Infatuation : A Club Temptation Novella (Club Temptation Collection)

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Infatuation : A Club Temptation Novella (Club Temptation Collection) Page 1

by Brie Paisley


  A Club Temptation Novella

  Brie Paisley



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12


  The Club Temptation Novella Collection


  Also by Brie Paisley:

  About the Author


  A Club Temptation Novella

  By Brie Paisley




  Copyright © 2020 by BRIE PAISLEY

  All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. All characters and storylines are the property of the author and your support and respect are appreciated. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Edited: Nikki Reeves from Southern Sweetheart Author and Book Services

  Cover Design: Kari March Designs

  Published by: Lady Boss Press, Inc.

  Chapter 1


  In every person’s life, there’s one defining moment that changes everything.

  For me, that moment came unexpectedly, but it also made me realize how much I had been holding back.

  I’ve known for quite some time that I’m a submissive, and I’ve also been in a long-term relationship with a Dom before. However, that relationship ended eight months ago, and since then, I can’t seem to find my place in the BDSM world again.

  Which is the very reason why I took a job, as an exotic dancer for a local strip club in downtown Seattle. Some friends and I went once for amateur night, and when my friends dared me to get up on stage to dance, I didn’t hesitate. After that night, I just knew this was what I wanted to do, and then, I was hired by the owner and manager, Chad. The job in itself is fun in a way that it brings excitement back into my life, but deep down, I know what my heart and soul crave most.

  I’m in need of another Dominant.

  Even knowing all of this, I still can’t seem to ask for someone to become my Dom. I’ve been to Play Parties, and to all of the informal meetings to mingle with members of the BDSM community, but I’m picky about who I want. So, to distract myself, I’ve been picking up more shifts at the strip club, hoping it’ll keep me satisfied for the time being.

  Snapping my gaze to the club manager and owner, as he walks into the dressing room, he states, “Kendra, you’re needed for a private dance. Don’t disappoint me.”

  Turning away, I roll my eyes, hating my boss. He’s not a nice man, when it comes to looking after all of the women that work here, but the pay is good, which is why I stay. Not only that, but I feel as if I have to stay to protect the other women here. I can’t even count how many times I’ve had to step in and help one of them from being harassed by some drunk asshole.

  “Kendra, did you hear me? You’re wasting my time and money, so do what you’re paid to do and fucking dance.”

  “I heard you, Chad,” I snap, and then stand to show him that I’m going to the private dance room.

  His eyes narrow, like he’s waiting to see if I’ll defy him. Most of the time, I have no problems standing up to him, since he’s such a pushover, and his talk is just that. However, tonight I just don’t have it in me to stand up to him. I’ve worked a double shift, and I’m barely able to keep my energy up to dance.

  So, instead, I hold my head high, as I walk past him, and then, I make my way towards the private room, where the client is waiting for me. Ignoring all of the men, yelling for my attention, I suck in a deep breath, wishing Chad would hire some sort of security. I’m not the only one that all but begs for it, but according to him, it’s not in the budget.

  He’s just a cheap ass, which is why we’re constantly being manhandled.

  Once I reach the room, I make sure to compose myself, before opening the door. Even if Chad has irritated me, I want to be sure I please the client. Which is why, as I open the door, and then spot the man waiting for me, my eyes widen with shock.

  The stunning man stares back at me with a dark and hungry gaze, and my pussy instantly clenches with want. He stands off to the side, as his intense, brown eyes rake over my body, and I suddenly get the feeling to glance away. Not really understanding where the sensation is coming from, I lick my lips instead, realizing how much I’m going to like this private dance.

  Walking further into the room, I admire the man, taking in everything there is about him. It really should be illegal that he’s so attractive. Not only are his eyes alluring, so is his strong jawline, and with his stubble showing, I very much want to feel the roughness of it against my legs. He’s also tall with broad shoulders, and he radiates confidence throughout the small room. However, it’s his hands that send delicious tingles throughout my entire body.

  A man’s hands are one of the most attractive features that I like, and I find I very much like his. My eyes track every move they make, as one hand jerks down on his long sleeve shirt, and I shake my head, needing to stop lusting over this client.

  Sucking in a deep breath, I hold out my hand, as I ask, “Would you like to sit?”

  His gaze follows my hand, as I direct it towards the chair in the middle of the room. He doesn’t utter a word, as he makes his way over to it, but I notice that even his walk is confident. What is it about him that makes me want to drop to my knees, and then literally do anything he asks of me?

  Once he’s seated, I slowly walk closer, keeping my eyes on his. The instinct to glance away is so strong, and for just a moment, I give into it. The second that I do, the vibe in the room suddenly changes, and my heart pounds rapidly, sensing the thick sexual tension in the room.

  “Dance, Kendra,” he orders, and I almost let a moan escape, hearing his demanding voice.

