His Lady Spy (The Star Elite Series)

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His Lady Spy (The Star Elite Series) Page 9

by King, Rebecca

  “They are coming,” Portia breathed, trying hard to fight the rising panic.

  “So, let’s fool them,” Archie replied gently.

  Portia got no chance to response and gasped as his firm lips landed firmly but gently on hers. Everything with her froze at the strange sensation of his warm mouth pressing softly against hers, demanding compliance. She had no idea what to do. This was a man she had known less than a day, and already he had taken more liberties with her than was wise. She didn’t know him, and doubted that she would ever uncover the real Archie, even if that was his name. But the delicious sensation his mouth was creating upon hers was far too intriguing to ignore. Tipping her head back, she parted her lips, clutching at the folds of his shirt when his head tipped to one side and he deepened the kiss.

  Archie groaned low in his throat. One half of him was locked on the sound of the approaching footsteps, while the other was honed on the shocking feelings kissing her was bringing forth. For all intents and purposes, they were nothing more than a couple stopping for a passionate kiss. He only wished it was that innocent. He had never kissed anyone so untried before, and it was strangely shocking, yet arousing at the same time. The tentative rubbing of her mouth against his as she tried to copy his actions drove his senses to the brink.

  The arm on the wall dropped to curl around her shoulders and draw her closer to his warmth. Sliding one large palm into her hair, he held her still and gave in to the urge to plunder just a little more than was really wise given their current situation. Aware that the footsteps were now upon them, Archie cursed his luck, knowing that what he was about to do was going to raise her ire, but there was nothing for it. He heard, rather than saw the footsteps pause briefly at the entrance to the stable yard. As far as he could hear, nothing was said, and it was too long before the footsteps slowly began again.

  Portia was lost to everything but the delicious warmth that stole through her. Being held in his arms brought a wave of emotion tumbling through her that was so strong she wasn’t sure where it came from. Was it yearning? Was it just the dangers of the situation they were now in? Or was it simply because this was the first time in her entire life she had ever felt like a woman? She couldn’t be sure. It was all so very confusing, but she couldn’t have stopped what he was doing for the world. She instinctively knew that the man before her was more of a danger to her than anything she had ever faced before. But she was helpless to draw away. She couldn’t find the strength to break the kiss and push her way out of his arms and instead, nestled closer to him, unable to deny him anything.

  The cold reality of their situation slammed down on her with brutal speed when cold air swept over her leg. Archie shifted, until one large thigh rubbed against her with shocking intimacy. Portia was stunned. Although the pressure of the gentle kiss hadn’t changed, she couldn’t ignore the large palm that was now resting on her upper thigh that was now bare to the cool night air. The soft whimper that escaped her almost unmanned him, and he knew he should pull back and give her the space she needed. Her breath was sawing in and out and he knew she was fighting fear, but didn’t dare break the kiss in case her worry made her protest loudly enough for the Guards to hear. They were only standing on the other side of the gateway, watching. Archie wondered if they were just enjoying the peep show or if they really suspected that something was amiss but, at that moment, didn’t really care.

  His thoughts returned to the soft frame of the woman before him, whose leg he held in one large palm, and whose lush curves were lovingly pressed against the solid wall of his chest. He was starkly aware that she could undoubtedly feel every rigid length of him, and wondered if that was why she had whimpered. If only he could reassure her that they wouldn’t be going that far; that her virtue was safe with him, then he could release the kiss and they could go into the inn for a quick, fortifying drink. But he knew that the situation wouldn’t allow it. Not while they were still being observed so closely.

  It was several long minutes before he eased back on the kiss, his body hard and aching. He felt rather than saw her stunned surprise and was very grateful that she didn’t seem able to form the words to lambast him for the intimacies he had taken with her. Placing tender kisses randomly across her face, he waited until her breathing eased and some of the tension left her before easing away.

  “Forgive me,” he whispered directly into her ear. The words were breathed so softly that Portia wondered if she had imagined them. “Forgive me, darling.”

