Infatuation : A Club Temptation Novella (Club Temptation Collection)

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Infatuation : A Club Temptation Novella (Club Temptation Collection) Page 7

by Brie Paisley

  My heart pounds in my chest, as I listen to him. Thankfully, he doesn’t stop talking, and I’m glad he doesn’t. “I got there too late,” he utters softly, and I frown once more, not understanding what he’s talking about.

  “When I saw you lying on the floor in a pool of blood, I lost it, Kendra.” My hand quickly covers my mouth, as I realize he was there right after I hit my head. “I saw that piece of shit standing over you, and he was laughing, while everyone stood by not doing anything.” His voice turns angry, as he adds, “In my fit of rage, I hurt him, like he hurt you.”

  My eyes widen, because I had no idea he was capable of such violence. “I didn’t take it too far, but I made sure he got the point,” he claims, and his jaw clenches again. “I thought you were dead,” he huffs out, and then he reaches forward to caress my cheek. “I keep thinking that if I had gotten there sooner, you wouldn’t be here hurt and covered in bruises.”

  Swallowing hard, I admit, “It’s my own fault. I shouldn’t have goaded him for hurting one of the girls.”

  As he shakes his head, he states, “Don’t do that. It’s not your fault for protecting someone else. This isn’t on you, Kendra.” Something about his voice, makes me frown once more, and before I get the chance to ask, he adds, “I made sure that Chad knows to make some serious changes to his club, or I’ll be back.”

  “You threatened my boss?”

  “Former boss,” he corrects, and I don’t bother arguing with him. After tonight, I know that I can’t go back. I can’t work for someone who lets others get hurt this badly, and then chooses to look the other way, when a woman is being beaten in front of the entire establishment.

  Nodding, I quietly utter, “You’re right. I should’ve quit a long time ago.”

  “I understand why you didn’t want to leave.” He claims with a soft voice, and I hold his gaze, as he adds, “I never wanted you to stop working, just because I didn’t like it.” As he huffs out a breath, my heart drums in my chest, waiting to hear what he has to say.

  “It’s no secret that I never liked the fact that you let other men see you. I consider you to be all mine, and I did hate knowing that you took your clothes off for them to watch you.” He shakes his head, and I get the feeling this conversation has been circling around in his head for a long while. “I don’t want to control your life, Kendra. I’ve never wanted that, because you have this fire inside of you that I couldn’t bear to see snuffed out.”

  “The main reason why I had such a problem with where you worked, was only because I knew how unsafe it was. The first night I went there, I saw first-hand at how many problems the place had, and the fact that your former boss couldn’t care less speaks volumes.” His voice turns rough, and then he runs a hand through his hair, as he continues, “I should’ve said all of this sooner, and I’m sorry that I didn’t. There’s no excuse for keeping this to myself, but I was worried you wouldn’t understand where I was coming from.”

  I frown, hearing the defeat in his voice, and for just a moment, I fear the worst. “My last sub pretty much destroyed my confidence, and I just haven’t been the same since. She manipulated me for so long, and then, right before we ended things, she claimed that I was pushing her too much, and that I was too controlling.”

  “So, when you and I first met, I was still finding a way to deal with that, since I blame myself for what I should’ve known all along. I had a sense that things weren’t right, but I ignored my instincts, when I should’ve paid more attention.”

  As I quickly put it all together, I state, “You didn’t say anything, because you thought I was going to think the same.”

  He nods, and then clenches his jaw, before saying, “Turns out, it happened anyway, since I fucked up again.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The night that you left me, I wasn’t trying to control anything about that situation. Sebastian wanted advice about his and his brother’s club, and I knew you’d be the perfect person to talk with.”

  My eyes widen hearing his confession, and instant regret fills me to the point that I want to break down once again. “I’m sorry, Weston. I should’ve let you explain.”

