WindSwept Narrows: #13 Charity, Faith & Hope

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WindSwept Narrows: #13 Charity, Faith & Hope Page 10

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  She waited, holding her breath as the words she spoke registered in the darkly intense eyes. She saw something like satisfaction and victory enter his eyes, adding to the fire. Eyes that finally left Ryan and seemed to be studying her.

  The wolf in him appeared to accept her words and he nodded slowly.

  “You told him that?” Dominic said quietly, his eyes on hers as she nodded quickly. His hands moved from his sides, taking her palms in his and holding them for a long minute before he turned and led her out of the arcade without a word to the younger man now breathing a long sigh of relief.

  “Hey! Slow down, damn it, Dominic!” Faith felt her breath caught in her chest when he came to a complete stop, her slender form bouncing against him. “What are you doing? Where are you taking me?”

  “Your place,” he growled, the wolf back in those darkly intense eyes that bore into hers. “To have a brief but intensely explicit discussion about what will happen if you ever leave me sitting in a restaurant like that again, Faith.”

  “Yeah, I thought that might be it,” she murmured, not protesting when his hand tightened on hers as she trailed slightly behind him across the parking lot. People she knew flashed a bright smile at them only to receive a serious scowl in return when Dominic simply continued on his direct route to the dorms. He waited while she engaged the lock before tugging her up the stairs to the door.

  Faith had done some seriously quick thinking and wasn’t happy with the results. She went into the apartment, turning to him and moving behind him.

  “Let me have your jacket. Something isn’t quite right, Dominic,” she told him, ignoring the predatory gleam still creasing his features. “I’m a little concerned…”

  “Why the hell did you run, Faith?” He demanded instantly, turning to face her and back her against the door. Now she had no place to run to and he was damn well getting tired of tracking her down. “What the hell are you…”

  “Because something is wrong with you,” she said soothingly, her hands on his. She led him to the sofa and pushed gently, very aware of the gleam in his eyes. She moved to sit at his side on her knees, her hands on her thighs.

  “Faith, there is nothing…” But he stopped when her hands came up and touched his face lightly, one on each of his cheeks. It suddenly felt like he was on fire where she touched him.

  “Dominic…this behavior…this isn’t you,” she said carefully. She knew about her friends amnesia from a large rock. “Have you fallen recently? Like on the snow or…or slippery parking lots…maybe you don’t remember,” she said with a thoughtful frown, meeting the dark eyes hopefully. “It’s okay…I won’t hurt you…but you have to let me check…”

  “Check what?” Dominic watched her bite her lip as she leaned closer, his question cautious.

  “Your head…” She put her hands against his head, fingers spread out and gently feeling. “I don’t want to hurt you…” His hair felt nice against her palms, slim fingers gingerly probing through the thick dark strands.

  “Faith, I did not fall,” he pushed the words between his teeth even as another part of him said to shut up and let her touch you. His hands were on her waist, holding her as she leaned closer.

  A low groan broke from his lips, her throat inches from his mouth as she ignored him and kept feeling his head. He could smell her too keenly. Perfume, lotions, soaps, her own natural essence that all sent his senses reeling. Her top wasn’t low cut, but the style of vest she liked nicely accented the soft curves of her full breasts and she was leaning them against his shoulder.

  “Did that hurt?” She asked, mistaking his groan for one of pain. “Are you alright? Are you feeling dizzy? Maybe you should lie down and rest a little…”

  “Faith, I am…” He stopped speaking when she bounced off the sofa, lifting his feet and urging him to lie back on the wide cushions. She ran her palm over his forehead, brushing the longer strands of deepest brown through her fingers.

  “Stay there…I’ll be right back,” she promised, disappearing into the bedroom and returning with a thick quilt in her hands. She opened it and spread it over him, sitting carefully at his side. “I’m worried about you, Dominic. This is all so sudden…all these changes…”

  He felt his mouth curve into a half grin. “You think I’ve caused an overload?” Watching Faith worry about him wasn’t such a bad thing, he decided, very little guilt inside at the ruse.

