King Cave

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King Cave Page 54

by Scarlett Dawn

  Elder Harcourt, I was seeing, was a little off his rocker. Not in a bad way, but still, a little…off…to not be frightened of the Vampire — and holy hell it was the Vampire — staring down at him with a million different excruciating deaths in his eyes. Elder Harcourt further proved his point by lowering Ezra’s sphere next to him, and Ezra stood to stare at him, his hands lifting to the sphere, but Elder Harcourt waggled a finger at him, murmuring, “Now, none of that. I’ll freeze you again, Vampire. Do you want to help her or not?” Ezra growled at him, but slowly, he lowered his hands, and Elder Harcourt nodded. “Now, be good while I lift her from them…she’s really not going to like it.”

  He was right. He had to unfreeze me to do it, and agony poured over me while the old Mage lifted me from them. My mouth opened on silent screams, a flood of tears poured down my cheeks, and my body racked in shivers when every broken bone jarred with the movement. Ezra’s Vampire altered between whimpering and growling as he watched, slowly lowering to his knees and following our movement as Elder Harcourt laid me on my back next to the sphere. The Elder whispered, “Here, help here.” His hand glowed, picking up my arm that wasn’t broken and was closest to Ezra and pushing my hand through the sphere. I jerked as powerful Mage magic zapped me from the contact, but my chest heaved as soon as I felt Ezra’s warm hands grab mine inside the sphere in a tight hold and a heavy dose of tranquillity suffused my body, my eyes meeting his.

  “There. Now both of you behave while I do this,” Elder Harcourt murmured, freezing me again as he began healing each of my ailments. There was still no sound coming from my body, but I felt the popping. It didn’t hurt because Ezra held my hand and was beginning to soothingly pet the back of my hand with his other, his furious gaze never leaving mine. Even though it was the enraged Vampire staring at me, I still saw the unconditional love shining from his gaze. His Vampire loved me like my wolf loved him. Minutes later, Elder Harcourt stated, “There we go. You’re all fixed up.”

  Unexpectedly, I felt a blast of Mage magic from Elder Harcourt, and I was flying right through Ezra’s sphere, unfrozen and able to speak as I shouted in surprise, my entire body jolting from rolling through the mystical magic of the sphere but no longer hurting, my body healed. Ezra caught me, instantly crushing me to him, standing, and growling at Elder Harcourt while my feet dangled in the air. I blinked in surprise but turned my head to see Elder Harcourt place a glowing hand on the sphere, and it was like time and spells sizzled around us, crackling in the air, as he added his power to the previous Mage’s work, and he stated bluntly, “You won’t be able to get out of this. In fact, you will only hurt yourselves if you try.”

  He gestured with his free hand across the room, where I could now see Antonio, Cahal, Elder Jacobs, and Elder Merrick inside a large golden sphere high in the air near our broken door. Antonio was lying on the bottom of it, unconscious, while the three of his four — not frozen or mute — hovered around him protectively, silently watching us. “If he couldn’t get them out of my spell, neither will you two, and it would be in your best interests to be conscious while I conduct this trial.”

  I stilled inside Ezra’s hold at the reminder.

  Elder Harcourt flicked his free hand, and suddenly, Pearl’s and Jack’s spheres flew at ours, colliding to make one so that all of us were together, Jack and Pearl also now unfrozen and able to speak. Jack instantly grabbed Pearl’s hand, yanking her behind him while he shouted, “Why the fuck weren’t we told this new Law had passed? Hell, we weren’t even included in the voting. We are the damn Kings and Queens. We should have had to sign off on it.”

  Oh, good point. “It shouldn’t be valid now,” I shook my head, pushing to break free of Ezra’s hold so I could talk unhindered, “No Law can be passed without our signatures.”

  Ezra’s grip on me only tightened, stopping my squirming, as he growled, “Not in times of war.” He met my startled gaze firmly, his Vampire receding so that it was the man, Ezra, who continued speaking. “In times of war, or possible war, emergency Laws can be issued as long as twelve Elders approve it over the majority voting.”

