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Titus Page 7

by Carly Fall

  Hearing nothing, she slipped the key from her pocket and quietly opened the door, then shut it. A light from the bathroom cast a soft glow around the room. She made out Titus’ figure on the bed, his back to her, the sheets barely covering his hips.

  She took a moment to look him over. Muscular shoulders tapered into a tight waist. He didn’t have quite the same stature as the Saviors, but stood a few inches shorter and his physique wasn’t as broad as theirs, but he could definitely hold his own against them. His hair flowed down his back and across the pillow in dark, sensuous waves, and she hoped he never found the need to cut it.

  Placing the tray on the bedside, she sat down next to him. His face held a calm and peace she’d never seen during his waking hours. Relief flooded through her that he received a reprieve from his pain while sleeping.

  Laying her hand on his shoulder, she whispered his name, and smiled when he didn’t respond.

  Should she leave him be, or should she wake him? It was important he ate; yet, getting his rest proved doubly important. However, he’d also been sleeping much of the past year away, so maybe it should be time to break him of the cycle.

  “Titus,” she whispered into his ear. She didn’t want to revive him in a harsh way.

  He mumbled something, then turned to his back. She glanced down as the sheet rode up his thigh, barely covering his sex.

  Shaking her head, she focused on his face again and placed her hand on his chest.


  The next thing she knew, he’d grabbed her around the waist, thrown her to the bed, and covered her body with his.

  Surprise rendered her paralyzed. His lips moved across hers hungrily and heat rushed through her veins. She relished the feeling of his hard chest against her, the way his hips drove into her core.

  He moaned, and she gave in to the moment, allowing herself to enjoy the ache of desire and closeness. She wrapped her arms around his waist, her hands tracing up his back. Their tongues dueled feverishly as she tangled her fingers into his hair.

  This isn’t real.

  Gazing up at him, her heart pounded in her chest, her breath coming in short spurts. This felt so right, but his eyes were still shut. Although she wanted nothing more than for this to continue, he didn’t feel present in the moment, and she understood that whatever this was, he had to be dreaming.


  He still didn’t wake, and she gently slapped his face. “Titus!”

  Slowly, he opened his eyes and gazed down at her. Once the situation registered, his stare widened in surprise and he rolled off of her and jumped from the bed.

  She lay on the mattress and tried to ignore the hard plains of his body and his thick erection jutting from his hips, as well as the desire roaring in her system. She calmed her breathing and dismissed the urge to reach out to him. Concentrating on his face, she fought to disregard the way his hair cascaded around his shoulders as he buried his head in his hands.

  “What have I done?” he whispered.

  She got off the bed, stood tall, smoothed her hands down the front of her dress, and waited for him to answer his own question.

  Finally, he opened his eyes and gazed down at his body, then glanced over at her. He ripped the sheet from the bed and wrapped it around himself.

  “I’m so sorry, Macy,” he whispered. “I … I don’t know what that was … I … I don’t know what else to say.”

  She nodded and laid her hand on his forearm, her sanity returning. “You were sleeping, Titus. I shouldn’t have woken you.”

  “No. No! I never should have done that.” He finally met her gaze fully. “Macy, I’m so sorry. You know I would never do anything to hurt you.”

  Smiling, she squeezed her hand. “Of course I know that. You must have been dreaming of Simon.”

  He searched her face for a moment, looking confused. “Y-Yes, I must have been.”

  Taking a step back, she set her features so that her disappointment wouldn’t show. “I’ve brought you your lunch, and I’m so sorry I woke you from such a deep sleep, and apparently, a very intense dream.”

  He glanced at the tray next to his bed, complete horror written on his face.

  With nothing left to say, she turned to leave, determined not to let him see the tears of hurt tracking down her cheek.

  Chapter 16

  Titus stared at the door as it closed behind Macy.

  What the hell had just happened?

  He dropped the sheet to the floor, then sank to his knees.

  Had he actually attacked Macy and kissed her?

  He thought it had been a realistic dream until he woke with her under him as he pushed his hips into hers.

  Closing his eyes, he placed his head in his hands. What was all this about?

  He thought of his dream and found himself both upset and awed that he’d been fantasizing about Macy in that way. Ever since landing on Earth, he’d dreamt of nothing but Simon. But now, Macy had entered his sleep time, her soft curves feeling so wonderful against his hardened plains.

  Confusion tore through him. What did this mean? Could it simply be a misfire in his subconscious, or was the desire coursing through him for the female real?

  Frankly, getting tangled up with a female seemed to be the last thing he needed at this point. He’d just found the energy and desire to get up out of bed and join the Warriors in patrols.

  Macy’s warm gaze appeared before him, and he glanced down at his hips. His erection did not wane, and as he thought of her tiny, soft body under his, it only seemed to gain strength.

  Standing, he made his way to the bathroom and turned on the shower. As the hot water sluiced through his hair and down his body, he tried to relax. The tension within him coiled tight.

  Fisting his cock, he turned his head to the spray. The heavy length throbbed in his palm as he slowly ran his hand from the tip to his balls.

