Steel Crew : Books 1-3 (Steel World Box Set Book 7)

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Steel Crew : Books 1-3 (Steel World Box Set Book 7) Page 54

by Mj Fields

  Tris cringes. “But the boys kind of do. They told us not to say anything. Clearly, Kiki thought you should know.”

  “Are they going?” I ask, trying to remain calm.

  “They said they wouldn’t unless you got an invite, too.”

  “Which is not why I invited you,” comes from behind me.

  “Please tell me she isn’t standing right behind me,” I groan.

  She walks beside me. “I told you I’m trying to make amends.”

  “Then don’t bullshit them, Gabrielle.”

  I look over her as Tobias Easton walks in behind her.

  “Mind your business,” she snaps at him.

  He stops and looks at her. “Then do it and mean it. And don’t leave out the fact that this benefits you.”

  “What part of mind your own business do you not get?” she snaps at him.

  He arches an eyebrow. “Don’t be a bitch.”

  “Don’t call me a bitch,” she snaps.

  “In his defense, he said not to be one.” I shrug.

  She looks at me. “Fine. The video was my fault. I instigated the whole hate Kiki campaign, because she was a bitch to me—”

  “Oh, please.” Kiki laughs haughtily. “You came out on day one with me. None of us believe your bullshit.”

  She scowls at Tobias, and he shrugs.

  “You can go,” she hisses at him, and he crosses his arms and widens his stance.

  She looks at us again. “I don’t like Harrison, but as women, sometimes we have to—”

  Tobias sighs loudly.

  She looks back and shakes her head. “You could have made this easier.”

  “Nothing good comes from easy, Gabs.”

  “Not like I would have been clingy.”

  He shakes his head again. “Nothing good comes from lies, either. Look where it’s gotten you so far.”

  “Easy for you to say.”

  “Again, nothing good comes from easy.” He turns and walks away.

  Her face turns red as she looks back at us. “Proper alignment brings popularity and safety from being bullied.”

  “Is that a fucking threat?” Tris snaps.

  “What? No,” Gabby huffs. “It’s the way it has always been. Harrison was safety. Being his made me safe from the bullshit—”

  “Same bullshit you’ve been pulling with us?” Kiki asks.

  She nods once. “In my defense, being a bitch has always worked.”

  I can’t help but laugh.

  “Laugh all you want, but it’s true. I’m not going to grovel anymore than I already have, but you’re all invited tonight, and I promise that I will do my part in not causing anymore chaos for you all.”

  “Why?” Brisa laughs.

  Gabby looks at me. “She knows why, so I’m assuming you do, as well. Which is why I’m not afraid that by admitting I was wrong will have any further consequences.”

  Tris and Brisa look at me, seeking answers.

  I shake my head. “I’m done with this, and I’m not coming to your party.”

  “The fuck is the problem here?” Justice asks, walking up to us.

  “No problems.” Kiki laughs. “Gabby was just seeing if we were coming to her party.”

  He scratches his head in thought, and I wait for him to accept.

  He looks at me. “T, we still busy tonight?”

  “I am. You do whatever you want.”

  He bends down so he’s eyeball to eyeball with Gabby, who legit looks shook. “I’d rather dine on glass then do shots of rubbing alcohol.”

  Her voice quivers, “F-f-f-f-fine.”

  He smirks at me. “We good?”

  I nod.

  He looks down at her again, and she looks up, feigning badass. “You stirred the pot enough, Queen Bee. Next time you decide to pull some bullshit like that, you’ll be hot and bothered when you look at me for another reason.” He leans in and sniffs her, and I want to gag. “You feel me?”

  “F-f-fuck you.”

  “Yeah, Queenie, that’s never gonna happen.” He chuckles then walks away.

  Her face is beet red when she looks at us and clears her throat. “Again, I’m sorry.” Then she hurries to the door.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Brisa laughs.

  Kiki looks at me as if she’s waiting for me to tell them about the PBJ incident.

  I close my eyes, telling her no.

  She looks back at Brisa. “She has the hots for Justice.”

