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Misteria Page 1

by Cameo Renae


  Copyright © 2018 Cameo Renae

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

  Cover Designer: Stefanie Saw of Seventhstar Book Covers

  Book design by Inkstain Design Studio

  Editor: Victoria Rae Schmitz of Crimson Tide Editorial

  First Edition: May 2018

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33


  See a colored map at:


  Rustling leaves and cracking branches alerted twelve-year-old twins, William and Anna, that something or someone was in the woods, but an overgrowth of foliage concealed the mysterious intruder.

  High up in their favorite tree, in the middle of their fifteen-acre forest, Will pressed a finger to his lips, then leaned over, peeking through leaves to spy down at whoever was coming.

  The twins lived with their mother in a quaint little cabin in the remote north, fifty miles from the nearest town. They didn’t have many neighbors, so Will anticipated his best friend, Henry Hobbs, to jump out in an attempt to scare them.

  Pulling a small stone from his pocket, Will held it in his palm and glanced at his sister with a sly grin.

  Anna sighed and shook her head as he cocked his arm back.

  “Hey, Henry! We know it’s you. You can come out now,” he yelled.

  “Do you think it’s Henry?” she whispered.

  Will tipped his head to the side and rolled his eyes. “Who else would it be? His dad bought him binoculars for his birthday. He’s probably got them focused on you right now.”

  Anna growled, her face flushing red. “Don’t you dare encourage him, Will.”

  “I don’t.” Will chuckled. “Henry likes you, but he also knows you only like him as a friend. Besides, you’re the only girl he’s ever known.”

  “Well, I wish he’d stop staring. It’s creepy.”

  “He’s harmless.”

  The rustling in the woods drew nearer, making Will’s smile broaden. Readying the stone in his hand, he saw an unusual head peek out from the shrubbery below.

  Anna let out a blood-curdling scream. Flinging her body over to Will’s branch, she nearly knocked him off. At the same time, Will hurled his rock downward, smacking the intruder on the head.

  “Ouch!” it cried.

  A hideous looking man-creature stood at the foot of their tree, rubbing his noggin. He was three-feet tall with an unnaturally large head, an oversized nose, and enormous feet covered in hair. His skin was dark and leathery and there were a few grotesque bumps on his face—some with long, wiry hairs winding out from them.

  Will was frozen with fear.

  The creature stood there panting; its breath, loud and wheezy. One hand was pressed against the base of the tree, while the other wiped beads of sweat from its bushy unibrow. Tightly gripping its chest, the despicable thing looked as if it was about to keel over and die.

  “Chil’ren of Archer?” it puffed in a raspy voice.

  It knew their name.

  “Who are you?” Will hollered, his trembling voice gave away his fear.

  “Name’s Tobin,” the creature replied, then bowed his head. “Tobin at yer service.”

  Although the man-creature had a freakish exterior, Will noticed something odd about his brown, lemon-sized eyes. They appeared kind and friendly, yet filled with distress.

  “What do you want?” Will asked, attempting to pry Anna’s fingers from around his arm.

  Frantically waving his stubby arms in the air, he motioned for them to climb down. "Please, chil’ren. Ya must come at once. We’ve only but a short time ta get back an’ help yer mudder.”

  Will felt his sister trembling and turned to see fear in her widened eyes. Anna was usually a spitfire and headstrong, but Will had never seen her so afraid. Although he was just as frightened, he knew he had to be strong. For both of them.

  William Archer was born seven minutes and eleven seconds before his sister. He was the first to walk, was extremely fast, and exceptionally coordinated. Light-brown hair fringed his oval face, and he had the brightest sapphire eyes.

  At the age of seven, his mother gifted him a beautiful hand-carved bow and quiver of arrows. She said they were his father’s, so he cherished them even more. It was the only thing of his father’s he’d ever possessed, and he practiced every chance he could. In no time, he was able to shoot a bullseye from fifty yards away.

  Most of Will’s waking hours were spent outside in the woods, climbing trees and exploring, while his twin sister, Anna, was the complete opposite.

  Anna had long, silky auburn hair that curled around her heart-shaped face and down her back. Her skin was soft and smooth as porcelain, and behind long lashes were the brightest emerald green eyes.

  She didn’t like climbing trees or playing in the forest, but some days she’d give in, just to keep Will from nagging. Anna preferred lying in the grass with her head buried in a book, dreaming of what it would be like to be swept away on a wondrous adventure.

  They didn’t know much about their father, aside from the fact he’d died before they were born. Their mother didn’t talk much about him, and they never really asked, seeing how much pain it brought her to mention him. What they did know was that he was very handsome and strong, with sapphire eyes like Will, and Anna’s intelligence.

  Will and Anna seemed like typical twin siblings, with one exception. They shared a secret.

  Since the day they were born, they could communicate with each other without speaking a word. All one had to do was think and the other could hear as clearly as if they were speaking out loud. Their mother learned of their unique gift when they were around the age of six, and made them promise never to tell anyone.

  “Where is our mother?” Will shouted down at Tobin.

