Send Me An Angel

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Send Me An Angel Page 3

by Ellis,Alysha

  With a scream she let herself go. Let the waves of her orgasm carry her away on a sea of sensation.

  The instant she began to convulse around him, her angel rammed his cock hard into her. He shuddered and shook as he emptied himself.

  He collapsed, face-down, on the pillow beside Ellie, his considerable weight pinning her to the mattress.

  She tried to draw much needed oxygen into her heaving lungs, but the shallow breaths his weight forced her to take weren’t enough. She shoved at his shoulders. He stirred, grunted semiconsciously and rolled to his side. Ellie’s chest expanded with the inrush of air.

  Beside her, celestial blue eyes, cloudy with the drowsy aftermath of passion, blinked open. Those perfectly sculpted lips stretched into a wide smile glowing with deep, sensual satisfaction.

  “Oh, so that was sex. You are right. It is much, much better to do it with someone else. I was very good, wasn’t I?”

  Ellie pushed away the lock of tawny blond hair that flopped into his eyes. His very masculine grin made him look more devilish than angelic. So devilish, Ellie couldn’t resist jolting him out of his smugly satisfied complacence.

  “Yes. You were good. For a beginner. You still have a lot to learn, though. Next time you’re going to have to exercise some self-discipline.”

  He bounced onto his knees, all enthusiasm and energy. “We can do it again? Okay. What do I have to do?”

  Ellie was about to explain that as eager as she was to repeat and improve on the experience, she needed a little time to recover. The first word had barely past her lips when Peter gave a little gasp of horror. His face went white and his smile disappeared as if it had never been. He clutched his hand over his penis. He turned stricken eyes to Ellie. “It’s broken. I want to do sex with you again. I want that very much. I want to learn what else there is to know.” His voice became almost a wail. “But, Ellie, I think I was too rough with it and now it won’t work anymore. I didn’t mean to break it.”

  He looked like a small boy who had been careless with his favourite toy. His bottom lip dropped and quivered. Ellie expected him to burst into tears at any moment. She knew she shouldn’t, knew it was cruel, but she had no control over it. She laughed. She flung her arms around him, buried her head on his magnificent chest and chuckled until the tears rolled down her cheeks.

  The golden muscles on which she rested her cheeks moved in and out. Each measured breath told of his offended dignity. The arms surrounding her were tense.

  She lifted her head and swiped a hand across her cheeks. “I’m sorry. I know you don’t understand. I-I’ll explain.” She gave a little hiccup but managed to keep a fugitive giggle from escaping. “Nothing is broken. In a while it will work perfectly again. After—after we’ve …done sex—” She stopped to bite her lips—hard. “After you come, it just takes a while for things to, um, reach peak performance levels again.”

  He took a moment to assimilate that. “Is it because all the stuff that escaped needs to be replaced?”

  Ellie rubbed her forehead. “I think it’s partly that, but I think there are other reasons too. I’d have to look it up. But I do know men just need a little time to recover.”

  She gave the organ in question a long, gentle stroke. It stirred and stretched a little in response. “Look. It’s starting to get better, er, recover, already.”

  Peter looked down to where his cock was gradually filling, thickening and lengthening. Not much, but enough to allay his worst fears. The tension left his shoulders and he flopped back down on the bed. “I was so scared. I thought I was never going to be able to, you know…again.”

  “You will, believe me, you will. But not, I think, tonight. It’s been a very long, very strange day. I have to work in the morning, and you, you’ve had enough to learn for one day.” She kissed him. A sweet, angelic kiss she didn’t allow to develop into anything further. Before she’d had time to settle herself, the deep, slow rhythm of his breathing told her he was asleep.

  She took a moment or two to reflect on the strangeness of the sensation. A man in her bed. For the night. It had never happened before, but then the men in her bed had never been angels either. Maybe that was why it didn’t feel wrong. Why it felt remarkably, beautifully, excitingly okay.

  It felt so okay she almost slept through her alarm the next morning. When she finally opened her eyes, panic set in. Every bit of her body wanted to shake Peter awake and continue his lessons, but she had to go to work.

