Dark Light

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  I shift the car into reverse trying to cleverly maneuver back to where Chance was. The sound of the metal screeching against the alley wall tells me that I'm not as nearly skilled as Chance is at driving in reverse. When I see Chance cringing in my rear-view mirror I slam on the breaks. He triumphantly walks up to the driver's side and I gladly move back to where I belong, the passenger seat.

  "Wow." Chance says jokingly to me.

  I shrug my shoulders but inside I'm delighted to see that he's safe.

  "Buckle up now!" He says, staring furiously ahead of him as he lurches the car forward.

  I buckle up and look ahead. The shorter Ghost Reaper is standing again, but is hunched forward severely injured. Never the less he has his gun deadlocked on Chance.

  "Down!" Chance yells.

  I comply and sink down in my seat as far as the seat belt will allow.

  He stomps on the gas sending the car shooting faster than I managed to make it go. Another gunshot rings out, this one shatters the windshield sending small glass crystals across the dashboard and onto us.

  I look up just in time to look right into the Ghost Reapers eyes. Even from this distance I can see that there is nothing there. No humanity, no remorse, nothing. How could I have ever thought about having that ghosting procedure done? Sure I wouldn't be a Reaper, but to have all humanity stripped away. What is worth that?

  The Ghost Reaper continues to stare at me even when Chance plows into him sending him up and over the back of the car.

  Knowing it's over I close my eyes, only to see the image of that dead stare looking back at me. Bile rises up into my throat and I barely find the control to keep from vomiting all over Chance's car.

  "Hold on!" Chance says as we reach the mouth of the alley that's blocked in by the dead Ghost Reaper's car. He crashes into it, and the loud thrash of metal on metal rings off in the night. The car is pushed out of the way enough for us to pass. With no more Ghost Reapers in sight, Chance grabs a hold of my hand and drives us out of the city and into the night. The cold air beats down on us through the broken windshield, but it doesn't matter.


  I hadn't realized until we pulled into the self-storage a few miles outside of the city that Chance had been hit. Blood soaked his white shirt and bled into the car seat. Guilt pounds at me when I realize that he was injured this whole drive and hadn't complained once. When we pull up to a garage sized storage locker I rip out of the passenger side and around to him. He grunts in pain as he gets out. I pull up his shirt being careful when I get to the part where the bullet hit. It went straight through, a clean shot through the fleshy part of his left arm. I sigh in relief knowing that it's only a minor injury and that he will be okay.

  "Do you have a first aid kit?" I ask.

  "Of course. A man on the run is always prepared." He pulls out a key from his pocket and opens up the garage door revealing a shiny new truck loaded with supplies. He opens the door and rifles through a backpack sitting on the floorboard of the passenger side. He pulls out a first aid kit. I open it and start dressing his wound.

  When I finish putting the bandage on, my hand lingers there on his chest feeling his heartbeat. My breathing hitches, being acutely aware of the close proximity of our bodies. I can feel his breath hitting my neck. When I look up at him I feel his heartbeat speed up and mine follows suit. This time when he leans down and places his lips on mine, I don't freeze up. I melt into him, allowing myself to enjoy this new feeling that heightens all of my senses. I could kiss Chance for hours and bask in this peaceful serenity that his gift brings me.

  When Chance pulls away, I do my best to mask my disappointment.

  "I'm sorry Austin, but we need to put as many miles between us and this city as we can. It won't be long until they track this storage room back to me. We need to be long gone before then." He says.

  "Okay," I say fluttering my eyelashes up at him trying my best attempt at flirting. It seems like I'm trying new things all of the time lately. Kissing, flirting, running over evil Ghost Reapers, I guess it’s all well in a day’s work.

  Chance looks at me and gives me a sexy smile. My eyelash fluttering must have worked. He leans down as if he wants to give me another kiss, but plants a quick peck on the bridge of my nose and turns to get into the truck.