  “It’s not you…it’s…just not normal…”

  “Why did you run, Faith?”

  She bit her lip, her eyes caught on the opening of his shirt. She could see strands of dark brown coiling just barely out of sight.

  “I don’t know,” she answered honestly. “I…because I couldn’t make sense of it all.”

  “Is it so difficult to spend time with me and just talk?” He felt relieved when he saw instant denial in her eyes. “Take your hair down, Faith…please…”

  She raised one hand, the thick covered band in her fingers and dropped to the table above his head. Her lashes drifted closed when he touched her face, long, strong fingers caressing over her cheek and into the hair at the side of her head.

  “It isn’t difficult, Dominic…it’s confusing…you…it isn’t something you ever wanted before and now…” all the other mixed up words faded from her mind when she felt his mouth on hers. Large, strong hands went to her shoulders, hauling her down until she somehow was lying along his body. Through the quilt and their clothing, she still knew he was aroused and gave in to allow her hips to press hard against him.

  Dominic inhaled the fragrance that tumbled around her shoulders and face, his hands spearing into the thick mass. It was as soft as his imagination had insisted. He shifted himself to the side, dumping her easily into the slot between himself and the back of the sofa, pinning her possessively for his delight.

  He heard the softest of whimpers from deep in her throat, his palm smoothing the long hair from the side of her face. He granted himself full access, leaning up over her, pressing himself hard into her. It was his groan filling the apartment when she lifted her top leg and wrapped it over his hip. Faith was filled with the strength he needed, he heard shouted inside him.

  While Faith was still wondering, her body seemed to have already made up its mind what came next. And her hips rotated and pushed hard against the rigid male. And he didn’t seem to mind at all.

  Dominic coaxed her to kiss him patiently, lapping softly at her tongue, and lips, like he had all the time in the world. Drawing back reluctantly, he ran a finger slowly down her neck and along the scooped opening of her top, the whole time delivering teasing kisses that managed to make them both groan aloud.

  He wanted to chuckle at the way her hips were moving, trying to find the right spot. He knew when she did because a tiny gasp would ripple inside her mouth through their kiss.

  “Am I still confusing you, Faith?” Dominic raised his head enough to peer into the beautiful blue circles, pale lashes lifting slowly to blink at him.

  “I don’t know why you’re here,” she whispered honestly. “I don’t know what you want from me.”

  Dominic moved his large hand to her hip, sliding it possessively over her behind and pulling hard. He savored the spark that burst to life in her eyes, her lips parted and breathing more than a little ragged.

  “Sex?” She whispered, still uncertain of his agenda.

  “That’s a start, Faith…it’s a start…”

  “I…I’m not sure I’m…I don’t know you…I thought I did…” Faith groaned when he pressed teasingly against the apex between her thighs, grinding himself in tempting arcs.

  “Hmmm…” Dominic heard his body deny the words he was speaking the next minute. “A gesture of good faith then….” His palm slid over her hip to the button at the front of her jeans, popping it free and sliding the zipper lower.

  “Dominic…” panic mingled with curiosity mingled with the crazy warm feelings bursting within her.

  “The instant you want
me to stop…I will…I don’t want to hurt you again, Faith,” he whispered against her mouth, kissing his way along that temptingly full lower lip. He felt a little of the tension in her ease, his palm sliding easily inside her jeans.

  Soft, smooth stomach stretched beneath his palm, his movements teasingly slow as he caressed each inch, from hip to hip and to her naval and lower, back inside to feel the nylon and scrap of lace. The male in him couldn’t wait to see them hugging her hips and spread out on his bed.

  Faith let her lashes close but she nodded, her fingers gliding down from his shoulder to grip the edge of his shirt. She’d never let anyone touch her like he was. She knew the weak sensations; she felt the hot stirrings at times but not often enough to explore things. She’d seen too much violence revolving around sex to care, she had concluded a few years ago.

