STEEL TEMPTATION (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel)

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STEEL TEMPTATION (A Back Down Devil MC Romance Novel) Page 18

by Casey, London

  Mia turned her head. She hurried to her toes and kissed Nate.

  The taste of his lips set her on fire. When she tried to move, Nate’s hand touched her cheek, keeping her head turned, wanting to keep kissing her.

  So they kissed, and kissed, and kissed.

  Mia’s breathing started to get wild. Her body slipped into instinctive need mode and she started to rock her hips left to right against his body. She felt him thickening, so hard, perfect; she wanted him deep inside her body. Her hand reached back, touching his cock over his jeans.

  “Fuck, babe,” Nate growled. “You don’t have to…”

  “I need to feel you. I need to feel alive. So shut up and fuck me right now.”

  Mia grabbed Nate’s zipper and pulled it down. She walked forward to the bed, opening her jeans, her hands cutting to her waist, pushing the jeans and panties down to her knees. She got to the bed and bent over, hands grabbing the sheets. Nate was there a second later, his fingers slicing between her legs. He touched her and she jumped.

  Mia purred, the heat of Nate’s touch taking over the cold feeling of tragedy. She looked back and watched as Nate had his cock free. He stroked himself and placed his shaft to her ass. He started to gently thrust, letting the bottom of his shaft rub against her ass. Mia reached back and pressed the palm of her hand to the top of his shaft and felt him moving.

  “Fuck,” she groaned.

  “I want to hear you scream my name again. Don’t fucking hold back.”

  Nate bent his legs a little, his cock sliding between her ass. For a brief second she felt him touching somewhere else, but he kept going. She shivered and tingled from between her legs down to her toes. Nate pressed against her center and then thrust, grunting, forcing her wide open.

  Mia’s body bucked forward as she cried out. Nate’s hands held her hips and pulled her right back to him, plunging deep into her. The sensation was mixed with a breathtaking pressure and pleasure that sent the tingling feeling up her body. As Nate pulled back and thrust forward again, Mia tried to scream out and she lost her voice completely for a few seconds.

  When she regained sound, her body was already starting to come. The pulse and throb were too much to take. Mia fell forward, losing feeling in her legs. She was then face down on the bed, Nate on top of her from behind, fucking her. Pulling and pushing, pounding into her body, exactly what Mia desperately needed and wanted. His weight crushed, keeping her hard and tight to the bed, but it was okay.

  One of Nate’s hands slid up the back of her shirt and around. He forced his fingers under the bra, cupping her small breast. His other hand rested on her ass, spreading her wide. But then he crept up her back. He held to her shoulder for a few seconds, thrusting harder, making the pressure almost impossible to deal with.

  Then Nate’s hand grabbed the side of her face and turned her head. She strained to look at him, seeing his intense yet beautiful eyes.

  She loved him.

  She fucking loved Nate.

  She really loved him.

  Nate lowered his body down to her back and he kissed her. It was sloppy, dirty, and wildly sexy. His thrusts were deep and fast, pushing harder, grunting. Mia tried to fuck back at him, wiggling her body, loving the pressure and sensation of being forced to open wider for his amazing cock.

  When Nate started to come, he groaned and kept his mouth open, his lips touching Mia’s. The rushing feeling inside her core made Mia shiver. There was no sense of relief as Nate offered all his body to her, again and again, throbbing. Mia tried to move but Nate was too big, too strong. She was completely helpless to his touch and his fuck.

  Nate slowly pulled back and thrust forward one more time, making sure nothing was wasted. When he left her body, she looked back and watched Nate fix himself. She couldn’t move for a few seconds and then slowly started to climb off the bed. Her hands were still around the sheets as she watched Nate slowly drop to one knee.

  “Here, let me help,” he said.

  Nate touched Mia’s panties. She shivered with wet warmth as Nate lifted her panties up her body. That was followed by her jeans. He then stood up and put his hands to her waist, making her stand too. He then pressed his body to hers and looked over her shoulder, down the front of her body, and he buttoned her jeans.

  It was the hottest moment of Mia’s life.

  She then turned and wrapped her arms around Nate’s neck and kissed him.