  “So she’s trying to make friends with us to get to the boys?” Tris laughs. “Someone should really tell her we’ve been there, done that.”

  “I’m pretty sure she just figured that out.” I shrug.

  After doing a half-ass abs workout—half-assed because I refuse to change when I can’t really work out because of the boot—I say goodbye to the girls and sneak out, hoping to avoid Reeves and the other two horsemen. It works, but when I turn the corner, leaning against the wall is the freshly showered Lone Ranger of the horsemen—Tobias Easton.

  “Got a minute?” he asks.

  “For you?” I smile, and he pushes off the wall. “No.”

  I start walking down the hall, but he easily catches up with me.

  “She’s trying to right her wrong with you and Kiki.”

  “Yeah, well, excuse me if I don’t buy her bullshit.” I stop, turn, and look up at him. “Tell me, Easton, why the hell do you care?”

  “I don’t,” he snarls.

  “Don’t come at me being all calm and acting like you give a fuck about her, and then bitch-slap me with asshole.”

  His jaw tenses.

  “Unless you do care about her.” I cock my head to the side. “Do you?”

  “I care that she has another year in this place, and the only way she knows how to get ahead is by climbing on other people’s backs, a learned behavior. I care that she learned her lesson and is trying to make amends for the first time in the four years that I’ve known her, and you’re not giving her a second chance when it is in your nature to do so.”

  “So, this lands on me now, huh?” I laugh.

  He laughs wickedly. “You don’t get your shit back on track, you’re gonna have to eat those words.”

  “So, now you care about me?”

  His face contorts and a look of disgust mars his otherwise beautiful features. “I wouldn’t say care. Pissed fits better. I’d most definitely be pissed that I missed watching you choke on your choices.”

  I snap my mouth shut to stop the venom from spewing.

  He smiles knowingly and nods. “Oh, I see. You’re playing a game here. Holding back because you don’t want your shit to land on JT’s face tomorrow.”

  I clench my fists, and he looks down and shakes his head.

  “I came at you real, Truth, and you’re holding back because of your bloodlines and loyalty.” Before I can stop him, he reaches in my pocket and pulls out my phone before handing it to me. “Do yourself and your brother a favor. Accept her invitation so that she can save face and, by doing so, I guarantee your brother’s face will be saved in return.”

  My body burns hot in anger, and my blood begins to boil.

  “Everyone going to that party sees the accepts and declines. I’m not asking you to go. I’m telling you to accept her white flag and show her some grace.”

  “She’s shown me none,” I snap.

  He shakes his head. “You have no idea what she has opened herself up to by inviting you.”

  “Like I give a damn.”

  “You care about your brother’s face? You wanna save the tireless explanation and mountains of lies you may have to give your folks when he walks into Cleaver-ville with concerned parents asking questions? Accept the fucking invite.”

  My chest tightens, knowing he is alone, but also, fuck him, he doesn’t have to be. I see how everyone not only looks at him but up to him. He’s built that wall, and he stands at the ready to defend it.

  “Have you?”

he pulls his phone out, holds it up, hits the notifications, and then hits accept. “Yeah, I did.”

  I look at him. “You better not hurt him, or I swear to you, I will sneak in your house, club you over the head, ensuring you’re knocked out, and then smother you in your fucking sleep.”

  His brows shoot up. “Oddly specific details. How long you been planning that?”

  “You swear on all you love that if I do this, not a scratch on his face.”

  He nods, and I hold out my hand. He looks down at it in disgust.

  “I don’t have cooties, asshole. Shake on it or fuck you.”

  When he grips my hand, I don’t feel a jolt of electricity like I previously thought I would. No, not even a little static electric spark. But I feel flutters in my stomach, my heart, and my fucking head, and it pisses me off.

  I quickly pull my hand away and hit accept. “If she mean girls me after this, I will destroy her and you.”

  “I can guarantee she won’t.”

  “He’s going to eat you alive.”

  He nods once, turns, and then walks away.

  He’s in love with her. He is in freaking love with her, and that’s why he’s doing this. He’s in love with her, and that’s why he doesn’t hang out with Harrison around her.