  She had never, ever, been late, and nothing, not even the beautiful man slumbering next to her, his face radiant and pure in sleep, was going to change that.

  She was showered, dressed, hair pulled back in the way she usually wore it and just stowing her phone in its place in her bag, when Peter’s eyes blinked open. His welcoming smile faded as he looked at her and the preparations she was making. “You are not staying here with me. Why?”

  “I have to go to work. It’s not that I wouldn’t like to stay. But I can’t. We have rules.”

  He got to his feet. The sheets slithered down and fell in a tangled mess beside the bed. Ellie ignored them. Her appreciation of the sight he presented superseded her need to keep things tidy.

  His arm wrapped around her shoulders and he pulled her in for a kiss. A long, scorching kiss that set fire to her skin and melted her bones. “Stay. Forget the rules for a while. My being here is proof that they don’t have to be followed to the letter. Be a little late. What’s the worst that can happen?”

  A rogue voice deep in her brain staged a coup and took over her tongue. “Maybe I can be a little late.”

  Peter’s triumphant laugh sent flurries of shivers across her skin. “And I can be fast. A quick fuck can be a good fuck.”

  He lowered her to the floor. The strong, morning sunlight burned her eyes, cast a golden halo around his curls shimmering like flames. Her clothes disappeared into the inferno.

  His hands wrapped around her wrists, pulling them back, staking her out against the floor so that her weakness didn’t matter. His rigid cock speared into her, hard and fast, filling her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, opening herself up, taking it all.

  His hips twisted, rotated and plundered a spot deep inside her. She gasped and her legs tightened convulsively.

  For an instant, Peter stilled. His head reared back and he looked deep into her eyes. “Ah.” He breathed out the sound of acknowledgement and his lips curled into a predatory smile. “You like that.” He thrust again and again, adding to the twist with a powerful flex of his back.

  Pleasure arced along her nerves. Ecstasy exploded through her body, detonating her orgasm, shockwaves contracting and expanding, not just where Peter’s cock still pounded into her but everywhere. Even her toes and fingers curled.

  Her vagina spasmed and clutched and with a shout Peter came.

  He raised dazed, heavy lidded eyes to hers. “See?” He took a couple of rapid gulps of air. “Fast and good.”

  Too breathless to speak, Ellie just nodded.

  Peter scrambled to his feet and pulled Ellie up with him.

  “Come and have a shower. “ He grinned at her. “You have to go to work, you know.”

  She tried to hit him, but she was so weakened it was no more than a token gesture. They stumbled to the shower. Perhaps realising he’d pushed her as far as it was wise to, Peter concentrated on getting clean and didn’t try to distract her again.

  When they were dressed his smile flashed again. “May I come with you?”

  Ellie grinned as she thought of the flutter her angel would cause in the Pathology department of the hospital where she worked. “You can’t. You have to stay here.” A frown creased her forehead. “Are you going to be okay on your own?”

  He stalked towards her. His angelic face was determined, set. Ellie suddenly had a vision of what a warrior angel might look like. Not cruel, but his firm mouth was now authoritative rather than sensuous, his eyes no longer cloudy but burning fiercely with a knowledge and unde
rstanding Ellie could not even begin to measure.

  “Ellie, I am an angel, not a child. My knowledge of the actual processes of sex did not exist, but my knowledge of the human mind, of how it works, its wants, its needs, its strengths and sadly its failings, is infinite. Even without my wings, I will be safe in a way you could never be. You do not have to protect me. Nor do you need to worry about me.”

  Power shimmered about him in a golden glow. He was imposing, awe-inspiring and intimidating. Ellie swallowed, nodded briefly and turned to go.

  Chapter Three

  As a medical technologist and head of the hospital pathology lab, Ellie ran a tightly disciplined, efficient department. She discouraged casual chat, and expected her professional demeanour to be taken as a role model.

