Babes in Toyland II

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Babes in Toyland II Page 27

by Aspen Mountain Press Authors

  He'd never met them, but if he had, he'd have run her father through for abandoning her for her choice to live with him. To love him.

  "You think too much.” Her teasing whisper brushed his cock and made it swell even more. “I don't want your mind on anything other than the pleasure I can give you."

  "Yes, my love."

  She grinned and licked her lips. “I've thought of nothing else but this while you were gone on the campaign with the other men. It's been months since I've been able to do this. A few of the women turned to each other for relief, but I wanted to wait for you."

  He groaned. Did she intend to torture him by making him come so hard he saw stars or pleasure him?

  Then her mouth closed on him, and effectively wiped his mind clear. She teased him with her tongue, running it around and flicking at the tip of his cock.

  "Woman!” He growled and stared down at her.

  "Take it easy, lover. We've got all night. All eternity."

  Her words sent a shiver through him. When she sealed her mouth around him and sucked, he moaned, thrusting into her mouth.

  She worked him harder and faster with her mouth. He rocked under her, a million sensations shooting through his body. With a teasing wink and a hard suck she brought him to the edge of an orgasm. He cried out in frustration when she pulled back.

  "Shh, lover. Don't worry, I plan to see that both of us get satisfaction this night.” She lowered her mouth again and took him deep into her throat.

  "Gods, sweet gods."

  "That's right, lover. Thank the gods and goddesses for letting us find each other. Even time couldn't keep us apart, Adhamh.” She whispered his name before she sucked him into her mouth again.

  He froze, panicked. Something wasn't right. Why hadn't she called him by the right name? He looked down into clear blue eyes and dark brown hair. Aine's face stared back up at him.

  Adhamh woke sweaty and out of breath. He opened his eyes slowly and looked around. The candles on the shelf had burned out long ago. The room was cold and dark. He shivered and pushed up off the floor. He deserved the nightmare for being stupid enough to fall asleep on the floor.

  He rose to his feet and swayed. Damn it. He hadn't fed in favor of getting home and mourning over his lost love. Before he could get over to Aine's to see if she did have something worked out with Dominik, he would need to feed.

  "Master—” His servants crowded around him when he opened the basement door.

  "Not now. I have business."

  "But you need to feed.” One of his maids looked up at him with trembling eyes.

  "I never feed from any of you."

  "We know and appreciate that, sir. But you still need to feed. We don't want to see you get hurt because you are too weak to defend yourself."

  Adhamh sighed and turned to look at his butler. “You're right, Anthony. I know that. In this case, though, it's just a stake out. Nothing dangerous about this one.” Unless they are after you and not her. How messed up would that be?

  "I'll find someone to feed from on my way to the store."

  Anthony shook his head. “If I didn't know better, I'd think you had a death wish, sir."

  "Do you know what it is like to live for centuries knowing that you've lost the only woman you could ever love? I know the men killed her. Just as I know they sent me into the forest to battle the vampire with the intent for me to die."

  "That's over, now.” Molly put her hand on his shoulder.

  "You're a good cook, Molly, but I wouldn't advise touching him when he's hungry."

  Adhamh looked up at the new voice. “Or when I'm cranky. Right, Miguel?"


  "So what are you doing here?"

  "I came to inquire what your interest in the lovely Aine O'Leary is."

  "You're working for Dominik?” Adhamh tensed.

  Before he could say anything or throw the traitor out of the house, Miguel raised his hand. “Please listen to me, amigo. Dominik has asked me to come and find out what you are doing with her."

  "Me? He's the one who sent henchmen after her. I was trying to make sure she was safe from him."

  Miguel shook his head. “No. You have it all wrong. Dominik doesn't have any desire to harm Aine. On the contrary."

  "On the contrary?” Adhamh ran a hand through his hair. “This is ridiculous. My first mistake was noticing her tails. The second was being a good Samaritan and trying to help her. It's obvious she doesn't need my help."

