Monstrous Lust

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Monstrous Lust Page 6

by E M Beastly

  "No... it just took me by surprise," Juno replied. She brought it back to her face, sniffing it again. She then stuck her tongue out and quickly dabbed it with its tip.

  Grace really grimaced then. She never liked the idea of sticking anything weird in her mouth to begin with; white and gooey bodily fluids were especially on that list. Nonetheless, Midnight educated them that it was all part of the process. The 'essence' as he called it, was a powerful potion that would be responsible for their metamorphosis. Before either one could be penetrated by his impossible masculine appendage they would need to bathe in and drink his potion. The magical properties would not change their bodies until his body fully entwined with theirs, but the process would start.

  "Wow!" Juno said reacting to the flavor.

  "The taste is weird, but what is it doing to my tongue? The taste comes with this sensation...I simply can't describe it. It's like part of the flavor, like how heat is to spicy food, or that cool sensation you get with peppermint. Oh wow, it's like traveling down my tongue too."

  "The sensations of my realm are poisoning your body. Now that you have had even just the slightest taste of me, you will not be able to either escape or resist me." Midnight explained.

  "Oh! Oh, I think I feel something!" Juno replied in agreement. "I think I know what you're saying because I'm starting to feel really strange. Suddenly I can't stop thinking about us doing it, you know you breeding me. Oh my God, I'm leaking! I'm getting wet!"

  She stood out in front of her sister as though it was a show-and-tell session. Indeed, fluids leaked out of her tight pussy. It dripped down her thighs, making them wet and shiny as she rubbed them together.

  "Just a tiny bit of my essence is all it takes," said Midnight. "May I taste you? The way you are rubbing yourself and holding your legs tell me you have already become sensitive and hungry for sexual satisfaction."

  Indeed, Juno had become fidgety as she stood in front of her bewildered twin. She crossed her legs tightly as if she was holding a need to pee. Yet, her hands were down there cupping her sex, not because she was trying to hold back her bladder, but because she was playing with herself.

  "Oh my god Grace, it has never felt so sensitive down there before." she declared as she quickly ran her fingers back and forth through her slit.

  Grace uncomfortably recoiled. This was her twin, and thus they were very close, but never had either one stood in front of the other while they sexually stimulated themselves. It was like looking into a mirror, only her reflection was doing very naughty things.

  "God, my clit, Look at it, it's swollen!" Juno declared, rubbing it intently.

  Grace, already having a hard time looking at her twin's actions, found she touched herself in some sort of mirror reflex to seeing Juno's clit bright and puffy sticking out between her sister's fingers. The idea that she was in some sense watching her do these things to herself was having a profound psychological effect. After all, she was going to be joining in on this carnal act. Everything that Midnight's potion was doing to her sister, would do the same to her. The reflection would become real.

  "It's not so bad... I guess," Grace replied squeamishly, "just a little swollen."

  Still, this had all been done with just one little taste. Those hanging black testicles under Midnight were filled with far more than a drop of his potion of lust.

  Grace watched as Midnight transformed behind her sister. His transition from beast to man was fluidly natural. She had seen it many times before. He would just suddenly stand on his hind hooves, and his muscle and bone structure would instantly contort to take the shape and form of a man's. Certain features, like his head, mane, tail and sleek black coat would remain. Even now he retained those parts. If at one time he were ever just a horse, or ever fully a human, the two sisters' would never know.

  Juno was not expecting it as she was too busy facing her sister and showing off her swollen clit. Nor was she expecting him to come up behind her and wrap his arms around her. He had to bend down to do so, for even in this form, he was a towering mountain.

  "Shhhh now, let me see," he said. His excitement visible in his fully flared cock. It seemed it became even more flared and disturbingly hard after he transformed, stepping forward awkwardly with it while it wagged stiffly side to side. When he picked her up, he had no other place to put it other than have it poke between her legs; an act that neither seemed unhappy about. Her restless thighs massaged the base of his cock, making it shine with the same wet shine as her moist wanting had done to her thighs. His dick throbbed upward with a powerful contraction, slapping her wet and puffy clit, which fueled their excitement further. Therefore, he kept his cock going, slapping her again and again against his and her fingers as they explored the small, subtle changes of Juno's body.

