Submissive to Her Master - The Box Set

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Submissive to Her Master - The Box Set Page 3

by Simone Leigh

  I am dropped onto something softies, but unyielding, some kind of mat or carpet. The hands undo my gag but leave the blindfold and cuffs in place. I scramble to my knees, hampered by my cuffed wrists.

  “Oh God, don’t hurt me. Please don’t hurt me.”

  Fingers caress my neck and face.

  “I’m going to enjoy fucking you. Nice set of legs there. Wonder what it’s like underneath?”

  Panic-stricken, still on my knees, I curl myself up small. “Please don’t hurt me.” I repeat.

  “We won’t hurt you, so long as you do as you’re told......”

  A voice interrupts, a familiar voice.

  “Okay lads, that’s enough for now.”

  Unbelieving, my head jerks up. “Brin? Brin! Is that you? You bastard! What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  The fingers continue to stroke my face, and this time I hear Brin’s voice close by my ear.

  “I said you needed to live in the fast lane a bit more....”

  “Fast lane? You kidnapped me! These men. Who the fuck are they? They scared the shit out of me.”

  Brin chuckles. “Well you took the words out of my mouth there. Their exact instructions were to ‘scare the shit out of you but not hurt you’.” He pauses. “Are you hurt?”

  “Well, no....”

  “Heart racing?”

  “Yes, but....”

  “Any suicidal tendencies? Or were you going to promise to do anything these guys wanted if they let you live?”

  I don’t know how to answer. Yes, I would have promised anything, done anything to stay alive.

  “You see.” he continues. “Like I said, you do want to live.”

  I stay silent. What’s coming next? I take his point. I do want to live and, after the past twenty-four hours, I know that I want it. But Brin’s methods of making his point are.... unsettling.

  He speaks up again. “So how do you fancy being banged by three men eh?”

  “What!” I splutter. “You can’t. You can’t...”

  There is a pause and the blindfold is removed. Hands fumble at my wrists and the cuffs click open. As I rub life back into my fingers, two pairs of hands grab me from behind, under the arms and haul me upright, then hold me in a loose lock, arms behind me. I don’t see Brin and I twist to see the men at my back, but my face is grabbed by the chin, pulling it back to face the man before me.

  He is huge. Well over six feet tall, brawny and burly. Good-looking in a hard kind of way; he looks perhaps Jamaican, deep brown eyes, black skinned and with long dreadlocks rambling down his shoulders.

  “Still holding my chin, he says “Like I said before, I’d really like to fuck you. What do you think?”

  I start to panic again. “Brin, Brin. Oh God. What are you doing? I try to twist backwards again, trying to see who is holding me, but am firmly held and cannot see.

  Brin’s voice rasps by my ear. “Oh don’t worry about us. We’ll take our turn with you. But I promise Keenan there that he’d get first turn. He really fancies the idea of a blow job from you. I told him all about how eager you were to learn last night.”

  “Brin. You can’t do this. Please you can’t. Just because you and I... well. because I....” My voice trails off.

  The arms release me and I am suddenly free. Brin steps into my field of view. Holding me by the eye, he walks forward and opens a door, gesturing outwards.

  “Alright, go if you want to. If you really want to. No-one’s going to make you do anything you don’t agree to. But I told you the rules. Either you do as I say, or it’s off.”

  Trembling like a racehorse, I hesitate. Bright sunlight beckons me through the door. But now that I know I have a choice, I feel the beginning of arousal, smouldering low yet, but fanning brighter with each passing moment.

  Three men......

  My breathing, previously a fearful panting, is settling into a more regular pattern, the deep breathing of incipient lust.

  “Here.” says Brin. “You forgot this.” And he passes me a bag. It is the food and wine I dropped in my panicked flight. “Go and enjoy your picnic and whatever else it was you planned to do with your day.”

  He cocks his head. “What are you going to do with the rest of your day? Go shopping? Meet up with friends for coffee? Continue your mindless, boring little life until you were ready to try jumping off that bridge again?”

  Trembling, I say nothing, gulping down the thought of going back to how it was, only twenty-four hours ago. And yet, warmth gathers in my loins, my sex growing moist.