  "Then I can report back to Dominik that you won't be bothering Aine anymore?"

  Adhamh glared at his old friend. “Si, amigo. And by the way, you're no longer welcome here."

  "Come now, Adhamh. You can't mean that."

  "I do.” He pointed to the door until Miguel sighed and turned to face it. “Good bye, Miguel."

  As soon as Miguel stepped out the door, Molly, Rachel and Anthony descended on him like vultures.

  "Aine O'Leary?"

  "You are going to kick your best friend out of the house because he works for a man you despise?"

  "You can't leave Aine at Dominik's mercy."

  Adhamh growled. “Just shut up. All of you. Aine is not my problem. She is also perfectly capable of taking care of herself."

  "Against Dominik?” Molly's anger and outrage roused sympathy he didn't want to show right now.

  "Molly, I understand your concern, but there are things about Aine you don't know."

  "Like what? That she gives of herself selflessly? That she would give the shirt on her back to a stranger in need? That she is the one true humanitarian in this town? Probably in this state."

  "You exaggerate.” Adhamh shook his head and tried to walk past.

  Molly and Rachel formed a block. Rachel's lower lip trembled in fear. Even though she feared angering him, she didn't back down. She stood there with Molly, glaring at him.

  "You are a despicable man. I thought you were something special. That you were a man who could, and would make a difference. That you were someone who'd help others in need, like your friends. But all you really care about is hiding down there in the basement mourning a love you lost hundreds of years ago."

  "You know nothing of what you speak. Nothing!"

  "I know this!” Rachel pointed at Anthony. “She gave me my heart's desire. Didn't she Anthony? You're my heart's desire."

  Anthony nodded. Rachel turned and looked at Molly.

  "And what about you Molly? And all she asked for in return was that we help her one time in the future if she needs help for another person."

  "Are you sure that's all you agreed to? It sounds to me like something more. Something dark and sinister. Would God approve?"

  Molly snorted. “You're one to talk."

  Adhamh lifted his hands in the air. “I give up. You people are impossible. I will feed, then go over to Hearts’ Desire and see that she isn't in any danger from Dominik. If she's not, then you three will eat crow."

  "And if she is?"

  Adhamh hesitated.

  "If she is, you must let her give you your heart's desire."

  "Fine. But that's not going to happen."

  "We'll see.” Molly and Rachel smiled at him in that irritating way they had when they thought they were right. Unfortunately, they usually were. But not this time. And he'd prove it.

  * * * *

  Aine glanced around the store one last time before she turned off the light and stepped outside. She locked the door, even though it wasn't necessary. No one could step foot inside until she undid the magical barrier.

  When she turned around, two men came up on either side of her and began hustling her down the street.

  "Aine!” Adhamh's called out.

  She looked around and finally spotted him across the street. Two men held him back, otherwise he'd probably have come over and accused her of witchcraft or something. Maybe he thought she was trying to take over the world.

  "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?” she mumbled as she looked at the
two men holding on to her.

  "But how would we get the chicken to wear leggings?” the one on her right asked. Both men laughed, and she couldn't resist a smile.

  "Is either one of you going to tell me why you have been tailing me for a while?"

  "Dominik wanted us to keep an eye on you. He has something to discuss with you."

  "And he couldn't ask me like a normal person?"

  The men shared a nervous glance.

  Aine groaned. “What is it? What does he want?"

  "He wanted us to check on you first, to make sure no one would object to him seeing you. Yesterday with that detective threw us off. You've been alone for weeks."

  "How long have you been tailing me?"

  "No, no. We were just keeping an eye on you. And we only followed you home the past few nights."

  Aine narrowed her eyes.

  "Okay, it was more like a week or so. But we're just following orders. If you don't like the way we did things, you can complain to Dominik."

  "Oh, you bet I will."

  A crash came from behind them. Aine turned around to see Adhamh facedown on the sidewalk with two men holding him down.

  "Just bring him with, would you? You aren't going to be able to restrain him for long."

  "Yeah, we know. He's a vampire."

