Hot to the Touch

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Hot to the Touch Page 9

by Jaci Burton

  “For some reason I get the feeling the two of them did that on purpose.”

  Jackson raised a brow. “Nah. They’re always running off doing something or another.”

  “So you don’t think they’re trying to set us up to be alone?”

  “No, I don’t. But I’m not complaining about having you to myself.”

  She liked where this was going. “Really. Because I got the distinct impression the other day in my bedroom that you couldn’t get away from me fast enough.”

  “The timing was off that day. I didn’t want my brothers to come home and walk in on us in your room.”

  She moved closer to him, needing to gauge if his interest was all talk and no action. “I see. Well, that is kind of the drawback to all of us living together, isn’t it?”

  When she was only inches away from him, he drew her against him. “Yeah, it’s gonna be a problem. But right now it’s just the two of us.”

  She laid her palms on his chest, loving the feel of his rock-hard body against her skin. “Yes, it is. In front of a very large and extremely revealing picture window.”

  She motioned with her head to the approximately eight-year-old boy leering at them through the window.

  “Shit,” Jackson said, pulling back right away. The kid outside laughed and ran off. “There’s got to be a place we can be alone.”

  “Surely we can do that at home. Your brothers bring women home, don’t they? You’re all respectful of each other’s privacy, aren’t you?”


  “And I’m certain they’d be respectful of mine, say, if I had a guy in my room.”

  “I know they would be.”

  She shrugged. “Problem solved, then. We’ll meet in my room whenever we want to do . . . whatever it is that we want to do.”

  She saw him look toward that big window. Then he took her hand and led her to the back of the shop. He backed her up against the wall and pressed his body against hers. “I have a pretty good idea we’re on the same page as far as what we want to do. But you need to let me know if it’s what you want.”

  As if she hadn’t made her intent . . . and her consent . . . perfectly transparent to him?

  She wound her hand around his neck. “Jackson. I want sex. With you. In a bed in my room. Or in your room. Or in my truck. Or your truck. Or even right here. On a chair. On the floor. Or up against the wall. Just so we’re clear.”

  A low growl came from his throat.

  “Very damn clear, thank you.”

  He pressed his lips to hers and a burst of heat sizzled across her skin. The softness of his lips, his breath mingling with hers, and the hot taste of his tongue far exceeded all of the prepubescent fantasies she’d had of kissing him all those years ago. Back then she’d imagined a soft kiss, murmured endearments and hand-holding.

  Childish daydreams.

  She wasn’t a kid anymore, and neither was Jackson.

  Her need for him now was very, very adult.

  His hands were masculine and large and rough as he moved them over her, getting to know her body as he slid his hands down her arms and around the front of her body. He slipped one hand under her shirt, teasing her stomach with his palm. She released a moan of utter pleasure at feeling that skin-to-skin contact.

  This kiss was an adult kiss with lips and tongues and roaming hands that promised hot, fiery passion and even steamier sex. She wanted the opportunity to strip him down and explore him all over.

  But then he pulled away. “This just isn’t good enough, Becks.”

  She cocked her head to the side. “I don’t know, Jackson,” she said, trying to catch her breath. “But from where I’m standing, it was getting really damn good.”

  He dragged his fingers through his hair. “I know. But I want to get naked with you and touch you and kiss you and lick you and fuck you. For hours. And we can’t do that here. And I don’t know how you feel about it, but a quickie just isn’t gonna cut it for us. Not the first time.”

  She was bowled over by how sweet that declaration was. “Okay. So we need a bed in a bedroom with a locked door. Appointment sex?”

  “I’m okay with it if you are.”

  She was more than okay with it. “So let’s go have something to eat, because other than sex with you, food is definitely a priority right now. Then we can put our calendars together and make an appointment.”

  “I’m good with food.” He gave her a devilish smile. “As a second choice.”

  She locked the shop and they climbed into his truck.

  He started the engine and turned to her. “What are you hungry for?”

  Him. She was hungry for him, but she had to shift mental and libidinal gears.

  “Fish tacos.”

  He grinned. “Excellent choice.”

  They ended up at the Drunken Taco because it was right on the beach. One of the reasons she liked to work nearby was so she could soak up the ocean view whenever possible. The salt spray and fresh ocean air never failed to revive her after a long day of inking and piercing. She often either drove or walked to the beach to just stick her toes in the sand or take a walk along the beach, lost in her own thoughts.

  But now she was sitting next to Jackson after having her fill of fish tacos. She’d had a couple of refreshing glasses of beer while watching the mesmerizing waves as they crashed in, then pulled back out. The water always beckoned her.

  “You’re staring at it like you’d like to plunge in headfirst.”

  She smiled at Jackson. “It is hot today. Wouldn’t you like to do the same thing?”

  He took a long pull of his beer, then set it on the bar. “The thought’s crossed my mind.”

  “Do you have your board shorts with you?”

  “Anyone who lives around the beach should be ashamed if they don’t carry their swim stuff in their vehicle.”

