Daniel's Desire

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Daniel's Desire Page 8

by Callie Hutton

  Rosemarie limped in circles, wringing her hands. Despite the clear U.S. brand on the stolen horse’s left shoulder, she needed to hitch it to the wagon and bring the three children into town to see the doctor. She would find a way to cover the marking.

  “Mama, should I fetch Mr. McCoy from the barn? He’ll know what to do.” Chandler stood in the doorway to her bedroom.

  “He’s … ” What? Gone forever. On his way back to the war. No longer able to help us. She sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. “Mr. McCoy left last night to rejoin his regiment.”

  “What will we do?” Chandler’s voice quivered, his face pale. Amazing that the Reb had been here less than a month, and already her son had lost faith in her ability to handle things. She was their mother, she’d nursed them before.

  But never all three at the same time, and with a serious illness.

  Rosemarie stared at him for a minute. “Go to the barn and hitch the horse to the wagon. We’ll take Jace and Amelia into town to see the doctor.”

  Chandler raced away from the door, and Rosemarie quickly removed her nightgown and pulled on a dress. Once the floor in the children’s bedroom had been cleaned, she hurried outside with the feather mattress from the boys’ bed and stuffed it into the back of the wagon.

  The horse’s brand glared at her in disapproval. At the sound of retching, she turned to see Chandler emptying his stomach alongside the wagon. A sense of urgency swept through her. “Go wash out your mouth, and then climb into the wagon and lie down.”

  “What about Jace and Amelia?” Chandler wiped his forehead with his sleeve.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll get them.”

  Both children tossed on their beds, whimpering. She wrapped Jace in his blanket, and carried him outside. Back from his trek to the sink, Chandler reached for Jace and tucked him into the wagon bed. Once he settled in, Rosemarie hurried to the house and carried Amelia out.

  “Mama, I’m so hot.” Her daughter whined.

  “I know, honey. But you must keep the blanket wrapped around you.”

  “Where we going?”

  “I’m bringing you and your brothers to Dr. Kennedy, in town. He’ll know what to do to make you feel better.”

  “I like Dr. Kennedy,” she whispered.

  With everyone tucked in, Rosemarie threw another blanket over the horse to hide the brand, tied the ribbons of her bonnet under her chin, then drove the wagon out of the yard.

  • • •

  Rosemarie urged the horse down the main street of Bartlett Creek, a small town standing halfway between the Wilson farm and Indianapolis. With the three children sick, it had been a quiet drive. They’d stopped a few times to allow one child or another to lean over the side of the wagon and throw up.

  The sun shone high overhead, but the air remained cool. Shops did a brisk business, with customers going in and out, carrying bags of goods. After a few minutes, Rosemarie sensed a mood of gaiety in the air. People greeted passers-by with smiles, men shook hands, and women hugged each other. Shrugging, she continued down the street, and turned the corner next to the saloon. The tinny jangle of a piano blared from the doorway, and from the sound of it, more than a couple of men had decided to drink their noon meal.

  She pulled up in front of a white clapboard house. If she’d been able to ride into town when Hans had been shot, perhaps Dr. Kennedy may have saved his life. But left with no horses, she’d taken care of her husband herself. Guilt gripped her when she realized she would never have known Daniel, made love with him, if Hans had survived. Nine years of marriage to Hans had never moved her the way one night with Daniel had. The door to the snug white and blue house opened before Rosemarie even knocked.

  “What brings you all the way out here, Mrs. Wilson?” The doctor’s wife, a round-cheeked woman of middle years, wiped her hands on her apron and smiled at Rosemarie.

  “My children are sick. Is the doctor in?”

  “Not at the moment, but he should be back very soon.” Mrs. Kennedy stepped onto the porch, and patted Rosemarie’s arm. “Let’s get the little ones into the house.”

  Mrs. Kennedy hurried down the porch steps, Rosemarie struggling behind her. Chandler was able to walk, and Mrs. Kennedy and Rosemarie carried the younger ones.