  "I was thinking more because he's a stubborn ass."

  "There's that, too.” The men laughed.

  Aine ducked inside the limo that yet another henchman of Dominik's held open. “Why did he send so many of you after me? Why didn't he just ask me to come visit?"

  "That's a good question.” Adhamh grunted as he was pushed in the car. “Could you guys lay off? As long as Aine is in the car I'm not about to try and escape."

  Aine shook her head and ignored the questioning look in Adhamh's eyes.

  "Why didn't he just ask?"

  "Would you have come?"

  "After what happened last time?” Aine laughed. “You've got to be kidding me. He's got some nerve asking me to come back at all."

  Fortunately, the rest of the ride was silent, giving her time to contemplate why Dominik wanted to see her. It also put her in close quarters with Adhamh. Even though he'd been cruel to her, she couldn't stop the desire she felt being near him. She shifted, uncomfortable as his thigh pressed against her. When the limo took a sharp turn, she slid against Adhamh and had to force herself to move away from him.

  "Trade seats with me, Pinky,” she said to the man who'd made the ridiculous comment to her question earlier.

  He grinned and traded seats with her. She tried to avoid Adhamh's stare.

  By the time they arrived at a luxurious hotel on the outskirts of town, she couldn't wait to see Dominik because it would be a relief from the sexual tension Adhamh exuded.

  "I'll remember this, Miguel,” Adhamh growled as he climbed out of the limo.

  Aine looked at the Adhamh and the man he spoke to. So he knew at least one of these men.

  "Trust me, Adhamh, after how quickly you were able to turn your back on me, this is a pleasure. And it's only going to get more fun."

  So not only had Adhamh been cruel to her, he'd apparently dropped his friend with little or no reason. Things were better this way. Besides, she wouldn't have to give him the gift now. She could keep it for herself.

  As soon as she finished that thought, the whispers started. Aine winced. She deserved it for having such a selfish thought. But still ... You don't understand! She shouted in her mind. It was mine to begin with. Why should I give it to him of all people!

  A hand on her arm brought her thoughts to the people around them. “This way, Aine.” The one called Miguel hooked his arm through hers. The others surrounded Adhamh and followed them into the foyer of the hotel.

  Another time she might have admired the beauty of the Victorian style hotel, but tonight she was tired, her feet hurt, and she was going to have to face Dominik. And she'd rather not.

  "I said everything I had to say to your boss. He has to know he won't change my mind.” She studied Miguel. “I'd like to know why Adhamh is such an ass."

  Miguel chuckled and looked at her briefly before returning his gaze to checking the room for threats. “I'd rather not discuss it."

  "That's fine. You keep searching for threats that aren't there, and I'll take the elevator up to Dominik's penthouse.” Aine grinned when Miguel looked at her in surprise. “What? You didn't think I'd know where he is? I knew who and what you all were before you grabbed me, even if you did catch me off guard."

  "He warned us about you."

  "He forgot to warn you about me.” Adhamh pushed his way closer to Aine. “You're taking this all rather calmly, aren't you, darling?"

  "Would you rather I acted like a weak girl and let them walk all over me?"

  "I'd rather you didn't act like we were going to tea. You know Dominik. You know the kind of man he is. Neither of us will walk out of here alive."

  "Then why aren't you fighting to get free? Why haven't you saved yourself?” Aine wondered where he got such a harsh impression of Dominik. The more she thought about it, the more she realized Adhamh believed all the rumors. Rumors Dominik wanted spread about him so people feared him and would stay away from him.

  "I am not leaving without you."

  "Oh, come on Adhamh. You said yourself that I was in on this with Dominik. That we concocted this whole plan to kidnap you."

  "Then you succeeded."

  Aine snorted and moved closer to Miguel. “Which elevator?"

  He pointed to the gold one near the registration desk. The light above it showed the elevator was on the top floor. Aine growled and shook her head. Immediately, the doors opened, and they walked in.

  "How'd that happen?” Someone whispered.

