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Shakuntala Page 5

by Kalidasa

  The two youths . The hermits have learned that you are here, and they request—

  King . They command rather.

  The two youths . The powers of evil disturb our pious life in the absence of the hermit-father. We therefore ask that you will remain a few nights with your charioteer to protect the hermitage.

  King . I shall be most happy to do so.

  Clown ( to the king ). You rather seem to like being collared this way.

  King . Raivataka, tell my charioteer to drive up, and to bring the bow and arrows.

  Raivataka . Yes, your Majesty. ( Exit )

  The two youths .

  Thou art a worthy scion of

  The kings who ruled our nation

  And found, defending those in need,

  Their truest consecration.

  King . Pray go before. And I will follow straightway.

  The two youths . Victory, O King! ( Exeunt .)

  King . Madhavya, have you no curiosity to see Shakuntala?

  Clown . I did have an unending curiosity, but this talk about the powers of evil has put an end to it.

  King . Do not fear. You will be with me.

  Clown . I'll stick close to your chariot-wheel. ( Enter the door-keeper .)

  Door-keeper . Your Majesty, the chariot is ready, and awaits your departure to victory. But one Karabhaka has come from the city, a messenger from the queen-mother.

  King ( respectfully ). Sent by my mother?

  Door-keeper . Yes.

  King . Let him enter.

  Door-keeper ( goes out and returns with KARABHAKA). Karabhaka, here is his Majesty. You may draw near.

  Karabhaka ( approaching and bowing low ). Victory to your Majesty. The queen-mother sends her commands—

  King . What are her commands?

  Karabhaka . She plans to end a fasting ceremony on the fourth day from to-day. And on that occasion her dear son must not fail to wait upon her.

  King . On the one side is my duty to the hermits, on the other my mother's command. Neither may be disregarded. What is to be done?

  Clown ( laughing ). Stay half-way between, like Trishanku.

  King . In truth, I am perplexed.

  Two inconsistent duties sever

  My mind with cruel shock,

  As when the current of a river

  Is split upon a rock.

  ( He reflects .) My friend, the queen-mother has always felt toward you as toward a son. Do you return, tell her what duty keeps me here, and yourself perform the offices of a son.

  Clown . You don't think I am afraid of the devils?

  King ( smiling ). O mighty Brahman, who could suspect it?

  Clown . But I want to travel like a prince.

  King . I will send all the soldiers with you, for the pious grove must not be disturbed. Clown ( strutting ). Aha! Look at the heir-apparent!

  King ( to himself ). The fellow is a chatterbox. He might betray my longing to the ladies of the palace. Good, then! ( He takes the clown by the hand. Aloud .) Friend Madhavya, my reverence for the hermits draws me to the hermitage. Do not think that I am really in love with the hermit-girl. Just think:

  A king, and a girl of the calm hermit-grove,

  Bred with the fawns, and a stranger to love!

  Then do not imagine a serious quest;

  The light words I uttered were spoken in jest.

  Clown . Oh, I understand that well enough. ( Exeunt ambo .)



  ( Enter a pupil, with sacred grass for the sacrifice .)

  Pupil ( with meditative astonishment ). How great is the power of King Dushyanta! Since his arrival our rites have been undisturbed.

  He does not need to bend the bow;

  For every evil thing,

  Awaiting not the arrow, flees

  From the twanging of the string.

  Well, I will take this sacred grass to the priests, to strew the altar. ( He walks and looks about, then speaks to some one not visible .) Priyamvada, for whom are you carrying this cuscus-salve and the fibrous lotus-leaves? ( He listens .) What do you say? That Shakuntala has become seriously ill from the heat, and that these things are to relieve her suffering? Give her the best of care, Priyamvada. She is the very life of the hermit-father. And I will give Gautami the holy water for her. ( Exit. Enter the lovelorn king .)

  King ( with a meditative sigh ).

  I know that stern religion's power

  Keeps guardian watch my maiden o'er;

  Yet all my heart flows straight to her

  Like water to the valley-floor.

  Oh, mighty Love, thine arrows are made of flowers. How can they be so sharp? ( He recalls something .) Ah, I understand.

  Shiva's devouring wrath still burns in thee,

  As burns the eternal fire beneath the sea;

  Else how couldst thou, thyself long since consumed,

  Kindle the fire that flames so ruthlessly?

  Indeed, the moon and thou inspire confidence, only to deceive the host of lovers.

  Thy shafts are blossoms; coolness streams

  From moon-rays: thus the poets sing;

  But to the lovelorn, falsehood seems

  To lurk in such imagining;

  The moon darts fire from frosty beams;

  Thy flowery arrows cut and sting.

  And yet

  If Love will trouble her

  Whose great eyes madden me,

  I greet him unafraid,

  Though wounded ceaselessly.

  O mighty god, wilt thou not show me mercy after such reproaches?

  With tenderness unending

  I cherished thee when small,

  In vain—thy bow is bending;

  On me thine arrows fall.

  My care for thee to such a plight

  Has brought me; and it serves me right.