  Portia didn’t know what he was apologising for. All of her senses seemed to be scattered to the four winds and she wondered how she was managing to stand upright. Her knees had turned to jelly, and she was fairly certain that if she was only upright because his hard, masculine body was pressing her against the wall.

  Archie groaned at the warm flutter of her breath against his cheeks, and felt his body surge again in response to the sensual promise of her closeness. There was no possibility of them going into the pub for a quick drink now that he was in such an aroused state. If anyone took note of his condition they would be the talk of the village for weeks to come. He couldn’t risk anything drawing them unwanted attention and carefully turned his mind back to the men who were still waiting by the gate.

  He wondered if their disguise had actually fooled them. Slowly lowering her leg, he eased her skirts down and began to draw away from her. His eyes locked on hers in the darkness. The message swirling in their depths heightened the tension between them until it felt so thick that Portia was certain she could cut it with a knife. She knew that this wasn’t going to be the last time he would kiss her and felt a tiny thrill of anticipation sweep through her. She should be shocked. She should be slapping his face, and scolding him for the liberties he had taken, but couldn’t find the words she needed to express something that had been so exquisitely perfect that she knew she would never be the same again.

  If she was never kissed again for the rest of her life, she was glad her one and only kiss was from Archie. The man was an enigma indeed, and that, along with the sensations he had so easily aroused in her, made him more intriguing rather than offensive.

  “Let’s go into the inn,” Archie murmured, easing back and drawing her against his side with far too much ease. It bothered him just how right the last few moments had felt, even if he did manage to ignore the clamouring needs of his own wayward flesh. He wanted this woman cosying up against him, with a need that was driven deep by the urge to protect her, whatever the cost.

  “What about Cecily?” Portia whispered, casting a blatantly dismissive glance at the Guards who were watching carefully.

  “I’ll explain in a minute.” The firm pressure of Archie’s hand on her back propelled her forward.

  “See enough?” Archie demanded in a condescending voice, glaring at the Guards as he passed. He glared at them again for good measure before they entered the busy tap room of the small country inn, drawing Portia to a stop just inside the door. Beckoning the barman forward, Archie asked if there was a private room they could hire. Handing the inn keeper two coins was enough to secure the most efficient service the man could offer and within minutes they were sequestered in the sparsely furnished room at the rear of the house with a promise of food.

  “Do you think people saw me?” Portia murmured when the door had closed behind the busy innkeeper. Although she was fairly certain the man hadn’t looked twice at her, she was unable to ignore the growing sense of unease that had started to plague her. Was it because she had seen the two Guards? Or were her instincts trying to warn her about something else entirely?

  “Nobody gave you a second look,” Archie assured her. “Now, I want you to stay here. If the innkeeper asks you where I have gone, try and disguise your voice and tell him I have gone to the outhouse.” He smiled at Portia’s instinctive gasp, and watched her pretty cheeks flush becomingly. “Help yourself to the food, and try and eat as much as you can. I’m going to get Cecily. Whatever you do though, stay here until
I return.” He shot her a dark look that Portia ignored. He saw the guilty look that stole over her face so swiftly that if he hadn’t been looking, he was certain he would have missed it.

  Stalking over to her, he hauled her out of her chair and drew her up before him until her face was inches from his. “I mean it, Portia. You have seen for yourself how close the Guards are. Don’t risk your life. If something goes wrong, I will stash Cecily somewhere safe and come back for you but, whatever you do, don’t go out there alone.” When Portia made no attempt to respond and continued to gaze steadily up at him, Archie persisted. “Portia, promise me!”

  Portia stared at the gold flecks in his dark brown eyes and wondered how she had missed them before. Alright, so the time they had spent together so far had been fraught with danger and had hardly given her the opportunity to get a closer look at him, but the lighter flecks running through his dark brown eyes gave him an air of mystery that was stunning. The colour of his eyes reminded her of warm chocolate. She sighed, and turned her gaze to the rough stubble now visible along the curve of his chiselled jaw.