  I blinked, slowly realizing he was correct. When a war was approaching, or at hand, not all of the Elders or Kings and Queens could sit together to make discussions as a whole, therefore, when what Ezra stated occurred, the Law was passed. Hope flying out the window in a brutal rush, I sighed shakily, but nodded, holding Ezra’s desolate gaze, and asked Elder Harcourt, “I’m not being charged with anything else?”

  Elder Harcourt chuckled. “Why do you think I silenced everyone? That idiot almost did charge you, but he wasn’t able to finish it. If he had, I would currently be spellbound to conduct the trial, and you would already be dead. That isn’t going to happen over Elder,” he muttered something quietly, “Talus’s much needed death.”

  Elder Harcourt flicked his free hand. “Sleep.” Abruptly, every enforcer in the room dropped to the ground with silent thuds, completely dead asleep. The only individuals still conscious were those inside the spheres, even Antonio was starting to stir where he lay. Elder Harcourt cleared his throat, ignoring the fact he had just made forty powerful Mysticals defenseless. “And if he would have attempted to charge you for the…speed…he saw you use when you killed Elder Talus, that wouldn’t have held up because our Law strictly states that hybrids are to be killed at birth. You, my dear, Queen Ruckler, are long past birth.” I blinked, realizing…loopholes…he was talking about loopholes. “But that doesn’t mean Laws can’t be altered if he remembers. I certainly wouldn’t want that because you will be an amazing Ruler one day soon.”

  He removed his hand from the sphere, but his power didn’t diminish, time and spells still zinging the air around us. He turned and shuffled between the sleeping bodies on the ground to rest against the wall where he had originally appeared, resuming his position with his hands placed in front of him, face again grave. “Nothing can stop the charges already filed on you four.”

  My mind was flying, trying to think of a damn loophole to this predicament. There had to be something. Our Laws weren’t just created out of cruelty; they were also in place for protection. As Cahal had stated, there was a reason for their madness. My eyes darted back and forth between Ezra’s, and I could see his mind flying just as fast as mine, desperation and panic molding our features. Honestly, I would rather be dead than have my mind wiped and spelled to be separated from my husband.

  Elder Harcourt stated gravely, “Queen Cooper and King Collins, you will answer with only a yes or a no, and good luck trying not to, but if you do not answer, you will be found automatically guilty. Do you understand?”

  I could hear Pearl sobbing quietly, but sounding forced, she stated, “Yes, I understand.”

  “Go fuck yourself,” Jack choked, his voice hoarse.

  “I’ll take that as a yes, and bravo on your strength,” Elder Harcourt stated. “Queen Cooper and King Collins, have you two had sexual relations with each other within the last ten years?” Oh, that was a loophole, right there, but too damn bad it didn’t help us.

  I felt the magic around us pulse, and realized we were in not only a trapping sphere, but also one of truth. They wouldn’t be able to lie. My breathing hitched, a single tear tracking down my cheek, but I didn’t look away from Ezra, didn’t stop searching my mind for an answer. There had to be something.

  I heard both Pearl and Jack as they tried to alter their answers, coughing and choking with the effort. From the corner of my eye, I saw Pearl fall to her knees, her hand glowing golden over her throat…but still her mouth opened, and she shouted, “Yes.”

  Jack gave up trying, yelling at Elder Harcourt, “I fucking love her, you goddamn asshole, so have I had sex with her? Yes. And every Elder who approved this fucking Law is going to eventually get their due.” He lifted Pearl, holding her sobbing form close. “One day, I will remember this. I know I will. No one will be able to stop me from taking my revenge.” His bare muscled chest heaved, and he dropped his glowin
g eyes to Pearl, holding her head close to his neck and dropping his head on hers, both of them visibly trembling.

  Elder Harcourt rubbed his chin, sighing heavily, and then lifted his head from its lowered position during Jack’s emotional tirade to stare at Ezra and me. When I saw his mouth open, Ezra tilted his head down and touched his lips to mine. Gently. Reverently, his mouth stroked my trembling lips. A sob I couldn’t stop at the feel of his heated caress escaped, and I ran my hands up into his hair, gripping tight and holding him close as I cried and kissed him back with every ounce of love and adoration I had. Neither of us stopped our embrace even as we heard Elder Harcourt ask us — he was still fucking asking us — if we’d had sexual relations, nor did we stop when the spell made each of us say yes against each other’s mouths.

