ant female sperm storage, 83
apes. See also humans
clitoris, 76, 188–89
emasculation of rivals, 185
homosexuality, 188–89
mating plugs, 141, 143–44
penile spines, 155, 156
Argentine lake ducks. See ducks
argonaut autonomous hectocotylus, 23
Arnqvist, Göran, 152–54, 185
artificial insemination of livestock, 73, 133, 183–84
Australian Veterinary Journal, 79
bacterial sex, 9
Bagemihl, Bruce, 126
Baker, Robin, 59–61, 78, 82
banana flies
cheap sperm/expensive egg principle, 48
female reproductive maze, 71, 72
lock-and-key genital match, 40–41
manipulative seminal proteins, 145–47, 149
rare-male effect, 94
Barker, David, 63–64
barnacle penis length, 44, 45
Bateman’s cheap sperm/expensive egg principle, 47–48, 64, 81, 115, 161
bat female sperm storage, 82–83
bedbug traumatic insemination, 130–33, 189
cryptic female choice, 73
erratic genital evolution, 98
female reproductive maze, 71, 72
fossil studies of, 96–98
manipulative seminal proteins, 147, 149, 154
negative allometry of penis, 101–2, 102
parameres, 56
paternity by proxy, 118
penile diversity, 30–31, 33, 36, 39–40, 43
penile spines, 150–54, 151
potential speciation events, 188
sexually antagonistic coevolution, 120–23, 124
sperm scooping, 117–18
Bellis, Mark, 59–61, 78, 82
Bernasconi, Giorgina, 86–87
Biological Exuberance (Bagemihl), 126
birds. See also ducks
artificial insemination of chickens, 133
cloacal-kiss mating, 58
colorful male plumage, 42–43, 49
natural versus sexual selection, 16–17
sensory drive, 51–53, 52, 58
sperm dumping, 63
Birkhead, Tim, 77, 126–28
Blanchard, Katrina, 167
Brennan, Patricia, 127–28, 183
Brillard, Jean-Pierre, 127
broadcast spawners in marine environment, 19
Bruce effect, 87–88
Burch, Rebecca, 116–17, 147–48
Burger, Matthias, 61–62
Burley, Nancy, 51–52
Burton, Frances, 78
by-product hypothesis of female orgasm, 81
caltrop cornuti, 151, 152
“Can Shoe Size Predict Penile Length?” (Shah and Christopher), 102–3
Cardoso, Maria Fernanda, 35
Carnahan, Sarah, 143
Carosi, Monica, 79–80
Case of the Female Orgasm, The (Lloyd), 81
cave beetle penis diversity, 30–31, 39–40
Chapman, Tracey, 6, 149
Chase, Ronald, 166–67
cheap sperm/expensive egg principle, 47–48, 64, 81, 115, 161
artificial insemination of, 133
sperm dumping, 63
clitoris, 76
emasculation of rivals, 185
genitalia of, in contrast to humans’, 5
mating plugs, 141, 143–44
penile spines, 155, 156
Christopher, Nimal, 102–3
Civetta, Alberto, 149
Clark, Andrew, 149
bonobo, 188–89
chimpanzee, 5
debate concerning function of, 73–74
embryonic development of, 76
human, 5, 74–75, 75, 77
nonhuman mammals, 76–77
spotted hyena, 76–77
clonal reproduction, 11–12
Coope, Russell, 97–98
within array of cryptic female choices, 64–66
dry, 66–73, 69
internal fertilization in land-based animals, 18–19
copulatory courtship, 66–73, 69
copulatory stridulation, 55, 56
copulatory vigor, 70
Córdoba-Aguilar, Alex, 113–14
cost-of-eggs principle, 47–48, 64, 81, 115, 161
cow uterine contractions, 77–78
crane fly sensory drive, 54–55, 56
Craze, Paul, 182
cricket and katydid sperm flushing, 119–20
Crudgington, Helen, 152–53
cryptic choice in hermaphrodites, 175–76
cryptic female choice
as agent of genital evolution, 114–15, 131–33, 185–86
cost-of-eggs principle, 47–48, 64, 81, 115, 161
dry copulation, 66–73, 69
embryo abortion, 87–88
female collaboration in sperm scooping, 62, 119–20, 187
female orgasm and upsuck hypothesis, 61, 78–80
female reproductive maze, 71–73, 72
internal courtship, 57, 62, 63, 66–73
limitation by natural selection, 104–7
manipulative seminal proteins and, 148
overriding by male, female’s benefit from, 116
as range of selection filters, 64–66, 122
rare-male effect, 93–95
sensory drive, 42, 51–58, 52, 56, 73, 94, 144
sexually antagonistic coevolution and, 113–15
sperm dumping, 59–64, 78, 120, 144, 187
sperm storage and selective sperm use, 82–87, 86
cryptic thrusting, 57
Cuvier, Georges, 23, 31, 35–36
acrobatic mating, 99–100, 109–10
egg-mimicking penis, 113–14
erratic genital evolution, 99–100
female sperm storage, 113
sexually antagonistic coevolution, 113–14
sperm scooping, 2, 109–12, 111
vaginal sense organ, 58, 113
dart shooting
chemical manipulation of female, 165, 166–67
