Evolution (Stryker Team Book 1)

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Evolution (Stryker Team Book 1) Page 5

by Frank Carey

  "Mom! I was getting worried..."

  "Bart, you need to leave, Right now! The mission has gone pear-shaped. Most of the team members are unconscious, and the rest have been captured. I'll find a way to meet you at the rendezvous point."


  "Bart. Listen to me this one time. Get your ass out of here. We'll be fine. Lucky for us the Space Marines hate to take lives, unless they absolutely have to. Now, get!"

  "Yes, Mom. Mom?"

  "Yes, Bart."

  "I love you."

  "I love you more."

  The connection went dead. A beam of light emerged from Kalana's helmet and formed an image on a nearby wall. They watched as the Memphis took off and headed into space.

  "I was going to kill you." Nerita said.

  "I'm not you. I had better teachers. Gunny, should I report in?"

  "You can do that through the dust?"

  Kalana nodded. "And so much more."

  "Corporal, send the following: Mercs captured. One merc dead. Meet us at entrance to rocks. Do you have the coordinates?"

  "Yes, ma'am. Message encoded." A small log buoy ejected from Kalana's back and shot upwards into the dust laden sky. Meanwhile a second drone flew off only to return minutes later. "The body is gone. Those scavengers are efficient. Ma'am, I suggest we get out of here.”

  "Roger that. Mersa! Trent! Show our guests the exit."

  "Aye, aye, Gunny!" The two marines pointed to the trail. "Move out!"

  As the mercs marched past, Hartman looked at Kalana. "Thank you for the assist, though I have to admit, I thought you were dead."

  "I came real close. I'm going to need a med bed before I leave this armor. Broken back, legs, and at least a dozen internal injuries."

  "Jeezus, Corporal, why didn't you say something. We need to get you out of here."

  "I'm OK Gunny. The bots are fixing me with Murph's help. Right, Murph?"

  "Can't talk... Knitting nerves..."

  With a shake of her head, Hartman took Kalana by an armored arm and led her down the path to the outside. Leaving the cliff to the predators and the dust.


  Kalana and Hartman walked out of the path and out into area beyond the rocks to find two dragons waiting for them. One was Crystal's parent. It caused great consternation amongst the mercs who had never seen a sapient so large. The other, smaller dragon, looked vaguely familiar to Kalana. "Crystal? Is that you?"

  The dragon, about the size of a large cargo transporter, walked over to get a closer look at the stryker. "Kalana? What has happened to my little sister? You are metal?"

  "Metal, composite plastic, and flesh. It's a long story, but it's still me. What about you? You're missing a pair of arms, but sprouted wings. How is that possible? Where's your mate?"

  Crystal gave a toothsome smile, then pointed to her heart. "His is here, a part of me. We are one."

  Kalana tilted her armored head. "Could I scan you?"

  "Of course, Little Sister."

  Kalana ran the palm of her hand over the dragon, then stopped. "Wow. I get it now. I wish you both the best."

  The parent roared as a pair of ships dropped from the dust above them. "I must go. Thank you, Kalana Little Sister."

  "Thank you for saving my tail back in the caves. I hope we meet again."

  Crystal nodded, then roared back to her parent before the two of them leapt into the dust-laden sky.

  "Corporal Grenor?"

  Kalana looked and saw an elf woman wearing coveralls and a breather mask run up and run a scanner over her. "Yes, ma'am?"

  "My name is Dr. Gloria Aymar-Taggart, Director of Cube Biocybernetics. I've got a med team waiting for you aboard the shuttle. Do you need help?"

  "No. I feel fine."

  Gloria reached into a pocket and pulled out a metal bottle. She threaded it into a mating port at Kalana's waist. "This is pure ethanol. Your bots are running out of fuel. No fuel; no Kalana."

  "Anybody ever tell you what a wonderful bedside manner you have?"

  "No. Why?"

  "Because you don't"


  "Sorry, Gunny. Sorry, Doctor."

  "Don't be. You're right. I suck at small talk." She led Gunny and Kalana into the med bay. Once inside, Kalana lay down on a med table while medical technicians connected cables to data ports on her armor. "Kalana, we're going to put you to sleep while the bed and your bots put you to rights. Before we do, some people want to talk to you." She stepped aside to let Harman, Mersa, and Trent talk to her."

  "Sergeant, thank you. You made this old war horse proud."