  “Portia!” Archie wondered what the hell was wrong with her. She was gazing up at him as though he was the first steak she had seen in weeks. The rapt, almost intense look she was giving him was slightly unnerving. “Promise me you won’t go out.”

  His harsh words broke through her musings, and she realised what she was doing. Colour flooded her cheeks and she stared in horror down at the table. Was she some kind of wanton hussy? She had been staring at him openly, waiting for him to kiss her again. If the ground had opened up at her feet there and then, she would have willingly jumped into the huge gaping hole and vanished forever. Indeed, she fervently wished that the ground would open up and swallow her right there and then.

  “I promise.” Her voice was clipped as she turned away, partly to try and hide her embarrassment.

  She was aware that he was studying her, but tried to ignore him. Moving closer to the warmth of the fire, she began rubbing her chilled fingers together in a valiant attempt to get them warm again; anything but turn and look at him.


  She jumped at the sound of his voice right next to her. She hadn’t even heard him move. Turning toward him, her eyes flew wide as he drew her toward him, his intent clearly written on his face. She knew she should move away and stop what he was about to do, but her mind simply wouldn’t work. The words she needed were locked in her throat somewhere and refused to budge.

  Her breath hiccupped as his lips captured hers once, so very gently that it brought tears to her eyes. The sense of disappointment as she watched his head lift was strong and she had to swallow the instinctive cry of protest.

  “It isn’t wise that we take this any further, Portia,” Archie murmured, reading the avid curiosity and awakening desire for what it was. He knew she was intrigued by her first kiss and wanted more, but that had to come from someone else. It couldn’t be him. He was married to the Star Elite, and was most probably going to die married to the Star Elite. He had nothing to offer anyone, especially someone who was such a confusing mix of femininity and determination as Portia. She was simply delightful and, if he was honest, someone he would have been more than willing to get to know a lot more – if the circumstances of their meeting had been right; which they weren’t. Right now, he couldn’t ignore the possibility that Portia could very well witness his death. At the moment, he was a veritable stranger to her. One that had taken liberties with her, but still someone she didn’t really know much about. Although she would probably be sorry for his demise if circumstances turned against them, it would be an entirely different matter if they were lovers, and he had no doubt that if he continued to kiss her as she clearly wanted, they would end up in bed together. His need for her was raw and clawed at him with desperate fingers that refused to be ignored.

  “I can’t believe I asked you for anything,” Portia replied defiantly. The flash in her eyes reassured him that she wasn’t going to break down in tears, and he felt strangely deflated for that. Although the words she had spoken sounded right, they didn’t sit as comfortably as they should have and that annoyed the Hell out of him.

  Archie felt the bite of disappointment, and couldn’t resist shaking her up a little. “Believe me, Portia, if we were in any different circumstances, there is no doubt we would end up in bed together. Right now though, we are in the midst of danger that could end not only our lives, but the lives of others. We cannot ignore the fact that your father could very well be heading this way right now. If you and Cecily are to get the fresh start you want, you have to stay out of his clutches. You also have to stay out of mine.” With that, he turned toward the door and glanced back at her standing in shock before the fire. “Stay here,” he ordered, slamming the door behind him with far more force than was necessary.

  As he stalked down the corridor, he almost wished the Guards would appear before him. For some reason, he had the wild urge to thrash something. The sharp bite of disappointment was as unfamiliar as it was annoying. He didn’t want to have feelings for anyone, especially Portia. She wanted a fresh start in life, and deserved to be able to make her own choices as to what she wanted to do with her future. She didn’t deserve to go from her over-bearing father’s care to the care of a husband who would control her future. The thought unnerved him. Women like Portia didn’t usually go through life without finding a husband. She was downright beautiful. Any man with eyes in his head would lay his heart, and future, on the line to claim her as his wife. Archie could only hope that the man who would be her future husband deserved her, and knew exactly just how precious she was.

