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Titus Page 19

by Carly Fall

  "You're being ridiculous, Noah," Beverly snapped and moved over to the phone. "Cohen, I need you now in the gym. We're delivering Abby’s baby."

  She hung up and glared at Noah. "This baby is coming out today. Cohen's going to help me. He's doing it because it's safe for your mate, so get past your SR44ian bullshit and let me do my job the best way I can, and quit being an ass and back off Macy."

  Hudson gave Noah a shove toward the door. "That's a nice way of her saying to get the fuck out of here, and if you know what's good for you, you'd listen."

  Noah glared at Macy again. Failure railed through her, followed shortly by shame.

  She needed to leave, and she certainly couldn't take any more of Noah's hateful stares. She wanted to be in a place she felt safe, where there weren't any harsh judgments, but understanding of what she was going through.

  Turning, she ran out of the gym. As she pushed past Noah and Hudson, she realized she wanted to be nowhere else but in Titus' arms.

  Chapter 50

  The next night, Titus paced the gym as he waited for Blake to work out. He had a lot of pent up energy he needed to get rid of, and he planned on doing it right there on the mats instead of going through with his initial plan of beating the shit out of Noah.

  Macy had come back to her quarters so upset he couldn't even understand what she’d said. Finally, he'd been able to calm her down, and her story had made him see red.

  No one talked to his female like that, not even the leader of the fucking Six Saviors.

  He'd wanted to say something to Noah last night, but Macy had begged him not to, and he’d also cut the guy some slack because he’d just had a baby. He didn't want his first introduction to the little guy to be one of violence against his father.

  As he made breakfast for Macy this morning, he listened as Faith talked to Holly on the phone and told her that both mother and son were doing well and that she'd be delivering breakfast to Abby and Noah soon. She also couldn't wait to meet the baby, who hadn’t been given a name yet.

  Titus felt happy that everything had gone well, but he couldn't get past the way Noah had acted.

  He tried to put himself in Noah's position, and he could see the stress causing him to snap. If he were about to become a father and one of the caregivers who should be helping all of a sudden couldn't, he understood the panic that could escalate. However, no matter how upsetting the situation had been, Noah shouldn't have talked to Macy that way.

  Thankfully, he hadn't even needed to avoid Noah today as the male had locked himself away in his quarters with Abby and his progeny. All the females waited anxiously for them to announce the baby’s name. He was curious, but definitely not as excited as they were.

  The gym doors opened and he turned. Blake strode in with a grin.

  "What's up, Big T?"

  He grimaced. Big T? Really?

  "Yeah, that fits on you. From now on, you're Big T."

  "And if you call me that again, I'll see if you turn into a pile of ash when I stab you in the heart, half-breed."

  Blake waved his hand in front of his face, as if he cleared Titus' words away. "Well, I can't call you Mr. T because that's already taken. I could go with Little T, but there isn't much little about you. However, on that thought, I haven't seen your dick, so maybe I could go with Little T."

  He chuckled in spite of himself. Blake always had a way of getting a laugh, even when one felt like beating the shit out of him.

  "What's wrong with calling me Titus?"

  Blake shrugged. "Nothing, man. Just trying to spice up your life a little bit."

  "My life is plenty spicy, thank you."

  Blake turned and tossed his bag. "Oh, yeah? What's going on that makes it so hot?"

  He thought of Macy's warm lips on his chest, his stomach, and the way her hot mouth engulfed his 'Little T' that, frankly, wasn’t so little.


  Blake studied him for a few seconds, as if he didn't believe him. “Why are you standing there with that stupid grin on your face?”

  Titus crossed his arms over his chest. "Are you ready to go, or are you just going to sit there and admire my good looks for the hour?"

  Blake laughed, then reached down to touch his toes. "I'm ready to rumble, Big T. Bring it on."

  An hour later, both lay on the mats covered in sweat and breathing heavily.