  "Gunny, I'm a corporal."

  "Not any more. I just got off the line with Captain Williamson. He gave you a field promotion to sergeant. Congratulations, Soldier."

  "Thanks Gunny."

  Hartman stepped aside to let Trent and Mersa speak. Trent patted her hand, cried, then stepped away. Mersa shook her head. "Get well. I've lined us up with two guys who'll curl your tail."

  "Who are you going to bring?" Kalana asked. She realized she was getting sleepy.

  Mersa patted her hand before being replaced by Gloria. "They're so cute. My brother, the general, was never that cute. Now count backwards from 100."

  Kalana never got past 100.


  DCI Gabriel Adon sat in the waiting room and read gossip rags while nursing a coffee. He looked up when Gloria walked into the room. "Hey, Doc, how is she?"

  "She's fine. The bed and the bots put her back together better than new."

  "I know she's your patient and all, but was she dosed with the same bots I was dosed with?"

  "No. Hers are two generations more advanced. They were from a batch stolen from an Earth research center about eight weeks ago."

  "What about the two merc strykers?"

  "Ex-Zoe acolytes that escaped my dragnet."

  "Was Kalana a candidate or a one-in-a-million hit?"

  "Like you, she is genetically inclined to merge with the bots. Her test results confirm that she's a prime candidate for the Stryker Team. Is that why you're here?"

  "That, and Marta's interest in the doctor and her captain. My great-to-the-N granddaughter is very persuasive. She's convinced that Dr. Grenor had nothing to do with Colonel Ventana's death."

  "Is she right?"

  "Oh yeah, most definitely. Problem is finding out what happened. All the evidence is locked up inside the Ventana databases. We're working on it."

  The door opened and Kalana walked out. "I'll leave you two to talk while I sign some release forms." Gloria said. She walked past Kalana and patted her shoulder. "Don't mention he's last year's model."

  "I heard that!"

  "DCI Adon, I remember you from my hearing. What brings you to Space Marine Medical?"

  "Why, that would be you, Sergeant Grenor. Have a seat. How are you feeling?"

  "Fine. How did you feel when Dr. Muntz let you out of your cell?" she said, referring to events that happened almost thirty years ago.

  "I understand. I bet you have a whole bunch of questions."

  "A few, like what the hell happened and why am I a... A..."

  "Cybernetic organism, or cyborg if you prefer. I prefer stryker myself. You, like me and a few others, are genetically inclined to merge with specially programmed nanobots. This bond is permanent unless you can find a nova to channel."

  "You're kidding, right?"

  "Nope. You and I are blessed, perhaps cursed, with this genetic quirk. Gloria has been studying it since her and I met. She still can't explain it, though she has developed a genetic test to detect the anomaly."

  "Can I have kids?"

  "Sure. The bots can't pass the placental barrier. Your children will be completely normal. One of my team just had twins."

  "Team? EarthSec has a team of strykers?"

  "No. The Space Marine Corps has a team of strykers. Oh, that's top secret, so you didn't hear it from me."

  "And you are what, a consultant?"

/>   "Yep. Teacher, consultant, mentor, and designated eye candy. We call it the Stryker Team. Unlike the two strykers you met on Meltor, or Zoe's strykers, the Corps only accepts high IQ types with special skills, like trauma surgeons."

  "I could practice medicine again?"

  "I always worry when doctors say they practice medicine. It makes me feel like a lab rat."

  "And you want me to join up?"

  "Most definitely."

  "I have to find out how and why Peter died."

  "I have a team of EarthSec officers working on that. Peter was part of something that raises my hackles, and my bots don't like my hackles raised. Your first assignment will be to find out why Peter Ventana died. You'll head up a team of strykers who will be tasked to find out what happened. The Space Marine Corp is not pleased that one of their finest officers was murdered, so the Boneheads are at your disposal. You will coordinate with Captain Williamson."

  "But I'm a sergeant. How can I liaise with a captain?"

  "Because you're back to being a captain. Can't be a leader of a team without the double-bars. There's rules about that."

  "You're sure Peter was murdered?"

  "Yes, and you need to find out who did it. Are you in?"

  She thought for only a moment. "I'm all in."

  "Outstanding." He handed her an information packet. It was marked top secret.

  Gloria took that moment to walk in. "Kalana, you're good to go. Call me if you feel even a little off. Got it, Sergeant?"

