Royal Pains (Watchdogs, Inc. Book 2)

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Royal Pains (Watchdogs, Inc. Book 2) Page 4

by Mia Dymond

  She frowned. “That would be awful for business.”

  “Unless the blame could be placed elsewhere.”

  She grinned. “You’re good.”

  “Unfortunately, I’ve had experience with murder.” He pushed himself off the sofa when there was a knock at the door. “And you’re right. It is extremely messy.”

  His admission caused a slight chill to cross her spine. Murder wasn’t a topic she discussed regularly. In fact, until last night when Jane Decker called she hadn’t given it a thought. Ice, however, had a unique relationship with the ugly word.

  When Ice opened the door, the valet wheeled in their luggage and handed him a bottle of champagne.

  “Right here is fine,” Ice told him. “I’ll drag it to the bedroom.”

  The young man unloaded the luggage and then left with a quick welcome to the Regency.

  Ice closed the door, stepped into the kitchen area, and set the champagne on the bar. “No tip?”

  “It’s figured in the bill.”

  “Of course,” he mumbled. “Which bedroom do you want?”

  The words left her mouth before she could stop them. “You don’t want to share?”

  He stood deathly still for the next second and she wondered if she’d upset him by suggesting what she was ninety-eight percent sure he wanted. The angel perched on her right shoulder insisted she laugh and let him off the hook but the devil on her left poked her with his pitchfork.

  “Geez, you don’t want to make a movie or share a bedroom,” she prodded. “What kind of couple’s weekend is this?”

  Again, he stood stoic and reserved, not one hint of emotion etched on his handsome face. Maybe she should’ve taken the angel’s advice.

  And then he moved.

  Like a hunting tiger on the prowl, he closed the space between them, squatted in front of her, and gave her a grin that soaked her panties.

  “You are a beautiful tease, Brat.” He leaned forward and placed a soft peck to her lips. “I’m going to the pool if you’re interested.”

  “No, thank you.”

  He frowned. “That was a quick decision.”

  “I just don’t feel like going to the pool.”

  “Enough.” He took her hand, laced their fingers, and sat beside her. “Spill.”

  “Spill what?”

  “The real reason you aren’t interested in going to the pool.”

  “It’s late and I need to unpack, that’s all.”

  “Try again.”

  “I didn’t bring my swimsuit?”

  “You’re asking me? Because I couldn’t care less. A suit is optional, in my opinion.”

  She hesitated, partly to attempt to formulate an excuse that would wow him, but mostly because she was tempted to embrace the no-suit explanation. Except, that wouldn’t make any difference.

  “I don’t go anywhere near the water, Ice.”

  He nodded. “You said you don’t swim.”

  “I don’t do anything in the water, swim, dangle my feet, or even stand.”

  She braced herself for the impending interrogation. It was in his nature to extract every last drop of information and he used every single ounce of his charm to do it. Only, he didn’t.

  Instead, he gave her hand a squeeze, a small, compassionate gesture that urged her to explain. She glanced from their enjoined hands back up into his soft, blue gaze and issued the admission very few people knew.

  “When I was six years old, I got caught in a riptide and nearly drowned. If it hadn’t been for an observant fisherman, I probably wouldn’t have survived.”

  He nodded. “Riptides are a bitch.”

  “It’s silly, really,” she mumbled. “swimming pools don’t have riptides.”

  “U.S. highways don’t have booby traps, but I still dodge them.”

  Her heart rolled over as his admission rolled effortlessly over his tongue. This big, strong, seemingly-indestructible man just acknowledged fear in an effort to soothe hers. Amazing.

  “Fear makes us human.” He lifted her hand, placed a kiss against the tops of her knuckles, and then unlaced their fingers before he stood. “It’s all in how we use it that matters.”

  He grabbed both suitcases. “Which bedroom?”

  “It doesn’t matter to me.”

  “Good. We’ll sleep together.”

  “There are two bedrooms, Ice.”