  “She’s gone through da portal, but she’s sent me ta fetch ya. Hurry chil’ren. Hurry!” Tobin bellowed with growing anxiety. “We must be quick, or we’ll not get back in time.”

  Will’s growing anger quickly overshadowed his fear. “What have you done with her?”

  “I’ve done nothin’. Promise! Look now. She wanted me ta give dis ta ya. A message from yer mudder.” Tobin reached into a satchel around his waist and pulled out a crystal ball—about six inches round—and held it in his palm. “Look. Look fer yerself.” He was on his hairy tiptoes, holding the ball up as high as he could.

  Will wasn’t sure what to make of the situation, but he knew if that little man tried anything, he could take him down.

  They cautiously climbed out of the tree, and w
hen they reached the ground, Will stepped forward and took the ball from Tobin’s outstretched hand, pushing Anna behind him.

  “What do I do with this?” he asked, shaking it like a snow globe.

  Tobin grabbed hold of Will’s wrists and steadied them. “Look,” he whispered, then softly blew onto the crystal ball.

  A dim light began to flicker within, and then a figure appeared in its rounded surface. It was their mother.

  “Will. Anna,” she spoke determinedly. “I know you must be frightened, but you mustn’t be. I need you to trust me and listen very carefully. I had to return to my world, but have sent you Tobin, an old friend from years past. He will bring you to me, so do whatever he asks. You can trust him. I’ll explain everything when you get here. Please move with haste, and don’t be afraid. I’ll see you soon. I love you both so very much.” She blew them a kiss and quickly faded.

  “Wait,” Will yelled, shaking the crystal ball. “Mom!”

  But it was too late. Her image had vanished, and the ball was empty.

  Tobin quickly grabbed the ball from Will’s hand and tucked it back into the satchel.

  “Tis only a message. She can’t talk back ta ya,” he said shaking his head. “Do ya see now? Ya must hurry if ya wish ta see her again.” He pivoted and waddled away at a quick pace. “Foller me, chil’ren,” he called back over his shoulder.

  Will nodded to Anna, deciding to follow, but stayed a cautious few yards behind.

  Before they reached the edge of the woods, Will noticed a giant glowing orb hovering in the doorway of their cabin.

  “We must enter before da portal shuts,” Tobin pressed as he neared the bright sphere. “Come now!” As soon as he touched the light, he vanished.

  Anna stopped, frozen in place as they reached the stairs. “I don’t think we should go. What if it’s dangerous?”

  Will took a deep breath, then exhaled. This was all happening so fast … much too quickly to think clearly or make an educated decision. More than ever, he wished his mother were here.

  The glowing orb’s light dimmed, and a faint, pleading cry called from within.

  “Hurry, chil’ren! If ya don’t come now, ye’ll never see yer mudder again.”

  Will wrestled with his own fears, wondering if they should risk going through the portal. Was their mother really on the other side?

  He sucked in another deep breath, turning his attention to his sister. “I don’t know what’s going to happen, but if this is the only way we can see mom again, we have to do it.” He turned to her and held out his hand. “But we have to do it together.”

  She hesitated, her eyes welled with tears.

  “Are you with me?”

  Anna wiped her cheeks dry, then took hold of her brother’s hand. “Yes.”

  Together, they stepped toward the orb.

  Surrounded by a blinding white light, Will and Anna were thrust forward and pulled through space by an invisible force. As a violent wind whipped around them, Anna screamed and squeezed Will’s arm in a death grip, while he tried to stay balanced on his feet.

  When the light vanished, they were standing atop a tall mountain. Snow crunched under Will’s feet as he took a few steps forward. The air was cold and crisp and smelled of fresh pine. The land below was a quilt of the most vibrant colors he’d ever seen.

  A few yards away, Tobin paced back and forth, his hands gripping the sides of his big head, mumbling a bunch of nonsensical words. As he turned and spotted them, he dropped to his knees.

  “Ya made it!” He panted loudly. “An’ just in time. We best be goin’. The sun’ll be settin’ in a few hours, an’ we mustn’t be out after dark.”

  A terrifying scream made them all jump. Will reached down, grabbing the nearest and largest branch and gripped it tightly in his fist. Cold air blasted around them, making Tobin dive behind a large boulder, while Will took a defensive stance in front of Anna.

  A sudden flash of light revealed a body curled in a fetal position on the ground. Will ran toward it and began beating it with the branch.

  “Ouch! That hurts!” a familiar voice cried out.

  They all froze as the body uncurled.

  “Henry?” Anna gasped. “What are you doing here?”

  Henry Hobbs, age eleven, was the Archer's nearest neighbor and had practically grown up with them. He was awkwardly tall and scraggly with curly red hair, and usually wore red-rimmed glasses that were a bit too large on his freckled nose.

  Every afternoon, after his home studies, Henry would ride his old, rusty bicycle down the rocky path to visit them. His mother had abandoned him and his father when he was three years old, but Mr. Hobbs did quite well raising Henry alone.

