The Future of London: (L-2011, Mr Apocalypse, Ghosts of London)

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The Future of London: (L-2011, Mr Apocalypse, Ghosts of London) Page 9

by Mark Gillespie

  “I’m getting fed up with this,” Sumo Dave said.

  Mack nodded. “Aye, this is a bit shite mate. What’s the point of going looting when there’s fuck all left to loot?”

  They could hear the rioters chanting in the distance.

  “Bloody hell,” Sumo Dave said. “I’ve been to a lot of Spurs games at White Hart Lane mate. But I don’t think I’ve ever heard us chant as loud as that. And I’m talking about thirty-five thousand people.”

  Mack looked towards the noise.

  “They’re going to send in the army,” he said. “The police

  Sumo Dave nodded. “Yeah,” he said. “But what are the army going to do different, eh? They can’t shoot us all. That’s genocide or whatever it’s called.”

  Mack pulled his phone out of his back pocket and checked the time. It was 7.51pm.

  He looked over at Sumo Dave. “They’ve been gone for over an hour now.”

  “I know,” Sumo said. “I don’t know what they’re doing mate. Probably still looking around every corner of Wandle Park for that TV.”

  All of a sudden, Sumo Dave burst out laughing. It was one of his usual, high-pitched, almost feminine shrieks.

  “I can just picture ‘em running around the park,” he said. “Looking under every fucking bush for that TV.”

  Mack quickly put a hand to his mouth, but he couldn’t hold it in either. He doubled over at the thought of Tegz and Hatchet, prancing around the park in distress over a flat screen TV, while all around the rest of Croydon fell apart.

  Sumo Dave wiped the tears from his eyes. “Hey we shouldn’t laugh,” he said. “Maybe the cops have got them. They’ve been gone for - ”

  Something cut him off in mid-sentence. It was the sound of a man screaming.

  The two teenagers turned around. Up ahead, they saw five or six dark shapes bundling something down the street. Mack took a closer look and as his eyes adjusted to what was coming their way, he saw that the ‘something’ being bundled was wearing a police uniform.

  “Oh shit,” he said. “Dave, that’s…”

  “I know.”

  The police officer’s assailants had covered his head with a T-shirt. They were kicking him repeatedly to the body as they dragged him towards the alley. Others in the gang picked up random objects on their way and struck the helpless victim on the ground. As the two boys watched from a distance, one of the dark shapes grabbed a plank of wood from the other side of the road. He ran over to the gang and started hitting the helpless policeman with it. Mack heard the man’s muffled cries for help, loud at first, but getting weaker with each strike.

  The rioters dragged the man towards a nearby alley. As they disappeared out of sight, the policeman’s cries for help faded.

  Moments later, everything went silent.

  Sumo Dave took a step forward.

  “That’s it,” he said. His voice was low, calm, and deadly serious. Mack had never heard Sumo Dave talk like that before. “Let’s go Mack,” he said. “This is getting real nasty. People are going to die and no one gives a fuck.”

  Mack struggled to find his voice. A hoarse whisper barely came out.

  “Sumo,” he said. “They’re going to kill him. Shouldn’t we…do something?”

  Sumo Dave locked his hand around Mack’s forearm. It felt like a vice squeezing down on Mack’s bones. “Yeah,” Sumo Dave said. “We should. But if we do, we’re dead too. You know that, eh? Don’t you? Now let’s go Mack.”

  At that moment, an explosion – which sounded like an earthquake or a giant clap of thunder – ripped through the night. Sumo Dave and Mack both jumped back in fright, uncertain of where it had come from. Instinctively, they put their hands over their heads, shielding themselves from the inevitable shower of bricks that would come crashing down from above.

  But nothing fell near them. The teenagers, realising that they were safe, straightened up and looked around.

  Over the tips of the surrounding buildings, they watched as a yellowy-orange ball of flame lit up the dark sky.

  As the sound of the explosion faded, a deafening chorus of voices could be heard in the distance. Cheering. Howling. Celebrating. It sounded like a vast and ancient army, rejoicing in the aftermath of victory on the battlefield.

  “What the fuck was that?” Mack said.

  “We need to go mate,” Sumo Dave said, his voice trembling. “Now! Mack. C’mon let’s get the fuck out of here mate. They’re going to stop the trains after that.”

  Mack took one last look down the alley where they’d dragged the policeman.

  Black smoke was rising over Croydon.

  “Mack – let’s go!”

  Sumo Dave pulled him back. Slowly, as if waking up from a nightmare, Mack returned to his senses.

  “I’m alright Dave,” he said.

  Sumo Dave let go of his arm. The two teenagers ran back towards George Street at a furious pace, stopping only occasionally to catch their breath.

  “What about Tegz and Hatchet?” Mack said, during one stop.

  “Fuck knows,” Sumo Dave said. He reached into the pocket of his hoodie and took out his phone. After looking at the screen, he shook his head. “No messages. No missed calls. I don’t know where the fuck they are.”

