Send Me An Angel

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Send Me An Angel Page 6

by Ellis,Alysha

  Peter bit her lip. The sharp, stinging pain excited her, made her push against the hard ridge of his cock. She rubbed her cleft against it, riding it, trying to feed the aching hunger.

  With one hand, Peter ripped away her panties, tearing them from her body, scoring her flesh where the tight remnants resisted his pull. He thrust three fingers inside her. The brutal force made her wince but she bore down on them, needing the savage invasion. Her fingers became claws, raking down his back, a confusion of pain and need driving them both higher.

  He thrust his thigh hard against her, driving his fingers in further, spreading her wider apart. “Oh yes. I want to fuck you. Over and over. I want to come so deep inside you, you’ll scream my name until it is burned into your soul.”

  Her hands fumbled at his waist, pushed his shirt aside, thrust his pants down, clenched his engorged cock in a tight fist. Gave a hard tug and squeezed.

  He gasped and his teeth fastened on her neck, the sucking ache sending shivers racing down her spine. His fingers pulled out, sliding in the hot wetness, leaving an aching void behind them. He grasped the fabric of her dress in his fists, tearing it away from her body, leaving her naked and defenceless. She moaned and her knees sagged, but he held her up, pushed against the wall, her back pressed against the cool surface while she burned everywhere he touched her.

  His mouth dropped from her neck to her breasts, biting, sucking, stinging. Her head slammed backwards against the wall as his teeth clamped around her nipple. Waves of pleasure surged along nerve endings, adding to the boiling heat.

  Her legs, still spread wide, began to shake, their support unreliable under the sensual overload.

  Their lack of strength was rendered immaterial. With one fierce thrust, he filled her dripping pussy with his rock hard heat, driving into her, lifting her, leaving her pinned against the wall with her toes barely touching the ground. She screamed in wordless ecstasy and convulsed around him, the waves of her orgasm clutching and releasing him, blurring her vision, drowning her in sensation.

  He lifted his head. His tight smile was a feral grimace, a slash of need and determination, robbing his face of all softness. “Not enough. Not enough.” His voice came out in harsh, rasping puffs. He reached behind Ellie, his hands clamped onto her buttocks and he lifted her up. At his urging, she wrapped her legs around his hips.

  He sank to his knees, then holding her tight against himself, lowered them both to the floor, his cock, hard and hot, buried deep inside her. He pulled back, drove into her over and over again. As his hips pounded against her he raised his head. Through gritted teeth he ground out, “This is not just sex. You don’t want me to leave.” His eyes glittered, wild and demanding. “Tell me you want me! Tell me.” Each word was accompanied by a thrust that slid her backwards along the floor. She clung to him for support, too dazed, too steeped in physical sensation to speak.

  Her silence spurred him to more powerful action. The border between them disappeared as he drove deeper into her, past the surface barriers of flesh and blood to somewhere deep inside to fill a hollow she hadn’t known existed. His presence flowed and welled until the vibrations of another, greater orgasm quaked and rocked her, its pulsating rhythm beating into every particle of her being. As she disappeared into the velvet blackness, she screamed Peter’s name and heard his answering shout.

  When she opened her eyes again, Peter’s clear blue gaze was fastened on them.

  “Are you all right?” He touched the reddened skin of her neck. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  She smiled dazedly up at him. “I’m not hurt.”

  His forehead creased. “But I marked you.”

  She smoothed the tatters of his shirt off his shoulders. Her fingers traced the crescents her nails had etched into his skin. “I marked you too. Did it feel bad when it happened? Does it hurt now?”

  The wrinkles of concern straightened out and he relaxed. Then his head lifted. “I was angry.”

  Her smile became indulgent. “You were.”

  He nodded slowly. “But like yours, my anger was a disguise. A mask to hide something else.”

  Ellie stiffened.

  Peter rolled onto his side. “I was afraid. You refused to admit what we have between us. You spoke of making me leave. My fear that you would never understand made me angry.”

