Nadya's Nights: Road to Vengeance

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Nadya's Nights: Road to Vengeance Page 15

by Indy McDaniel

  She let her eyes drift closed and tried to get her breathing to be a bit less ragged and her heartbeat to be a bit more stable. Remy grabbed hold of the waistband of her panties and tore them away. Compared to everything she’d been through, she hardly noticed. His body moved up against her and his fingers rubbed between her legs, pushing her open.

  “Y’know, there was a time, not very long ago, when a single bite from me was more than enough to turn you,” Remy said, nudging her head to the side and exposing her creamy neck. “Now things have gotten more complicated. I drink from you… you drink from me. Almost not even worth fucking with. Although…”

  Remy’s face transformed, becoming something more demonic. His canines growing into elongated fangs. He opened his mouth wide and bit down into Nadya’s neck, drinking the hot blood that poured from her. She whimpered at the sharp pain of his teeth biting into her.

  After a few moments, he pulled away. “I was over a hundred years old as a werewolf. Do you know how many people I killed over that time?” He laughed. “Cuz I don’t.” He lapped at her bleeding neck. “Even before I was attacked by one of those beasts, I had earned a respectable number of kills. Men, women, children. Even when I was human, I didn’t give a fuck.” He moved closer, pressing his lips against her ear. His hand was still between her legs. “But between you and me… I always enjoyed the defiant little cunts like you best.”

  Nadya felt him suck on her earlobe and was certain if her stomach hadn’t been completely empty that she’d have vomited. Even so, she retched several times. “Why the fuck are you telling me this? If you want me dead so bad, just fucking do it, you French cocksucker.”

  “In time,” he replied before laughing. “You know, it really is poetic that my favorite kind of prey is what finally did me in. But that’s all right. I’ve got a second chance now. A whole new kind of life to explore. Maybe this time I’ll keep better track of the people I kill. Starting with you.”

  Nadya forced herself to laugh.

  “What’s so fucking funny, Ruskie bitch?”

  “You’d think after a hundred years, you’d learn to fucking count better,” she said. “What about Elise?”

  Remy smiled at her. “You’re right. I’d be disappointed that you weren’t my first kill as a vampire, but that two-timing informant cunt had it coming ten times over. Frankly, I am amazed no one thought of throwing her well-toned ass out of that ritzy high-rise sooner.”

  “Yea, she did seem like a bit of a bitch,” she nodded. She had no idea what the conversation would accomplish. She couldn’t get free and even if she could, she doubted she’d be able to fight her way out of the room.

  Still… delaying the inevitable seemed like a pretty good plan for the moment.

  “Major fucking bitch,” Remy agreed. “If she didn’t pay so well, I’d have killed her years ago.”

  There was a momentary silence.

  “Anyway, where were we?” he finally said. “Oh. Right. Your painful torture and subsequent bloody dismemberment. Cuz of you, I don’t get to enjoy devouring you bite by bite… but y’know, this bloodsucking thing isn’t all bad. And I’ve got a few friends upstairs who would be more than happy with my leftovers.”

  “I’m going to get out of here, Remy,” Nadya told him, glaring into his dark eyes. “But I’ll be back. And the next time, I’ll take your fucking head.”

  Remy smiled back at her. “Whatever helps you die easier,” he said before opening his mouth wide and sinking his fangs into her neck again.

  Nadya winced, feeling him suckling at her. His hand had moved away from between her legs during their conversation, but now she felt it return. Then she felt something cool and metallic. It took her a moment to realize what it was.

  The pain of the bite, the bleeding welts across her back, even the needles impaling her breasts, all faded into nothingness as Remy’s fingers found her clit and in one swift move, skewered it with another of the needles. Nadya’s head flew back, eyes wide. She released an ear-shattering scream as the metal stabbed into her most sensitive area. The pain spiked as he turned the needle inside her. Her head swooned.

  As he continued to turn the needle, Nadya screamed again. Darkness flowed into her and she fell into unconsciousness. Remy broke away from her neck when she passed out, looking from the steady flow of blood oozing from the bite marks to her slack face.

  “No point in hurting you if you can’t feel it,” he muttered then looked back at her neck, licking leftover blood from his mouth. “You taste so good, though. Guess you’ve been through enough to call it even. Sweet dreams, bitch.”

  He opened his mouth and moved forward.

  Before he could bite back into her bleeding throat, the door to the torture chamber opened. Remy turned to see the silhouette of a woman standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips. The light behind her shrouded her face in darkness but her blonde hair stood out. “You have to leave,” she said firmly.

  “I’m almost finished,” Remy replied, turning back to Nadya’s limp form.

  “Right now,” the woman responded. “There’s another werewolf coming. He’s old. Older than any of you. And he’s pissed.”

  Remy sighed.

  “It must be the one who owned the house I found her at. Fine…” He touched a finger against Nadya’s chin. “Get well, baby. Guess we get to have a round two after all.”

  He turned away from her and followed the blonde woman out of the room, leaving Nadya bound to the table, her complexion deathly pale.