  When she scurried in late for the first time ever, the new lab assistant dropped a tray of biopsy specimens. Ellie felt a surge of anger. She was about to blister the girl with a scathing tirade about her careless treatment of irreplaceable biological material, but before the cutting words could be uttered, rage was replaced by warmth and the image of a pair of phantom wings. Their aura surrounded her, calmed her, helped her to see it had been an accident, that the girl was terrified.

  Instead of shouting, Ellie dropped to her knees, looking under cupboards, finding the specimens, dusting them off. She picked up the last mesh container, put it back where it belonged. “There, no harm done. It might have been different if the lids had come off and the biopsies got mixed up so we couldn’t identify them, but they didn’t.”

  The lab assistant, knuckles white, clutched the tray. “Thank you for helping me. And th-thank you for not yelling at me. I know it annoys you when things don’t go right. I expected you to be really angry over this.” The girl’s face gradually lost its strained whiteness.

  Keeping her voice calm, Ellie said, “We managed to fix it all up. I know you didn’t mean it…” Sarah, her name badge said Sarah. How long had Ellie been working with people whom she hadn’t even bothered to learn to call by name? “Sarah, I’m sorry if I’ve seemed unreasonably difficult or hard to get along with.”

  The white in Sarah’s face was drowned out by a growing flush of red. “I didn’t mean to criticise or offend you. It’s just that you, um, don’t have much patience with errors, and as a newcomer to the department I made a few, and…”

  Ellie took pity on the girl’s embarrassment. “I do like to know that everything is working just as it should be, but it wouldn’t hurt me to be a little more tolerant of human error.”

  Ellie strolled into her office, ignoring the receptionist who stood open-mouthed in the doorway to the main lab. “What got into Dragon Lady?”

  Sarah giggled. “If it was anyone else, I’d say a man. But not with her. Where on earth would you find a man willing to take her on?” An innate fairness made her add, “But she was nice to me. I dropped a tray of specimens and normally I’d have expected to have my skin peeled.”

  The receptionist snorted. “Don’t count on it lasting. This has got to be a momentary aberration.”

  On the other side of the wall, Ellie shook her head. In typical government fashion the whole building had been erected as cheaply as possible. Voices carried. It wasn’t the first time she’d overheard comments about herself. ‘Dragon Lady’ was relatively mild. ‘Bitch’ had been uttered through clenched teeth more than once. Ellie had never cared. A good supervisor didn’t have to be liked by her staff. Funny that today it bothered her.

  She shrugged and headed back into the main lab to supervise the loading of the tissue staining machine. The staff knew exactly what to do, but Ellie made a habit of watching every move. For the first time she wondered if her close supervision made the assistants nervous, slowing down the procedure instead of ensuring its efficiency. She stopped and called out, “Is everything okay?”

  Sarah gasped. She looked from the tray in her hand to Ellie then back to the tray. “Y-yes. It’s—everything is fine.”

  “Then I’ll leave you to it, shall I?”

  Ignoring Sarah’s stunned look, Ellie took a step back and landed hard up against a firm male chest. She spun around. Peter stood there, a huge grin on his face, flanked by two receptionists whose equally large grins were tempered by distinctly curious expressions.

  Ellie’s eyes widened, and the senior receptionist held up a hand placatingly. “He said he was a friend of yours and he’d brought you a present.”

  Peter nodded and held up a large brown paper bag. “I found a toy shop, Ellie. I bought you toys.”

  Ellie grabbed his hand and shoved him towards her office. “What I want to know is how you found me?”

  “I could sense you, Ell—”

  Aware of the fascinated attention with which her staff was listening, Ellie pushed him into her office and slammed the door.

  “Sssh,” she hissed. “Keep your voice down. They’ll hear.”

  Peter settled a hip on the corner of her desk. “Don’t you want to see what I bought you?”

  Ellie shook her head resignedly. “It’s very nice of you, but grownups don’t really play with toys here.”

  A frown crossed his forehead. “I think you are mistaken, Ellie. The sign on the shop said Adult. I saw it.”

  She felt the blood drain from her face. Afraid she already knew the answer, she asked, “What sign?”