  Ellie’s eyes narrowed. “Are you trying to suggest that my anger hides fear? I told you, I’m not afraid of anything.” Brave words, but Ellie’s voice cracked as she said them.

  Peter continued to look steadily at her as if he could probe deep into her mind, into her soul and know everything she knew, know things she was only just discovering for herself.

  He waited. In the silence her hand reached out almost of its own volition and clung to his. He tightened his clasp and used it to pull her closer, to wrap his arms around her, to enfold her in his warmth.

  It gave her enough courage to face the truth. “You don’t need me. You don’t need me to tell you what to do. You don’t need me to show you how the world works. And if you don’t need me, you won’t stay. You’ll go, and I’ll be on my own again. And this time it will be forever, because there will never be anyone like you, ever again.” Her voice broke completely. She buried her face into the hollow between his neck and his shoulder. She tried to burrow in, but nothing could prevent her from hearing his words.

  “It’s true. I don’t need you to run my life for me. I don’t need you to be able to get a job. I don’t need you to tell me what to do.” He tangled his hand in her hair and gently lifted her head away from his neck. He slid his fingers under her chin and forced her to look at him. “But I need you. I need to be with you. I think, perhaps, you’re the reason I fell.”

  A fine tremble worked its way up her spine. His breath whispered, warm in her ear, “It will be all right, Ellie. You can let things happen in their own time and in their own way and it will be all right.”

  “You think that, but it isn’t always true. What if I let things happen in their own way, and your way doesn’t include me? If I don’t hold tight, you’ll go away. You’ll go away and you’ll never come back. You won’t want me anymore, and I couldn’t stand that.”

  He reached out a forefinger and wiped a teardrop from her cheek. “It doesn’t have to be that way. Let go, and trust that I will stay. Stay because I want to stay with you. Not because I have no choice.”

  Her voice was a tiny thread, barely audible, but they were so close, so intertwined, she knew he heard every nuance. “I want you, Peter. Will you stay? If I let go, will you stay?”

  “Yes, Ellie. I will stay. Because I want to. Because, more than I have ever wanted anything, I want to be with you. I have given up eternal life, given up my rank as an angel, and count it well lost because it has meant that I can have you.”


  “In Heaven, there is love, but it is bland, cool, universal. There is no passion. On Earth, I have discovered both. A force that drives me to my knees with desire, that rings through every cell in my body, that takes my thoughts and turns every one of them to the object of my love, of my passion. Every waking moment is filled with thoughts of the one I love, my dreams are about her. About you. I want to stay with you for as long as I remain on Earth. I never want to leave you. No matter what freedom I have, I will never be free of you because I do not wish to be. Can never wish to be. Because I love you.”

  Ellie looked into his clear blue eyes, eyes that saw her, saw the fear she kept hidden, even from herself, recognised the anger stemming from that fear. He knew her better than anyone else on Earth, knew her and loved her.

  As she loved him. She had tried to tell herself it was lust, tried to convince herself that her addiction was to his incredible body, his angel’s face, but the truth was there, emblazoned across her heart. She loved him. He was a mortal just like her. If—when—he was old, his skin wrinkled and spotted, his tousled curls gone, his eyes cloudy with age, she would still love him. She would love him bec
ause of who he was. Who he would always be. The most perfect, pure, most trustworthy being on Earth. Her fallen angel.

  There was a sense of wonder in her voice, but there was dawning confidence and conviction too. “I love you.” She smiled. “I love you and I trust you. I don’t have to be afraid. You will stay, won’t you?”

  He stood, pulling her up with him. His head dropped to hers and just before their lips met, he whispered, “For as long as I live.”

  The fire that burned every time he touched her kindled. His cool hands left sparks in their wake. Without releasing her lips, without unwrapping her from his embrace, he walked backwards into the bedroom. She followed willingly.

  He lowered her to the bed, then at last broke off the contact and stepped back.

  Ellie’s eyes blinked open. “Come here.”