  “We’ll need to cool them down while we wait for the doctor.” Rosemarie laid Amelia on a small cot in the doctor’s infirmary. “Can you get me some water and a cloth?”

  “Certainly, dear. I’ll be right back.”

  Rosemarie tugged at the ribbons of her bonnet and laid it on the table next to Jace. A quick inspection of foreheads revealed all three children burned with fever.

  “Here we are.” Mrs. Kennedy swept through the doorway with a pan of water and several cloths.

  Rosemarie wet one of the rags and ran it over Jace’s legs, arms, and face. Mrs. Kennedy did the same with Amelia.

  “I think they may have chicken pox.” Rosemarie wrung out the cloth and moved to Chandler’s bed.

  “Now, dear, don’t you fret. I had two of my boys come down with chicken pox and it turned out fine.”

  “Really?” Rosemarie took a deep breath, somewhat assured.

  “Yes. When Dr. Kennedy returns, he’ll take a look at them and see what needs to be done.”

  As Rosemarie tended to her children, her thoughts wandered to Daniel, on his way to Virginia. The beauty of their lovemaking the night before brought tears to her eyes. She couldn’t help thinking the experience was unique. She’d never felt anything near that with Hans. When Daniel had entered her, slowly, afraid to hurt her even though she’d born three children, her heart filled. His tenderness, so different from her past experience with men made her want to grab onto him, never let him go. Then within hours, he’d left her.

  About fifteen minutes later, the front door of the house opened, and the doctor filled the doorway to the infirmary. “What have we here?”

  “All three of my children are sick. I think it may be chicken pox.”

  Dr. Kennedy set his hat on the counter next to Chandler’s cot and rested his medicine bag alongside it. After shrugging out of his coat, he knelt next to Chandler and pulled up his shirt. He ran his hand over the small bumps from his chest to his neck. Then the doctor scooted over to Amelia, and then Jace, repeating the process with each one.

  “Looks like you’re right, Mrs. Wilson. All three have chicken pox.”

  “Is it dangerous?”

  The doctor rubbed his chin. “It can be. But most times it’s not. What we need to do is get them into bath water with oats in it.”


  He chuckled. “Yes. I’ve learned that helps to ease the itching, which they’ll be doing plenty of soon.” He rolled up his sleeves and continued. “If we make it a cool bath, it will also help bring down the fever.”

  Rosemarie took a deep breath for the first time since she had awoken that morning.

  “I saw Mrs. McDonough at church. She told us about Hans. How are you getting on?” the doctor questioned over his shoulder, as he washed his hands at the sink.

  “It’s all right. We’re managing.”

  “You should think about marrying again. I know it hasn’t been long, but you can’t take care of three children and a farm by yourself.”

  The only man I would consider marrying is off to fight a war. On the other side.

  “Well, at least you don’t have to worry about soldiers raiding your homestead anymore,” the doctor added when she didn’t say anything.

  “Yes. There isn’t anything left for them to take.”

  The doctor stared at her for a moment. “I’m talking about the war being over.”

  Rosemarie’s stomach dropped to her feet. “What do you mean?”

  “Why, General Lee surrendered to General Grant just yesterday.�

  All the breath left her body, as she reached behind her and sat on the edge of Chandler’s cot. “The war is over?”

  “Yes, indeed. Jed at the newspaper office got a telegram late last night. The news is all over town. Now we can get back to normal living again, and stop killing all our young men, on both sides.”

  Daniel. He’s on his way back to Virginia. And the war is over!

  She had to find him. Being on the road, he wouldn’t know about the surrender. Her heart leapt. They could be together! In the short time since he’d left, it would only take her a few hours racing with the horse to find him. Her head spun with the possibilities.

  “Mrs. Kennedy.” She turned to the woman, who viewed her with furrowed brows.

  “Do you think it’s possible for me to leave my children with you? Just for maybe a few hours, or possibly a day?”

  “I guess that would be all right. What’s the matter, dear? You turned so pale all of a sudden.”