  I have driven off the powers of evil, and the hermits have dismissed me. Where shall I go now to rest from my weariness? ( He sighs .) There is no rest for me except in seeing her whom I love. ( He looks up .) She usually spends these hours of midday heat with her friends on the vine-wreathed banks of the Malini. I will go there. ( He walks and looks about .) I believe the slender maiden has just passed through this corridor of young trees. For

  The stems from which she gathered flowers

  Are still unhealed;

  The sap where twigs were broken off

  Is uncongealed.

  ( He feels a breeze stirring .) This is a pleasant spot, with the wind among the trees.

  Limbs that love's fever seizes,

  Their fervent welcome pay

  To lotus-fragrant breezes

  That bear the river-spray.

  ( He studies the ground .) Ah, Shakuntala must be in this reedy bower. For

  In white sand at the door

  Fresh footprints appear,

  The toe lightly outlined,

  The heel deep and clear.

  I will hide among the branches, and see what happens. ( He does so. Joyfully .) Ah, my eyes have found their heaven. Here is the darling of my thoughts, lying upon a flower-strewn bench of stone, and attended by her two friends. I will hear what they say to each other. ( He stands gazing. Enter SHAKUNTALA with her two friends .)

  The two friends ( fanning her ). Do you feel better, dear, when we fan you with these lotus-leaves?

  Shakuntala ( wearily ). Oh, are you fanning me, my dear girls? ( The two friends look sorrowfully at each other .)

  King . She is seriously ill. ( Doubtfully .) Is it the heat, or is it as I hope? ( Decidedly .) It must be so.

  With salve upon her breast,

  With loosened lotus-chain,

  My darling, sore oppressed,

  Is lovely in her pain.

  Though love and summer heat

  May work an equal woe,

  No maiden seems so sweet

  When summer lays her low.

  Priyamvada ( aside to ANUSUYA). Anusuya, since she first saw the good kin
g, she has been greatly troubled. I do not believe her fever has any other cause.

  Anusuya . I suspect you are right. I am going to ask her. My dear, I must ask you something. You are in a high fever.

  King . It is too true.

  Her lotus-chains that were as white

  As moonbeams shining in the night,

  Betray the fever's awful pain,

  And fading, show a darker stain.

  Shakuntala ( half rising .) Well, say whatever you like. Anusuya . Shakuntala dear, you have not told us what is going on in your mind. But I have heard old, romantic stories, and I can't help thinking that you are in a state like that of a lady in love. Please tell us what hurts you. We have to understand the disease before we can even try to cure it.

  King . Anusuya expresses my own thoughts.

  Shakuntala . It hurts me terribly. I can't tell you all at once.

  Priyamvada . Anusuya is right, dear. Why do you hide your trouble? You are wasting away every day. You are nothing but a beautiful shadow.

  King . Priyamvada is right. See!

  Her cheeks grow thin; her breast and shoulders fail;

  Her waist is weary and her face is pale:

  She fades for love; oh, pitifully sweet!

  As vine-leaves wither in the scorching heat.

  Shakuntala ( sighing ). I could not tell any one else. But I shall be a burden to you.

  The two friends . That is why we insist on knowing, dear. Grief must be shared to be endured.

  King .

  To friends who share her joy and grief

  She tells what sorrow laid her here;

  She turned to look her love again

  When first I saw her—yet I fear!

  Shakuntala . Ever since I saw the good king who protects the pious grove—( She stops and fidgets .)

  The two friends . Go on, dear.

  Shakuntala . I love him, and it makes me feel like this.

  The two friends . Good, good! You have found a lover worthy of your devotion. But of course, a great river always runs into the sea.

  King ( joyfully ). I have heard what I longed to hear.

  'Twas love that caused the burning pain;

  'Tis love that eases it again;

  As when, upon a sultry day,

  Rain breaks, and washes grief away.

  Shakuntala . Then, if you think best, make the good king take pity upon me. If not, remember that I was. King . Her words end all doubt.

  Priyamvada ( aside to ANUSUYA). Anusuya, she is far gone in love and cannot endure any delay.

  Anusuya . Priyamvada, can you think of any scheme by which we could carry out her wishes quickly and secretly?

  Priyamvada . We must plan about the "secretly." The "quickly" is not hard.

  Anusuya . How so?

  Priyamvada . Why, the good king shows his love for her in his tender glances, and he has been wasting away, as if he were losing sleep.

  King . It is quite true.

  The hot tears, flowing down my cheek

  All night on my supporting arm

  And on its golden bracelet, seek

  To stain the gems and do them harm.

  The bracelet slipping o'er the scars

  Upon the wasted arm, that show

  My deeds in hunting and in wars,

  All night is moving to and fro.

  Priyamvada ( reflecting ). Well, she must write him a love-letter. And I will hide it in a bunch of flowers and see that it gets into the king's hand as if it were a relic of the sacrifice.

  Anusuya . It is a pretty plan, dear, and it pleases me. What does Shakuntala say?

  Shakuntala . I suppose I must obey orders.

  Priyamvada . Then compose a pretty little love-song, with a hint of yourself in it.