  Her heart was shattered, her world collapsed, but Nate was picking up the ashes and making something of it all.

  When they stopped kissing, Nate touched her face. “I have to go figure this out. Stay here. Okay?”

  “I’m going to go for a walk outside. Just to get some air, okay?”

  “No. Stay in the room, babe.”

  “Miller said…”

  Nate gritted his teeth. “Yeah, Miller said. I just want to keep you locked up here. All to myself. Chain you to the bed…”

  Mia kissed his cheek. “Later. When all this shit is done.”

  Nate grinned.

  The entire situation was grim and dire. There was no reason to smile at all, but sometimes you just fucking had to.

  They left the room hand in hand.

  At the bar, Nate pointed to the two prospects. “Watch her. She’s going for a walk outside. With your goddamn lives. Got it?”

  “Yes, sir,” they both said. Then they looked at Mia and hurried to the door to hold it for her.

  “I’ll be out in a few,” Nate said. “Then you’re coming inside and waiting. I’m not risking anything else happening.”

  “Okay,” Mia said.

  They kissed.

  Blaine whistled and let out an ‘ooww!’ yell. Mia then watched Blaine put a pool stick between his legs and stroke it.

  The guy was weird and gross.

  Mia preferred being outside, alone.

  Outside, she walked to the railing and jumped up on it. She chose a spot where she wouldn’t fall and kill herself, putting her near the gate. The two prospects stood at the gate, their hands behind their backs, staring out.

  It was calm, peaceful.

  For a moment, Mia felt something like hope creep into her body.

  She trusted Nate. She trusted the MC. They would do right by her. Uncle Jake would finally pay for all his shit. All the times he yelled, swung his fists, caused problems. For hurting Aunt Theresa and Jacob.

  The emotion crept up in Mia’s throat again. There was so much more for Jacob to offer the world…

  “Hey! Hey! Hey!” a voice boomed.

  Mia looked and saw the prospect jump back. A car made a hard turn and smashed into the gate. The gate slid along the concrete with a screeching sound.

  Mia jumped to the ground. Before she could start running, gunfire ensued.

  She dropped down to her stomach and watched.

  The prospects had their weapons out. Before she could take a breath, one of the prospects was shot in the shoulder. He stumbled back and fell to the ground. The car door flew open. The other prospect started to shoot. Then in a one second hesitation, gunfire returned and Mia watched the prospect’s head explode open from a perfectly timed and placed bullet.

  She then watched in horror as Uncle Jake climbed on the hood of his car and walked into the lot. He jumped down, gun in hand, a wild look on his face. The other prospect was holding his shoulder, crying.

  “Shut up,” Uncle Jake said.

  He pointed and shot.

  Mia opened her mouth, ready to scream.

  Uncle Jake hurried to her, crouching down, putting the gun to the side of her head. “Do you want to fucking die?”

  “No,” Mia said. “No…”

  “Good. Then stand up and come with me. It’s time to finish this job. It’s time to take out Back Down Devil MC once and for all. And then… it’s just you and me.” She looked up into Uncle Jake’s evil eyes. “And I’m going to get everything I’ve ever dreamed of from you. After that, you get to disappear too.”

a opened her mouth to scream. She’d take the chance, risk her life…

  Before she could make a sound, Uncle Jake lifted and lowered the gun to the back of her head. There was pain. Then darkness.


  Nate heard a sound.

  “… and then we just keep our ground right here. It’s risky. We have the underground…”

  Nate stood up. “Did you hear that?”

  “What?” Miller asked. “I was in the middle of talking.”

  “Sounded like gunshots,” Nate said.

  “Nobody is out there,” Gaige said. “Right?”

  They all looked around.

  “Holy fuck,” Nate yelled. “Mia!”

  He darted to the door and tore it open. A few of the prospects were at the bar, cleaning and restocking items.

  “Did you hear guns?” Nate asked.

  “Yes,” they said.

  “Why the fuck aren’t you out there? You stupid fucks.”