  Brin comes close to me, really close, his breath, sweet and minty, washing again my face. “Or, perhaps, you might try something new.” He tilts his head at the other men. “Look at ‘em. I did choose carefully for you. Don’t tell me you don’t like the look of them.”

  I look at the other two men. One is red-headed and freckled, green eyed, and with a smile like the sins of angels. And there is the black giant, standing arms folded, watching me carefully. He looks so...... I could eat him alive......

  They want to fuck me.

  They all want to fuck with me.

  My panties are wet.

  “So, what’s it to be?” asks Brin, standing by the door, holding it wide.

  My trembling transforming to quivering, lust rises inside me, curling and rippling through me. I can have all these three men. Together or separately.

  A frisson runs up through me and a sharp pang strikes through my sex. I think of myself, taken by these three men, of me taking them and my pussy gushes into already sodden panties.

  I nod to Brin. “Close the door.”

  He grins widely and flings the door closed with a bang, then strides over.

  “I should introduce you all. Martha, meet Keenan...” Brin indicates the giant. “....and Max.”

  “Nice to meet you Martha.” grins Max. His smile is wicked. “I hope we’re going to get along together.”

  “You’re a looker Martha.” says Keenan. “Brin here didn’t do you justice when he told us about you.”

  “Thank you.” I say, a little uncertainly. Keenan puzzles me. To my eye, he looks as though he should be smoking pot down some alleyway, but his accent is cultured, his voice deep and resonant. A voice of pure silk and honey.

  I have dived in at the deep end, but am clueless as to how to proceed. Brin takes the decision out of my hands. He jerks his head at Max and the two men grab me from behind again, holding me firmly under the arms and around the shoulders. My mouth is dry with anticipation, but my pussy is flowing freely.

  Keenan steps in front of me, towering above my head. He slides his fingers into the front of my blouse and simply rips it open, then tears open the sleeves and pulls the rag away from me.

  “I’m gonna fuck you hard now.” he says. “Brin here tells me you like it rough.” He grabs the front of my bra and again tears it off me. “We aim to please.” he continues, then bends down to my now naked breasts. Squeezing one with a ham like hand, he bites and sucks at the other, not actually hurting me, but with nothing remotely gentle in his actions.

  My skirt he slides around until the zip is to the front. He undoes the top button and then simply rips the zip apart, leaving me only in shoes and panties. My hips are beginning to judder.

  “I bet she’s soaked.” says Brin’s voice behind me.

  Keenan’s hand probes between my legs, sending another spasm rippling through my sex. “Yup. Sopping. These can go too.” And the panties are also ripped off me.

  Pinned at the shoulders by Brin and Max, I stand naked for Keenan’s perusal. He looks me up and down, then inserts a foot between my ankles, pushing them apart. He slips a finger between my pussy lips, nudging my clit and then testing my entrance. My pussy jumps and clenches at his probing and he chuckles.

  “Ripe and ready I’d say.” Then he steps back and starts stripping off his clothes. “I’m going to enjoy this.”

  I watch, hypnotised as he lifts the tee-shirt over his head, revealing ve
lvet skin and shoulders like mountains. His stomach is flat and muscular. As he unbelts and unzips, a huge erection springs free, quivering against his black fuzz.

  I cannot tear my eyes away from the glistening penis, vibrating to a pulse rhythm. Keenan looks down at his throbbing organ and then back up at me. “Not bad eh? You want to suck it off before I fuck you with it? Or do you just want to give me head and these two can fuck you?” His teeth are very white against his skin, eyes dark and depthless.

  I suck my lips. The tip of the massive erection is seeping and I want nothing more than to lick it clean. My cunt is hot and also seeping, a thin trail of my own juices trickling down the inside of my thighs.

  The decision is taken from me. Two pairs of hands push me down to my knees. One hand holds the back of my head, pushing my face to the thick, oozing shaft. As I struggle to take the head into my mouth, my legs are once again pulled apart at the ankles, this time from behind. Awkwardly, I drop onto all fours and find myself too low to mouth the appetising black cock.