  Shakuntala . I'll try. But my heart trembles, for fear he will despise me.

  King .

  Here stands the eager lover, and you pale

  For fear lest he disdain a love so kind:

  The seeker may find fortune, or may fail;

  But how could fortune, seeking, fail to find?

  And again:

  The ardent lover comes, and yet you fear

  Lest he disdain love's tribute, were it brought,

  The hope of which has led his footsteps here—

  Pearls need not seek, for they themselves are sought.

  The two friends . You are too modest about your own charms. Would anybody put up a parasol to keep off the soothing autumn moonlight?

  Shakuntala ( smiling ). I suppose I shall have to obey orders. ( She meditates .)

  King . It is only natural that I should forget to wink when I see my darling. For

  One clinging eyebrow lifted,

  As fitting words she seeks,

  Her face reveals her passion

  For me in glowing cheeks.

  Shakuntala . Well, I have thought out a little song. But I haven't anything to write with.

  Priyamvada . Here is a lotus-leaf, glossy as a parrot's breast. You can cut the letters in it with your nails.

  Shakuntala . Now listen, and tell me whether it makes sense.

  The two friends . Please.

  Shakuntala ( reads ).

  I know not if I read your heart aright;

  Why, pitiless, do you distress me so?

  I only know that longing day and night

  Tosses my restless body to and fro,

  That yearns for you, the source of all its woe.

  King ( advancing ).

  Though Love torments you, slender maid,

  Yet he consumes me quite,

  As daylight shuts night-blooming flowers

  And slays the moon outright.

  The two friends ( perceive the king and rise joyfully ). Welcome to the wish that is fulfilled without delay. (SHAKUNTALA tries to rise .)

  King .

  Do not try to rise, beautiful Shakuntala.

  Your limbs from which the strength is fled,

  That crush the blossoms of your bed

  And bruise the lotus-leaves, may be

  Pardoned a breach of courtesy.

  Shakuntala ( sadly to herself ). Oh, my heart, you were so impatient, and now you find no answer to make.

  Anusuya . Your Majesty, pray do this stone bench the honour of sitting upon it. (SHAKUNTALA edges away .)

  King ( seating himself ). Priyamvada, I trust your friend's illness is not dangerous.

  Priyamvada ( smiling ). A remedy is being applied and it will soon be better. It is plain, sir, that you and she love each other. But I love her too, and I must say something over again.

  King . Pray do not hesitate. It always causes pain in the end, to leave unsaid what one longs to say.

  Priyamvada . Then listen, sir.

  King . I am all attention.

  Priyamvada . It is the king's duty to save hermit-folk from all suffering. Is not that good Scripture?

  King . There is no text more urgent.

  Priyamvada . Well, our friend has been brought to this sad state by her love for you. Will you not take pity on her and save her life?

  King . We cherish the same desire. I feel it a great honour.

  Shakuntala ( with a jealous smile ). Oh, don't detain the good king. He is separated from the court ladies, and he is anxious to go back to them.

  King .

  Bewitching eyes that found my heart,

  You surely see

  It could no longer live apart,

  Nor faithless be.

  I bear Love's arrows as I can;

  Wound not with doubt a wounded man.

  Anusuya . But, your Majesty, we hear that kings have many favourites. You must act in such a way that our friend may not become a cause of grief to her family.

  King . What more can I say?

  Though many queens divide my court,

  But two support the throne;

  Your friend will find a rival in

  The sea-girt earth alone.

  The two friends . We are conte
nt. (SHAKUNTALA betrays her joy .) Priyamvada ( aside to ANUSUYA). Look, Anusuya! See how the dear girl's life is coming back moment by moment—just like a peahen in summer when the first rainy breezes come.

  Shakuntala . You must please ask the king's pardon for the rude things we said when we were talking together.

  The two friends ( smiling ). Anybody who says it was rude, may ask his pardon. Nobody else feels guilty.

  Shakuntala . Your Majesty, pray forgive what we said when we did not know that you were present. I am afraid that we say a great many things behind a person's back.

  King ( smiling ).

  Your fault is pardoned if I may

  Relieve my weariness

  By sitting on the flower-strewn couch

  Your fevered members press.

  Priyamvada . But that will not be enough to satisfy him.

  Shakuntala ( feigning anger ). Stop! You are a rude girl. You make fun of me when I am in this condition.

  Anusuya ( looking out of the arbour ). Priyamvada, there is a little fawn, looking all about him. He has probably lost his mother and is trying to find her. I am going to help him.

  Priyamvada . He is a frisky little fellow. You can't catch him alone. I'll go with you. ( They start to go .)

  Shakuntala . I will not let you go and leave me alone.

  The two friends ( smiling ). You alone, when the king of the world is with you! ( Exeunt .)

  Shakuntala . Are my friends gone?

  King ( looking about ). Do not be anxious, beautiful Shakuntala. Have you not a humble servant here, to take the place of your friends? Then tell me:

  Shall I employ the moistened lotus-leaf

  To fan away your weariness and grief?


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