  Nate ran to the door, the room clearing out behind him. The second he pounded through the door, he saw to the end of the lot. The gate was bent and twisted, forced open. And there were two bodies on the ground. He started to run, Miller calling for him and then calling out orders for everyone to get ready.

  The voices all quickly became nothing but echoes around him. When he got to the bodies there was a sick sense of relief for a moment. The bodies were the prospects. Meaning Mia was still alive.

  Alive, but taken.

  One of the prospects was missing most of his face and head. The other had a bullet wound to the shoulder and chest. At least that guy could get an open casket for any family that came to say goodbye.

  “Holy fuck,” Blaine said as he rushed next to Nate.

  “Mia’s gone,” Nate said.

  “Miller has Erik and Landon looking for anything else.”

  “Nothing else to see,” Nate said. “He hit the gate, killed the prospects, and took her.”

  “Who?” Blaine asked.

  Nate looked at Blaine. “The judge. Her step uncle. He’s taking the war to a personal level now.”

  “Fuck, bro. You have to keep your head straight, okay?”

  Griffin and Gaige came next.

  “Oh, fuck,” Griffin said.

  “Get tarps and cover them up,” Gaige said. “We’ll get prospects to clean this up.”

  “I have to go find her,” Nate said. He took a step and felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned and shoved Blaine away. “Fuck off, man.”

  “Wait a second,” Gaige said. “This is all a set up. We have to pace ourselves.”

  “Fuck that,” Nate said. “I’m going to go kill him. Right now.”


  “Gaige, shut up,” Miller said. He pointed to Nate. “You and Blaine take off.”

  Nate didn’t want anyone with him, but he just needed to go.

  Not even taking two steps, Nate heard the sound of a police siren. He looked back and saw a police SUV darting at the gate, breaking it open even more. The vehicle lumbered forward, into the lot. The door opened and Chief Jerry came out, an automatic machine gun in his arms.

  The back doors to the SUV opened and two men in black outfits came out, holding handguns.

  Nate wasn’t sure the guys were police or part of something else.

  “Everyone on their fucking knees,” Chief Jerry bellowed. “Right now!”

  Nobody moved at first. Chief Jerry let out a growling sound and then pointed his gun at one of the prospects. It was the one shot in the chest and shoulder. Chief Jerry shot, bullets tearing through the dead body. In a matter of a second, half the prospect’s face was missing.

  So much for the open casket.

  That’s when Miller yelled, “Listen!” and everyone got on their knees. They all put their hands up.

  Chief Jerry stood back a little, gun moving back and forth. “Two dead bodies here. That should be enough to shut this place down. Take you all in.”

  “We didn’t hurt our own,” Nate said. “You know who did that.”

  “Did I talk to you?” Chief Jerry asked.

  He then nodded to the man on his right. The man rushed forward and punched Nate in the jaw with a heavy left fist. Nate absorbed the punch with a groan, pain rippling through his face and neck.

  “Don’t talk,” Chief Jerry said. “You’re saying Jake did this?”

  “Yeah,” Miller said. “Kidnapped Mia, his niece. Looking to rattle our chains.”

  “Goddamn him!” Chief Jerry yelled. “I told him not to do that. We had a fucking plan.”

  “How’s that working for you?” Miller asked.

  Chief Jerry lunged at Miller, putting the automatic firearm between his eyes. “Fuck you.”

  “This is what it comes to? All these years…”

  “Fuck off, Miller. I got what you wanted. I got your life. And I’m cashing it all in now. I’m done. I’m done with it all, okay? I want to just go. Ride that sunset. Find fresh pussy. Never hear anyone complain again. No more shit.”

  “Then go,” Miller said. “Just give it up and go, Jerry. Why do you need this?”

  “So I can cash out in style,” Chief Jerry said. “I’ve got my cut of the shipments. Now I take down Back Down Devil and retire in style. Live off my pension and my millions stashed away. I’ll live until I die. And the rest of you will be fucking long gone.”

  “You want to kill us?” Gaige called out. “Then just fucking do it.”

  “You’re an accomplice to murder,” Nate said. The guy in front of him brought a fist back. “Come on, hit me again.”

  “I didn’t murder anyone,” Chief Jerry said. “Yet.”