  “No, kitten,” he says, as he caresses my cheek. “I knew at that point, it wouldn’t have mattered anyway, because I went about our relationship all wrong. I should’ve been man enough to talk to you, and most importantly, I should’ve trusted in myself.” A single tear escapes, but Weston doesn’t let it get far, before wiping it away. “I’m so sorry, Kendra. I promise you, that I’ll never hold back like this ever again, and from this moment on, our relationship will be better. I don’t care what it takes to win you back, I’m going to do it, because I love you too much to just let you walk away again.”

  Sucking in a breath, I swallow hard, hearing him confessing how much he cares about me. I can’t find the words to speak, so he continues, “The second I laid my eyes on you, I just knew you were special. The first time that we played together, I knew you were going to be a part of me, even if I didn’t want to admit it.”

  He grins widely, as he claims, “When you asked me to be your Dom, that was the moment I started falling for you. Everything about you calls to me, and I hate that it’s taken me so long to finally admit that.” His eyes turn hungry and full of desire, as he firmly states, “From here on out, you are mine, Kendra. You’ve always been mine, and nothing will ever change that.”

  Smiling, my entire body sings with joy. This is what I’ve wanted, since meeting him, and now, he’s telling me every single thing that I’ve craved from him the most. “You’re mine too, just so you know,” I say, and the second that I do, his eyes light up with happiness.

  “I love you, too. So, we’re going to start over and make this work.”

  “Thank fuck,” he roughly claims, and then, he gently pulls me to his mouth.

  The moment that our mouths meet, it feels like my heart and soul cry out in relief. Having Weston back in my life, just means that I’ll have every single thing to make me complete. He’s had my heart for so long now, and as he kisses me deeply and passionately, I feel all of his love, pouring into me.

  I know the road ahead might be bumpy, but I know it’ll be worth it. As long as he’s by my side, whatever we might face now, we’ll see it through together. We’ll stand together stronger than before, especially, since he’s going to be more open, and I’ll do the same.

  He’s the other part of my soul, and I have a feeling that our journey is just beginning.



  Six months later

  I owe so much to Club Temptation.

  If it weren’t for this club, I probably would’ve never seen Kendra again.

  If it weren’t for this club, I wouldn’t have found the love of my life.

  So, it seems fitting that we’re back to the place we both love and miss at times. Not to mention, I couldn’t imagine doing what I want anywhere else. This place holds so many thrilling memories, and I know Kendra is going to love her surprise, too.

  Leading her to a private room, I know the anticipation is starting to get to her. She’s been such a good sub tonight, even when I pushed her limits earlier. Kendra is by far the best thing that’s happened to me, and she just proves that each and every time that we’re together. She lets me push her, because I know her body and mind, unlike anyone ever could. There have been a few times that I worry I’ve pushed her too far, but my little kitten just begs for more.

  I love that about her.

  With her, I never have to worry about how to be myself. Especially, since the night she was attacked at her former job. I honestly thought I was going to lose my mind, seeing her laying on the floor like she was. It’s a miracle she came out of all that perfectly fine.

  The day the doctor discharged her, I asked her to move in with me. Since that moment, she’s always by my side, and tonight, I plan on making sure she knows how grateful I am to her for everything that she gives me.

p; As we reach the room, I place my hand on her lower back, guiding her where to stand. My cock is already straining in my pants just gazing at her stunning body, but I push down the urge to begin too fast. It doesn’t matter that I’ve had her twice already tonight, because when she’s near, I can’t seem to get enough.

  Circling her, I love how she’s yet to move or even try to glance at me. She’s been the perfect sub, and for that, I’m going to give her the greatest reward. Reaching behind me, I pull out the rectangular box, and then, I stop in front of her.

  My heart pounds in my chest, because I’ve never done this before. I also want to do this right, not only for her, but for us.

  Holding the box in one hand, I use the other to softly run my fingers down her shoulder, as I state, “You’ve been the perfect sub, kitten.” I smirk, hearing the intake of her breath, and when her chest turns red, I know she’s turned on by my words. “Do you know how proud it makes me to be your Dom?”

