderson, number thirty-three.”

  “Wow, that’s supercool!” Jace says. “Do you know the whole team?”

  She nods. “Yeah, they are basically family.”

  “That’s so cool!” Jace gushes as Jayden rolls his eyes. “I’m a huge Shea Adler fan.”

  “He’s a supergreat guy, funny too. Maybe one day we can all go to a game. We can sit in my Aunt Elli’s box. Does Angie like hockey yet?” she asks Lucy as she tickles Angie’s neck.

  She giggles as Lucy says, “You know it. She’s a Sinclair. There is no other way but loving hockey.”

  “I approve going to the box. Please, Jude. M
an, come on,” Jace says, looking at me as I give him a dark glare.

  “Shut up,” I say, but Claire looks back at me.

  “It’s fine. I’ll set something up, and I’d love for all of you to come.”

  Everyone smiles, nodding, and I like that they are getting along, but then my dad clears his throat and I wish he would just disappear.

  “So what are you going to school for, Claire?”

  Looking at my dad, she answers, “Business.”

  “So you want to start your own business?”

  “Yeah, or take over my aunt’s. She’s the owner of Reese Allen’s Dance Company.”

  He nods. “I know of that studio. I have colleagues who take their children there.”

  “Maybe I know them. I work there now.”

  “Hmm, so you’re a dancer?”

  “I am.”

  “Interesting,” he says, and I want to scream. What the hell does that mean? And why the hell do I care if he doesn’t like her! I fucking do, and that’s all that matters.

  “And I assume you are good at it since you want to run the business?” my mom asks.

  “I am. Not to toot my own horn, but I’m a national champion. I have seven classes that I teach, and right now I’m doing the choreography for the Bullies’ dance team,” she says, her face glowing with pride.

  “Thank God. They kinda suck,” Jayden says, and Claire laughs.

  “Used to suck,” she says with a wink.

  “She’s spectacular, Mom, really good,” I say, and Claire smiles back at me, making my heart pick up speed.

  “That’s wonderful. I can’t wait to see you perform. At the opening, I assume?” she asks, and I nod.

  “Yes, ma’am. We do the halftime show.”

  “I can’t wait! How exciting, watching my babies kick some hockey butt, and then I get to watch you. It’s going to be great,” she says, and I love how excited she is. Everyone is grinning, happy, and I’ve never felt so completely whole in my life. I want to gather Claire in my arms and tell her that she makes me the happiest guy in the world. I mean, my family is eating her up. I knew they would, but still, it’s comforting knowing that she fits in here. That everyone loves her.

  “So is that your real hair color?” my dad asks, and everyone’s smile falls as Claire glances over at him.

  Okay, I take that back, everyone except my dad likes her. He seems to be hell-bent on ruining this evening.

  “No, it’s not. I’m a blonde, but I like to spice things up, and I think the red is more me than blond,” she says.

  “It’s a little bold, but then again, Jude has some kind of fauxhawk, Mohawk, crazy crap going on on his head. I guess we should be thankful you’re not covered in tattoos and piercings,” he says, and I swear my blood pressure is through the roof.

  Not able to take it anymore, I say, “Wouldn’t have mattered if she was ’cause you’ve been dead set on not liking her from the moment she set foot in this house.”

  “Jude Marshall, please,” my mom stresses. “Not in front of our guest.”

  “Tell him to stop talking to her like she is the shit on his shoes and I’ll be fine, Mom. I’m not going to sit here and listen to this. We can leave.”

  “No, not at all,” Mom says loudly and then looks at my dad. “Mark, that’s enough. Be nice or you can leave.”

  Dad scoffs while all of us are wide-eyed, looking at my mother. She’s never talked to my dad like that. “You aren’t going to kick me out of my own house.”

  “The hell I won’t,” my mom sneers, and I swear you could hear a pin drop, it’s so quiet. I watch as my parents stare into each other eyes, nothing but heat and anger in their gaze, and I know that something really wrong is going on.

  Knowing that I’ll have to wait to find out, I look over at Claire. “Told ya we aren’t a normal, happy family.”

  Thankfully it’s still warm enough to ride home on the bike since I need the ride to calm down. After a very tense dinner, I was ready to go, but Claire insisted on helping my mom clean up, and I’m glad she did. They bonded some more, and afterward, my mom hugged her tightly, saying she hoped Claire would come back. I thought she would say hell no, but when she looked into my mom’s eyes and said, “I’d love to,” I knew she was telling the truth. I saw it in her eyes, and I’d like to think she wouldn’t lie to my mom.

  When I get on the road to the Bullies’ house, I see that it is packed with cars, making me remember that there’s a party since we don’t have practice tomorrow morning. Coach had to go out of town, so we’re supposed to do a skate on our own. Because of that, the guys wanted to have some people over. Pulling up beside her Roadster, I shut off the bike and get off, taking my helmet off as she does the same. When I hear loud music playing, I look at the house and can see the shadows of people in the backyard. They are loud and I know that soon campus police will be called if I don’t go in there and shut them up.