  “Faith…” Dominic wasn’t sure asking was a smart idea, but he had to know. His imagination had put her in the free spirited category. It fit the personality and maddeningly positive nature she surrounded herself with. But his instincts were shouting something completely different. “Have you touched yourself before…” he sighed when she nodded slowly. “It feels good…”

  “Yes…but this…it feels so much better,” she whispered honestly.

  And he could already smell her arousal, the flat of his palm sliding over her smooth belly to the silken coils at her center. He watched her head go back slightly, her nostrils flaring as she drew in a long, shuddering sigh. He wondered if self control got better as he aged or worse, his body strained and hardened, pushing against the fabric of his jeans.

  He withdrew his palm for a brief moment, tugging on the legs of her jeans and giving his large palm more room to play. His chuckle was rich and deep when she jumped in his arm as his palm slid back inside her panties. He let the full palm cup her, fingers stroking and playing in the silky curls before sliding lower to cup the fullness of her. His hand moved to the lowest curve of her, drawing his fingers between the swollen petals before sinking one inside her.

  Faith wanted to move.

  She wanted to breathe.

  But suddenly a lot of her body wasn’t listening to her orders. She had managed to push this man out of her head, she yelled at that part of her granting him access to the hot, damp center of her.

  It was purely selfish, her other brain retorted. Take what you need and push him out again. She didn’t hear the soft whimper from deep inside her, her hips trying to move her closer to him even as he withdrew and stroked with maddening lack of haste back inside. She swallowed hard when his thumb moved to press against that traitorous part of her demanding a little of his attention. He stroked the flat pad of his thumb over the swollen nub, pulling it from beneath the protective hood and coating it with her own juices.

  Dominic felt his body tense, watching her through hooded eyes as she bit down on her lip, her hands clenched at his shirt. She pulled until his mouth covered hers, her tongue surging out and assaulting his even as her body convulsed around his invading fingers.

  He held them inside her, letting her push, letting her take what she wanted. He waited, returning her kiss hungrily as he felt the fading tremors ripple over his fingers before sliding himself free, dragging them one last time through the thicket of down.

  He swallowed his own groan and ordered his body to unwind as she broke the kiss with a long, contented sigh. She curled against him, and he was positive she was purring softly. His mouth brushed over her head and against common sense, brought his hand to his face, inhaling her essence before tasting the sweet tangyness that would later be his.

  He pulled the quilt over them both, ignoring her protest when he whispered for her to sleep, the darkness of night surrounding them in the quiet apartment.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Faith growled at the offending quilt and pulled it over her head, suddenly realizing that the warmth that had been there was gone and she was cooling quickly. She poked her head up, blinking and pushing the long hair out of her face. She looked toward the door, a large square of paper catching her attention and being hopelessly curious, sat up.

  A flush of heat struck her cheeks when she realized her jeans were not only open but resting on her hips instead of her waist. The wild sensual pleasures at Dominic’s hand came rushing back to her in a flood of emotional confusion.

  She jumped off the sofa, pulled her jeans into place and hastily fastened them as she went to stand by the strongly scrawled note.

  “Run with me? I’ll be outside about six. Faith…please take me off ignore on your phone. Dominic.”

  She leaned against the door, squinting at the watch on her wrist and groaning aloud. It hadn’t been a dream. He was there. And he was real. If he wanted sex she certainly didn’t make it difficult for him, she glared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror, tossing clothing into the bin and climbing into bed.

  All he had to do was kiss her and all her muscles turned to mush. Sex wouldn’t be so bad with him, if his game earlier was any indication. It wasn’t the sex that bothered her, she thought as sleep reclaimed her.