  Peter huffed out an annoyed sigh. “The sign on the toy shop. It said Adult Toys. I asked the man which ones he thought you’d like, and he picked these.” With a sudden grin he said, “They’re for sex. Didn’t you know?” The grin got wider. “I have found something you didn’t know about. We can learn together.”

  “I know about them, I just haven’t used them.” She stuck her nose in the air.

  If she thought to deflate his enthusiasm, she failed. “I have already read the instructions.” He peered into the bag. “Ellie, do people like to have sex with animals?”

  She choked. He pounded her on the back and when she could breathe again she said, “No. Not at all. It is completely taboo.”

  He nodded solemnly. “I thought it was, but these toys have animal names. There is a jack rabbit, a butterfly, a—”

  “They’re just names, ok? It doesn’t mean…” She trailed off. Explanation was beyond her.

  He reached into the bag and pulled out a small package. “This is a butterfly! It goes on your—“

  Ellie snatched it out of his hand. “I know where it goes.”

  “Oh, good. Take off your pants and we’ll put it on.”

  Ellie blinked. “We’ll what?”

  As if she were simple minded, he spoke clearly and slowly. “It goes on your…the thing you have instead of a cock only smaller and cuter. What was it called again?”

  Ellie groaned.

  “Clitoris!” His voice rose in triumph. “I remember.”

  Ellie clapped her hand over his mouth. “Shut up! Do you want everyone to hear you?”

  His eyes widened. “It’s just a word, Ellie. Just the name of a very nice part of your body.”

  She dropped her head into her hands and clutched a handful of hair.

  “Put it on, Ellie. The man in the shop said you would enjoy it very much.”

  Her voice muffled by her fingers, she asked, “Wait a minute. How did you get the money to pay for these?”

  “I didn’t.”

  Ellie’s head snapped up. “You stole them?”

  “Ellie! No. I was an angel. I don’t steal. I just told him how much I thought you would enjoy them and he gave them to me.”

  Ellie’s eyes narrowed. “Just like that?”

  Peter looked down at the carpet. “I, er, had been talking to him for a while. He and his son are estranged and it hurts him very much. I suggested some things he could do to try to bridge the gap, to make amends and re-establish communication. He was…grateful.” He shook his head, as if dismissing the situation. “Come on, Ellie, please let me put it on you.”

  Her office door was firmly
locked, no-one would disturb them. It was easier to give in than to fight him. The thought of a mid-day indulgence was more titillating than she would have imagined. The lure of the forbidden, combined with the raging lust that attacked her every time she saw him, was too much to resist.

  She reached for the zipper on her skirt, undid it and wriggled her hips until it fell to the floor. She stood there in her prim work shirt, her lab coat and a pair of panties. She stuck her thumbs in the band and shimmied those down too and kicked them aside.

  His hand reached out and cupped her, one finger stroking her clit. Peter’s voice was gruff. “It will remind you of where I want to be.”

  He adjusted the leg and waist straps until the device was settled over her clit. When it was placed to his satisfaction he licked his lips and met her eyes. “Ready?”

  Breathlessly, Ellie whispered, “Yes.”

  He flicked a little button on the top of the vibrator. Ellie’s buttocks clenched and her vagina tightened as the little creature buzzed and pulsed. She could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks and then flowing faster and hotter till it pooled in her groin to swell and tighten the lips of her pussy. Peter reached out and pulled her back against him, his hand held lightly over the device and spread wide to feel her heat. He thrust one finger inside her. His strong thighs supported her as the vibrations pushed her closer and closer to the edge.

  She bit her lips, trying to stifle a moan. Her legs collapsed completely and she writhed against the rough denim of his white jeans until she shuddered. The walls of her pussy pulsed, squeezing his finger, drenching him with her moisture.

  His breath rushed out of tight lungs, but he reached over and flicked the off button and held her, dropping light kisses on her face and neck while she recovered.

  He bent down and grabbed her panties from the floor. She made to undo the straps but he covered her hand with his. “Leave it on for me, please, Ellie.”

  After what he had done for her, she was prepared to do that for him. It might be a little uncomfortable, but if it was what he wanted. She nodded.


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