  “So what do we do?”

  Sumo Dave didn’t hesitate. “We go.”

  Back on George Street, the rioters were doing the only thing left to do after looting the town - burn it to the ground. The supermarkets, fast food restaurants, pubs, betting shops, fishmongers, pharmacies, butchers – whatever was still standing was in the process of being torched as Sumo Dave and Mack hurried past, making their way back to the train station.

  In all likelihood, there wouldn’t be much left of Croydon in the morning.

  Nobody paid any attention to the tall skinny youth and his companion. They were just two more rioters on the move, their faces hidden behind hoods and masks, as they trawled through the streets.

  Mack could feel the heat of the flames pinching at his skin as he ran past the burning shops. The stench of smoke was overpowering, and his lungs fought for clean air to breathe.

  Things were a little quieter as they got closer to East Croydon station. As they walked, Mack glanced at the flats above the shops, trying to convince himself that these homes would have been evacuated by now. There were no lights on at least.

  Likewise, he was still trying to convince himself that the policeman who’d been dragged down that alley was alive.


  It came from behind them.

  Sumo Dave and Mack turned around to see Tegz running up the street towards them. Mack was surprised to see that Tegz had taken his mask off, and that as a result, he’d probably breathed in too much smoke.

  The cocky smirk that was always on Tegz’s face was gone. Now he was someone in a daze, somebody not quite there.

  Hatchet walked slowly into view behind him. Strolling with casual indifference, as if detached from the surrounding chaos.

  “Where the fuck have you two been?” Sumo Dave said. “The fucking town’s burning down and you’re out there fucking around, looking for a 65-inch TV?”

  Tegz didn’t respond.

  “You alright Tegz?” Mack asked. “You’re looking a bit green around the gills mate. You should put your mask on, you’re breathing in too much smoke.”

  Tegz looked at Mack. For a moment, Mack thought that the little joker was about to resurface. That he would burst out laughing and go back to his normal self, cracking jokes in 3-2-1.

  But he didn’t.

  “I’m alright,” Tegz said quietly. “Let’s just go yeah? I want out of here.”

  Hatchet caught up with them.

  “Hatch?” Sumo Dave said. “Did you find the TV or what?”

  Hatchet looked at Sumo, his eyes like blank holes behind the mask.

  “Nah it’s gone,” Hatchet said. “You were right, it wasn’t there. Fuck it anyway.”

  Sumo Dave shook
his head, but neither he nor Mack felt the need to gloat.

  “What happened to you two?” Sumo Dave said. “Earlier on getting that TV back was the most important thing in the world. Now it’s like – fuck the TV. What happened?”

  Hatchet shrugged.

  “Please,” Tegz said, looking around as if someone was about to catch up with them. “Can we just get the fuck out of here?”

  As the four teenagers boarded the train, an announcement reminded passengers that all services were about to end. The speaker made no mention of when normal service would resume.

  The train itself was practically deserted. A few people sat scattered here and there, but as the four boys walked down the aisle of the first carriage, they had their pick of seats and sat down at a small table with two seats on either side.

  Mack glanced over at Tegz, who’d sat at the window seat. He had propped his head up against the glass and was staring out into the darkness, saying nothing.

  Mack had never seen Tegz so quiet. He wasn’t even looking at his phone or talking about the next spliff. He was just sitting, staring into the glass at his own reflection.

  As the train pulled away from the station, Sumo Dave took out his phone. Mack did the same – he wanted to see what they were saying on the news about Croydon. The army had to be coming now. How could they not be?

  Hatchet, sitting beside Tegz at the aisle, turned and looked back towards the toilet sign at the rear of the carriage.

  “I need to piss,” he said to no one in particular.

  Hatchet stood up and as he did so, he put both hands on the table to support himself. That’s when Mack saw the blood.

  His heart skipped a beat. The blood on Hatchet’s hands had dried in, but there was still enough of it, coating the palms and fingers to make it obvious.

  There was a lot of blood.

  Hatchet turned and walked down the aisle towards the toilet.

  Mack looked at his own hands. He recalled the feeling of warmth, of somebody else’s blood seeping into the pores of his skin.

  Not so long ago.

  Chapter 17

  11th August 2011

  * * *

  Parliament has been recalled.

  * * *

  In a packed House of Commons, the Prime Minister - fresh from a Mediterranean holiday cut short - rises to make a statement. His boyish good looks glow in deep hues of brown and red. This, combined with the tailored blue suit that he’s wearing, give the appearance of an overgrown public schoolboy.

  * * *

  SPEAKER: Brief Public Disorder Statement, the Prime Minister.

  * * *

  Cheers and grunts of approval from the backbenchers.

  * * *

  PRIME MINISTER: Thank you Mr Speaker. With permission, I would like to make a statement. Due to the fact that there is important work to be done, this will be brief. But once order has been restored, its finer details will be expanded further.

  * * *

  Cheers. Grunts.

