Heaven's Embrace

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Heaven's Embrace Page 5


  “You humans and your sweets,” Michael said as he appeared. He made a face across from me and shook his head.

  Gabriel appeared next, his leg pressed against mine, sending a tingle down my thigh. “Leave her alone, Michael. Just because you can’t eat doesn’t mean you should judge others.”

  “Yeah, lighten up, Mike.” Lucifer became visible, taking the seat next to Michael, much to the angel’s displeasure. “If Jane wants to kill herself with sugar, that is her business.”

  I took a sugar covered bite just to spite him, making an over exaggerated moan as it filled my mouth. It had the desired effect. All three of them tensed beside me, leveling me with heated stares. But it wasn’t just them staring at me, the family of four looked at me like I had gone off my rocker.

  Removing the spoon from my mouth with a pop, I shoved it into the bowl and dug around in my bag. I pulled out my phone and earbuds, putting one bud into my ear.

  “What’s that for?” Gabriel asked next to me, his head cocked to the side like a curious little boy.

  I kept my eyes on my food as I muttered, “So, I don’t look like a freaking psycho talking to myself.”

  “What’s wrong?” Gabriel asked, his brows furrowed. Of course, he’d be the first one to notice my mood.

  Slouching further into my seat, I frowned at my dessert as if it had been the one to upset me. “Just not a good day.”

  All three of them became intensely interested in my face, and I tried not to be offended. While they could easily go to the top of my most hated list, the guys, even Lucifer, were way too caring for me to stay mad at them. Besides, I was supposed to be there to ask them a favor, not talk about my problems.

  Of course, I couldn’t just jump right into it. I had my dignity, at least some of the time, and an abnormally large amount of candies in my bowl.

  “I’ve been wondering something,” I started, glancing up from my bowl, their intense stares making me shift uncomfortably. “If Lucifer is the Devil, should you two really be talking to him?”

  A mixture of confusion and surprise greeted me. Lucifer slumped back into his seat, and somehow, he made even that look good. Fucking angels.

  “That’s what you called us here for?” Lucifer pouted, his arms crossed over his chest.

  Ignoring Lucifer’s whining, Michael, as usual, took the lead. “Lucifer may be fallen, but he’s still our brother. We are not forbidden from interacting with him nor would we want to do so.”

  “Why not?” I quirked a brow. “He’s the Devil. Bringer of evil. Torturer of damned souls. Isn’t that completely against everything you and Gabriel stand for?”

  “You’re forgetting dangerously sexy and a generous lover.” Lucifer slid his hand down the front of him, a lewd grin on his lips as he looked me over. Well, there went today’s panties.

  Gabriel chuckled, ignoring Lucifer’s display. “You watch too many movies. Lucy isn’t any more evil than the rest of us. He just doesn’t know how to stay out of trouble so God, our Father, assigned him to monitor Hell. He doesn’t even get to torture anyone.” Gabriel’s laughter caused Lucifer’s jawline to tighten and grind his teeth. Sour subject for him apparently.

  “What did you call us here for?” Lucifer growled, clearly trying not to lash out at Gabriel.

  “Chill out, Lucy.” Gabriel threw an arm over the back of my seat, a lopsided grin on his face. Where his arm touched me warmed and buzzed. I leaned back into the feel of it. Who needed a masseuse when you had your own personal angel to use? I did mean in a happy ending kind of way.

  “Don’t call me that,” Lucifer snapped, pulling me out of my pleasure-filled delirium.

  “He’s right, Lucifer. Jane called us here for a reason, and we can at least give her the courtesy of explaining herself in her own time.” Michael tapped his fingernails on the table. How no one else heard him was beyond me. How they could touch anything at all didn’t make much sense. One of those things I shouldn’t think too much about.

  I squirmed in my seat, the attention and my train of thought not helping me relax, but I might as well get it over with. Off like a band-aid as they say.