  He was my husband.

  I was losing my husband.

  Where was the fucking Law in that?

  I jerked, pulling my head away from Ezra, the answer like a bright beacon in my mind. He was my husband. By Law, he was mine. And…the Law did protect. My watery gaze flew to Elder Harcourt’s, and right as he was about to say something else, I stated, “We’re married. He’s my Lawful husband. I’m his Lawful wife. Under,” my smile was brutal because it was our most important Law, “Law One, no mates can be taken away from each other for longer than one year, up to two years depending on the severity of their punishments, even if imprisoned, for procreation is key for Mystical longevity, and this Law is not limited only to mates, but granted to married couples as well.” I waved a hand at the sphere. “And because of the truth spell, you know I’m not lying.”

  In the stunned silence that surrounded us, Ezra started chuckling quietly, the sound pure evil as he held me tightly. “We also have a wedding certificate if you need it, but I don’t have it on me, so you’d have to let me out to get to it.”

  My lips twitched. If Elder Harcourt let him out right now…

  Elder Harcourt grinned, his face crinkling further. “I don’t believe that will be necessary, King Zeller, or beneficial to my current health.” Elder Harcourt’s golden eyes met mine. “You were almost too late.” His head cocked. “But that Law is for procreation.”

  Ezra answered for me, still chuckling quietly. “The Law is for procreation but…it doesn’t say it has to be done.” Loophole. I rested my head against his shoulder, still holding him close, as he turned his head to Jack and Pearl, saying rapidly, “Lily and I won’t be able to remember each other after the sentence, but it’s better than not having a chance to meet again. Do you know the old ways for marriage?”

  Jack was still standing there shocked at our pronouncement, but he blinked. Then he jerked back, his eyes glowing, and started speaking in…maybe, Latin…his hands glowing blue as he rested one over Pearl’s forehead, the other over her Core. Pearl’s tear-filled gaze went wide, but she instantly pressed glowing golden hands over his forehead and Core, stating, “I don’t know the words.”

  Jack stopped speaking Latin, and stated to her, “Just say what I am.”

  She nodded and quickly started repeating after him.

  “That’ll hold up under our Laws?” I whispered to Ezra, glancing back and forth between Elder Harcourt, and Pearl and Jack as they quickly stated words I couldn’t understand. Elder Harcourt didn’t seem to be in any big hurry, letting them do this. Honestly, he didn’t appear to enjoy what he had to do at all.

  “It should,” Ezra murmured. “It’s one of the most ancient wedding rituals we have. It was done long before we had licensed Mysticals to do weddings. All they need are two witnesses.” He glanced at me, then back to them. “Seriously, sweetheart, you need to pick up a few Mystical reference books.”

  “Shut up,” I murmured half-heartedly, my gaze going back to him. “You do know…”

  He nodded woodenly. “Yes.” His bare chest heaved, and he turned his attention back to me, resting his forehead on mine. “I’ll wait for you, and then seduce you all over again.”

  My lips tilted sadly. “You won’t remember me.”

  He shook his head. “I’ll know in my heart and mind that something’s not right.” He kissed my nose softly. “And when I meet you, I’ll fall in love with you all over again.” One side of his mouth lifted. “How many people get to fall in love with the same person twice and not know it?” The other side of his mouth lifted to equal a small smile. “This time when I meet you, you won’t be mated, and I’ll be free to do all the naughty things I thought about that first day we met.”

  My chin quivered. “And I won’t be able to resist you.”

  An eyebrow lifted against my forehead. “No, you won’t.”

  A half sob, half chuckle escaped. “No, I definitely won’t.” My eyes darted back and forth between his. “I love you so much.”

  His chest heaved again. “And I love you, sweetheart.”