  Peter shook his head. “Not this time. This time I don’t want you to speak. I don’t want you to tell me what to do. You’ve taught me well. Now let your pupil show you what he’s learned. Trust me. This time let me devote myself to your pleasure. Let me be in control.”

  She looked into his eyes. Saw what he was asking. Not for her submission, but for a fundamental change in their relationship, a fundamental change in Ellie. He was asking her to set him free. Asking her to give him the freedom to do whatever he wanted. Asking her to believe that, when she did, he would stay because he wanted to.

  She fell back onto the pillows. “I suppose you want to tie my hands to the bedposts or make me promise not to touch you or something?”

  Peter chuckled. “Do you want me to do that?”

  Ellie thought for a moment. “Not really. No. I don’t think being tied up would be all that comfortable, and I like touching you. I’ve never understood why you have to let someone tie you up to prove you trust them anyway.”

  Love warmed his eyes. “I want you to touch me, whenever and however you like. I don’t want to deny myself that pleasure.” His voice became smoky. “I won’t deny you pleasure. Let me look at you.”

  He dropped to his knees at the foot of the bed. His hands slid up her legs, stroking and sensual, smoothing across the sensitive skin behind her knees, sending silver sparkles of sensation along her nerve endings. His fingers slipped between her thighs, pulling them apart, leaving her open and exposed to him.

  He sent a long caress across her lightly furred mons, down to where the pink petals of flesh were hot, still wet and ready for him once again. He didn’t linger, didn’t search out her tight little clit, didn’t insert his finger into her. He simply petted her as he would the animal for which it was named.

  His touch remained tantalising, tormenting her with the promise of what was to come, and the aching need to have it now.

  It broke the last vestiges of control she had. She begged him, her voice thick and staccato, words coming in short breaks between rushing breaths.

  He was merciful. He spread her thighs wider, settled himself between them. He dropped his head. One long exploratory lick took him from the cleft of her pussy to the tight knot of her clitoris. He pulled her lips apart, his fingers stroking her clit, while his tongue, hard and hot and oh so wickedly clever, plunged deep inside her.

  He took her with driving thrusts. She felt the first surge of orgasm. As her rhythmic waves began to wash through her, he lifted his head and thrust two fingers inside.

  He groaned as the walls of her vagina contracted around them. “Oh, yes.”

  The words echoed in her head. Yes. Yes. Yes. Whatever he did, whatever he offered she would accept. She surrendered up her control and let him take her to a place she’d never been before. He knew every sensation, every emotion racing through her body. He read her response, knew what she was feeling almost before she did. Knew it and used it to take her higher, push her further.

  He met her face to face. His eyes locked with hers, held them. Knowledge, understanding and trust passed back and forth between them. The moment stretched out. Waiting. Tense. Rich with possibility. Time stilled. He raised himself up over her. His cock nudged at her opening. Then with a deep, guttural groan, he plunged. Hard. Fast. Furious. Taking total and complete possession. Searing himself into every cell. Every drop of blood. Every thought. Every breath.

  Becoming part of her. Making her part of him.

  When they came, they came together, in a harmonic vibration of their bodies and souls. It melted and moulded and fused them together for eternity.

  It was almost an eternity later when Peter raised his head and rolled to his side. He snuggled her against him. “Now do you believe that nothing on Earth will ever take me away from you? That nothing will make me leave you?”

  Through a fog of satiation, Ellie roused herself enough to whisper, “I believe you. We’re together, forever.” She smiled before the clouds of sleep carried her away.

  Chapter Seven

  The change in Ellie permeated through her entire life. Friends saw how happy she and Peter were together. Everything, everyone, around her seemed to be better, happier. Peter got the job as counsellor.

  Ellie’s tight hold on life had relaxed and nothing had come crashing down around her.

  Nothing that is, until two months after she’d opened her door to find Peter asleep on her doorstep. A crashing noise coming from her kitchen startled her awake. She leapt out of bed. Peter was already racing out of the door. When he skidded to a halt she slammed into him. He reached behind with one hand to steady her. When she tried to peer around his broad back, his other hand clasped her tightly, holding her protected, but ignorant.