  “I wanted to apologize.” Jeez, those words were hard to get out. “I realize I came down really hard on you guys, and it wasn’t fair to blame my raging libido on you. It’s not like you get me all hot and bothered on purpose ...” I trailed off before shoving another spoonful into my mouth to give myself a moment, the grins on their faces making me squirm. “Anyway,” I said through a mouthful of froyo, “I kind of need your help.”

  “Ah, here it is,” Lucifer smirked, unbuttoning his suit button to lean forward on the table. “So, what is it you need? Not making enough money at the bar anymore? Want to strike out on your own?” The laughter in his voice made me sink further into my seat. At this rate, I’d be on the floor before I even finished eating.

  “Oh, don’t pout.” Gabriel grinned and leaned in close. “We’re happy to help. I always thought the bar was too loud anyway. You should find a nice little shop where you can sell those little bobbles, you know, good luck charms and such. Humans like that stuff, right?”

  I giggled and waved him away. “No, it’s nothing like that. My friend, Mandy, works for the police department, and they wanted my help finding some girl.”

  Lucifer’s eyes lit up, his grin turning wicked. “Oh, this is about that bloke from last night, isn’t it?”

  I nodded and, shoving my hair away from my face, sighed. “Look, you don’t have to help me if you don’t want to, but I thought you guys might want to do something else besides hanging around, you know, up there.” My eyes shot to Lucifer who raised his brows. “Or in your case, down.”

  “We’d be glad to help you, Jane,” Michael said in a way I didn’t like.

  “I feel a ‘but’ coming on.” I held onto my bowl until the cold burned my hands.

  Michael smiled. “Of course, there will be certain conditions for our assistance.”

  I couldn’t hold back my groan. “What do you want?”

  “A kiss.” Lucifer jumped in before Michael could answer. “Each. At a time and place of our choosing.”

  “I can get behind that.” Gabriel grinned broadly.

  My lips pressed together tightly, the very thought of kissing any of them made my blood run hotter than it should with so much frozen yogurt in my system. Believe me, if kissing them had been a real option, I’d been in a four-way lip lock already, but sadly the only lip action I was getting was with my wine bottle. Why they were putting it on the table now, I wasn’t sure. Maybe something to look forward to if they became corporeal?

  Or Lucifer just wanted a new way to torture me.

  “Fine, but” - I held my finger up before they could speak - “how the heck do you expect to do that when you can’t touch me?”

  “Let us worry about that.” Lucifer grinned like a maniac.

  “Works for me,” Gabriel said, disappearing without another word.

  “Agreed.” Michael inclined his head before disappearing as well.

  “Hey, wait a second,” I called after them, but they were gone leaving me alone with Lucifer. My gaze snapped to his gloating face. “And then there was one. Are you going to give me some answers?”

  Lucifer grinned until I could see his molars, making me wiggle in my seat. “All I will say is that I look forward to working with you and collecting my payment.” He licked his lips, and I would be lying if I didn’t say that it turned me on. A part of me really hoped they could find a way to touch me, that part of me was also jumping up and down like a cheerleader on prom night.

  “Freaking angels,” I muttered, and as if my day couldn’t get any worse, my phone rang. I found the cord of my earbuds and the very not-plugged-in end of it. Not even taking the chance to look at the audience I probably had earned myself, I picked up the phone. “What’s up, Mandy?”

  “Hey, Jane. Are you coming by soon? The captain could really use your ... expertise.” I could hear her exasperation
even through the phone.

  “Sure. I was about to head that way now. Just gathering my ...” I glanced at Lucifer who didn’t seem in any hurry to get moving. “… spiritual energy.”

  Mandy snorted. “Yeah, all right. See you soon.”

  Putting the phone away, I didn’t bother saying anything to Lucifer as I got out of the booth. I threw my melted goodness away, sadness filling my stomach at how such a delicious thing had gone to waste. I hated adulting.

  I made my way to the parking garage of the mall the Tasty Orange resided in, not caring if the Devil was following me or not. I’d need one of them at the police station, but I was pretty sure they’d show up when I called. Until then, my panties would take the reprieve while they could. I had a feeling I’d be paying up soon enough.

  When I got to my car, a certain angel with windblown hair was leaning against it. “What are you doing here?”