  Once Jack and Pearl had finished their hasty, ancient wedding ritual with a two-minutes-and-forty-three-second kiss, Elder Harcourt cleared his throat and stated loudly, “Well, on to the formalities. The four of you are found guilty under Law Six Zero Zero Two, although, I am modifying it so none of you four will serve jail time. Due to Law One being evoked, since King Zeller and Queen Ruckler are married, and King Collins and Queen Cooper are married, I am further modifying the verdict to Law Six Zero Zero Two. While Law One does diminish a portion of Law Six Zero Zero Two, it doesn’t eradicate it completely, so the modifications stand that the four of you will have a spelled memory wipe to erase any memory of the other you were charged with, and that you are to be kept apart for no longer than two years, no less than one.” His head cocked as he rubbed his chin. “But due to your high level of publicity in the past, I’m also altering it further so that the ruling holds true.” He glanced at us. “Again, I am spellbound to do everything in my power to make this occur within the Laws.”

  All four of us didn’t move a muscle at his pronouncement, and if it were possible, added terror entered my system, making my limbs tremble further than they already were. I was already losing my husband. What else was he going to do to make my life a living hell? I gripped Ezra tighter around his neck, resting my cheek against his, and lifted my legs, wrapping them around his waist to hold him that much closer. In return, he practically broke my ribs, he crushed me so tightly in a perfect hold.

  Elder Harcourt rubbed his chin again, glancing at the enforcers asleep on the ground. Cracked his neck. And started glowing the barest bit. My heart rate shot off, like Ezra’s against me, as Elder Harcourt stated, “I will also be modifying your memories of each other, not just who you’ve been found guilty breaking the Law with. Otherwise, you may deduce why you can’t remember the individual you are guilty of breaking the Law with. But because of the fact you are so publicly known together,” his glowing began increasing, “I will also be modifying everyone else’s memories of you four together.” He paused. “No one will remember the events that have happened in this room, or have any recollection of the four of you together at any time.”

  My jaw hung open wide. “Everyone? As in, the whole damn world?”

  Elder Merrick’s wolf growled across the room, rumbling, “How the hell is that not affecting time, which sure as fuck is against the Law?”

  Cahal and Antonio weren’t saying anything, only staring across at us. Silent. Expressions now blank. But that was enough to let me know the truth. They knew they couldn’t stop this, stop what was being taken from us — any chance of us figuring it out while we were separated. They knew that Elder Harcourt had the power to make this happen.

  “You can’t mess with my damn mind!” Elder Jacobs shouted. “I’m not charged with anything!”

  Elder Harcourt glanced at me. “Yes, the world.” His attention swung to Elder Merrick. “I’m not altering the events that have already occurred, or are supposed to occur, only memories and a few videos and papers and such, since they’re so popular. Those two parallel on a very thin line, but I’m not affecting time.” His gaze went
to Elder Jacobs. “And yes, I could, although,” he waved one of his glowing hands, and suddenly, Cahal, Elder Merrick, and Elder Jacobs had golden lines across their foreheads…where Antonio had touched them earlier, “I believe Elder Farrar has safeguarded you, himself, and two others, from my spell.”

  He was now glowing bright enough that I knew he was almost done with his verdict. “Nicely done, Antonio, but,” he shoved his hands out, and a bolt of golden lightening arced to their sphere from one of his palms, while from his other palm arced another out the door, making them all jerk and fall to their knees, glowing golden, their hands at their throats, “you may have the memories and be able to communicate amongst yourselves, but you won’t be able to communicate with them or anyone else the truth, and further, no one will ever overhear you by means written, seen, heard, tasted, felt, spelled, or dreamt. I can’t allow that.”

  I shuddered in fear, feeling the shockwaves of his power even through our sphere.

  “Look at me, sweetheart,” Ezra demanded, his voice hoarse. I did, in the glowing golden light. It was now so bright I had to squint my own glowing blue gaze to see Ezra’s green one. Forcefully, his forehead met mine as he whispered, “You will come back to me.” An order.

  “I will. And you’ll come back to me,” I stated vehemently, heart squeezing painfully, wetness coating my cheeks. “You’re mine and I’m yours.” I choked in pain. “We will beat this.”

  “Fuck yes, we will,” he growled, his face fierce in the golden glow. “Our bond is deeper than any mate.” His heated mouth landed on mine, staying there, whispering against my lips, “We’re soul mates.”

  Arms raised, Elder Harcourt shouted, “So it be done!”

  As I was wrapped in Ezra’s warmth and scent, blinding light erupted around us.

  Power stole my breath.

  Power stole my eyesight.

  Power stole my mind.

  Light evaporated, darkness descended.


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