  She nodded. “So true.”

  “Which means we’re going for a dip, right?”

  Her lips curved. “Definitely.”

  “Great. Then I can check out more of your tattoos.”

  “You could see all of them if you’d just get me naked.”

  He took another swallow of his beer. “I don’t mind waiting. And imagining.”

  “You’re not like any guy I’ve ever known before.”

  “Is that right? In what way?”

  “Most of them want to get me undressed right away.”

  “I never said I didn’t want to fuck you right away. I think about it a lot. But I also want to get to know you, not just your body.”

  She took a long swallow of beer and slid the empty bottle across the bar. The bartender handed her another. She swiveled in her seat to face Jackson. “For the record, I would also like to get you naked. And get to know you as a person as well.”

  “Thanks. I’d hate to think you were just using me for my moving skills. And my magnificent dick.”

  She snorted out a laugh. “Oh, now you’re just boasting.”

  “I wouldn’t boast about it if it weren’t true.”

  “We’ll see, Mr. Magnificent.”

  He nodded. “Yeah, you’ll see all right. And feel. Everything.”

  She could not believe they were having this conversation. Though she had to admit she was amused as hell.

  “And probably scream,” he added. “Maybe even faint.”

  “Laying it on a little thick, aren’t you, Jackson?”

  “Did I mention it was thick?” He arched a brow. “Have you been peeking?”

  She rolled her eyes. “You do go on, don’t you?”

  His gaze was direct. “All. Night. Long.”

  She was on fire. But she couldn’t admit it to him. So she gave him a nonchalant shrug. “Now I’m no longer interested.”

  He leaned into her to whisper in he
r ear. “Bullshit. You’d take me down right now if we weren’t in public.”

  That was absolutely true, but there was no way she was letting him know that. “Hmm. Maybe. So, are you ready for a swim?”

  His lips curved upward, as if he knew he’d ignited a flame in her.


  “Sure. Let’s go.”

  Jackson went into the public restroom to change into his board shorts. Becks had grabbed her backpack and was off doing the same. He tucked his clothes in his truck and waited there for Becks so he could store her clothes.

  While he was waiting, he answered a few text messages and e-mails, including a group text from his mom inviting him and his brothers over for dinner tonight. She said Dad was smoking some ribs. She’d also added that they should include Becks, if she was available.

  Someone had told her about Becks.

  Kal, probably, since he was closest to Mom and told her everything. Jackson texted her and told her that he might stop by, and that he’d talk to Becks about coming, too.

  He winced as soon as he sent the text, realizing that implied Becks was with him. Which she was, of course, but his parents didn’t need to know that.

  Then again, they might just think he was at home and so was she. Hopefully they’d think that.

  Both Kal and Rafe said they’d be there. He’d have to see how Becks felt about going to dinner at his parents’. It wasn’t like they were dating. Plus his brothers would all be there. It’d be fine. No pressure.

  He hoped.


  He looked up from his phone and his jaw dropped.

  Becks stood there, clothes draped in her hand. But it wasn’t what was in her hand that made his breath catch. She wore a turquoise-and-black bikini top and black boy shorts that molded to her amazing body. She had curvy hips and gorgeous breasts along with tattoos scattered here and there. She had almost an entire sleeve of ink covering her right arm, several on her left arm, that heart above her breast, and more ink on her abs.

  “You’re beautiful.”

  Her lips curved. “Thanks.”

  “Turn around.”

  She’d pulled her hair into a high ponytail, revealing more tats on the back of her neck that he’d already had a glimpse of once or twice. There were flowers there, something pink and pretty. She also had one stunning tattoo of a tree on her back. It was encased within a circle, with twining branches and leaves that filled to the edges of the circle, and roots spreading across the bottom. The tattoo was devoid of color, which made it that much more interesting.

  “What is this?” he asked, tracing his finger across the tattoo.

  “The tree of life.”

  “It’s amazing.” He couldn’t help but want to run his fingers over all of her ink. Up and down her arm there were all these sea creatures, and she had various words with vines and flowers entwined around them on the other arm.

  “Your body tells a story.”

  She smiled at him. “Not many people get that.”

  “Score one for me, then.”

  She laughed and held out a bottle of spray sunscreen. “You can ask all the questions you want about my ink later. It’s hot and I’m anxious to get in the water. How about you get this sunscreen on me?”

  “Sure.” He sprayed the sunscreen all over her, then did himself as well. She tucked the bottle in her bag and he put the bag in the truck and locked it up. He grabbed a couple of boogie boards from the back of the truck and they headed down the pier toward the beach.

  It was a perfect day. Ocean breezes kept it from being too hot, but Jackson didn’t much care about the heat. He intended to stay in or near the water. He hoped Becks felt the same way.

  Apparently she did, because as soon as they got to the water’s edge she slid belly first on her board into the water, the wave taking her for a long ride across the sand until another surge poured over the top of her. She laughed, grabbed the board and did it again.