  Bile burns in my throat as I send a text to the crew.

  - I accepted her invitation for tonight. Doesn’t mean I’m going, but I did. And if you guys do go, just remember to watch your backs. I don’t trust her at all.

  Chapter Thirteen


  My lips are sealed.


  Thank God I can breathe through my nose.

  Sitting in the bleachers, surrounded by the entire family, except Brand and Tags, who both are tied up with work, I’m having the best time on Seashore Academy property than I’ve ever had.

  Luna has chosen to sit on my lap because, as she says, “Momma Bella’s and Kiki’s belly are too big, and you’re my next favorite.”

  Bella palms her face.

  “At least she’s honest.” Kiki laughs.

  “Just you wait,” Bella sighs.

  “You’re cute and warm. I’ll take third.” I laugh.

  Now, with sticky fingers being wiped all over me, I’m secretly second-guessing my decision, and Uncle Jase, who tried to lure her from me and failed, is looking all too smug about it.

  The bleachers around us are less empty since the start of the game. I can safely assume all the girls who sat close to us because they expected to see Brand Falcon are now sitting farther away with their normal cliques as intermission is about to come to an end.

  Wiping Luna’s hands with the wet wipes that Uncle Jase was hiding and Aunt Carly snagged while she was whispering something in his ear, no doubt something dirty since he was distracted, a cloud covers the sun.

  I get an elbow to the ribs and scowl at Brisa, who looks incredibly amused.

  “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Steel, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Oh, fuck no,” I grumble, and Luna starts laughing as she looks over her shoulder at me. “Shh … don’t tell on me.”

  “Gimme another Twizzlers and I won’t.” She belly laughs.

  “Fine,” I cave.

  “Truth,” he says, and I look up. “It’s wonderful to see you here.”

  “Well, I go to school here, and—”

  “So does the kid who outweighs you by a good thirty pounds—her brother,” Dad grumbles.

  “Yes, I know Justice. He’s a fine young man. You’ve clearly done a wonderful job parenting.”

  “Great. Now, what can we do for you?” Dad cracks his knuckles.

  Uncle Jase chuckles. “C, hand me that popcorn; show’s about to start.”

  “I’ve been attempting to court your daughter for the past few days, and it dawned on me that her resistance could possibly be because she’s more old-fashioned than the rest of the women I’ve been acquainted with.”

  “Cyrus.” I hear Mom whisper a soft warning.

  “Uncle Jase?”

  “Yeah, T?” He chuckles.

  “Can I get some popcorn?”

  “Sure thing, baby girl.” He laughs as he hands me the popcorn.

  Leaning back, I look up at Harrison, who is pursing his lips, then glance at Dad, who is white-knuckling the bench.

  Dad looks at Mom. “This punk still standing here, looking at me, Birdie, or am I imagining this shit?”

  Mom looks up at Harrison, trying to defuse the situation, and smiles. “Thank you for coming to introduce yourself to us, but we didn’t catch your name.”

  He smiles, and honestly, it’s kind of dazzling. “My name is Harrison Reeves the second, Mrs. Steel.” He holds out his hand, and she goes to shake it, when he turns it and starts to lean down to kiss the back of her hand.

  When Dad growls, Mom quickly reacts by shaking Harrison’s hand and, unfortunately but fucking hilariously, she ends up shaking it so hard that it hits him in the face.

  Uncle Zandor and Uncle Xavier burst out laughing.

  Uncle Jase reaches behind Dad, grabs a handful of popcorn, says, “Did not see that twist coming,” and then pops the popcorn into his mouth.

  Laughing, I look at Harrison, who pulls a monogrammed handkerchief from his pocket, gives it a quick shake, and then dabs his lips.

  “Oh my God,” Mom breathes out. “I am so sorry, Harrison. So very sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Harrison says as he shoves the hanky back into his pocket. “Mistakes happen. And hopefully, first impressions can be forgiven.”

  “Since my girl hasn’t said two words to you, I’m guessing she’s not interested.”

  “Cyrus.” Mortified, Mom whispers, “This is Harrison Reeves.”