  Using my fingers, I tilt her head up, and pride rushes through me, when she doesn’t look at me yet. She’s so fucking good at following my commands, and for that, I order, “Look at me, kitten.”

  The moment her blue eyes lock with mine, I swear time suddenly stops. It’s like she’s looking right into my soul, and at the same time, she’s branding herself to me. It’s always so intense, when our gazes hold, and this time is no different. It’s also something that I enjoy immensely, and I don’t want to ever lose this with her.

  “Do you know how much I love you, kitten?” She licks her lips in response, since I haven’t given her permission to speak just yet. Using my free hand, I caress her cheek tenderly, as I claim, “You mean the world to me, and I want you to be mine for as long as you’ll have me.”

  Dropping my hand, I quickly move behind her, and then, I slowly move her hair off of her neck. She stands still for me, and I know she’s wondering what I’m up to. The more I’m around her, the more that I’ve caught onto her subtle hints, and how her breathing will change, when she wants something.

  So, as I take the collar out of the box, and then place it around her delicate and small neck, I smirk, hearing her gasp in surprise. Once the collar is where it belongs, I touch it with my fingers, hoping like hell she accepts me, as her Master. This collar will signify to everyone in our community that she’s mine, and that I own her.

  Leaning in close, I whisper, “What do you think, kitten? Will you always wear my collar, and show every single person that you belong to me and only me?”

  Her hand covers mine, and a rush of pleasure instantly flows through me at her simple touch. Honestly, anything this perfect woman does makes me want her just as much. However, she still hasn’t answered me, so I finally state, “You may speak freely.”

  Her answer is instant.

  “Yes, Master. I’ll wear your collar, because it not only pleases me, but you as well. Thank you, Master.”

  Fuck, hearing those words, does something to me that I wasn’t really prepared for. These sensations rushing through me right now, they’re so intense, and all I want to do now, is show her how much her acceptance means to me.

  Which is why I don’t waste another second standing behind her, and for the rest of the night, I show her how much I love her, crave her, and absolutely need her.

  One year later

  Taking Kendra’s hand, I lead her to the dance floor. Her wide grin sends a surge of satisfaction through me. Especially, knowing that she’s now my wife.

  As we begin to dance in front of our family and friends, I realize that I’ve never been happier. When I asked Kendra to marry me, she wasted no time at all in accepting, and then, she started planning.

  We said our vows on the beach, and it was by far the most perfect moment.

  There are times that I forget how lucky I am for finding her, and how close I came to losing her. There’s not a day that goes by, that I don’t remind her how much she means to me, and how grateful I am that she chose me.

  Gazing down at her now, my heart swells with so much love and adoration for her. She’s stunning in her simple white gown, and as I run my hand down her cheek, she smiles, and then leans into my touch.

  “I love you,” she says sweetly, and I can’t resist leaning in closer to taste her luscious lips.

  Pulling away, before I take it too far, I claim, “I love you, too.” As soon as the words leave my lips, I swing her out, and then quickly, pull her back to me. The move makes her laugh, a sound that I crave to hear almost more than the sounds of pleasure coming from her lips, as I take her.

  Her hands land on my chest, and I place my forehead on hers, just enjoying this blissful moment. Kendra means everything to me, and I vow to make sure she gets everything she could ever want.

  “I was thinking,” she starts, and I lean back, so I can gaze into her beautiful blue eyes. “Can we visit Seduction, before we leave?”

  Smirking, I should’ve known she would want to visit the new and upcoming club to play. Taking my hand, I slowly slide it up to her neck, as I huskily state, “You want to play, kitten?” Her cheeks and chest flush red, and I already know she’s getting turned on. “I think Parker will have something ready for us, when we’re ready.”

  Her eyes widen, as she realizes what I’ve already done. “You called and asked him already?”

  I nod, as I say, “He wanted to give us something, since he couldn’t come to the wedding.” Parker and I have known each other for a while now, since I’m a silent investor in his club. “Whenever you’re ready, we can go.”