  Rosemarie stood and licked her dry lips. “I have to find someone. A man.” She hurried on when the woman’s eyes widened. “He was helping me at the farm for the last few weeks. He’s, well, he’s from the South, and he was headed back there.”

  “Oh, my.” Mrs. Kennedy breathed out.

  “You said my children’s illness isn’t serious?” Her heart pounded so hard, the other two people in the room must have heard it.

  “Chicken pox can be serious, but I don’t see any evidence that your three won’t do just fine, as long as things progress as I expect them to. We can do the baths, cool them down, and for the most part, just watch over them and feed them plenty of liquids.”

  Rosemarie twisted her hands, and turned again to Mrs. Kennedy. “Would it be a burden on you?”

  Apparently having recovered from Rosemarie’s announcement, the doctor’s wife smiled with a twinkle in her eye. “You go on ahead and chase down your young man, Mrs. Wilson.” She chuckled. “I guess my advice to you on remarrying came a bit late.”

  “I’m not so sure of that, but I need to try.”

  Mrs. Kennedy made a shooing movement. “Go on. Do what you need to do. We’ll take care of these young ’uns.”

  Rosemarie scooped her bonnet from the counter and hugged the woman. “Thank you so much. If all goes well, I should be back by tomorrow at the latest.”

  “Mama?” Amelia called to her from the bed.

  “Yes, honey.”

  “Are you going to get Mr. a’Coy?”

  “I hope to find him. Will you be all right here with Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy?”

  “Yes. Please tell Mr. a’Coy we want him to come back to take us fishing.”

  Rosemarie bent and kissed Amelia on the forehead. She spent a few minutes saying goodbye to the two boys, and then left.

  The main part of town was still in a celebratory state. Now she understood the townspeople’s actions earlier. The best plan would be to leave the wagon at the livery and go after Daniel on the horse. She pulled up to the stable and jumped down.

  “Can you take care of my wagon for a day or so?” She spoke to Jedediah, the livery owner, as she unharnessed the horse. “I’ll also need to borrow a saddle from you.”

  “Sure thing, Mrs. Wilson.” He walked closer and ran his thumbs up and down his suspenders. “Did ya hear about the surrender?”

  “Yes I did. I’m grateful it’s all over.”

  She smiled in his direction, then waited while he fastened the straps on the saddle.

  “Thank you so much.” She swung up onto the horse and headed toward the main street.

  Things had gotten quite a bit livelier since she’d entered town earlier. A red, white and blue banner with the words “The War Is Ended!” now stretched across the street. Small flags and signs appeared in store windows. The noise and music in the saloon had grown louder, and it appeared school was let out because a dozen or more children ran up and down the street with barking dogs following along.

  Rosemarie grinned, and headed south, where she would take the road Daniel had planned to use.

  Please God, don’t make him have changed his mind.

  As she reached the end of town, a group of Union soldiers headed toward her. She recognized the man in front as Captain Nelson. Four soldiers rode behind him, with the last soldier riding double. As she grew closer, the sight of the second man, his head hanging down, hands tied behind his back, caught her eye, making her breath catch. The shirt and pants he wore had hung on the hook by her back door for months.

  She kicked the horse and rode up to the group. “Daniel!”

  Daniel’s head snapped up and his eyes met hers.

  “Captain, why is Lieutenant McCoy tied up?”

  The captain smirked. “How is it you know my prisoner, ma’am? And by name? And rank?”

  Realizing her mistake, she stiffened. Then remembered the war was over. He couldn’t do anything to her now. “You need to release him. The war is over.”

  Captain Nelson stretched his lips in the imitation of a smile. “Well, ma’am, it seems I can’t do that.”

  “Why not?”

  “First of all, since my men and I have been on the road for a couple of weeks, I haven’t gotten official word that the war is over. So after Lieutenant McCoy here spends a night in the town jail, I’ll be taking him back to Camp Morton in the morning.”

  Rosemarie furrowed her brows. “But then you’ll release him?”

  “Afraid not, ma’am.”

  She shook her head in confusion. “I don’t understand.”

  Daniel looked her square in the eye as Captain Nelson spoke.