deployment of darts, 163–64
diversity of darts, 164, 165, 167–68
nuptial gift hypothesis, 164–66
Darwin, Charles
Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex, The, 2, 15, 45–46, 161
on evolution as gradual process, 99
on female preference for male beauty, 49
on hermaphroditic sex, 161–62
on male wooing versus bullying, 48
on natural versus sexual selection, 2, 16, 43
on primary and secondary sexual characteristics, 15–16, 17
silence on genital diversity, 43–46
study of beetles and barnacles, 44, 45
Victorian constraints on, 46, 49
Darwin, Henrietta “Etty,” 45–46
Dawkins, Richard, 3, 115
Dawn of the Deed, The (Long), 96
Dean, Rebecca, 63
de Graaf, Reinier, 74
Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex, The (Darwin), 2, 15, 45–46, 161
Dewsbury, Donald, 66
di Palma, Antonella, 135–36
Dixson, Alan, 141, 155–56
cellular organelles and sexual reproduction, 13–14
in determination of pace of genital evolution, 99–100
nbsp; harmful mutations and genetic defects, 12, 88
human evolutionary loss of penile spines, 156
methods for exchange of, 9–10, 18–19
of seminal proteins, 146
in synthesis of mating plugs, 143–44
Dr. Tatiana’s Sex Advice to All Creation (Judson), 82
dry copulation, 66–73, 69
forced copulation, 126
homosexuality and necrophilia, 125–26
matched complexity of penis and vagina, 127–28
penis length, 126–27
sexually antagonistic coevolution, 127–28, 129, 180–82
Düngelhoef, Susanne, 56
dung-fly female sperm storage and selective sperm use, 84–87, 86
Eberhard, Bill
on copulatory courtship, 67
on cryptic female choice, 64, 65, 185–86
on cryptic thrusting, 57
on Darwin’s failure to address genital diversity, 44
definition of genitalia, 18
Female Control, 65
on genital allometry, 103
on genital complexity and rapid evolution, 3–6, 95
on lock-and-key mating hypothesis, 39–40
on penis as sensory courtship device, 53, 54–55
on potential benefit of genitalia research, 184
Sexual Selection and Animal Genitalia, 4–5, 39–40
ebony jewelwing damselfly sperm scooping, 109–12, 111
elephant shrew penile diversity, 32–34
embryo abortion, 87–88, 144
evolution, genital. See genital evolution
Evolution and Human Behavior journal, 117
Evolution of Human Sexuality, The (Symons), 80
female choice. See cryptic female choice
Female Control (Eberhard), 65
female orgasm. See orgasm, female
female sperm storage. See sperm storage
Field Guide to the Birds of West Malaysia and Singapore, A (Jeyarajasingam), 42
“First Case of Homosexual Necrophilia in the Mallard . . . , The” (Moeliker), 125–26
Fisherian versus Good-Gener debate, 49–51
flagella, penile, 121–23, 124
flies. See insects
flour beetle sperm scooping, 117–18
flowback. See sperm dumping
Fooden, Jack, 37
fossil studies, 96–98
Fox, C. A., 79
Freude, Heinz, 43
fruit flies. See banana flies
Gack, Claudia, 121–23
Gallup, Gordon, 116–17, 147–48
Gelhaus, Jon, 54–55
General Outline of the Organisation of the Animal Kingdom (Jones), 163
genital evolution. See also cryptic female choice; sexually antagonistic coevolution; sexual selection; sperm competition
fossil studies on, 96–98
genital allometry, 103
gradual versus erratic pace of, 98–100, 107
possible role of homosexuality, 188–89
potential speciation events, 188
rapid process of, 5, 95, 160
reproductive selfishness of individual, 3
genitalia. See also specific genital features; specific genital functions
definition of, 18
diversity and complexity of, 3–6, 30–35, 33
embryonic development, 76
homologous clitoris and penis, 81
human fascination with, 1, 6, 184–85
internal fertilization and, 18–19
lock-and-key mating hypothesis, 36–41
negative allometry, 101–3, 102
substitutes, 19–26, 26, 132
genitalia research
cultural biases and stereotypes, 38, 186
dearth of studies on females, 38, 81–82
insights afforded by, 186–89
practical applications, 183–84
ridicule of, 183
as scientific discipline, 2–3, 6, 112
taxonomy, 5, 34, 37, 159
genital stridulation, 55, 56
genital thrusting and movement, 57–58, 62, 63, 67
Gerhardt, Ulrich, 172–75
Ghiselin, Michael, 17
Ginsberg, Joshua, 62–63
Gittenberger, Edmund, 177
gonochorist animals, definition of, 156–57
Gosse, Philip Henry, 36