  It was falling in love with him again that terrified the crap out of her. Again? Chided a smartly sarcastic voice. You never stopped loving him. You simply out it into a box and shoved it the furthest corner of the closet with a big skull and crossbones on the front and a sign that said ‘DO NOT OPEN’ on it.

  Faith was hopping on one foot, tying laces and trying to get all the wild hair into a secure bundle when the thumping came on the door. How could a man look so good at six-ten in the morning, she whined internally.

  “I know…I’m…the alarm…” she looked up, his hand on her shoulders and mouth down on hers before she could continue stammering. It was a nice, sweetly minted kiss that took her breath away.

  “How about good morning, first? And it’s okay…I’m patient. I can wait,” he told her, a gleam in his eye making heat fill her cheeks. A surge of satisfaction went through him when she blinked. He could see his words had just the right meaning to her this morning.

  “Right…I’m ready…I didn’t know you liked running?” She asked as they headed down the stairs. It was clear and cold, a light fog settled around them.

  “Every chance I can,” he admitted. “Usually it was on a treadmill in a gym. This is much better.”

  “I can show you a really nice place to run,” she said, pausing outside the gate and looking up at him, wanting to share something special with him. He simply smiled and nodded. “Follow me,” she said quietly, taking off and pacing slower toward the back of the property and going out the back gate. She led him to the beach and the paths in the park around that portion of the South Sound.

  Dominic knew she had lowered her pace and for most of the run, they were side by side, talking about things around them. It was almost an hour before they were back at the locked gate to the units, his hand up and on the gate when it opened to her thumb print.

  “Thank you for sharing that, Faith. I definitely enjoy running outside to a treadmill,” he leaned against the fence, his thick running clothes filled with his sweat and exertion. “Breakfast after I shower and change?”

  “I can make us breakfast, Dominic,” Faith suggested easily. “And you’re dressed fine…”

  “I need a serious shower,” he protested, freezing in place when she leaned closer, a move he’d done to her, he realized abruptly.

  “Hmm…you smell…like outside…and male…” Faith surprised herself by going to her toes and running her tongue along his thick, salty throat to his ear. “I think I like it, actually,” she whispered with a sharp nip of his ear. Two can play at the game, she had decided that morning.

  “Be careful, Faith,” he growled softly, leaning down and taking her mouth for a long, sensuous kiss. “I’ll be over in fifteen minutes. I’ll bring my own coffee.”

  Okay, so maybe she wasn’t playing the same game, she exhaled as he took off at a light jog and around the front of the resort. She stood beneath t
he hot spray lathered and realizing she was hopelessly mad about the man.

  She was still sighing as she wound her hair into a long braid and went to start some eggs and toast, poured two large glasses of juice and glanced absently at the news on the television as she cooked. She had the small table set and was about ready to declare the eggs complete when the knock came on the door. She could smell the coffee and opened it quickly with a bright smile at him before turning and running back to the kitchen.

  Faith looked at the table with a satisfied nod, adding a jar of marmalade with the plate of toast. “All done.”

  Monday at lunch, Faith sat with her chin in her palm, staring at the cut up fruit plate and sandwich she’d bought. Charity pulled a chair over and plopped down, offering a refill on her water.

  “Thanks,” she replied absently.

  “You look a little lost,” Charity tipped her head, peering into her friend’s eyes.

  “The man is a mystery. A bloody, confusing five thousand piece jigsaw puzzle!” She said with a low groan.

  “We’re talking about…” Charity had a guess, but kept silent.

  Faith looked up to see their topic in the large archway to the cafeteria.

  “Him…doesn’t he remind you of a large alpha male wolf? Only problem is…I can’t figure out if I’m a bunny or the salmon for dinner,” Faith murmured forlornly.

  Charity laughed and stood up, leaning close to her ear. “You’re his mate, you silly girl. See you later.”

  Faith looked after her before swinging her gaze to the man casually taking a seat at her table and reaching to help himself to her food. Mate? Squealed a little voice that tingled all the way to her toes.


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