  A bit of guilt washed through him as Macy entered his mind. Simon had always been the one to sexually excite him, both in his visions and in real life. Now, he had images of little Macy taking their turn, bringing him closer and closer to the brink of orgasm.

  He wondered what it would be like to feel her bare breasts in his hands, what sensations he would experience having sex with her. Would it be the same as it had been with Simon? Had she ever made love before, or was she a virgin?

  His sack tightened as he slowly stroked himself. He tried to think of Simon, but Macy kept reappearing. He imagined grabbing the flesh of her hips as she rocked back and forth on top of him, her breasts swaying.

  Yes, being with Macy would be different. Simon had been all hard muscle. Their love-making had been tender at times, rough at others.

  Macy was soft and warm, and he imagined sex with her would be slow and affectionate.

  He gasped at his release, his seed spilling to the shower floor. Breathing heavily, he placed his hand against the wall just below the showerhead. His desire had waned a bit, but the confusion still remained.

  The humans called males who liked other males homosexuals. It appeared he could also be sexually aroused by females.

  So what exactly did that make him?

  “That’s just what you need,” he whispered into the water. “Something else to fuck up your head.”

  Chapter 17

  Macy sat outside with Alaina as Megan and Killian played some sort of game involving a ball. She couldn’t quite follow it as one of them seemed to change the rules every couple of minutes, depending on whether the other was winning.

  She had to talk to someone about what happened between her and Titus, and she’d just finished her tale.

  Alaina shrugged. “He may have been surprised when he woke up that it was you he was with, but apparently, it didn’t disgust him if he still had an erection.”

  “I think he was dreaming of Simon. He had a look of horror on his face. Besides, he’s attracted to males.”

  “We have people on Earth who are attracted to both men and wom
en,” Alaina said, watching the kids, her voice low. “They’re called bisexuals.”

  Macy stared down at the dirt. She’d never heard of such a thing on SR44. It didn’t mean such beings didn’t exist, but that she’d never known anyone like that. On her world, males and females were attracted to each other—end of story.

  “How does this bisexuality work?”

  Alaina shrugged. “I knew a girl once—she used the strip with me. She loved sex with men and women, and oftentimes, the more the merrier.”

  “I’m not following.”

  A small smile played on Alaina’s lips. “I’m not sure I should be discussing orgies with you, Macy. I don’t want to corrupt you.”

  Feeling a little indignant, Macy sat up straight. She certainly wasn’t a child, nor was she a stranger to sex in her human form. “You won’t be corrupting me, Alaina. I’m not even a virgin. I’m just trying to understand this as it is new to me.”

  Alaina’s head whipped around so fast, Macy thought it would spin all the way around. “You’re not a virgin?”


  “Who? Who did you sleep with?”

  She sighed, but couldn’t help but laugh. Oh, what gossip revealing the name would cause. “I’m not going to tell you. We’ve kept it secret for a long time, and the affair has ended.”

  “Was it Justice?” Alaina whispered. “I’ve always found him attractive.”

  “Alaina! What about Nico?”

  “Nico’s hot as hell and I love him deeply, but I can still look around and appreciate a good-looking guy. Nothing wrong with that.”

  “Can we please get back to my question? How does this bisexuality happen, and now I must know what an orgy entails.”

  Alaina took a long pull from her water bottle. “As far as the orgy, that’s easy. It’s when a bunch of people get together and have sex. My friend always preferred three on three, meaning three men and three women all getting it on.”

  “And have sex with each other.”

  “Yes. They all have sex with each other. The men, the women, they all bang whoever will take it.”

  Macy tried to imagine the tangled limbs and bodies, and found her core warming. “Fascinating.”

  “Never been my thing.”

  “And bisexuality?”

  “Most people believe those who are attracted to both men and women are born that way.”

  “And how do you explain an SR44ian having these tendencies as I’ve never heard of such a thing?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know, Macy. My guess is it did happen, maybe it just took place in the underbelly of your world. That’s the way it used to be here.”

  They turned, hearing a car in the distance.

  “That must be Holly.” Alaina stood. “We’re going to run through some drills in the gym this afternoon.”

  Macy got to her feet and stretched her hands above her head. Beverly and Sophia came out the door with Titus behind them, dressed in shorts and a t-shirt.

  Alaina leaned over to her. “Now, quit worrying about everything and go fuck that boy senseless.”

  Her cheeks flamed with embarrassment, and Alaina broke out into fits of laughter while walking over to Holly’s car.

  She stood waiting for Titus to approach her, but he glanced her way and walked on by. She turned, her gaze following him. Once he got beyond the kids, he started running.

  Shaking her head, she should have realized he wanted to exercise, not talk to her. The way he was dressed along with the running shoes and his hair pulled back into a ponytail, it should have been obvious.

  Trying to take her mind off his defined pectorals and abs, she focused on helping Beverly and Sophia wind down the game with the kids and getting them inside.

  How foolish she’d been to consider that the brief meeting of bodies between her and Titus meant anything significant.