  He hung his long face down her shoulder until his bristly chin scratched at her naked bosom. His black tongue emerged from his lips to push against her right nipple. It too dripped with glistening wetness and it coated her teat until it glistened just as brightly as the base of his dick.

  Juno quickly gave in to the close caressing of their bodies. "Yes, whatever has been done to me, I am ready for more." she weakly whispered into his ear with a glowing satisfaction.

  It did not take long for him to turn her around so that he could begin fulfilling his former request even if she never gave him permission. He lifted her body up high, letting her arc her back in response to the pleasure of his tongue tingling her wet and swollen sex. His big, strong hands cupped both her ass cheeks as she sat on them. Never once did his strength waver as he held her aloft in front of his long nose. She seemed like such a small and fragile thing sitting in the palm of his hands.

  "Not so loud!" Grace yelled out, "Your voice will carry and mother and big sis will surely hear you." She could not believe she was being the referee to this thing. Yet, being caught by their mother or overprotective sister was more frightening than the carnal deed she was observing.

  Juno, however, did not care, she had immediately begun squealing and moaning with her eyes closed and her head held back. It took Grace repeated demands of, "shut up before we get caught," before Juno wrapped her hands around her mouth in a defeated attempt to stop her moaning. Midnight cared even less. His head bobbed furiously to give his tongue extra momentum in stirring up the wet juices belonging to Grace's sister. He knew that he was the cause of Juno's excited cries. He was no amateur; Grace could only imagine how many of the strange maidens in his forest had shared his body. He sucked and licked while Juno shat shivering in his palms.

  A mixture of saliva and her juices dripped down onto his raging shaft. This made him even more excited, causing his muscles to contract again. A much more substantial amount of his white essence pushed out this time, falling to the stable floor with a heavy wet splat. In its wake, it left a thin white stream dribbling and bubbling out of the flared tip of his horny cock.

  "Grace! Oh, ahhh! What are you doing just watching?" Juno asked in between her gasps and moans of deep pleasure. "We are doing this together. Hurry... Hurry and suck his dick."

  Grace was still too hesitant, even if she had agreed to do this or had been to the forest so many times watching the various wonders do the very same thing she was being asked to do now. She had even touched his dick on many occasions, though not without her sister's helpful hands to guide hers. However, to put that unclean thing against her mouth, let alone lick it, disgusted her.

  Her thoughts turned back to her times in the forest. A particular memory of when she and her sister snuck away from the protection of both Midnight and their older sister. Juno had wanted to show her something, but it was dangerous and they had to be careful not to be seen by any of the monsters of the forest by crawling on their bellies through the thick brush. Grace did not want to follow her through the small crevice her sister found; she had already seen what things could hide in such crevices through there journeys with Midnight thus far. Juno only laughed at her, telling her it was something Midnig
ht secretly told her about behind their older sister's back.

  "Besides," she teased, "we are destined to this place anyways. So what if you fall into a trap now, it just means I get to be the only pony of our family."

  After daring the dark and cramped tunnel, she had come upon a much larger chamber. Here there was a person, another truly human being, unlike the half-breed monstrosities that roamed the rest of the woods. Where she came from, or how she got here was unknown; though Juno, who had crawled in behind her, mentioned that there were other places besides their forest to reach this unearthly place.

  This stranger was still an exotic dark-skinned beauty, and the piles of gold all around her only seemed to enhance her visage. Grace knew better than to steal even a single coin from the piles of glittering wealth. Everything here belonged to these fey, and anything taken could lead to her being the next one chained to the pillar of warm stone surrounded by lakes of molten gold.