  “So, if I said let’s go now, you’d be alright with that?”

  Letting out a chuckle, I love how eager she always is to play with me. “Yes, I’m perfectly fine with ditching our own wedding.”

  Lust and desire suddenly fill her eyes, and my cock instantly starts hardening. Knowing she’s ready, I kiss her sweetly, and then we quickly say our goodbyes. No one says a word about our quick departure. Although, Sebastian does give me a cheeky grin.

  He knows exactly what we’re up, too.

  Ten years later

  Walking outside, a wide grin instantly crosses my face, seeing Kendra on the swing, while our four boys play. Making my way towards her, my heart literally skips a beat, when she notices me. Her smile brings so much light and love, and the moment I reach her, I take her lips.

  Taking my hand, I run it down her arm, and then stop, once I reach her very pregnant belly. I love the fact that she’s carrying yet another one of my babies, and I can’t wait, until we meet this little one.

  As I pull away, she says breathlessly, “Welcome home.”

  I don’t get a chance to respond, since the boys have finally noticed I’m here. They all rush towards me, and somehow, they manage not to knock me down. Adam, the oldest, quickly tells me all about school, and how much he adores his teacher. Kevin, who just turned six, explains how cooties spread, which makes me laugh loudly.

  Bending down to meet Landon’s eyes, he holds out a noodle creation. Turning back to Kendra, she quickly states, “He made it for you at preschool today.”

  Before I can thank him for his gift, his twin brother, Lincoln, hands me a pinecone. Inspecting it closely, I realize he must have made this at preschool too, since it’s painted in an assortment of colors. I take my time thanking the twins for their gifts, and then, I tell the boys to go in to wash up for dinner.

  Turning my attention back to the woman that holds my heart, I realize her gaze is suddenly heated. Placing my hand on the back of the swing, I hold it steady, as I lean in closer, and then ask, “What do you want, kitten?”

  With my other hand, I use my fingers to trace across the collar that she never takes off. I love the fact that she doesn’t care who knows that she’s still mine, even after all of this time. I love knowing that she’s still mine, and that I own every single piece of her.

  After a few moments, I move my hand up, and then grab a handful of her hair, as I demand, “Tell me what you want, kitten.”
  Her face and chest quickly turn a bright shade of red, and her eyes instantly drop, as she utters, “I want you, Master.”

  Leaning in close, I take her lips again, savoring every single thing about our kiss. Kendra is never shy about showing me how much I mean to her, and I do the same in return. However, she and I both know that we can’t just disappear to our playroom, until the boys are down for the night.

  Pulling away, I caress her cheek, as I say, “Tonight, kitten.”

  She sighs, and then nods. It’s been a huge adjustment, since having children, but I’ll never regret it. The boys and Kendra bring so much joy into my life, that at times, I fear this is nothing more than a dream. I never once thought that I would have this wonderful life, but yet, somehow here I am.

  Taking her hands, I help her stand, and then wrap my arms around her. It’s a bit difficult, since she’s nearing the end of the pregnancy, and I’m almost sad that it’s close to time for our little one to be born. While I’m excited and thrilled to meet our baby, I also love seeing Kendra pregnant. However, I know this time around will be even more exciting, since we decided not to learn the sex of our baby. Kendra swears it’s a girl, but I have my doubts.

  As she pulls back, I can’t stop myself from kissing her once more. It might seem crazy that I’m still so in love with her, but I know she’s my other half. She holds my heart and soul, and no amount of time will ever be enough. Every moment with her and our boys, mean everything to me, and I never take these precious moments for granted.

  Gazing into her blue eyes, I wish I had the perfect words to tell her how much I love her, and how amazing this life that she’s given me is. So instead of using words, I’ll show her. When it’s just her and I, I always give her everything she could ever want, and in return, she gives me just as much.

  Our life isn’t perfect, but to me, there’s nothing better, and there’s nothing in this world that could ever change my mind. As long as Kendra is by my side, my life and world are complete.


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