  Nodding my head, I don’t question why I’m in a daze, or the fact that he knows my name. It’s very likely he watched me dance on stage earlier tonight, and since I don’t use a stage name, everyone that comes here knows it.

  Turning around, I start swaying my hips with the beat of the music that’s playing. Since the club is so small, there’s only one sound system, but there’s a speaker in each of the private rooms. Letting the song playing fill my mind, I try to push away the handsome man, sitting behind me.

  I want nothing more than to turn around, and see his lustful and hungry gaze, staring back at me, but I hold off, until he claims, “Turn around.”

  Just hearing the demand, suddenly sends instant pleasure through me, and I willingly comply without a single thought. Keeping my rhythm with the music, I face him, and his dark, brown eyes are watching me so intently. I don’t know why, but the way he’s watching me, makes me feel so beautiful and deeply desired.

  His eyes are so expressive, which is shocking.

  The moment we lock gazes, I instantly drop my eyes again, and I know it’s turning him on. I don’t miss the huge bulge in his black slacks, and then, I notice how tense his entire body seems. Deciding to move close
r, I sit in his lap, and then grind my hips over him. Feeling his hard cock against my core, I have to suck in a deep breath. I can just imagine how amazing it would feel for him to thrust hard and deep inside of me. I imagine what his sexy and strong hands would feel like caressing my skin, and most of all, I wonder how hard he would punish me, if I were to defy him.

  Clenching my jaw, I shake my head, and then remind myself to stop fantasizing about him. He’s a client, and I don’t sleep with The Johns’. That’s one rule that I’ve stuck by, since I started working here, because I’ve seen and heard the stories the other girls have told me.

  As if he can sense my sudden mood change, he states, “Enough.”

  Frowning, as I get off of him, I keep my gaze downcast, wondering why I feel such a deep sense of sadness and disappointment. It honestly makes no sense, but I don’t utter a word, as he walks over by me, and then pays me the fee for the dance.

  Hearing the door shutting behind me, I glance up towards the ceiling, hating that I feel as if I’ve missed something major. As I let out a heavy sigh, I realize a trip to Club Temptation is very much needed.

  It’s time I finally find a Dom to fulfill my needs.

  One week later

  Walking up to the house, no one would ever know what’s on the other side. The house looks just like a typical home, and everything about it on the outside, screams normal. However, I know what secrets lie within.

  I’ve been coming to Club Temptation for a while now, and it’s one of the things my former Dom introduced me, too. I haven’t visited in a few months, but it doesn’t seem to be a problem, as security lets me inside without a fuss.

  The moment I step inside, I instantly feel a huge weight being lifted off of me. Truth be told, I should’ve come here a long time ago just so that I can feel this sense of coming home. As I walk through the foyer, I scan the room that holds the majority of the people. There’s also a bar, and as I make my way there, I feel my body beginning to ignite.

  Seeing so many Dom/sub couples openly playing, is such a turn on, and now more than ever, I wish I had a Dom with me.

  Catching the bartender’s attention, I order a drink, and then turn around on the stool, as I continue to watch the scenes in front of me. Each one is just a reminder of what I’m missing, and I promise myself that I will find someone to fill this need inside of me.

  Being a submissive isn’t just a title to me.

  It’s so much more than just being controlled.

  Finding the right Dom, can mean either gaining the most delectable pleasure, or reaching new heights that I never even dreamed about.

  I realized very quickly that I love to be controlled in such a way that it makes me feel free. When I’m in the room with a Dom, everything is about me and my pleasure, and having someone to push my limits, is the ultimate experience.

  I just hate that my last Dom stopped pushing me. I don’t know exactly when it happened, but he became complacent in our relationship, but I needed more. It suddenly became clear to me that we’d grown apart, when I asked for more, and he wasn’t willing to give it to me. We ended on good terms, and we’re still friendly, if we happen to run into each other. I’ve seen him around, since our breakup, and the first time it happened, I was shocked, because I didn’t feel anything, when I saw him with another sub. I thought I would at least feel a sense of loss or even jealousy.

  In the end, I guess he just wasn’t the one for me, and I’m glad that I was brave and smart enough to get out, before things got too serious.

  Taking a drink of the strong martini, I keep my gaze on the couple closest to me, as a Dom runs a hand through his sub’s hair. She’s sitting on her knees beside him, and it’s clear they share a special bond. Her hand is wrapped around his leg, as if she has to touch him at all times. The Dom seems proud of his sub, and I miss that feeling.

  Pleasing a Dom is such a rush, and its own kind of pleasure.

  For some reason, dark, brown eyes suddenly fill my mind, and I sigh, hating how I don’t even know who he is. It’s also strange how much that I’ve been thinking about the man I gave a private dance to a week ago. It seems he’s in my every waking thought now, and I don’t know how to get him off my mind.