  Bursting out of the pub’s front door, he stalked down the road toward the small terraced house, his stride long and angry. His fists were curled tightly in anger and disgust at the thought of anyone else introducing her to the delights of lovemaking, and he felt a bitterness that was bone deep at the thought of that man spending his days growing old beside her.

  It made him realise just what he had been sacrificing for the Star Elite. By the time he reached the front door to the terraced house, he had a new respect for the decisions Simon and Hugo had taken, and could understand their need to put down roots. Although the war with the French was progressing well, it was going to be some months yet before it was declared a victory. Even longer before the remaining spies and their associates were rounded up and caught. What then?

  Archie had spent so long now fighting anyone and everything that he wasn’t sure he knew how to do anything else. He had no idea what his options were. He had Belvedere Castle, of course, but that was inherited. It didn’t really feel like it was his and, while he had the monies he had amassed while working for the Star Elite, he had no idea what he would do with his days. He couldn’t simply sit around and count sheep. The thought of doing nothing but lazing his days away filled him with dread, even with the possibility of having the delectable Portia to share them with. He simply didn’t believe that he was destined for that kind of life, yet it was the life that someone like Portia deserved.

  Shaking his head, Archie cursed as he dropped a rhythmic rap on the door to the house, and waited for Cecily to open up. When had he needed to start thinking about life after the Star Elite? What had happened to him? It was just a simple kiss, nothing more than that. Alright, she was innocent, and it had been intriguing to kiss someone who hadn’t a clue what they were doing. It would be downright erotic to teach her the workings of the flesh and how to pleasure a man. He groaned and closed his eyes as the wayward image of Portia above him swept teasingly before him. Blanking that particular train of thought out, he closed his eyes and counted to ten, wondering if he should just kick the door down.

  “What took you so long?” He snarled at Cecily as he pushed past her. Snatching the tongues and poker off her, he threw them across the room and handed her the cloak. “If you are ready, it’s time to go.”

  “Is everything alright?” Cecily asked, wondering wha
t had happened to put him in such a blaze of fury. Glancing toward the door, she gasped as it was kicked out of her hand and slammed shut with a resounding bang. “Where’s Portia?”

  “She is at the inn, getting something to eat. If you are ready, I’d like something to eat too.” He waited impatiently by the door while she quickly donned the cloak and moved to stand beside him.

  “Have you two quarrelled?” Cecily asked, carefully studying him. A small muscle was ticking in his chiselled jaw, and she had no doubt that his teeth were clenched so tightly that they were going to break at any moment.

  “No, we haven’t. But I would like to get you out of here before the inn closes for the night. I don’t know about you, but I would like to get some sleep. I need to send for some reinforcements to get you to safety and I need to be somewhere that isn’t teeming with French Guards,” Archie sighed, knowing it was grossly unfair to take his bad temper out on Cecily. For the life of him though, he couldn’t ignore the discontent that plagued him at the thought of Portia being in bed with anyone but him. “Let’s go,” he grumbled, shoving the sideboard away from the kitchen door and beckoning her through.

  “Are we not going through the front door?”

  “Nope, I got followed. They will undoubtedly watch the door and wait for me to leave, so we are going out the back way.” He didn’t add that he almost relished the possibility of a skirmish with the all-too-watchful Guards. His fingers positively itched to punch something, and he didn’t care if Cecily was with him to watch or not. If Jamie was indeed Lord Calverton, then he should bloody well be here to look after her, not Archie. Growling low in his throat, Archie stalked across the kitchen and yanked open the back door, sweeping an arm wide to motion her through.

  Their progress down the narrow lane that ran along the rear of the houses went unhindered. Nobody was about. There was no sign of prying eyes, and no sign of anyone lingering around to keep watch. Archie wondered if they had realised Portia was all alone and converged on the pub, but for that to happen, she could only have gone against instructions and made her presence and true identity be known. Although she was wilful, she wasn’t so stupid as to actually open the door to the Guards.


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