  “Don’t sound so excited,” Gabriel grumbled, his lower lip poking out. If I could touch him, I’d bite that lip. God, I needed to get laid.

  “Sorry, but I need to get to work.” I reached through him, trying to ignore the fact that my hand was practically going through his groin. I started to open my door, but Gabriel shifted until he was almost completely inside of me. Groaning at the tingles rushing through my body, I growled, “Do you mind?”

  “Not really.” Gabriel grinned, a dimple showing on that right cheek I couldn’t help but want to lick.

  “Well, it’s annoying.”

  “Is it?” Gabriel chuckled. “From what I smell, it’s not annoying you at all.”

  I pressed my thighs together and cursed my raging hormones. Maybe I’d just get a good vibrator and have a masturbation marathon. I wonder if the guys would want to watch? I know Lucifer would for sure. He seemed the type to be into to that kind of thing, and there was Michael’s offer before…

  “I can’t wait to taste you,” Gabriel murmured his thumb stroking the pulse along the side of my neck, the warmth slipping through my skin and straight to my core. “Do you think if I tried, I could kiss you right now?” His mouth descended on mine, and a buzzing brushed along my lips, making my mouth numb.

  I jerked my mouth away from him, my hands coming up to push him away, but I only ended up falling through him. I caught myself before I fell on my face. Spinning around, I glowered at Gabriel, who shrugged.

  “What?” Gabriel asked.

  “How did you think that was a good idea?” I crossed my arms over my chest with a sigh.

  Gabriel shrugged again. “You can’t blame a guy for trying?”

  “I suppose not.” Despite my quip, I had been hoping it would work too. I shook my head and sighed. “I promised Mandy I’d be down at the police station soon. I don’t think she’ll be happy to find out I’m late because I was making out with invisible guys.” I shot a look around the parking lot. I’d completely forgotten where we were, that was how absorbed I’d been by him. Thankfully, no one was gawking at the girl tonguing the air, but I didn’t trust it would stay that way.

  “Let me come with you.” Gabriel appeared on the other side of the car before I even got the door open to my side.

  Sitting in my seat, I buckled up and turned on the car before turning to him. “Look, I’m all on board for this kissing in exchange for help, but I don’t want you or me to get our hopes up.”

  “Your hopes are up?” Gabriel cocked a brow.

  “As are my nips.” I shot him a grin. “Believe me if you could touch me right now, we’d be in the back of my car like a couple of randy teenagers.”

  Gabriel glanced back at the back seat. “I’d never fit back there.”

  I laughed. I couldn’t help it. These guys were going to be the end of me.


  Blessed Falls Police Department sat in the center of town, which made a long and awkward ride for Gabriel and me. Or maybe just me. Nothing seemed to bother this guy.

  I glanced at Gabriel out of the corner of my eye. His lips were moving along with the song on the radio, and he looked so adorable I couldn’t help but smile.

  “What?” Gabriel asked.

  “Just funny seeing an angel singing Taylor Swift.” I kept my eyes on the road so I wouldn’t miss my turn.

  “She’s catchy.”

  I shook my head and laughed. “Well, I’m sure Taylor would be happy to know she has fans on Earth and in Heaven.”

  “Think I could get her autograph?” Gabriel wagged his eyebrows.

  “And I’m supposed to what? Somehow approach her as your go-between? No, Miss Swift, the autograph isn’t for me, it’s for the angels.” I snorted. “Yeah, that’d go over well.”

  “You have a gift. No one ever said it would be an easy thing to bear.” Gabriel grinned, but he was barking up the wrong girl. I’d been told by many a people I had a gift, but the problem was none of those were humans. Angels, of course, would want me to see them, who wouldn’t? But until humans stopped being judgmental assholes, I didn’t see how my so-called ‘gift’ as a positive. Not unless I was a porn star and needed a bit of fluffing.

  “You get to talk to God and all, right?” I asked suddenly. “Maybe you could talk to him for me. Ask him to take it back or make it so I can touch you guys. Cause really, unless everyone else is seeing what I’m seeing, I’m always going to be the weird psychic girl people only want to date so they can say they did it. But if I could touch you guys, at least I’d be getting laid.”