  In Will’s opinion, Mr. Hobbs resembled a dwarf—not that he would share this thought with anyone out loud. The man was short and stout and wobbled when he walked. He also had the same fiery red hair as Henry and a long beard. But, he was very kind and accommodating, offering their mother help whenever she needed it.

  Henry glanced up at them, revealing a red welt on his forehead.

  “I was on my way to your house when I saw you both disappear into that glowing light thingy. So, I ran as fast as I could and touched it before it vanished. And … here I am,” he said, sitting up.

  “You’re lucky I didn’t beat you to death,” Will snickered, offering a hand to pull his friend up.

  “You were pretty close,” Henry complained, his face crumpling in pain. “I’ll have tons of bruises thanks to you.” Henry’s eyes scanned the area until they fell upon a pair of large eyes peeking out from behind a boulder. “W-what the heck is that?” he exclaimed, pushing behind Will.

  Will twisted his head back and laughed. “That is Tobin.”

  “Oh. No, no,” Tobin moaned. “Lady Lavinia isn’t gonna like dis. Not one bit. Outsiders aren’t allowed in Misteria.”

  “Don’t worry, Tobin. Henry’s a friend,” Will replied, slapping Henry on the shoulder.

  “Owww!” Henry winced in pain.

  “Sorry,” Will apologized before turning his attention back to Tobin. “I’ll take full responsibility for him.”

  Tobin continued to whine, shaking his big ol’ head. “He shouldn’t be here. It’s not safe for outsiders, an’ it’s too late ta send em back.”

  "Don't worry. It’ll be all right,” Will assured.

  Henry’s eyes scanned the area. “Where are we?”

  “Yeah, Tobin. What is this place?” Anna asked. “I’ve never seen any place like this.” There was a glimmer in her eyes and a smile on her face as she looked out over the scenery below.

  Tobin hobbled out from his hiding place and spread his stubby arms out wide. “Dis, chil’ren, is me home. Welcome to Misteria, da land of mist and magic,” he said with a broad, toothy smile. “Da mist surrounds us. It’s an invisible barrier dat keeps us hidden from da human world. But dere has been a great darkness an’ evil spreadin’ across da land.” His broad brow furrowed, and despair filled his face.

  “What kind of evil?” Anna asked.

  “Da kind dat can end us all,” he answered.

  Will and Anna glanced at each other and didn’t need words to know what the other was thinking—a mixture of fear and trepidation. What had they just stepped into?

  Will turned around and witnessed something he hadn’t noticed before. “Look,” he gasped, as he lifted his finger and pointed.

  A thin, white mist rose high into the heavens, following the landscape as far as his eyes could see. Concealed and nestled within the center was a hidden world, beautiful beyond words. The rivers and lakes shimmered like brilliant diamonds, and the forest of trees were a kaleidoscope of the most stunning shades of green, gold, and red.

  Although Will had never seen this place before, it felt familiar. His mother had described this place so vividly in the bedtime stories she shared throughout their childhood. The Land of Far Away was real, and it had a name. It was Misteria.

  Anna turned to Will and spoke to
him in her thoughts. “Do you think this place has anything to do with our unique ability? Could any of mom’s stories about the Land of Far Away be true?”

  “I don’t know, but I have a feeling we’re about to find out.” With all the pressing questions, Will had one thing on his mind. “Tobin, are you going to take us to our mom?” he asked out loud.

  “Yes, yes. Come, foller me.” Tobin turned and headed down a narrow, rocky path.

  Henry paused, glancing at Will with a confused look.

  “Follow him,” Will translated.

  “I thought that’s what he said.” Henry chuckled.

  During their trek, the cold had seeped straight through Anna’s clothes, and all the way down to her bones, making her teeth chatter. Her pink tank-top and blue jeans weren’t suitable for being on a frigid, snow-covered mountain. She attempted to blow warm air into her cupped hands and fiercely rubbed them together, but it didn’t do much good against the icy wind.

  Henry must have noticed her discomfort because he quickly peeled out of his blue and white checkered flannel. “Here,” he said, offering it to her, still wearing a white T-shirt underneath.

  “No thanks. I’m fine,” Anna replied, pushing it back at him.

  “I know you’re freezing. Take it.” He held it back out to her. “I don’t need it. I swear.”

  She paused, debating. She didn’t want to take anything from Henry, but being warm was a priority.

  “Just take it,” Will scolded in her thoughts.

  Sighing, she finally reached out and accepted it.

  “Thank you,” she murmured. After taking a good look at Henry, she noticed something different about him.

  “You cut your hair, and your—”

  “Contacts. Just got them yesterday.” He smiled broadly.

  “You look … nice,” she complimented, quickly slipping into his flannel shirt. It was still warm, and although the sleeves were too long, it quickly heated her frozen fingers inside the extended cuffs. Taking a deep breath, she was surrounded by his smell. It was actually pleasant, which wasn’t typical for Henry. She took another whiff and realized it was the gift Will had given him for his birthday. A small bottle of cologne he’d told Henry was a chick-magnet.


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