  Letting out a heavy sigh, I turn my gaze away from the couple, realizing how envious I’m becoming. Finishing off my drink, I place the glass down on the bar, and then I stand, intending on going home for the night. Watching that couple, has really put me in a bad head space, so it’ll be better to just leave.

  The moment I start to do just that, I notice everyone gathering towards the front of the room. I wouldn’t have thought anything of it any other time, but I realize pretty much everyone here tonight is making their way to whatever is going on.

  As my curiosity gets the best of me, I follow behind the crowd, and then, I politely make my way towards the front. The second I reach a better spot, I instantly freeze, and then my eyes widen, as I realize who I’m looking at.

  It’s him.

  The man that I've been lusting after, since the moment I laid eyes on him.

  Blinking a few times, my mind takes forever to put everything that I’m seeing together. But now, it makes sense why I felt such a strong and intense need to lower my gaze in his presence. It’s clear as day that he’s a Dominant, and he’s here to demonstrate for everyone.

  I watch closely, as he begins to wrap black ropes around his sub, and my stomach clenches, wanting it to be me, instead of her. Need courses through my veins the longer I watch in amazement at how quick he ties her up, and then places a blindfold over her eyes. Once he seems satisfied with his work, he guides her to lay down on a nearby table.

  I can’t take my eyes off of them, as he leans down, and then pulls out a riding crop from a bag by his feet. He then takes the crop, and starts to gently touch his sub with it. With every slow movement he makes on her skin, I vividly picture how it would feel on me.

  The moment he strikes her with the crop, I let out a breath, feeling wetness beginning to pool between my legs. Clenching my hands, I continue to gaze at the stunning man before me. He definitely knows what he’s doing, and he hasn’t even touched his sub. Every single move he makes is only with the riding crop, and it’s clear she’s enjoying herself, too. Her loud and breathy moans can be heard clearly over the music playing, and I notice her body is flushing red.

  I’ve never had a Dom use bondage and sensual play at the same time, and now, I want to know what it would feel like. I want to know how much pleasure I’ll receive, if a Dom were to do exactly what he is.

  I’m not sure how long he continues his demonstration, but I realize I can’t stay and watch any longer. Desire and need are starting to overwhelm me, and the only way to relieve myself, is if I go home to my drawer full of my favorite toys. As I suck in a deep breath, I start to back away. The second that I do, his gaze snaps up, and instantly connects with mine.

  Time seems to literally stop, as recognition crosses his handsome face, and I don’t dare look away. I want to, but at the same time, I don’t. In a way, I’m glad that I don’t, because if I had, I would’ve missed him striking his sub on her pussy. Hearing her cries of pleasure, I begin to pant, because I know he just made her orgasm without even touching her.

  Feeling my face warming, I know my cheeks and chest are red. It happens, when I’m really turned on, but I’m not ashamed of it. If anything, I’m proud my need is here, and the fact that everyone in this room can see it.

  He obviously notices it, too.

  His gaze has yet to drop from mine, and no matter how much I want to keep staring into his brown eyes, I can’t. Dropping my gaze, I take another step back into the thick crowd, needing to get some air. The lust rushing through me is intense, and I just know if I touched myself, I would orgasm instantly.

  Turning around, I make my way through the throng of people, and then I stop, once I reach the bar. Signaling the bartender for another drink, he quickly places it in front of me, like he knew how m
uch I needed it. Taking a long drink, I set the glass down, and then let out a heavy sigh. For some reason, disappointment is suddenly weighing down on me, and after a few moments, I finally realize what that is.

  I came here tonight to find a Dom, but I ended up watching the man I’ve lusted after with someone else.

  Honestly, what are the chances that he’s a Dom, and he’s here, too? I knew it was a possibility that he was taken, but I never thought I would be seeing it for myself. It’s sort of crazy how much I want him, and now, I know for a fact that I can’t have him. I’m not the type of sub that shares, and I refuse to do so now. It’s not uncommon for couples to play with others, but I’m too jealous for that.

  Finishing my drink, I use my hands to push myself away from the bar, and then turn around. The second that I do, I run into a hard chest. Before I realize what’s going on, I claim, “I’m so sorry.”

  “Leaving so soon?” A deep and rough voice says, and I snap my gaze up, only to drop it back down.

  Fuck me. My entire body heats up, knowing he’s so close that I can touch him, but I clench my hands by my sides, because I don’t know if that’s okay. I also don’t utter a single word, mostly because I don’t know what to say, and because he hasn’t given me permission.

  Feeling a finger under my chin, I close my eyes, as he tilts my head up. “You may speak, kitten.”

  My heart pounds so hard in my chest, but I still don’t look at him. Swallowing down my nerves and desire, I say, “Please, forgive me, sir.”

  His finger never moves from my face, and for a moment, a surge of anger flows through me. Where’s his sub? “Such a polite kitten,” he claims, but it’s more like he’s talking to himself.


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