  * * *

  PRIME MINISTER: First of all, let me thank you and Honourable and Right Honourable members for returning to Parliament today. In times of crisis such as these, it is crucial that we show a united front.

  * * *

  More cheers. More grunts.

  * * *

  PRIME MINISTER: What we have seen on our television screens over the past few days is sickening. We’ve seen people looting, vandalising, robbing, and attacking other people. Houses - HOMES - have been burned to the ground, as have countless offices and shops and private businesses. The livelihoods of many hard working citizens in this country have been ruined. We have also seen police officers being assaulted by missiles and fire crews attacked as they try to put out fires. There are even people robbing others as they lie injured and bleeding on the street. It is completely unacceptable and I am sure that the whole House joins me in condemning it.

  * * *

  Cheers. Grunts. Heads nod furiously in agreement.

  * * *

  PRIME MINISTER: First of all Mr Speaker, we must understand the sequence of events that has led us here today. A week ago, a young man, Mark Duggan was shot and killed in Tottenham. There are obviously questions about this incident that must be answered. This - I can assure the House and Mr Duggan’s family - is being thoroughly investigated by the IPCC. But what we are seeing now on the streets of London and elsewhere has no connection whatsoever to Mark Duggan’s fate. It is an excuse, latched onto by opportunistic thugs.

  * * *

  BACKBENCHERS: (Collectively) Hear, hear!

  * * *

  PRIME MINISTER: These young people stealing flat screen televisions and burning shops and houses – this has nothing to do with politics or protest – it is simple theft. These riots are criminal and their behaviour is motivated not by a need for justice, but by simple criminality.

  * * *

  The Prime Minister turns towards the Speaker.

  * * *

  PRIME MINISTER: Mr Speaker, we will not put up with this. Not in our country. I want to assure the public that we will do whatever it takes to bring order to Britain’s streets.

  * * *

  Cheers. Grunts.

  * * *

  The Prime Minister turns back to the rest of the House.

  * * *

  PRIME MINISTER: Yesterday, I held an Emergency Committee Meeting where we discussed the action that was needed to help the police combat the disorder that we’ve seen over the last few days. I’ve also previously met with the Home Secretary and the Metropolitan Police Commissioner for further discussion on the matter.

  * * *

  The Prime Minister pauses for breath.

  * * *

  PRIME MINISTER: We commend the bravery of our police officers. But it is clear that we need much more extreme and robust police action. So after speaking with the Commissioner, an additional ten thousand police have been deployed onto the streets of London this week. All leave for police officers has been cancelled and we are bringing in aid from other police departments around the country. There are now more police on the streets, more arrests being made, and more people being prosecuted.

  * * *

  Cheers. Grunts.

  * * *

  PRIME MINISTER: Whatever it takes to restore law and order to the streets and to rebuild our communities, we will do it. This includes existing measures such as baton rounds and contingency plans are in place for water cannons to be available at twenty-four hours notice. And should things get worse Mr Speaker, the armed forces are on stand by for emergency intervention.

  * * *

  This rouses the backbenchers into life.

  * * *

  BACKBENCHERS: Hear, hear!

  * * *

  PRIME MINISTER: It is disturbing for decent people everywhere to realise the level of anarchy that exists in our society. And in particular, how social media can be used to inform, to encourage and to spread violence quicker than ever. As a result, we are working with the police, intelligence services and industry to ask whether it is right to stop these young people communicating via these means when we know for sure that they are plotting violence and anarchy. Of course, we’re all aware by now of the video blogger going by the name of Chester George.

  * * *

  There is some muted laughter amidst the usual cheers and grunts.

  * * *

  PRIME MINISTER: Well this man, whoever he is, has been particularly effective at inciting hatred amongst young people. Attempts have been made to locate him, but of course there is very little evidence to go on. The YouTube account that originally posted the video has been shut down, but of course when so many others are distributing the clip online that doesn’t matter. I’m afraid this is just the age we live in. But rest assured, we are looking for the perpetrator and we will find him. To Chester George and his followers I say this: we will track you down, we will find you, and we will punish you.

  * * *

  This last line gets
a roar of approval.

  * * *

  PRIME MINISTER: Mr Speaker, more details will be revealed once we have restored order to our streets, particularly about victim compensation and dealing with gang culture. But right now, restoring order is our number one priority.

  * * *

  Cheers. Grunts. The Prime Minister sits down and is congratulated by his colleagues.

  SPEAKER: The leader of the opposition.

  * * *

  The leader of the opposition stands up to address the House. Like the Prime Minister, he is boyish, dark and handsome, but in an equally bland and indistinguishable way.

  * * *

  LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION: Mr Speaker, I would like to thank the Prime Minister for his decision in asking you to recall Parliament today.

  * * *

  The Leader of the Opposition stares thoughtfully into space.

  * * *

  LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION: Yes, today we stand united. Let’s put our political differences aside for the good of the country. Let’s stand shoulder to shoulder in condemning the violence and vandalism we have seen on our streets.

  * * *

  Cheers. Grunts.


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