  “Jesus, Titus. I don’t think you’ve ever brought it like that. Did you eat your Wheaties for breakfast or something?”

  He’d really laid it out on the mats today, but it still didn’t quash his anger at the way Noah had treated Macy. Again, he tried to be reasonable and rational about the whole thing, but those two traits had jumped ship when he’d realized his feelings for her. Again, no one talked to his female that way.

  “Something like that,” he huffed as he stood up. “Thanks for the great workout.”

  Blake nodded. “Yup. You on patrol tonight?”


  “Okay, I’ll see you in a couple hours for our assignments in the War Room.”

  “Sounds good.”

  He rode the elevator up to the main floor, walked through the kitchen, down the small hallway, and then caught the other elevator down to Macy’s floor. She greeted him at the door with a smile, but it quickly faded as she hugged him.

  “You stink!”

  He chuckled and pulled off his t-shirt. “It seems you’re feeling better.”

  She nodded. “I’ve been thinking about everything quite a bit today, and I’ve decided that time will take away my self-doubts. I don’t like what I did, but as you’ve pointed out so many times, it had to be done.”

  “Yes, it did.”

  “I think once I can accept what I did and that it was necessary, my abilities will return.”

  He knew very little how the whole healing process worked within the Healer, so he’d just encourage her line of thinking. “I think you’re probably right.”

  “I can’t be so hard on myself.”

  “I think I remember saying that a few times, as well.”

  She gazed up at him innocently. “Is that where I heard it from?”

  They both laughed, and he made his way toward the bathroom. “I’m going to shower before dinner. Shall I get you a plate, or will you be joining the others in the dining room?”

  He stripped down, waiting for her to answer. Gazing at himself in the mirror, he saw a few bumps and bruises thanks to Blake, but nothing too substantial that wouldn’t be fixed by time.

  Pulling his hair out of his bun, he shook his head, letting the wet strands fall against his face. When he pushed them away, Macy stood behind him, and she circled her hands around his waist.

  He watched in the mirror as they traced over the ridges of his stomach and then moved down to V of his hips. The light caress gave him the chills, and his cock thickened at her touch.

  “Perhaps you’d like me to wash your back?” she whispered with a mischievous glint in her eye.

  He turned around and kissed her deeply, cupping the sides if her face in his palms.

  “I think that would be a good idea. My dick needs a good scrubbing, as well.”

  She giggled and stepped back, taking off her plain, brown dress. She turned, and he unclasped her white bra, and then slid her white cotton panties down her legs. No, she had no interest in lingerie, nor did she care about designer clothing, and that was okay with him. He didn’t need either. All he needed was the kindness of her heart and the peace and goodness she brought to his life.

  She faced him again and met his lips.

  “I love you, Titus,” she whispered.

  Pure, unadulterated joy shot through him. Yes, this little female in front of him was his future. “I love you too, Macy.”

  Chapter 51

  Titus and Macy helped clean up after dinner, then he suited up for patrols. He arrived at the War Room a little early, and surprise rolled through him when he saw Noah sitting in his chair going over papers.
  The male hadn’t been at dinner, and Titus hadn’t seen him for a couple of days now as Noah had been holed up with Abby and their baby, Phoenix. He still saw and heard Macy’s cries from the afternoon the baby had been delivered. Yes, she thought time would make things right in her mind, and that was good. Perhaps one day, she’d be able to realize that although she’d broken her oath, she had still done the right thing in killing Daniel.

  However, he didn’t think time would take care of the anger he felt at Noah and his blatant disrespect for Macy. It would be best to establish that if Noah ever decided to speak to her like that again, he’d have the wrath of Big T to deal with.

  He pushed through the door, and Noah looked up.

  “Hey, Titus. How’s things—”

  Titus grabbed him by his shirt and hauled him up from the chair. They stood face to face, with Titus just a couple inches shorter than Noah.

  “What the fuck is this about?” Noah hissed, his nostrils flaring.