  She was in his shadow. A shadow created by the golden glow of light emanating from something directly in front of Peter. Something that stiffened his spine, drawing him upright to his full, impressive height. Something that made him tense and alert with every muscle rigid.

  Something that spoke with sonorous clarity. “Peter. Come.”

  Peter’s hands dropped lifelessly to his sides. Ellie grabbed the opportunity to step out from his protection. She swayed and Peter once more reached out to hold her. This time he clasped her to his side and Ellie could not have said if it was for her support or his.

  She couldn’t look at Peter to find out. Her eyes were focused on the being in front of her. Fully six and a half feet tall, with wings stretching up another foot above that, stood an angel in full regalia.

  Ellie didn’t have to ask or think. Recognition was instantaneous. This was a warrior angel. Prepared to fight for a cause. She knew instinctively what that cause was. He had come for Peter. Come to take him away from her.

  Even she could feel the compulsion in that commanding voice, the outstretched hand, the stern gaze.

  She felt her heart crack as it waited for the annihilation to come. Beside her she felt as much as heard Peter take a deep breath. She tried to steel herself to bear the pain, tried to keep breathing, willed her heart not to stop. She expected him to disappear, wondered if he would even be permitted to say goodbye.

  It was a moment before the single word he spoke penetrated her cocoon of despair.

  “No,” he uttered firmly, unwaveringly.

  The warrior angel didn’t flinch. “Do not be absurd. You are commanded. Come.”

  “No.” This time the word was louder, more forceful. Only someone who loved Peter as much as Ellie did would have detected the underlying hint of fear. It made her cling to him tighter, offering what comfort, what strength, she could. He looked down at her and in her heart she felt the loving smile he was unable to force his lips to form. “I am staying here. Where I belong.”

  The being spoke again. Ellie thought she detected a hint of annoyance. “Your mother was not permitted to stay on Earth. She was brought home in disgrace. Some allowance will be made for the effects of your regrettable heritage. Your punishment may well be overlooked if you come home now without further difficulty.”

  “No. I will not return. It has nothing to do with my mother or my father or anyone else. It is between Ellie and me.”

  The annoyance was no longer a hint, nor did it take any particular sensitivity to observe it. The warrior angel was angry. The light emanating from him grew more intense, took on a threatening hue. “You are commanded. You cannot defy such an order. There is only one punishment for those who rebel against His word.”

  Peter swallowed and squared his shoulders. His face was ashen. “Then you will have to enforce that punishment because I will not leave voluntarily.”

  The warrior angel shook his head in disbelief. “You would rather face the everlasting fires of eternal Hell than leave this woman? Where is the sense in that? You will be without her in either case, but to choose suffering instead of Heaven is unbelievable.”

  “I promised her I would never leave her voluntarily. If I have to burn in hellfire to keep that promise, I will. Without her, I am damned anyway.”

  As the meaning of what was said sank in, Ellie felt the blood drain from her face. She turned frantically to Peter. “No. You can’t do that. Not for me. I know you don’t want to go. I know you have no choice. I love you. Please, I beg you. Go with him. Don’t suffer for my sake. Go with him, please. Go with him.” The last words were lost in her sobs.

  The angel looked on impassively. After a moment’s thought he spoke. “I see that the intensity of feeling is more than we had anticipated. A compromise might be possible. If you consent to return now without further argument and accept whatever punishment is deemed appropriate, we will allow the girl to enter Heaven with you. After your period of punishment is over, Peter, you might be permitted to converse with her from time to time, under close supervision. In fact, that might be the best solution all around. We can hardly leave her here to tell everyone about her experiences.”

  All Ellie understood was this was a chance of reprieve for Peter. She opened her mouth to utter a fervent, “Yes. Yes.” But before the words could escape, Peter clapped a hand over her mouth to silence her.


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