  I feel my cheeks flush with heat and I raise my fingertips up to feel them. So this must be what it feels like to blush. I follow Chance's lead and hop into the passenger seat of the truck. I steel a stare at the side mirror and see the red pleasantly coloring my cheeks. I guess that's another first.


  I must have fallen asleep sometime after Chance switched vehicles.

  Yawning I stretch out and open my eyes which are instantly blinded by the midday sun. When I get the sleep out of them and my vision adjusts I look over to see Chance smiling in the drivers seat.

  "Good morning sunshine." He says steeling a look at me out of the corner of his eyes.

  I look down and notice that he's still holding my hand. He has barely let it go since we switched cars. He must have held onto it the whole night. No wonder I slept so well. "Good morning to you too." I say, and then look out of the windows at the surroundings. I gasp in surprise. We are winding along next to a glossy river, surrounded by looming mountains on both sides. "I have never seen the mountains before!" I say in wonder. It's true. In fact, I haven't seen much of anything in my life, only the brick and mortar city. Covered in snow as far as the eye can see and dotted with glorious pine trees, I can see why mountains are described as majestic.

  "Well, I can show you many things you have never seen before Austin. That is, if you will allow me to." He says.

  He's a Shield. I know what it would mean to be with him, running for the rest of our lives. I finally understand my parents and why they did what they did. Why they ran...for freedom, for love. I look over at Chance, my heart fluttering with this feeling that I have yet to explore. I realize as I look down at our hands interlocked together that we are two puzzle pieces in a mad world, meant to fit together. No matter the consequences. For once, I feel hope, painless undying hope. I smile for the first time in years and say, "Yes, I would like that."

  Death Becomes Him


  M.R. Murphy

  Chapter One

  You never know how long you have to live or if you’ve lived a life worth dying for until the day comes that you are no more.


  The image of her eyes wide in horror, the crimson splatter of cooling blood clashing against her soft ivory skin as the sound of utter heartbreak and fear screamed from her glossy lips, rang like church bells in my mind.

  Darkness edged around the outside as my body shivered in the sweltering summer night air. I don’t remember when she pulled me into her arms, or when the tears soaked my cheeks from her weeping, but the scent of gunpowder mixed with her Burberry perfume lingered until I couldn’t see through the haze anymore.

  It wasn’t until I woke up what I thought was hours later that I realized that I would never again hold Alyssa in my arms, never again feel her warm body pressed against me as she professed her undying love to me. Poor, sweet Alyssa, how I loved to tease her about those freckles that danced across her cheeks, and soak in the stormy seas of her blue eyes.

  I still walk up and caress her face and run my hands through the tangles of her auburn hair, but there isn’t any reaction to my touch. No smiles coated in love, no more words to whisper. But then that wasn’t true. I told her everyday how much I love her and that I can’t live without her. But living I am not, not since that hot July night. I am dead, well living impaired more like it. I didn’t find my way up to the pearly gates, and I sure as hell didn’t see any bright white light except that of the butt of the gun going off in a flash. To think I had never before considered that ghosts were real, and here I am, one of the perpetual spirits bound to roam the earth. Though it has some perks. I still miss the way Alyssa’s lips tasted after drinking her Gu
inness or the feel of her slender body curled into mine for safe keeping as we slept at night.

  She was, no, she is my world, and every day since I woke up like this, I haven’t left her side.


  Three months ago I thought I had the world figured out, knew what my next step was. Yet I didn’t see my death coming into play. It was our second anniversary, and I had planned on making it the most memorable night possible.

  We had started out at our favorite little Italian joint, Piccola’s. The glistening of her eyes as she slipped the glass of wine to her ruby lips and sipped the burgundy liquid, god she screamed sensuality. My heart tripped over itself every time I stared into her eyes, and the box in my pocket burned to come out and say hello. But I was waiting for just the right moment.