  He realized he could stand there and watch her, mesmerized, because her body was so in tune with the board and the waves. Some people never understood how you needed to relax into the board, ride the waves easy. He’d sat back and watched folks stand on a boogie board or a surfboard all stiff and unyielding, and then wonder why they toppled over. If they’d only loosen up, the ride would be so much more fun.

  He could tell how relaxed Becks was. Even when she stood, there was no tension in her body. She was all fluidity in motion, her wet ponytail flying behind her as she skidded across the water.

  Since the hot sun was bearing down on him and sweat ran in rivulets down his back, he decided it was time to get wet. He slid his board into the next wave and did a half flip, gliding into the air and diving into the wave. The cool water felt great. When he surfaced, Becks was right there, board in her arms.

  “You really don’t half-ass anything, do you?”

  He grinned and shrugged. “No idea how much time any of us has, so might as well live the hell out of our lives.”

  She stared at him. “Did you lose someone close to you?”

  At one point in his life, he’d lost everything in one shattering moment. One minute he’d been a happy, carefree kid. The next . . .

  But that was the life he’d lived before, the part of his life he didn’t want to recall. “Nah. But, you know, the work we do reminds us every day how fast it could all disappear.”

  “Of course. We’ve all been there. It’s good to have fun, to appreciate life every day.”

  He liked that she understood, and of course she would, because she’d been where he’d been. Maybe their backgrounds weren’t the same, but like his brothers, she’d lived down those dark alleyways. She’d gone hungry and had spent nights with the stars as a roof over her head. So to be where they were now? They’d gotten lucky.

  “So let’s get to appreciating this day.”

  “I will if you get out of my way.” She shoved him aside and went running, attempting the same flip-over dive that he had done. The results weren’t exactly the same, but she did a decent flip.

  When she came out of the wave, she cast a brilliant smile at him.

  “Okay, how was it?”

  “I’d grade it a C minus.”

  “C minus? Bullshit. I flipped all the way up.”

  “You dove into the wave. Not above it. Want some lessons?”


  He showed her how to propel the board along the wave, then over it. It took her quite a few tries—okay, a lot of tries. And he did it, too, to show her the body mechanics.

  He gave her credit for not giving up, even when wave after wave slammed into her.

  She might think he was fearless, but she was the same.

  They finally took a break and sat at the water’s edge, letting the waves lap over their legs.

  This was where Jackson was most content. He liked that Becks seemed happy to just sit next to him and not talk. Some women—guys, too—felt the need to fill the void with chatter. But they soaked in the atmosphere together with silence.

  Check off another thing that worked between them. It might be a small thing, but it was still important.

  Which reminded him of a big thing.

  “Oh, I almost forgot. My mom invited you over to dinner tonight.”

  She blinked. “Really. Meeting the parents, already? I had no idea we’d moved into that territory so fast.”

  He slanted a look at her. “It’s not like that. I guess Kal must have told them you were living at the house, so Mom invited all of us over for dinner, and then said if you’re available you should come, too.”

  She laid her head on his shoulder and batted her lashes at him. “Oh, Jackson. You don’t have to hide your true feelings from me. I know you want to get married and have three babies in three years. I can’t wait to tell Mom and Dad.”
br />   “Funny.” Sense of humor. No tension or freak-out about having dinner at his parents’ house. He liked that about her, too.

  She laughed and straightened. “I’d love to come to dinner. It’s nice of your mom to include me.”

  “Yeah, she’s nice like that. She’s also probably curious about you, so be prepared for a deluge of questions.”

  “I think I can handle it. After all, we’re just friends. And roommates. Until we get married and have those three babies in three years.”

  She wiggled her brows and he laughed.

  “You have a beautiful laugh, Jackson, and your whole face lights up. You should try it more often. It suits you better than your grumpy face.”

  He frowned. “I do not have a grumpy face.”

  “Oh, yes, you definitely do. You’re doing it right now.”

  “I am not.”

  “Yes, you are.” She laughed, which only made him frown again, then made him aware that he was frowning.


  She smoothed her hand over his brow. “Frowning causes wrinkles. And life is short, remember? Smile more.”

  He liked her hand on him. She made him relax. “I’ll take that under advisement.”

  They played in the water a while longer, until it was time to head back to the house to get ready for dinner.

  After he showered, he stared at himself in the mirror, both frowning and smiling.

  He did not have a grumpy face. He was generally a happy guy.

  Wasn’t he?

  Now he was going to think about his stupid face all night.

  Dammit, Becks.


  Becks showered and changed into a pair of black shorts and a red-and-white cotton short-sleeved shirt. She slipped on her canvas tennis shoes and then put on a touch of mascara. Summer was always too hot for makeup unless you were going somewhere fancy. She didn’t think the guys’ mom and dad cared whether she was made up. She towel-dried her hair, figuring by the time they got there it would be mostly dry.

  When she came downstairs she found the guys in the game room, as she’d discovered they called the extra living area. They were all engrossed in some action game with a lot of explosions and warfare. She wasn’t a gamer, so she had no clue what they were playing.


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