  I nod. “Yeah. Campus police will be here soon.”

  “Fun time,” she says, laying her helmet by mine.

  When I look back at her, she gives me a half-grin as she shrugs her shoulders. “Well, that was interesting.” She pauses, her eyes searching mine. “I love your mom, Lucy, Angie, Jace, and Jayden, but I have to admit, your dad is an asshole.”

  I laugh as I nod. “Yeah, sorry about that.”

  “No biggie. He won’t keep me from visiting with your mom again; she was awesome.”

  I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her neck. “Thank you for going.”

  She threads her fingers through my hair, and I close my eyes as she says, “Thanks for inviting me. I guess my family is next. I can guarantee you that it will be worse than that.”

  I chuckle against her skin, nibbling up her jaw before saying, “As long as I’m with you, I’ll endure it.”

  When I pull up to look into her eyes, she’s grinning, her eyes bright and inviting. Leaning into her, I kiss her lips softly, but soon our kisses turn demanding. I crave this. Need it. Sliding my hands down her back, I cup her ass and press her closer into me, loving the feeling of her body against mine. Parting, I kiss her top lip before whispering, “Three more days.”


  I smile and then open my eyes to find her watching me. “Till I can take you to my room and devour you, woman!”

  She laughs as she pushes me away playfully. “No way, not until you ask me to be your girlfriend in a totally cheesy romantic way that I can tell our grandchildren when we’re old and gray.”

  I laugh as I nod. “I got you.”

  “You better,” she says with a wink and then leans in for a quick kiss. “But I gotta go.”

  “What? Stay. Let’s go to bed.”

  “With a party going?” she says with a laugh. “No way in hell. I’m dead on my feet.”

  “Yeah, I know,” I say, and then I see Rachael with some of the girls from the team. I nod my head toward them. “Rachael and them are here. Wanna come hang out?”

  She laughs. “No way. I have to deal with her tomorrow.”

  I smile as I kiss her again, and when her arms wrap around my neck, I deepen the kiss, holding her close. We kiss for a little longer until she pulls away. “I gotta go now, or I’ll never go.”

  “I’m hoping for the latter,” I say with a wink, and she laughs before kissing my cheek.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  I shrug. “I’m a little embarrassed, a little pissed,” I admit.

  “Don’t be. He didn’t scare me off. I love your family, and I’ve dealt with worse.”

  I smile, kissing the side of her mouth. “You shouldn’t have to deal with anything like that.”

  “Ah, it’s part of life. There are assholes everywhere. Thankfully, I found a good one.”

  She flashes me a grin and kisses me on the cheek before heading to her car. I watch as she throws her bag in and then as she waves at me. “Don’t let it bother you.”


  “I’ll call you tomorrow?”

  “All right, babe.”

  “Thanks again for taking me. I really like your family, minus your dad,” she says with a grin.

  I laugh as I nod. “I agree. Thanks for going, see you tomorrow.”

  “Bye,” she says and then she’s gone.

  Letting out a long breath, I take our helmets and head inside.

  Once I shut the door, Matt grabs me and says, “Dude, I need a beer pong partner. Let’s go.”

  I’m not tired so I agree, but when I see that we’re playing against Rachael and Mia, I wish I would have declined.

  “No girlfriend tonight?” Rachael asks, and I have to admit that before I would have thought she was smoking in the barely-there skirt and shirt, but now I want nothing to do with her.

  “Nope, she went home,” I answer as I fill the cups with beer.

  “So that means you’re single tonight?”

  Rolling my eyes, I let out a breath. “No, I’m not. I’m Claire’s.”

  And after tonight, I know I’ll always be hers.

  Chapter 25


  It hasn’t been the best day. I’m supertired since I didn’t get in till late, and I’m irritated because I failed my math pop quiz this morning. That’s what I get for not studying when I should have. Instead, I went to dinner with Jude’s family, but I don’t regret that. Even if his dad is a Grade A asshole, I’d fail a billion tests just to hang with his mom again. She was an amazingly cool woman, and I’m glad I got to meet her, even if I did have to endure Mark Sinclair.

  I really don’t understand it. Mrs. Sinclair, Lucy, Angie, and Jace were amazing, good people and superfun, but Mr. Sinclair was rude and just angry from the moment I walked into the house. I spent all night trying to figure out if it was something I did, but I came up with nothing. I was polite, sweet, and all-around awesome, so really, I don’t get it. I don’t know what’s up that dude’s ass, nor do I know what’s going on between Jude’s parents, but it’s obvious it’s something major. They didn’t seem like a loving couple, not in the least.


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