  Miguel smiled at her. “Dominik said you were full of tricks.” The doors closed and immediately opened again to let them out on the top floor. “You are good, woman. It never even felt like we moved."

  "If you've got it, use it.” Aine smirked and walked out of the elevator.

  "And you've got it in spades.” Miguel whistled.

  Aine searched the large open living room. “Where's Dominik hiding?"

  "Hiding? I'm not hiding.” The sliding doors leading to the balcony opened, and Dominik stepped inside. He was as handsome as ever. His thick black hair and sinful blue eyes raked over her. She stiffened as he smiled and focused his gaze on her legs. Even with his impressive muscular body she had no trouble looking at his face. She knew him too well.

  "What have you been up to you lying, cheating bastard?"

  "I've missed you, too, Aine.” He looked up at her with a smile.

  When he walked over to her, she felt her heart pick up its pace. Even though she knew what Dominik was, it was hard to resist his sexual attraction. His eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared as he looked back and forth between her and Adhamh.

  "Have you and Adhamh been intimate?"

  "What does that have to do with anything?” Anger raced through Aine. “It's none of your business if I did him and all your henchmen in your limo."

  Red flared in his eyes as Dominik stepped toward her.

  "Don't touch her!” Adhamh broke free and raced toward him, but four of Dominik's men tackled Adhamh to the ground and pinned him there.

  "Aww, how sweet. The big bad vampire has the hots for sweet innocent Aine. Only you aren't that innocent are you?"

  "Bastard!” Aine slapped him so hard her hand stung. Pain radiated up her arm. She held her injured hand tight to her chest. “Shit. Are you made of rock?"

  "I'm rock hard a little lower, Aine. Why don't you do what you do best and ease my pain."

  "Prick!” She kicked him in the shin, then hobbled on her foot. “You're such an asshole."

  Adhamh growled. She looked over and saw him fighting to free himself.

  "Afraid of a vampire, Dominik?"

  "No!” He glowered at her. “Why would you say that?"

  "Because you have
now got six of your men trying to hold him down while you verbally assault me. You cowardly jackass."

  "We need to talk, Aine. I didn't want to fight with you. You seem to bring out two things in me. Anger and desire."

  "All creatures bring out those two things in you, incubus."

  "Since that may be true, I will apologize for my insults.” He walked over to her and took her hands in his. “Come with me, let's talk."

  Aine sighed and looked over at Adhamh. “If any of you hurt him, you'll answer to me."

  They nodded but didn't climb off of Adhamh. At least she'd tried. And they weren't actually hurting him, just forcing him to lay under them. She turned and hooked her arm though Dominik's offered one.

  Dominic led her toward one of the halls that led away from the living room. He paused when they were at the edge of the hallway and far enough away that Adhamh couldn't hear them, not even with his paranormal hearing. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “You know, Adhamh might protest, but he's completely smitten with you."

  "You're wrong,” she mumbled, hardening her heart.

  "Kiss me and I'll prove it to you."

  Chapter Four

  "What?” She narrowed her eyes and glared at him. “As if I would trust you. Besides, I vowed never to kiss you again. Or anything else."

  "Do you want to make Adhamh stew? Do you want to see if he cares more about you than he lets on?” As Dominik spoke, he pressed her up against the wall. He cupped her cheek with one hand and nodded his head once at Adhamh. “Your boyfriend isn't very happy right now, is he?"

  "He's not my boyfriend,” Aine whispered as she peeked past Dominik. Adhamh had indeed renewed his attempts to escape. “It's the hero in him. He wants to save me from you. Why does he hate you so much?"

  "I really don't know. Shall we see just how much I can piss him off?"

  "Why do you want to?"

  "Okay, maybe I just want to kiss you. I thought you might be willing if you knew it would make Adhamh jealous. He'll be more likely to admit his true feelings if he's angry and jealous."

  "You're a man. That's why you think this way. It won't work."

  "Honey, he's a man, too. Trust me."


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