  True enough, the gold coins rumbled as something moved from underneath the piles. Slithering from within was a creature made of the same metallic glint; a dragon with scales of gold, and eyes of jeweled ruby.

  Neither Grace nor Juno had yet seen such a mythic creature in these wild and enchanted lands. The sight of him, as all such things usually did, set her soul ablaze. Her inner child screamed with glee at the visage of this majestic creature. Then her heart fluttered rapidly as it did what she had come to expect.

  The dragon's phallus was nothing like Midnight's; its shape was far more odd. This brilliant creature made of extravagance never forced his bound mate to suck on that strange flesh, but he did thoroughly penetrate her exposed and vulnerable sex. Yet, even if she was bondage, she had allowed the union most willingly. When the dragon came inside of her, there was so much of his essence filling her up that the excess exploded outwards, He kept cumming but could fill her no more, so what remained he let loose all over that woman's body, nearly drowning her in what seemed like a never-ending stream of golden cum.

  Grace, now staring at this black and oozing horse cock could only think of that white stuff filling her mouth just as it did for that ebony woman. Yet, the dragon's stuff was made of what looked to be liquid gold, Midnight's was more of white confectionary glaze; like that seen and tasted on donuts and cakes. That just did not sound very appetizing when it leaked from the cock of a half man - half horse.

  Juno let out a terrifyingly load moan while convulsing as if she was having a seizure. The practiced hands of Midnight showed he had dealt with this thing before with the countless other mares he must have tamed, nonetheless, the suddenness of her cry snapped Grace out of her daydream.

  "Hurry Grace, he's made me cum!" Juno declared in another moan. "I want him to cum with me. I want you to share it with me. Please... hurry. Oh YES! Oh my, he isn't stopping, I think I might just pass out. While all you've done is stared stupidly. Slow him down with your tongue or your tits. Do something with that body...It...Oh yes... yours is just as good as mine!"

  Grace approached cautiously with her sister's command. She did agree to this after all. She even already convinced herself she wanted it. "It's just first time jitters..." she tried to tell herself.

  She had not even taken off her clothes yet. The task of putting her lips to this mighty, black appendage was the only matter she could exert energy into doing. First, she wrapped her fingers around it; it took both hands to do so. It was a familiar touch, for she had done this much a time before. In her nervousness, she had forgotten how wonderful it felt in her hands. It comforted her in its familiarity, its warmth and the way it felt as she tugged on the strangely elastic flesh. She was just as nervous then when her task was just to touch him and nothing more. Back then, it had been a forbidden symbol of things she was not supposed to do. Now being closer to Midnight, it was just another part of him. His cock still had its purpose, but to touch it was not unlike touching his naked legs or his mighty rear that she sometimes bounced upon with her own naked ass when she and her sisters rode him through the forest.

  It took months but she had touched him until the fear and nervousness were almost gone. Now it was time to do more than just touch him. Slowly, she lowered her lips for a kiss. A weak kiss that only succeeded in touching his hot flesh to her face, but it was a start.

  Juno was moaning and giggling quite intensely above her, a dribble of either her juices or his saliva, drizzled down upon his shaft just before Grace smeared into it. The moistness caught her by surprise as she glazed it across her lips and cheeks, making her back off with hesitation once again. She went back to watching the fluids flow from her twin's body and how much fun she was having with Midnight making it do so.

  Grace was far behind in the race. Midnight's excitement was almost at its peak. His cock pointed nearly to the roof as its muscles twitched in anticipation for someone or something to stimulate it. If she did not do something soon, he would start breeding Juno relentlessly, and Juno would curse her for letting her have all the fun.

  Juno really wanted this to be a shared activity with her twin sister. Twins always did everything together. Juno, as much as she was quite the opposite personality wise to her sister, still considered herself the yang to Grace's yin. Nothing had excited her more than to share in this moment of fantastic transformative lust with her sister. Grace felt the same; she just wished she had her sister's courage. She wished she had been the one he started with, it would be less trouble if all she had to do was submit to his tongue.