  “I’m aware.”

  “We only have to pretend we’re a couple. I was only teasing you earlier, we don’t need to share.”

  “On the contrary, I think we do.”


  “I can protect you more easily if you’re next to me.”

  “I’m not in any danger.”

  “Sure about that?”

  “I hope so,” she mumbled.

  “Well, I’m not. Until I confirm there’s not a murderer on the loose, we’ll share a bed.” He grinned. “You can build a pillow wall between us.”

  “I trust you.”

  “Who said it’s me you have to worry about?”

  She released a soft sigh as he left the room with the luggage, surprised by this side of Ice. Although she always felt a deep respect for him and an undeniable appreciation for his body, their interactions normally consisted of unmerciful teasing on his part and argument on hers. A definite stimulant, in her opinion. But now, he’d shown her a side of him that changed everything. On top of the stimulating, playful banter and undeniable sexual attraction, he was laced with compassion and courage; compassion to acknowledge imperfection and courage to overcome it. She ran a hand over her forehead. If there was such a thing as a total package, Ice had it.

  And now, she had just agreed to sleep with him.

  She glanced up just as he re-entered the room dressed in black board shorts with a towel draped over one shoulder. Despite her best efforts, she couldn’t resist the urge to sneak a peek at his v-cut obliques.

  “Keep the door locked and don’t leave the suite,” he told her.

  She rolled her eyes. “Aye, aye, Captain.”

  “Master Chief. I’m serious, don’t leave this room without me.”

  “Ice – “

  “No discussion. If you can’t agree, you have two choices: come with me or spend the next hour tied to the bed.”

  She raised an eyebrow in mock consideration. No way would she go to the pool but tied to the bed might be interesting.

  He shook his head and groaned. “C’mon, I’m sure you can sit as far from the water as you’d like.”

  “I’ll be fine here. I promise I won’t leave.”

  “I think you will.”

  “No, really, I won’t.”

  “Okay,” he relented, “but if you break your word, you won’t like the way I retaliate.”

  “Promises, promises.”

  He stepped close to her and tipped her chin with one finger. “Yes, sweetheart, I promise.”


  He entered the public area, confident that his decision to protect the operation at all costs had been the right one. Although he had been forced to detour slightly from his intended course, it appeared that everything would now proceed as scheduled.

  He released a slow breath of relief. Keeping his associate satisfied was his main goal and he intended to fulfill it. Not only would he profit monetarily from the arrangement, he would remain alive in the process.

  In a rare moment of silence, he allowed his mind to wander back over the recent turn of events. Originally, he hadn’t meant to become involved in his associate’s organization, but when the opportunity of wealth presented itself, human nature caused him to accept. His task was an easy one, one that required hardly any effort at all. That fact alone made the deal attractive. He developed a method, a routine that allowed him to carry out his duties successfully and efficiently – until someone interfered. Now, things threatened to go awry.

  His cell phone buzzed incessantly in his jacket pocket, shaking him from thought. He moved quickly into a corn
er and answered before he drew attention.

  His associate began the conversation and from his angry tone, he knew the purpose of the call. His earlier feeling of confidence faded. “You failed to relay the manner in which you eliminated the problem.”

  “With all due respect, I didn’t think it was necessary. You gave me a job and I did it.”

  “Your efficiency is commendable but you should have informed me of a murder. Especially since the corpse was discovered rather quickly.”

  “For that, I apologize. I wasn’t aware that a reservation had been booked.”

  “Your lack of knowledge compromised the operation. How do you intend to handle this?”

  He squeezed the bridge of his nose. He had absolutely no idea what to do and couldn’t even come close to faking it. He suddenly felt very, very small.

  “I don’t know,” he answered weakly.

  “You are nothing if not honest.” His contact released a long, slow breath. “However, it is you who must endure the suspicion you created.”

  “Yes, Sir. I have taken adequate precautions to escape detection.”