  “This is me telling you that if you ever, ever speak to Macy again the way you did when she tried to help deliver your kid, I will mop the floor with your face.”

  “Oh, really?”


  He pushed Noah away, and satisfaction rolled through him as Noah almost lost his balance as he backed into the chair.

  Noah stared at him a beat. “I was wrong in the way I spoke to Macy, and I know that. I fully intend to offer an apology, so you don’t need to come in here acting like Miss Manners on steroids.”

  He hadn’t expected that, and his anger waned a bit. “When will you be delivering your mea culpa?”

  “I was going to find her after this meeting.”


  “Why the fuck do you care, anyway? “

  Titus walked up to him, getting in his face once again. “Because that’s my female, and I’m protecting her honor as any SR44ian male would.”

  Noah didn’t try to hide his surprise, and a low whistle sounded from the other side of the room.

  Titus looked over to see Blake and Kade sitting at the bank of computers watching the spectacle between him and Noah. He’d been so focused on Noah, he hadn’t even noticed them.

  “I sure as shit didn’t see that one coming,” Blake said, sitting back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest. “Did you, Kade?”

  The male shook his head. “Nope. Never even crossed my mind.”

  “How long has this been going on, Big T?” Blake asked.

  “Big T?” Noah said with a smile. “Seriously?”

  Titus shook his head. “I told him I was fine with Titus, but he’s insisting.”

  “Let him answer the question,” Kade said. “How long has this been going on?”

  Titus shrugged. “Does it matter?”

  Noah clapped his shoulder. “Well, congratulations, my friend. I hope she brings you peace and happiness.”

  Titus nodded. “She has.”

  “Is she in her quarters?”


  “I’ll go apologize right now. At the time, I was out of my mind with worry for my mate, but there is no excuse for my behavior. I beg your forgiveness for offending your female. I know with my actions, I have not only offended her, but you, as well.”

  Noah bowed his head as he waited for Titus to answer.

  “Thank you, Noah.”

  Titus watched him as he left.

  “I thought you liked males,” Kade said.

  “Apparently, I’m something called ‘bi-sexual,’ which means I’m attracted to both.”

  Kade furrowed his brow as if trying to understand the definition while Blake said, “Hey, you love who you love, man. Good for you. Macy’s really sweet.”

  Titus nodded, pride filling his chest as he thought of her. In a willowy body came someone stronger than anyone he’d ever known, yet a caring and beautiful soul. He didn’t think he deserved her, but if she’d have him … that’s all that mattered.

  The other Warriors filed in and Titus took his seat. They waited for Noah, who came in about twenty minutes later carrying bottles of whisky, vodka, and rum along with some shot glasses.

  He shoved the glasses down the table, each of the Warriors looking confused, but taking one and filling it with their beverage of choice. He poured himself a shot of vodka.

  When all had one in their hand, Noah spoke. “All right, let’s get this started. I know I want everyone to be on time, but I had some personal business to take care of. I’m sorry I’m late.”

  He glanced at Titus.

  “Now, before we get into the patrolling teams and breaking the city out into grids, I’d like to congratulate Titus on working past his demons and finding a new mate.”

  “Who’s that?” Hudson asked, looking around the room at all the males and Annis.


  There were gasps of surprise around the table, and the gazes of everyone focused on him.

  “So I propose this toast: to Macy and Titus, or Big T, as Blake has deemed him.”

  Each of the Warriors lifted their glasses and Noah continued in their native tongue.

  “May you both show love and respect in your union everyday, and may you find happiness in each other. May the gods above bless your lives, giving you patience and understanding.”

  “Because you’re going to need a lot of that,” Rayner whispered.

  “To Macy and Titus!” Noah shouted.

  Everyone except Annis and Blake downed their glasses. Annis still breast-fed her baby, and Blake had his sobriety firmly in his grasp and wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize it.

  As the Warriors finished their drinks, the glasses hit the table with a collective slam.