  Waiting until we walked down by the pier, her favorite place to visit, it funny the things we remember about the little moments. It was at that very pier where I first met her, leaning against the rail; her delicate hand propped up her chin. Her auburn hair shimmered in the midday sun as tendrils danced behind her in the summer breeze while she stared off into forever. She looked like an angel, peaceful and beautiful. I fell in love that very moment.

  The walk from Piccola’s to the park had been filled with ideas about the future and where we were heading. The night sky was littered with stars and a full amber moon, burning so brightly that you would swear it should be daytime. Even with all the midnight sun’s illumination, I didn’t see the group of men standing under the covered bridge we were about to cross. Cross but never reach the other-side.

  I held Alyssa’s hand tightly in mine, the feel of her slender fingers weaved between mine were a small comfort to keep me from full-on sprinting to the pier and whipping out the tiny black box. The smell of the tide lingered all around us, but I only noticed her sweet perfume. Leaning into her neck, the warm pulse that thrummed beneath the supple patch of skin under her ear was beating wildly. She hid her emotions well within her soft smile and perfect up do, so gracious even when in the thick of things.

  Inhaling her deeply, I was momentarily distracted by my body’s reaction. Too distracted to notice that her hand had tightened around mine and her hair was standing on edge.

  “I-I think we should go back.” She murmured, slowing her walk. “Please, Jason….let’s go back.”

  “But I thought you wanted to go to the pier? You love it here.” Pulling her close, I could feel the small trembles radiating down her arms. Guess in hindsight, I should’ve picked her up and ran for it. I was just too damn stubborn to give up on my plans.

  Dismissing the odd uncertainty in the air, I wrapped my arms around her, and pressed a kiss to her lips, promising her it would all be okay. God, how wrong could one person be.

  I didn’t see the first male come at us, barely heard his footsteps, but damn if I didn’t feel the hard crack of wood against my head. The steamy rush from fresh blood that covered the back of my skull didn’t compare to the rattling around inside. Reaching behind to blindly inspect the damage, I could barely focus to see another man come from the shadows.

  The bellowing of her screams went through me like lightening bolts as I spun around to find her pinned against the wall by another man. The sickening way he sneered at her, licking his lips and grinding himself against her shaking body. Fear plastered tears in her eyes as she tried to push her assailant off her.

  “Alyssa!” Her name screamed past my lips as I lunge for the bastard clutching her. Rage seared through every vein in my body, coiled every muscle as I fought back against the hammering in my head.

  The next hit bounced off my back as I crashed into Alyssa’s capture. Knocking him off her and falling to the cobblestone covered ground. His grunts echoed off the stone walls as he hissed out curses between my punches. My fists coiled tighter as the fury rose higher.

  “Jason Look out!” she screamed behind me, before another cracking sound silenced her cries.

  I tried to reach her; I tried to fight off the two men that tackle me back down to the ground. Each taking turns with Louisville sluggers. Her angelic face twisted in anguish as the last man ripped at her cloths, laughing at her rolling sobs. I couldn’t stop them,…..couldn’t save her, my failures would devastate her for the rest of her life. What a fool I had been. If I had just listened to her, left when she wanted to, sweet Alyssa could’ve been spared this.

  The sting of the bullet that penetrated my back knocked the last of my breath out, as I spun around to see the gloating crooked smiles of out assailants. I didn’t know these men who attacked us, but their faces I could never forget and didn’t plan to.

  Chapter 2

  It seemed as though hours had passed before she found her way to me. My body beaten and twisted, my lungs that burned for air, were only blood filled the sacs as I aged against the cold cobblestone ground. Her face, covered in splatters of my blood mixing with streaks of runny mascara clouded my vision. I could’ve sworn she was wearing a halo as she pulled my shoulders into her lap, covered by torn reminisce of her dress. “Are you ok?” I said weakly, reaching to touch her swollen cheek. “I’m—I’m so sorry sweetheart.” The words felt heavier than a ton of bricks with weight of this guilt.