  Chapter Twenty-Four: Rescued

  Nadya slowly fluttered back into consciousness.

  She quickly wished she hadn’t.

  Her whole body was nothing but pain. The only positive she found was that she was no longer having further pain inflicted on her. She tried to force her eyes open, but it was difficult. She felt so weak that she had to struggle for the strength to even lift her eyelids. When she finally got her eyes open, she noticed the room was empty.

  Did my tormentor take a break for the night?

  She thought it was unlikely. She felt dread as she heard footsteps coming down the steps leading to the room, but tried to put on a defiant look just the same.

  The look turned to one of shocked surprise as the door to the room opened and Cyrus entered, followed closely by Ulbrecht. They saw her as well and she tried to hide the surprise.

  It wasn’t hard; between being so weak and realizing that she was completely nude in front of them. There wasn’t anything she could do about it so she tried to push away the feeling. She saw Ulbrecht approaching her, looking dismayed.

  Jeez, it must be really bad, she thought.

  Cyrus remained by the door, keeping guard.

  Finding the lever for the table Nadya was strapped to, Ulbrecht pulled it and lowered the table back into a horizontal position. He moved next to her, looking at the manacles then turning away momentarily. He found a set of keys on the opposite table and took them. After some fiddling, he managed to get Nadya’s arms and legs unbound.

  Setting her arms at her sides, his eyes caught sight of the ends of the needles protruding from her breasts. He turned away, looking back to the table, then down at the floor. He found what was left of Nadya’s shirt and picked it up.

  Holding it up to her mouth, he said, “Bite down. I’ll try to do this as quickly as possible. I’m sorry.”

  Not arguing, she bit down on the fabric of her ruined shirt. His fingers touched against her breast, soft and nimble. It almost made her forget about why he was touching her breast. He pinched the end of the needle with his fingers and with a quick pull, yanked it free. Nadya screamed into the shirt as he pulled the needle out.

  He eyed the small pieces of flesh stuck to the needle in disgust and anger before throwing it aside. He moved to her other breast, doing the same there. This time, Nadya managed to contain the scream, although her teeth clenched down on the fabric just as hard.

  Ulbrecht caught the glint of light off metal from the corner o
f his eye and looked down, spotting the tip of the third needle. He cringed as he saw it.

  “Fucking monster…” he muttered.

  Even more gently than when he’d touched her breasts, he proceeded to get a firm grip on the third needle. He slid it out quickly and Nadya’s body shuddered with pain. He threw the final needle aside then moved back up to Nadya’s head, taking the shirt away from her mouth.

  “I’m so sorry,” he said, pressing the torn fabric against the still bleeding wound on her neck. He lifted her from the table. The blood on her back had started to dry and as a result had caused her to become stuck to the table. When Ulbrecht lifted her, her back peeled away, leaving clotted blood and a few pieces of her skin stuck to the table.

  Nadya whimpered and shuddered.

  “This is my fault,” Ulbrecht hissed.

  Nadya managed to work up enough strength to turn to him and speak. “No,” she said firmly then managed a half-smirk. “Occupational hazard.” Then her head grew light and she found herself falling forward into darkness. Before she fell completely, she felt his hands on her, steadying her.

  Despite being nude and tortured half to death, Nadya felt relieved.

  Chapter Twenty-Five: Mind Over Mind

  The ride back to Cyrus’s mansion seemed strange and disjointed to Nadya. She lay across the backseat of Cyrus’s car, wrapped in a blanket. She drifted in and out of consciousness, her concept of time totally off kilter. Her eyes slipped closed for a time then parted back open briefly. She wasn’t sure how far she’d been taken away from the mansion so it was even harder to tell if the trip back was, in fact, taking forever, or if it just seemed that way to her.

  When she dropped into her semi-conscious state, the physical pain faded and she felt as if she’d be able to get some rest, but the moment she started to fall into a deeper sleep, the face of her tormentor appeared, sneering at her and she quickly forced herself back awake. The pain in her body flared back up, but that was almost more tolerable than having the bastard vampire’s face in front of her. She kept catching Ulbrecht turning in his seat to look back at her.

  It must be really bad, Nadya thought, locking eyes with him briefly and seeing the worried look on his face.

  Then again, when doesn’t he look worried?

  Exhaustion and pain ate away at her and before long she found her eyelids getting heavy again. She let them close and lay on the seat, feeling the car moving underneath her.

  A bad case of vertigo struck her. It felt as if the car was spinning out of control. She forced her eyes back open and the spinning slowed a bit but the damage had already been done. Nadya shifted forward and retched, vomit spewing from her mouth and spilling onto the seat in front of her before running down the front of it. There wasn’t much in her stomach to vomit up, so after the initial spew all she could manage were dry heaves that made her gut tighten up and ache.

  When she got herself back under control, Nadya slid back away from the mess as much as she could. She opened her mouth to tell Cyrus she’d pay the cleaning bill but she couldn’t find her voice. Instead of words, she could only manage a weak croak. Angered at her own weakness, she clamped her mouth shut again.