  I strain upwards for it, mouth open, but my knees are being pushed apart. Someone is settling between my legs, another cock probing at my wet and swollen pussy. There is a strong scent and with a shock I realise that it the perfume of my own arousal, piercing hotly through me.

  On my hands and knees, I cannot reach Keenan’s cock. He laughs as he sees me reaching fruitlessly for it, lips wide, mouth salivating. I want to suck him off. I want this gorgeous mountain of a man to face fuck me and cream into my mouth.

  With a shock, I realise that I just said that out loud and I flush deep red, but there is a bark of laughter behind me and a hand slaps my ass. “Good for you Martha.” says Brin.

  Keenan drops to his knees in front of me. “Not a problem little lady.” He uses one hand to wipe my face with his shaft, leaving a trail of warm pre-cum over my lips, nose and cheeks. Reaching with my tongue, I try to capture more from the still leaking slit.

  Stretching my mouth wide, I try to take in the huge cock. It is built on a scale to match its owner. There is no way can I take in the whole thing, try as I might. And while I struggle to accommodate it, fingers are working at my pussy lips, not actually entering me, but opening me, teasing me, working circles around my quivering inner muscles.

  I want to beg whoever it is behind me to get on with it, to get inside me, but my mouth is plugged by cock. Then I realise that both men must be there, Brin and Max, feeling me, working me.

  Two hands are tormenting my twitching pussy but another hand is reaching under me, pulling at my clit, rolling it and squeezing. How are they doing it? I try to imagine what positions the two men can be in to be able to do what they are doing. Unable to turn my head, speared with Keenan’s shaft spearing me like a kebab, I settle for rolling my eyes sideways.

  I cannot see Max; he must be behind me. Brin is sitting to one side of me, one arm casually reaching under me, tweaking and flicking my bud. He grins wickedly as he sees me eyeballing him. His other hand reaches for a nipple, plays with it for a moment then pinches hard. It hurts and, even through my penile gag, I yelp, but my pussy gushes hot juices. Brin pinches again, harder, Max urging him on. “She’s flooding. Who’s gonna fuck her first?”

  “You’re the man on the spot.” says Brin. “Get on with it. Give the lady what she wants.”

  There is barely a break for thought. Max rams into me. I am ready so wet, so swollen, that rough as he is, his cock plunges into me with no effort, simply stretching my slick passage wide. Simultaneously, Keenan starts to work me harder at the front, slowly sliding in and out of my mouth.

  “Brin also tells me.” he says”. that you’d never been face fucked before. That you’re still a learner. So we’ll take this easy shall we.” He tilts my chin upwards with a finger. “I’m not gonna give you a full deep throat job now. You’ve gotta learn how to do that, and, let’s face it....” He chuckles “I’m one of the big boys.... but let’s see how far we can take you.”

  He presses in further, towards my gag spot. I can’t suck. I can’t lick. He is in too deep. I can’t even swallow and a thin stream of my saliva and his pre-cum trickle out of my mouth.

  Keenan’s shaft is getting thicker in my mouth, swelling and hardening by the moment. Nonetheless, with each slow plunge, he eases in further, deeper. “Relax your throat.” he says. His hands curve around the back of my head, making it impossible for me to retreat, or to control the depth of his thrusting.

  It’s all very well for Keenan to say ‘Relax’. Max is pumping my cunt hard. His grunts and groan are becoming broken as his breath turns ragged. Brin is flicking and circling my clit with one hand and torturing my nipples with the other. I want to writhe and twist and yell. I want to buck and thrust and sheathe the cock spearing me with my own movements, but I can’t do any of these things.

  I try to relax my throat but it’s not easy. I manage to control my gag reflex enough for Keenan to slide another inch or so in. Ye gods. How big is this thing? It’s nowhere near all in. Surely no woman can take all of this?

  Max is trembling and gasping behind me. Holding my hips in both hands, he pounds me hard. Balls swinging against me, he pumps in as hard as he can, bringing muffled squeals from me as he rams against my inner walls. There is no sense of his holding back or of wanting to do anything but fuck me as hard as he can for as long as he can. Finally, with a heaving gasp, he shudders into me, grinding up against me as he shoots me full of hot cum.