  “Really?” Gabriel’s mouth dropped open slightly, ignoring the last bit. “People really say that?”

  I snorted and put my car in park as we stopped at the police station. “No, I believe the words the guy used was, ‘Now I can tell everyone I’ve fucked a psychic.’” I got out of the car not caring to see the shocked expression that was probably all over Gabriel’s face.

  Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I kept my eyes forward even as I heard Gabriel’s feet on the pavement catching up to me. A cute police officer offered me a smile and opened the door for me as he was leaving. I nodded and grinned in return. Just a normal girl greeting a normal guy.

  If only I could be so lucky.

  I’d been to the Blessed Falls Police Station before, though never on such good terms. I’d been sixteen and as all teenagers rebelling against my parents.

  Let me tell you, no one finds it funny when you break into the school gym and paint the words ‘the angels are among us’ with a big angel giving you the finger. All it earned me was an even worse reputation at school and a hefty fine from the city. I probably would have ended up in juvie, but my father, being who he was, got the sentenced lowered with the excuse that kids will be kids. Wish that excuse worked all the time.

  As it was, no one even paid me any mind as I walked through the station doors and to the reception desk. The noise was almost deafening with everyone hustling about. There was a man handcuffed to a bench, a tattoo of a teardrop below his eye. When he noticed I was looking at him, he glared.

  Someone was having a bad day.

  “Can I help you?” an impatient voice asked me. More like snarled.

  Turning back to the counter, I offered the policewoman sitting there a small smile which she didn’t return. Dropping the smile, I explained, “I’m here to see Mandy - I mean Detective Stevenson. She’s expecting me.”

  With a sniff, the policewoman, whose badge read ‘Smith,’ pointed behind me. “Take a seat, and I’ll call her.”

  I glanced back at the large, menacing man and then back to her with a flabbergasted look. “Really?”

  Smith didn’t even flinch but turned her back on me to pick up the phone. Seeing as I was dismissed, I cautiously made my way over to the bench. Taking a seat as far away from the guy as possible, I gave him a nervous smile.

  “He does not look happy,” Gabriel stated and sat between Mr. Teardrop and me. He leaned close as if to inspect the angry guy’s teeth. “This guy is about to get questioned about beating up his ex-girlfriend’s new guy. They’ll let
him go, but then he’ll go to her house and kill him.”

  “Great,” I muttered.

  “What’d you say?” the soon-to-be killer growled, scowling my way.

  “Nothing,” I quickly said, crossing one leg over the other as I tried to make myself as small as possible. Mandy needed to hurry it the hell up. I didn’t need Gabriel getting visions of every single criminal’s future. People already thought I was crazy, I didn’t need to add to the mix.

  When Mandy appeared, I could have kissed her on the spot, but the moment I saw her frown, my relief changed.

  “What’s wrong?” I stood from the bench to meet her.

  She rubbed a hand over her face and shook her head. “Nothing. The Captain is just busting my balls. Come on. They’re back here.”

  “Why was he busting your balls? You don’t have balls to bust. Shouldn’t he be busting someone else’s balls?” I followed her through a door that led into a room full of desks.

  Instead of laughing like I had been aiming for, Mandy let out an exasperated sigh and stopped at a door that read ‘Interview Room 1.’ “Please, behave. This is my job, and I’d like to keep it.”

  “I don’t know why,” I complained as I backed into the room Mandy led us to. “All you blues seem to have lost your sense of humor.”

  “It happens at the academy,” a deep voice answered, and I spun around to find a middle-aged man with graying hair and a twinkle in his eye. Sitting next to him was another man, but his nightstick was shoved so far up his ass, I could see it coming out his face. Oh, wait that was just his nose.

  I smiled at the two as I was ushered by Mandy to the seat opposite of them. “A humor-ectomy, huh?”

  “Something like that,” the first man smiled. “I’m Captain Welling, and this is Detective O’Connor, Detective Stevenson’s partner, who I believe you already know?”


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