  “Shhh, don’t talk. It’s all right baby. It’s going to be all right. Just hang on. I’ve called 9-1-1; they should be here any minute.” Her shaky voice struggled to stay strong as she sucked in a hard breath. Even filled with tears, she had never looked more beautiful. The reflection of my swollen face, and cut up lip and brow in her eyes didn’t seem to matter anymore.

  “I…love…you…Alys…” The pain burning inside my body cut off all thoughts as the crushing wave overwhelmed me. Darkness crept in around the edges and her sobs began to silence as I fought to stay with her. Fighting was useless, my mind started to detach from my body, the last sense that still worked was my sense of smell, as I inhaled her sweet perfume.

  Drifting off into the vast blackness, I wasn’t sure where I would end up. Though I wasn’t a complete sinner, I sure as hell wasn’t any kind of saint. Her sobs rumbled through my body as the void of death welcomed me into its cold embrace. I tried to hang on her voice, her warmth, to her scent, but I couldn’t fight it. Even as I screamed at myself for being weak, and giving up, my body just refused to listen and spark back to life.

  All I knew, all that I loved was taken away from me as I passed through void of time and space. I wasn’t exactly sure where I would end up, so believe me when I say, ending up as a specter freaked me the hell out. Waking up in our bed, my arm wrapped around her, I honestly thought it had all been a bad dream. Until she climbed out of bed, tears staining her cheeks and sleep deprived eyes. I remember asking her why she was upset. She didn’t answer, didn’t even acknowledge me.

  I climbed out of bed to comfort her, but my hands couldn’t pull her close, she didn’t even flinch when I pressed my lips to her cheek.

  “Why? Dammit! Why? Why did you have to take him!” she sobbed, crumbling to the floor, the shirt I wore the night before clutched tightly in her hands.

  “Baby, I’m right here,” As if my words could sooth her, looking down on her dresser, it was then that I saw what had caused her tears to erupt again. The pamphlet from a funeral, my funeral, dated three months earlier. “Oh shit.”

  It was not one of my finer moments. The translucent reflection in the mirror barely outlined my body as shock shot through my veins. “What the hell is happening to me?”

  The answer I was seeking didn’t come clear as a billboard for me to read. No instead it was a whisper in my ear. “You’re dead, but you can’t leave yet.” The voice called out.

  “What do you mean I can’t leave yet? What the hell am I then? A ghost.” Scoffing at the idea it sounded ridiculous, but what else could I go by.

  “Yes.” I still couldn’t make out if it was a male of female voice, but I guess it didn’t really matter either.

  “So why am I here then, what’s my purpose?” I demanded,
not really sure if I wanted to a reply. Eyeing the room, I couldn’t see anything or anyone other than my sweet Alyssa, scrunched down in a ball, sobbing into the last shirt I wore before we left that day. The scent of her tears assailed me as I crouched down next to her. My fingers ached to touch the curve of her cheek, and wipe away those hot salty tears, but they passed through me like air.

  A chill in the air shivered the room, as I turned to look for the source. No window had been open, yet a strange shadow hung in the corner of the early morning hours.

  “You need to protect her,” The voice spoke in the same whispered hush as before. “She’s in grave danger. The men that killed you now seek her out.”

  “What! Where are they? I’ll kill them for what they did to her.” Anger boiled deep within, as I searched for a face in the dark shadow. “Where can I find them?” I demanded. I couldn’t hide the rage that burned me to my core.

  “They watch her from afar. You’ll find them. But killing them won’t get you into Heaven.”

  “I don’t care about getting into Heaven or saving my soul or any of that shit. I won’t let them hurt her again, damn it! Look at her for Crissake! Even a blind man could tell that she’s not functioning. This isn’t the Alyssa I know.” The tick in my jaw started to ache as I ground my molars together. None of that religious crap mattered to me. Saving Alyssa and getting my revenge were my only priorities. “You want me to save her, than let me do it my way. We clear.”


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