  As Max sags over me, panting, Brin says, in conversational tone, “Well now, that makes it my turn doesn’t it.”

  I slide my gaze sideways again, trying to make eye contact with him. Brin obliges by shuffling to one side a little, nonetheless, still keeping up his attention on my clit and nipples.

  He continues. “The question is, which of your holes do I want to fuck? Your mouth is very appealing and I enjoyed watching you swallow my load last night. But then, I’m going to watch you swallow Keenan’s any time now......”

  Keenan is indeed producing a steady stream of salty-sweet pre-cum. Much as I would love to swallow it, my mouth is all but immobilised by his cock. Jaws aching and tongue flattened, I simply receive his cock in a kind of tribute. Keenan is helping matters along now by wanking himself into my mouth, using me more as a receptacle than a tool.

  Brin’s work on my nipples turns to pinching and twisting at the same time, each movement making me gasp. As Max pulls out of me, now free to move a little more, my back arches each time Brin gives a twist to my already hard tips.

  “So, what I’m wondering Martha...” continues Brin, “ have you ever been fucked up the ass? I’m guessing the answer is ‘No’ because I don’t think it’s the kind of thing that soft-pricked husband of yours would have done to his princess. Women on pedestals don’t usually get offered that kind of option.”

  I start trying to protest, but cannot speak. Keenan’s cock-head is lodged between my lips and pressing deeply in, and in, and in. A shuddering tension is building in him and it transmits from the root of his shaft through me. I can feel his release arising, but begin to panic as he shows no sign of withdrawing from where he is pressed against my throat.

  Oh God, how deep is he going to go?

  Keenan’s cock pulses and jerks and a flood of hot cream spurts over the back of my throat. Gagging and coughing, I try to swallow, but there is too much fluid and his shaft is in too deep. How long can this man keep cumming? There seems no end to it. Eyes watering, spluttering, I struggle to breath, but his hands still pin my head firmly in place.

  Keenan seems, even in the depths of his climax, to realise that I am in trouble and withdraws, to finish the job by spurting over my face. Dripping tears and jizz, I cough and dribble my way back to normality.

  Just as I regain some sense of self control, I realise that Brin is kneeling behind me, between my widely spread legs. His fingers are parting my cheeks, a finger probing towards my rear entrance.

  “Brin, I’m not sure about this....” />
  A hand lashes across my butt, hard. It stings. Then again, on the same spot and it really hurts.

  “Be quiet. I’m in charge here. You agreed to this, on more than one occasion. You’ll do as you’re told.”

  I start trying to struggle up, but Keenan’s giant ham hands clamp down onto my wrists. I look up into his eyes.

  He winks down at me. “You’ll be fine. You’ll like it.”

  I am nothing like so sure of this. “Brin.... please...”

  The hard slaps down on me again, then reaches under and pinches at my clit sending hot pain and unbearable arousal streaming through me.

  Moaning in ecstasy/torment, I sag, to find myself being hauled up at the hips. Another hand pushes me down at the shoulders.

  “That’s it, head down, ass up.” Brin instructs. I want to be able to see where I’m going to stick my cock into you. Max wants a good view too.”

  “Yeah right.” comes Max’s voice, full of enthusiasm. “Cool. But I’d like to see something in her pussy too.”

  Brin’s voice is sarcastic. “You think you can manage that right now?”

  “Well no, but I brought this along.” There is silence for a moment, then a buzzing. “It sounded like it was going to be quite a party so....”

  “Brin...” I yell. “What the hell...” The slap on the butt again and this time the pinching on my clit is really hard. With a twist between Brin’s fingers, my tender and swollen nub ripples agony and ecstasy in equal measure through my cunt.

  I barely have time to react before feeling the vibe against my pussy lips. Again, this is new to me. Never in my life have I experienced anything approaching sex like this. The vibe sends surges of sensation echoing through my cunt and clit, belly and thighs.

  I wail in a kind of triumph, giving voice to my molten arousal, for growing my need for climax.

  The vibe runs the full length of my vulva, sliding through slippery, swollen lips, circling my engorged clit and finally returning to my throbbing cunt.


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