  “Law enforcement has a body. You are under extreme scrutiny. Make absolutely sure you do not introduce them to my organization.”

  “No, Sir. I have absolutely no intention of doing that.”

  “For your benefit, I hope not. Otherwise, the consequences will be dire.”

  The call disconnected before he could speak again but he needed no further conversation. The other man was not one to challenge; he knew the exact implication of dire consequences.

  He returned his phone to his pocket and squared his shoulders. What was done was done. He would simply regroup and carry on.


  Inside the dining room the next morning, Ice stood next to Bailey with her hand tucked into his and reminded himself how much he thoroughly enjoyed this mission. Although they had just begun, he was pleasantly surprised how agreeable Bailey had been so far. He wasn’t so naïve to believe that would continue, but he’d already prepared himself to turn her expected resistance around and use it to his advantage.

  Sleeping beside her had been a helluva test of his self-control. She failed to mention how much of a bed hog she was and when he awoke to find her very soft, creamy thigh draped over his and her round, firm breast pressed against his abs, it had taken everything in him not to roll over and mount her right then and there. Thankfully – solely for her benefit – she slept like the dead and he extricated himself without incident. After a cold shower and several cups of strong, hot coffee, he managed to get his mind back in the game.

  “Ice.” Bailey squeezed his hand and redirected his attention from the bedroom and onto a tall, matronly woman who now stood in front of them. The hostess, he assumed. “Our table is ready.”

  He and Bailey followed her to a table in one corner. Once she set the menus on the table and left them alone, he held out a chair for Bailey and then sat in the empty chair across from her.

  “Do you have the lowdown on the staff?”

  She nodded. “The hostess who brought us to the table is Barbara Coleman. She hasn’t been employed here long and I don’t know much about her.”

  He gazed over her head when he caught movement in his peripheral vision. “There’s a tall, blonde woman walking toward us.”

  “Thin and knock-out gorgeous?”

  He moved his gaze back to Bailey and grinned. “Thin and attractive enough.”

  “Good answer. That’s Tianna Olander, the Entertainment Director.” Bailey gave her a smile as she approached. “Tianna, it’s nice to see you again!”

  “You too, Bailey.” She reached to squeeze Bailey’s hand. “Are you going to take one of my classes this time?”

  “Maybe.” Bailey glanced at him, raised an eyebrow, and then glanced back at the other woman. “I need a partner, right?”

  “Depends on which class you’re interested in. I have a Salsa dancing class that is really a lot of fun.”

  Ice released a slow, easy breath and then inhaled a new one just as slowly. Salsa dancing? Was she serious? No way could he convince his cock to cooperate with Bailey’s body slung all over his. Hell, even clothing couldn’t keep her safe.

  “Tyson, this is Tianna Olander, the Entertainment Director here at the resort.” He didn’t miss Bailey’s dismissal of the dancing invitation. “Tianna, this is Tyson Arnett, my guest for the weekend.”

  He extended a hand to the other woman. “Nice to meet you, Tianna.”

  “You too,” she said as she shook his hand. “Perhaps you can talk Bailey into dancing.”


  “I have a beginner’s class tomorrow afternoon. The time allows some of the staff members to participate.”

  Bailey nodded. “We’ll have to consider it.”

  “Please do.” Tianna looked over one shoulder and then lowered her voice. “I suppose you heard about Jack.”

  Bailey shook her head. “Yes. That’s just awful.”

  “Everyone’s very shaken. Jack was a good guy.” She gave a small smile. “Enjoy your breakfast. If you decide to dance tomorrow morning, wear your swimsuit and a pair of heels. I’ll see you around.”

  He waited for Tianna to leave and then glanced back at Bailey. “She’s been here awhile?”

  “Yes. She and her husband, Gus, have worked here since the resort opened. Gus is the Food Service Manager.”

  “I caught a slight accent. She’s not American.”

  “No, she and Gus are both Swedish.”

  “There’s no chance she was stepping out on her husband with Overton, is there?”