Gould, Stephen Jay, 81, 98–99
Gowaty, Patricia Adair, 186
guinea pigs
artificial insemination of, 133
mating plugs, 140–41
guppies and related fish
positive allometry of penis, 104–5
rare-male effect, 93–95
Haase, Martin, 169–70
hamster female reproductive maze, 71
Harde, Karl Wilhelm, 43
Hays, Ray, 77–78
hectocotylus, function of, 22–23
Hellriegel, Barbara, 86–87
Heredity journal, 47
cheap sperm/expensive egg principle, 161
cryptic choice, 175–76
dart shooting, 163–68, 165
exaggerated genitalia and complex sexual behaviors, 159–63, 171–75, 174, 182
mirror-image genitals, 176–82, 181
mutual insemination, 158–60, 159
penis detachment, 170–71
preference for male role, 163, 175, 182
self-fertilization, 158
sexually antagonistic coevolution, 167–68, 175–76, 182
sperm storage, 83
sperm sucking, 170
Historia Animalium Angliae (Lister), 172
Holwell, Greg, 39
homosexuality, 125–26, 131, 188–89
Hotzy, Cosima, 153–54
Hubbell, Stephen, 4
Huber, Bernhard, 103
Hubweber, Lasse, 150–51
clitoris, 5, 74–75, 75, 76, 77
evolutionary loss of penile spines, 154, 156
female orgasm, 75–76, 77, 79, 80
free-swimming sperm in female body cavity, 133–34
genitalia of, in contrast to chimpanzees’, 5
manipulative seminal proteins, 147–48
mating plug consistency, 141, 143
miscarriage, 88
negative allometry of penis, 102
possible evolutionary role of homosexuality, 188–89
potential applications of genitalia research for, 184
semen flowback, 59–61, 78
sperm scooping, 116–17
vaginal sense organs, 58
viability of ejaculated sperm in vagina, 82, 116
Human Sexual Response (Masters and Johnson), 77
Hunter, John, 15
hyena clitoris, 76
hypodermic (traumatic) insemination, 128–34, 130, 163
insects. See also beetles
acrobatic mating, 99–100, 110
cheap sperm/expensive egg principle, 48
chiral genitalia, 39
erratic genital evolution, 99–100
female reproductive maze, 71, 72
female sperm storage and selective sperm use, 83, 84–87, 86
fossil studies of, 96–98
homosexuality, 131, 189
internal courtship, 58
lock-and-key genital match, 40–41
manipulative seminal proteins, 145–49
penile complexity and diversity, 4, 31–32, 37, 38
penile thorns, 151, 152
effect, 94
sexually antagonistic coevolution, 113–14
sexual selection, 90–93
sperm flushing, 119–20
sperm scooping, 2, 109–12, 111
stridulation, 42, 55, 56
traumatic insemination, 130–33
vaginal sense organs, 58, 113
internal courtship
dry copulation, 66–73, 69
female orgasm and, 77
female sensory receptors, 58
genital thrusting and movement, 57–58, 62, 63, 67
mating plugs for, 144
penile features for, 54, 57
International Journal of Tropical Biology, 54–55
Iwasa, Yoh, 92–93
Jeannel, René, 29–31
Jeyarajasingam, Allen, 42
Johnson, Virginia, 77, 101
Jones, Thomas Rymer, 163
Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 182
Journal of Experimental Biology, 166
Journal of Molluscan Studies, 166
Journal of Zoology, 25, 33–34
Judson, Olivia, 82
Käfer Mitteleuropas, Die (Freude, Harde, and Lohse), 43
Kamimura, Yoshitaka, 40–41
Karlsson, Anna, 169–70
Kew, H. Wallis, 172
Kingan, Sarah, 143
Kingsley, David, 156
Knoflach, Barbara, 140
Kobelt, Georg Ludwig, 74, 75
Kočárek, Petr, 36
Koene, Joris, 158, 161–62, 166, 168, 176
Kokko, Hanna, 94
Koprowski, John, 145
Krebs, John, 115
Langerhans, Brian, 104–5
lek paradox, 92
leptodirin cave beetle penis diversity, 30–31, 39–40
Leuckart, Karl Georg Friedrich Rudolf, 140
Limax slug penis length, 171–75, 174
Lister, Martin, 172
Lloyd, Elisabeth, 81
lock-and-key mating hypothesis, 36–41
Lohse, Gustav Adolf, 43
Long, John, 96
longhorn beetle penis spines, 150–52
love darts. See dart shooting
Maan, Martine, 50
female orgasm, 79–80
matched shapes of penis and vagina, 37
miscarriage, 88
McCracken, Kevin, 126
Macgregor, Elizabeth Ann, 35
MacLean, Paul, 53–54
McPeek, Mark, 99–100
Male and Female Lust Organs . . . (Kobelt), 74
“Male Nipples and Clitoral Ripples” (Gould), 81
mallard ducks. See ducks
Marian, José Eduardo, 21
Masters, William, 77, 101
mating plugs
consistency, 141, 143–44
female cooperation with, 139, 145
male body as, 140
obstruction of future copulation, 136, 140
pedipalps as, 136–40, 138
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