  "Yes, ma'am." She leaned over and hugged her fellow elf. "Thanks, doc, for everything."

  "Be well," Gloria said as the two strykers walked out of the room, "and be safe."


  Bart nursed his drink while he waited for his mother to show up. She was an hour overdue, but she said she'd be there, and Nerita never went back on her word.

  "Where is she?" a Tralaskan noble woman asked as she sat down in the chair next to him. "Where's Nerita?"

  Bart looked up and saw two, very large bodyguards watching him while two more stood by the exits. "I don't know what you're talking about."

  "Either you tell me where Nerita is, or I order my guards to beat the answer out of you. I have no time to waste on idle threats..."

  The sound of a blaster powering up interrupted her. She looked up just as Nerita sat down in the chair across from her. "Lady Ventana, if you ever threaten my son again, I will drill a hole through your brain pan big enough to fly a shuttle through."

  "Did you kill Grenor and do you have the ring?"

  "Nope, I'm still here," Kalana said as she took the remaining seat.

  "You're alive!"

  "Through no fault of your hired thugs. They almost got me." Kalana pulled a chain from around her neck and held it out to Lady Ventana. "Diana, here's the signet, now pay Nerita."


  "Pay Nerita, or I go elf on your ass and use this damn ring to take over the Ventana family and make you disappear."

  "And if I don't? How about I have my men kill you, kill Nerita, and take the ring?"

  Kalana went stryker and pointed a ruby laser tipped tail at her. Meanwhile, several bar patrons transformed before grabbing Diana's four guards. "Do you really want to make me angry? You do know that elves are a matriarchal society where the women are the warriors while the males are the nurturers. I have no problem with carving you like a haunch of roast beast. Now, pay the woman."

  Diana handed the merc a coin-laden bag.

  "Excellent. Bart, it was nice meeting you. Nerita, get the plark out of here."

  "Th... Thank you," Nerita said as she dragged her son out of the room. Once they were gone, Kalana returned to human form and handed the good lady the ring. "Now, we're even."

  "No, we are not. You killed Peter."

  Kalana handed the woman an information folder. "This is what we've been able to dig up so far. Peter was involved in something that got him killed, and the killer used me as a patsy. He was dead before I got him on the table. Someone gave him a nanobot-based poison which was programmed to kill him just as I went to work on him. I was framed because I was handy. If everyone thought he died because I screwed up, no one would look further, and we fell for it."

  Diana thumbed through the folder, then stopped half-way through it. "Shasta... Dammit, I should have known. Let's say I believe you. What do you need?"

  "Access to your data banks. Peter was a meticulous data taker. I'm positive the answers are hidden in there."

  "I have your word that Ventana's data will remain secure?"

  "My AI is discrete. Nothing I find will be traced back to you or your family."

  "What if it involves Peter?"

  "I guess we'll deal with that when the time comes."

  Diana looked at the young captain. "Be at my estate in 48-hours. You will have total access to all records. You have my word."

  "Thank you. I'll be there. Lady Ventana?"

  "Yes, Doctor?"

  "I loved him, you know."

  "I'm beginning to realize that. I am sorry we lost him."

  Kalana nodded at her companions. They let the guards go before becoming human and returning to their drinks. "Care to stay for a drink? Maybe talk about Peter?"

  Diana looked at her. "I hired mercs to kill you, and you want to have a drink with me?"

  "Yes, I would like to have a drink with you."

  Diana snapped her fingers and the guards walked off. She waved a waiter over and ordered drinks for her and Kalana. "Why not. Where would you like to start?"


  About Frank Carey

  Frank Carey has been formally writing and publishing works of science fiction since late 2013. Over the years prior, he had dabbled in various forms of writing including haiku poetry, but that all changed when he and his wife, Jo, decided to try their hand at writing and self-publishing. All his work, to date, has been in the science fiction genre.

  Most of his stories take place about two centuries in the future when Earth joins the League of Planetary Systems. Many of his protagonists are strong females. He is an inveterate pantser who believes the story will go where the story wants to go.

  Frank’s background includes degrees in physics and extensive work as a scientific programmer and technologist.

  Frank and his wife produce a podcast—Xtreme Self-Publishing—which details their self-publishing efforts.

  Frank can be reached through his podcast at xtremeselfpublishing.podbean.com or via e-mail at [email protected] or [email protected]




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