  “Well, see ma’am, Lt. McCoy will be hung for stealing federal property. In fact — ,” he leaned forward, “ — the horse you’re riding right now.”

  Chapter Eight

  Daniel’s lips tightened as Captain Nelson’s words hung in the air. Rosemarie had gone so pale he was afraid she’d pass out and tumble from the horse. Still stunned to have run into her in town, he nevertheless ate her up with his eyes.

  Leaving her last night had been the hardest thing he’d ever done. Even surviving and escaping prison camp had not torn him up that way. Rosemarie was everything he ever wanted in a wife and lover. He loved her children, could be very happy working her farm, but most of all he desired her. This strong, beautiful, passionate woman was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. But it appeared that life would soon be cut short.

  “Captain, may I speak with Lieutenant McCoy?” Rosemarie had recovered some of her color, and now her eyes flashed in anger as she stiffened and made her request.

  “Afraid not, Mrs. Wilson. We’re headed to the jail right now. My men and I are anxious to get baths, a meal, and a little fun before we return to the fort tomorrow. If you want to talk to the sheriff about seeing the Reb you been bedding down with, that’s up to you.”

  “Shut your filthy mouth!” Daniel felt the heat rise to his face, and his fists clenched behind his back.

  “I suggest you keep quiet, prisoner. You ain’t in no position to demand anything.” Captain Nelson turned and tipped his hat at Rosemarie. “Ma’am.” Then he moved his horse forward, the other men following. After a few steps, he turned. “Oh, and we’ll be taking that horse back, as well.”

  “You can’t leave her here without a horse,” Daniel growled.

  “Soldier, you don’t seem to understand that you have no say.” He smiled in Rosemarie’s direction. “Remove yourself from the horse, ma’am.”

  Rosemarie slid off the animal and began to unfasten the straps. “This saddle belongs to the livery,” she snapped.

  “Fine. We’ll be by your place soon to pick up the saddle that was on the horse when your lover here stole it.”

  A surge of anger so strong raced through Daniel th
at he broke the piece of leather fastened around his hands. He jumped from the horse and pulled Captain Nelson from his. Taken completely by surprise, Nelson received three good punches before he recovered himself and yelled to his men. Two soldiers grabbed Daniel by his arms. Nelson rotated his neck, dusted his jacket, and pulled on the cuffs. “Hold him.”

  “No!” Rosemarie screamed as the captain pulled back and slammed his fist into Daniel’s face. Blood spurted from his nose. Nelson drew back and drove his fist into Daniel’s stomach several times. When he sagged toward the ground, Nelson kicked him in the ribs.

  “Get him up and drag him to the jail.”

  Rosemarie ran to Daniel, but one of the soldiers grabbed her arm. “Ma’am, it’s best if you go about your business. Like Captain Nelson said, if you want to visit him in the jail later, go see the sheriff.”

  With one soldier on either side of him, Daniel was dragged to the sheriff’s office and pushed through the door. Captain Nelson already stood in the center of the room rubbing his jaw, which had already started to bruise.

  “This the man?” The sheriff stood and snagged a ring of keys from the wall.

  “Right. Military prisoner.” Captain Nelson glanced in Daniel’s direction, a smirk on his face. “He’ll be hung in the morning, once we get him back to Camp Morton. My men and I will be at the hotel overnight.”

  The sheriff led Daniel and the soldiers down the short hallway and opened a cell door. One of the soldiers placed his palm against Daniel’s back and shoved. He landed on his knees, next to a small cot. No one spoke as the sound of the cell locking sounded in the air.

  • • •

  Rosemarie watched the two soldiers haul Daniel away. Suddenly sick to her stomach, she clutched her middle, and eased herself down onto the saddle alongside the road. Daniel was to be hung for stealing the horse.

  Her heart thudded and she pushed away the hair blowing into her eyes with a cold, shaky hand. She had to do something. The first thing was to get Dr. Kennedy to take a look at Daniel in the jailhouse. After the beating Captain Nelson had given him, Daniel would need medical attention.


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