  “Thank you, Noah,” Titus said.

  Noah winked at him, and then motioned to Blake and Kade. Both headed back to the bank of computers.

  “Now, let’s get down to business, boys. Here’s the rundown on what’s happened since Daniel was killed.”

  Chapter 52

  Macy changed the sheets on the bed, picked up some of Titus’ clothes strewn on the floor, and made a mental note to discuss it with him. If they were to live together, then he needed to become neater. She wouldn’t be his maid, and she refused to live in a pigsty.

  Moving about the room, she thought of her discussion with Noah. She’d been so surprised to see him at her door, and his apology had been contrite and honest. She understood where his head had been that night, and she desperately wished she’d been able to help with the birth. Hopefully, time would allow her healing abilities to come back and to help her reconcile with what she’d done.

  The Warriors had left just a while ago, and she’d gone upstairs to see them off. Titus had gazed at her lovingly and then walked over to her and had kissed her fiercely. Her cheeks had heated when Titus had ended the kiss, but she wasn’t sure if it had been from the kiss itself, or the males hooting and hollering. She’d glanced around the room as the females had gasped in surprise.

  Faith and Alaina had told her they would come down with a bottle of wine so they could hear all about her new status as a taken female, and how it all happened. Everyone had been so accepting of the fact that Titus mourned Simon, and when he set his sights on her, they’d been astounded.

  She finished straightening out the bed and picked up a towel from the bathroom floor. Yes, she’d definitely need to speak to Titus.

  A knock sounded at her door, and she walked across the quarters to open it. She grinned when Faith and Alaina greeted her with the bottle of wine they’d promised.

  Alaina still had fading bruises on her face and body, but overall, she didn’t look too bad. Macy knew she owed it to Cohen, who had been healing her daily.

  She hugged them both and then shut the door.

  “You can imagine our surprise at that little spectacle tonight,” Faith said as she sank down into a chair.

  “I kind of had an idea, but I didn’t know for sure. Of course, you weren’t very forthcomi
ng on any information,” Alaina said. “Are you going to open that bottle or just keep holding it in your lap all night?”

  Faith laughed and looked down. “I suppose we should open it, right, Macy?”

  Macy retrieved a bottle opener and handed it to Faith. Then, she went to the fridge and mixed a vodka and soda, and also picked up two glasses for her friends.

  Once everyone was seated and comfortable—Faith and Alaina in the overstuffed chairs and Macy stretched out on the carpet—the female inquisition began.

  “How long has this been going on?” Faith asked.

  Macy shrugged. “It’s fairly new.”

  “So that means he’s bi, right?” Alaina asked.

  “I guess so.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Faith interjected. “As long as you’re happy, that’s the most important thing.”

  “I am. I’m still quite upset about our ordeal, but Titus’ presence makes it easier for me, and sometimes, I can even forget for a little while.”

  Alaina grinned. “Like when he’s banging you, right? Nothing makes you forget like some good old-fashioned sex.”

  Macy’s cheeks heated, but she couldn’t help but laugh along with them.

  “I remember when I was abducted by a Colonist,” Faith said, staring at the red liquid in her glass. “I’ve never been so terrified.”

  “They’re scary beings,” Macy said.

  “They are, and that’s one of the reasons I wanted to learn hand-to-hand combat,” Alaina said. “I knew my path would cross again with Daniels’ at some point, and I knew that he would want me to die a slow, horrible death. I wanted to be prepared to defend myself the best way I could.”

  “And you did,” Macy said, tears welling in her eyes. “I do think we’d be dead if you hadn’t fought him, and I will forever owe you my life.”

  Alaina’s smiled sadly. “I only wish I could have kept you from having to deal the final blow, Macy.”

  A shiver traveled up her spine, and she wished that had been the case, but it hadn’t. She needed to come to terms with her actions.

  “Are you doing well?” Macy asked Alaina. “I see you’re healing on the outside, but what about mentally?”


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