  Nadya fought even harder to keep her eyes open, not wanting to risk another dizzy spell. She didn’t realize she was dozing again until something moist touched her face. Her eyes snapped open and she saw Ulbrecht wiping her mouth with a wet napkin. When he finished cleaning her up, he moved the napkin away from her face but kept looking back at her, concerned.

  She attempted a confident smirk to let him know everything was fine, even if she had no idea whether or not it really was. She only got the corner of her mouth to quirk upwards before darkness consumed her again. Her body forced her into a state of unconsciousness, too weak to maintain anything else.

  With her mind so disoriented and jumbled, she didn’t realize she was asleep. Things went black for a little bit. Then her vision returned and she was still in the backseat. The only difference was all her pain was gone.

  Looking to the front seat, Nadya couldn’t see Ulbrecht. Pushing herself up to get a better look, she realized both he and Cyrus were gone. The car continued to drive along by itself.

  It’s a dream, she thought.

  Or another nightmare.

  Just as she thought that, the door beside her flew open. Nadya felt a hard shove against her and before she could try to brace herself, she flew out the open door and into the darkness beyond.

  For a moment, she saw the road passing by her in a blur and growing closer.

  It’s just a dream, she told herself.

  It isn’t real.

  Her shoulder slammed into the ground, the blanket providing little protection as her arm snapped. She screamed as very real pain flooded through her. Her body spun and skidded along the ground, the blanket flying away into the night and letting the rough asphalt shred her flesh. Sharp snapping pain filled her with each fresh bone break. She slammed face first into the ground, her nose flattening before her mouth exploded in a mess of blood and broken teeth.

  Nadya’s body flipped with her head against the road and there was a loud snap as her neck broke. Her limp form tumbled a few more feet then lay still. Nadya’s eyes stared blankly. Her body was a jumbled mess of twisted limbs.

  There was no way she could be alive. Yet she was.

  It’s a fucking dream, she told herself for the third time.

  Every inch of her was on fire with pain that no normal dream could inflict.

  Doesn’t matter, she said to herself. None of this is real. Your spine isn’t twisted into a pretzel. Your face isn’t crushed in. You’re not fucking road kill, so get your ass up.

  In a series of jerky movements, Nadya’s body straightened itself out and repaired the damage done. In roughly thirty seconds, she got to her feet, unscathed. Hearing the sound of an engine roaring, she turned to see headlights in the darkness.

  Despite the fact she’d just been flung out of it, Cyrus’s car was now behind her and looking to run her over. Nadya narrowed her eyes and turned to face the car head on.

  “Not… fucking… real…” she spoke out loud.

  The car’s path didn’t change and it seemed to speed towards her even faster. Nadya tensed her body, clenching her fists and planting her feet firmly on the road. She clenched her jaw and waited for something very anticlimactic, like the car passing right through her.

  Instead, the vehicle struck her dead on.

  But instead of flattening her, the car split in half, Nadya’s body crashing through the middle. As it was destroyed, the car exploded, engulfing her in flames. A few moments later, she emerged from the burning wreckage, unharmed.

  “This is getting boring,” she said to the darkness, knowing full well who was behind her unnatural dream. “I’m going to wake up now. Try again when you’re not such a pussy.”

  Nadya opened her eyes.

  The weakness and pain flooded back into her, but she didn’t mind it so much. She’d managed to fight off Remy’s mind games, at least once. And if she could do it once, she could do it again. She felt the car slow down and then come to a stop. Ulbrecht turned and looked back at her, giving her a smile.

  “We’re back. Now it’s time to get you patched up.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six: Licking the Wounds

  Ulbrecht and Cyrus helped Nadya out of the car and back into the mansion. She was still weak and filled with the pain of the tortures Remy had visited upon her, but her willpower was growing stronger by the minute. Facing off with Remy in that dream world, or whatever it had been, and beating him back had revitalized her confidence in herself. Everything else was just a matter of letting her body rest and heal a bit before she hunted him down and fucked him up big time.

  They helped her over to a couch and she sat down on it, pulling the blanket closer around her. Despite everything else that had happened, she still wasn’t comfortable with being nude around the two men.

  Ulbrecht seemed to sens
e her discomfort and turned to Cyrus. “Do you have any clothing she could wear?”

  Cyrus nodded and left.

  Ulbrecht kneeled down in front of her, reaching out to place a hand on her shoulder, giving her a reassuring smile. “I’m going to have to dress your wounds.” He still looked a bit weakened from the treatment he’d been given and Nadya knew he couldn’t be finished with the cure yet.

  She shook her head firmly. “No. You have your own healing that needs to be done. I’ll live.” She gave him a half-smile, trying to convince him that she was more or less all right, even though her appearance said differently. He didn’t look convinced and she let out a frustrated sigh. “Fine, but you need to continue your treatment. Let Cyrus patch me up if it’s really that important to you. If you turn into a werewolf, this whole night is going to be wasted.”


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