  “Absolutely none.”

  “What makes you so sure?”

  “I didn’t know Jack all that well, but I do know Tianna. She’s head over heels in love with her husband, and he with her. Wait until you see them together, it’s quite obvious.”

  He accepted Bailey’s explanation for the moment. “Who’s the woman at the bar?”

  “Short brunette?”

  He nodded.

  “Sandra Watson.”

  “She serves an impressive amount of alcohol before ten o’clock in the morning.”

  “She knows the clientele well.”

  “I assume she’s an old-timer as well.”

  “Yes. Only Barbara Coleman, the hostess, and several of the kitchen staff are new. All of the administrative staff has been here from inception.”

  He nodded and paused as their server arrived with two mugs of coffee. Bailey nearly yanked it out of the woman’s hand.

  “Tyson, this is Angelica. Angelica, Tyson.” She added her usual vanilla creamer and sugar to her coffee while she made introductions.

  “Nice to meet you.” Angelica grinned. “Bailey can’t function much before her morning milkshake.”

  He returned the younger woman’s grin. “Nice to meet you too.”

  “Are you guys ready to order?”

  Bailey spoke first. “Wheat toast and vanilla yogurt.”

  His stomach churned. Healthy eating was one thing but her request did not sound the least bit appetizing.

  Angelica nodded. “Yoga?”

  “Yoga,” Bailey answered.

  “And you, Tyson?”

  He winced. The one negative part about undercover was using his name. He always felt like he was in trouble. “Pancakes and eggs.”

  “No yoga for you?”


  Angelica returned her order pad to her apron and then wrapped her fingers around the menus. “Did you hear about Jack?”

  Bailey nodded. “Daniel told us last night.”

  “It’s just awful.” The server shook her head. “Things like that just don’t happen here.”

  “Daniel mentioned he might’ve had some personal issues.”

  The other woman shrugged. “I don’t know anything about that but he was such a nice guy. He always escorted me to the ferry dock when I worked late.”

  “He was very well-l
iked,” Bailey agreed.

  “Your order shouldn’t take long.”

  As soon as they were alone again, he redirected the conversation. Murder was such a downer.

  “How did you sleep last night?”

  “Fine. What about you?”

  Hard as a rock. “Fine.”

  “Did I crowd you? I have a tendency to sprawl out.”

  No kidding. “Not at all.” He grinned. “And you don’t snore.”

  A pretty pink blush covered her cheeks and he fought the urge to caress the surface with his thumbs.

  “Good to know,” she mumbled.

  She flicked the corner of her menu with her middle finger and he mentally groaned. He could give her plenty to do with those fingers. Time to change the subject.

  “If we take that dance class, we might have the opportunity to find out if anyone knows anything about Overton.”

  Her eyes widened. “You want to take Salsa dancing lessons?”

  “Why not?” He shrugged. “I’ve never done it before.”

  “Okay, sure.”

  “Under one condition.”

  “Of course.” She rolled her eyes. “Lay it on me.”

  “You conquer your fear of the water.”

  She tilted her head to one side, silent for a few brief seconds, as if she weighed the pros and cons of his offer. He bit back a smirk. If she only knew how much he feared Salsa dancing, she wouldn’t be so hesitant.

  “Maybe,” she said finally.

  “No maybe. I’m not dancing if you won’t brave the water.”

  “The swimming pool?”

  He nodded. “It’s a start.”


  He shrugged. “Whenever.”

  “How do you know I’ll keep my end of the bargain?”

  “After you see my Salsa moves, you will.”

  She smiled, lifted her cup, took a sip of the hot beverage, and then set it back on the table. “I planned on attending a yoga class on the beach after breakfast. Would you like to join me?”


  She giggled. “You like yoga about as much as I do the water.”

  “Not my thing. I need to check in with Diesel and Harvard anyway.”

  “You’re allowing me to go alone?”

  “I’ll walk you down and meet you afterwards.”


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