  She reminded herself that he was homosexual in human terms, and he would never find a woman—let alone a woman like her—attractive in any way. She didn’t hold the beauty the females in the house did. When she glanced in the mirror, she saw very plain features. She didn’t think of herself as ugly, but she certainly didn’t hold Beverly’s classic beauty, or Alaina or Annis’ smoldering looks.

  No, she thought of herself as one that should be ignored by the male race, one that they treated with respect because of her abilities, but not one they would find attractive nor they would gaze at with longing.

  That dream had been about Simon, his dead mate. As for his continued arousal … well, she’d just chalk it up to biology.

  As Titus jogged off into the desert, she focused on the present. She wouldn’t consider the past, nor the future. Right now, rounding up the kids gave her enough joy to take her through to the next moment, and she promised herself that would be her focus from now on. She would get by minute by minute.

  Chapter 18

  The next night, Titus gazed across the large, oak dinner table at Macy, oblivious to the conversations going on around him. What was it about this female that he couldn’t stop thinking about her? She had a quiet beauty about her, but he didn’t consider her exterior gorgeous, not like he thought of Abby or Beverly.

  However, what he found so attractive seemed to be her kind heart and her giving soul.

  He thought about everything she’d done for him since they first met in the bunker in the desert to now. She’d cared for him like no one ever had, even his own parents. She’d shown him patience at his worst, but then slapped him with reality, helping him get back into a somewhat functioning mode.

  He didn’t understand it, but his body roared to be with her in a carnal way.

  Glancing at her frumpy dress, he wondered what hid underneath—soft, small breast with hardened pink tips that he wanted to tickle with his tongue, a small waist, and just the slight flare of hips that held enough flesh for him to grasp. He had no idea what to expect between her legs, but from what he gathered from the other males in the house, it would be nothing short than a slice of heaven.

  He’d tried to push the thoughts of her out of his head yesterday after the dream, but the harder he’d tried, the more impossible it had seemed. No matter how many times he’d given himself relief for how often he thought of Simon, Macy continued to worm her way back into his visions.

  Today, he’d skipped breakfast and hadn’t answered when she brought lunch, afraid of what he may do if he opened the door. Just the light tapping of her fist against the pane had filled him with anticipation and longing. He’d held the lock in place when she’d tried to use the key, making sure she remained on the other side.

  So many emotions clogged his thoughts. Guilt washed through him as he thought of Simon, almost as if he had cheated on their memories of what they’d had together.

  “Titus, can you pass the peas?” Roman asked from his right.

  He handed the bowl to him, and from across the table, Killian said, “Peas are gross.”

  “Bite your tongue, little one,” Roman scoffed.

  “They are. They remind me of rabbit poop.”

  “Killian!” Beverly chastised while everyone laughed. He gazed down at his plate and realized the kid had been right. They looked like green rabbit crap.

  The conversation continued, and he tuned out. He wanted to put on weight and didn’t need any more references to body waste to ruin his small appetite.

  He didn’t understand how this strong feeling for Macy had appeared so suddenly. Was it because she’d been a constant presence the past year? Had his mind and body somehow replaced Simon with her? That simply wouldn’t be fair to either of them.

  Besides, who was to say that she even wanted him the way he desired her? From what he knew of her, she had to be a virgin.

  She’d given no indication of wanting him; yet, as he recalled their brief time together, he hadn’t mistaken the longing in her kiss, the softness of her body as she yielded to his. However, he always second-guessed himself. What he thought he’d felt could have also b
een a very real dream. Still, she hadn’t acted scared when they’d parted.

  He sighed, not even understanding his own feelings, or who or what he was.

  On SR44, he’d always been attracted to females.

  On Earth, he’d been attracted to a male, one he’d fallen deeply in love with.

  And now, almost a year later, his Healer—a small, simple woman—had taken over his thoughts and he couldn’t see to contain the rage of desire coursing through him.

  Macy glanced over at him, and he quickly adverted his eyes. He couldn’t continue to avoid her, so somehow, he had to figure out what was going on within him.

  “Can you pass the potatoes?” Rayner asked from his left.

  He nodded, picked up the bowl, and handed it to the male.

  “Thanks, man.”

  The heat of her gaze burned, and he had to look at her. When their stares met, his breath caught in his throat. The sun had gone down while he tried to figure out his emotions, and her eyes had turned light yellow.

  As he stared into their depths, something stirred within him, and it scared him and bothered him further.

  After a moment, he broke the gaze and pushed back his chair. “Excuse me,” he mumbled.

  “It was good to see you, Titus,” Rayner said. “Don’t be a stranger at the dinner table for so long again, man.”

  He hurried to the elevators that would take him back down to his room, his safety zone. Macy, who had once been his rock, had turned his world upside down, and he reminded himself that she’d done absolutely nothing.

  The elevator quickly carried him to his floor, and the panels opened. Relieved, he stepped into his room.

  “You’re a fucking head case,” he whispered as he shut the door to his quarters.

  Chapter 19

  The next day, Macy couldn’t deny the way Titus had treated her since their passionate kiss hurt, but she didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t continue living with a male who made every effort to either avoid her, or ignore her.


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