  Now his cock had become very well lubricated from the waterfall drizzling from above. She tried not to think about it as she grabbed him again with both hands. She forced herself to begin stimulating him even if her fingers must slide through the drips coming from above.

  "After all," she told herself, "there will be more fluids than this on me before this evening is through."

  She gave up on trying to push herself to use her mouth like she had seen others do in the forest. She would work at her own beginner's pace and resorted only to using her hands across his equine shaft. When that no longer was a discomfort, she eased herself to use other parts of her body. She let the cum dribbling out of its tip fall upon her. Her sister was right, it did produce a strange sensation, even if it was only mere drops and smears on her skin. At first, it felt like it had burned her, and she jerked his cock away. However, the initial sensation was a farce. Yes, it was warm, and it at first reminded her of seltzer water but without the fizz nor foam. Still, it was weird, and even that description became inadequate with time. It felt like fingers and claws were touching her wherever the spunk stained her. It was as if it were some wizardly potion that allowed horny phantoms and lusty spirits to touch her from some unseen reality. This sensation would have made her too scared to taste it if she had not already seen the positive results in performed on her twin.

  In any case, she was now happy to bounce his cock off the breasts she finally took the time to expose to him from out of her farm clothes. The more he smeared his essence over her, the more it helped arouse her. She particularly liked the feeling it had on her nipples, as well as in the deep crack of her cleavage. Wiping his flared equine cock dry of its premature sample made her eager for the full load to drown her bosom. She was certain now that his potion had magical powers that called upon spirits that nipped at her skin and pinched at her nipples.

  Midnight tried to match his oral skills to her hands, but he was simply too good at what he did. Juno came three times and almost a fourth before Grace was able to make him cum.

  Juno cursed her too "Grace, what....what are you doing?" she had asked each time with exhausted breath. "He made me cum again. I'm going to be no good for his cock if he wears me out. Get to it, or you'll never get a turn." She was teasing, of course, Grace knew her twin all too well. She was having far too much fun to stop anytime soon.

  Now the deed was done, and it was all over her. Grace expected it as much; she could feel him get ready by the way his cock twitched and how his ass cheeks tense
d. Nevertheless, she winced and jumped as the momentous flow came roaring out of him and onto her body.

  She laughed, she cried, she got down on her knees to shield herself, but all she managed to do was get ribbons of bubbling cum in her hair, face and everywhere else. It was not until after he was done that she felt the magic settle in. Like her sister, she had got some of him in her mouth. Its taste, though satisfying, had little credence to its sensation. Doubled by what the sexual cream was already doing to her body, she now felt giddy and wild. It was a powerful intoxication; it filled her mind with ideas of sex that formally took the sights of the enchanted forest to create. In a hallucinatory trance, she swore she could see the ghostly hands of untold things reaching out and touching her wherever his spunk had splashed upon her.

  For a time, she forgot where she was and whom she was with. She was in her own little world. The forest had come to her, making any chance of her backing out of this union of lust forever lost. Grace found herself engaging in the phantom embrace of the furry hands of many lovers; kissing her, touching her, pinching her and caressing her. It was an orgy of touch and she was the center. She could only describe it as though she had been buried in a pile of plush toys, and they had all come to life just to nuzzle up close to her.

  She heard her sister's voice call out to her, it sounded distant even though she was only a couple of feet away. Some of the spunk must have got in her eyes, because the walls of the stable flickered in and out of view, replaced by the scenery of that lovely forest she had come to call home. From the branches of its trees, all the beasts and monsters watched with eyes glowing with greedy lust. Yet, the one she would embrace this evening was waiting in a glen. Midnight had returned to his fully equine state. However, under this spell of his, he was more than just a talking black stallion. His eyes glowed like the stars in the sky, and his body released a misty aura. It was almost as if he was but a painting and his paints were being washed away into the sky.


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