  “Yeah, Birdie, I got that. The second.” Dad holds up two fingers, and my uncles laugh.

  “Harrison. Reeves,” Mom whispers.

  “The kid in the fucking tights?” Dad whispers back, or attempts to anyway.

  She looks at me and mouths, “I am so sorry.”

  “I do a bit of dancing, Mr. Steel.”

  “Saw that. In tights.”

  “I wasn’t aware Truth has spoken publicly about her attraction to me, but I’m hoping that means—”

  “Lemme clear this up for you. Truth didn’t say a word about you to me.”

  Harrison smirks and looks at Mom. “So it’s you she speaks to about matters of the heart.”

  Dad hisses, “Listen, Shakespeare, I—”

  “Oh my God, Dad.” I try not to laugh, I really do, but it can’t be helped.

  Dad swings his head toward me. “T, would you rather I call him Peter Pan?”

  Harrison laughs, and I think it’s actually genuine, as Mom palms her face. “I give up.”

  Dad swings his head back to Harrison.

  “I’m not offended, Mr. Steel.”

  “I’m not sure if that makes me happy or pisses me off even more.”

  Harrison looks at me. “I see you have your father’s sense of humor and your mother’s beauty.”

  He then looks at Dad. “I don’t think you have anything to worry about. You’ve raised a very strong young woman. As a matter of fact, she has already told me that, before even coming to the academy, she found me online, knew of my family and, apparently planned on making me her bitch to get a leg up.”

  Dad looks at me, amused. “Did you say that, T?”

  I shrug. “Might have.”

  “You do know you got two strong legs and don’t need anyone else’s to get you where you wanna go, right?”

  I nod.

  Dad looks back at Harrison. “How old are you?”

  “Eighteen in a few weeks, sir.”

  “Ask my permission to ask her out then.”

  Harrison tilts his head to the side in question.

  “I can’t kick the ass of a minor, deserving or not, and I can’t have him arrested if he so much as cops a feel. So, when you’re legally an adult—”

>   “I appreciate that, sir, and just wanted to make you aware the age of consent is actually sevent—”

  “Dude, I have tried to be quiet”—Jase laughs—“but this shit is painful. Harrison Reeves the second, he wouldn’t give you the thumbs-up if he had two handfuls of thumbs.”

  Harrison nods at Jase. “Fair enough.”

  Then he looks back at me. “I’d like to take you out to dinner this evening.”

  “We already have plans.”

  “We do?” Brisa asks, and I give her a dirty look. “Sorry, T, but this is better entertainment than this ball game.”

  “We all were invited to Gabrielle’s party. I decided we should go.”

  “The boys, too?” Dad asks.

  I nod.

  He looks up at Harrison. “Gonna say it again, ask me after you turn eighteen. Do it at my house.”

  “After midnight?” Harrison jokes.

  Dad looks back at me. “You into this kid?”

  I roll my eyes.

  He looks back at Harrison. “Make it before dark.”

  He nods. “See you on my birthday, Mr. Steel.”

  “I’ll be waiting.” Dad gives him a scary-ass smile.

  Harrison looks back at me. “See you tonight then.”

  “Stupid little shit,” Jase mumbles as Harrison walks away.

  I hear Xavier and Zandor laugh, and then the group chat notification goes off.

  I hit the app and see that one of them has edited a picture of Harrison on stage, in tights, leaping, and me to the left, holding a whip and a leash.

  “Shit’s not fucking funny, Z,” Dad snaps.

  “Why do you automatically assume that’s my work?” Zandor laughs.

  “Oh, gee, I wonder,” Tris huffs.

  When the crowd starts applauding, I look toward the field and notice that, two rows down, Nina and a few other girls are sitting next to Gabrielle and Tobias Easton. Gabrielle is looking back at me, whereas Tobias has his elbows propped on the bench behind him, facing the field.

  She mouths, “Thank you.”

  I force myself not to roll my eyes or flip her off, and nod instead.

  When she looks away, I look at my girls. “You accepted just now?”

  “Hell yeah, we did.” Tris grins and looks over her shoulder. “Dad, I’m going to a party.”


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