  “That boy… the judge’s kid… you took part in it,” Nate said.

  “That was your warning!” Chief Jerry yelled. “To stay the fuck away. Let me handle my business.”

  “Then handle it,” Miller said. “We’re on our knees. Our prospects are dead.”

  “Yeah… yeah… and Jake fucked me…”

  Nate saw from the corner of his eye as Erik and Landon looked up from the ramp to the underground garages. There was a sliver of hope and opportunity.

  “The war,” Miller said. He got up on one knee. “The war is almost over… FIRE!”

  Miller’s voice boomed and carried.

  A second later, Erik and Landon took their shots.

  That’s when all hell broke loose in the lot.

  Nate lunged forward and took out the guy’s legs. He pulled him to the ground and unleashed a few hard punches to his face.

  Handguns were exploding. The automatic gun went off again and again. Miller and Chief Jerry’s voices carried all around.

  All Nate could do was think about Mia.

  He had to get to her and save her.

  Nate got to his motorcycle and started it. He took out his gun and just started shooting, throttling the ride, racing forward. He managed to get a path out of the broken gate and onto the road. Behind him, it was a war zone. He hated himself for leaving, but it had to be done.

  To his shock he saw a second motorcycle come out of the compound lot. It was Blaine.

  Both motorcycles screamed thunder and tore up the pavement as they raced.

  There was only one place Nate could possibly think of going. If Judge Jake wanted Nate to come after Mia, there was one place they had in common.

  The van.

  The same place where the van had been.

  Nate moved in and out of the busy residential traffic. Cares beeped at him, people jumped out of the way on the sidewalks when he got too close, and the existence of stop signs and red lights were only in the minds of those who followed the laws. That didn’t include Nate.

  He knew each time he barreled through an intersection he was putting lives at risk. But his heart swelled with fear and love. Nothing was going to stop him from getting to Mia. Except death. But if it was his time to take a bullet and say goodbye, at least he could do it with the intentions of saving the woman he loved. D
ying with honor and love.

  The ride felt like it was going to take hours. Once they were within distance of the old warehouses, Nate had to slow down. He had to take into account the sound of his motorcycle. He and Blaine couldn’t just sneak up on things with two motorcycles roaring. Plus, logic and experience told Nate that Judge Jake wasn’t going to be alone. He’d have protection. He expected Nate to run right into the trap. And then Coast Road MC would light him up.

  That’s probably what he and Chief Jerry had been planning. Divide and conquer. Split the MC up and confuse them so that when they attacked, it would go flawless. The difference was that Jake had something out for Mia. His urges…


  Images flashed in Nate’s mind. Images he never wanted to think about again as he stopped his motorcycle.

  “Up there,” he said to Blaine. “On the side of that narrow building. That’s where the van was. I bet he has her there. Waiting for us to bust in. There’s going to be Coast Road protection. We need to take them out. Then the judge.”

  “We got this,” Blaine said. “Let’s go save your girl.”

  “Yeah, my girl…” Blaine started to move and Nate grabbed his arm. “Hey. Listen to me. He’s got to stay alive.”


  “The judge. He has to be alive. Okay?”

  “Why, bro, why?” Blaine asked.

  “Personal, Blaine. Okay? Just do this for me. Take out the Coast Road guys. And then get the judge but don’t kill him. Let me handle it. I have something I need to do. For the club, for me, for Mia.”

  “Okay. Let’s fucking move. We need to get back to the clubhouse, Nate. It’s going to be…”

  Nate put a hand out and Blaine took it. “Brothers. That’s what we are. The patch, the life, the freedom. They can take our lives, but they can never take our cuts.”

  “Fucking right,” Blaine said. “We ain’t going anywhere, man. The pussy I had last night was not my last go around. Fuck, it can’t be. The woman pissed on me when she came. She was on top of me… I thought she was just squirting… but it was piss…”

  “That’s wrong,” Nate said. “You’re wrong… goddamn, Blaine…”

  Blaine grinned and then started to run.

  Nate hesitated for a few seconds, realizing everything was on his back.

  To keep himself alive. To save the MC. To save Mia.


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