Babes in Toyland II

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Babes in Toyland II Page 30

by Aspen Mountain Press Authors

  He stood, opened up one of the few cabinet doors not falling off and brought out a broom and dustpan.

  "Shari, can you sweep up while I go through the cabinets and see if there's any kind of food left? Marcie, please check the other rooms and see if there're any blankets or sheets in the bedrooms? We'll be stuck here for at least tonight."

  Marcie hurried off and Frank took a crushed box of kitchen matches from the counter.

  "There's some firewood in the other room. I'll get a fire going. Just for added warmth."

  "Thanks, bro.” Dave ran his fingers through his hair. “Sorry things got so fucked up."

  "No problem. Things happen."

  * * * *

  "Well, we have tuna fish, coffee, several cans of soup, some crackers whose freshness date expired two years ago, some instant coffee, tea, a couple of cans of creamed corn, an unopened jar of peanut butter, honey, dried potato flakes, a half-empty canister of sugar, some salt and, most important of all, a flashlight and a can opener."

  Shari laughed. “I wanted to lose some weight, just didn't plan on doing it this way."

  "You're perfect. I like a woman with something to hold onto."

  Dave snagged her around the waist and drew her back against his chest. He sank into one of the chairs and cupped her breasts, slipping his hands beneath her pullover sweater.

  No bra.

  He groaned.

  "Dammit, Shari, you know what touching you does to me. Why didn't you wear a bra?"

  She spread her legs, so that she was riding his thigh. He could feel the dampness right through his jeans.

  "Fuck, are you wearing any underwear?"

  "I thought you'd let someone else do some of the driving.” She turned her head and bit his ear. “I wanted to be ready.” Her nipples pebbled in his hands. “You should have let Frank take a turn."

  He slid one hand beneath the elastic waistband of her ski pants and slipped his finger between her swollen folds. “We can't do this. Frank or Marcie will be back any second.” He pressed down on her clit. “Tease. You know I can't make you come now.” He grunted as she wriggled in his arms.

  "Later.” He withdrew his hand and brought it to her mouth. “Just a little something to whet your appetite. Taste."

  She licked his fingers, swirling her tongue around each one, nipping each one, sucking each one. She grinned. “Just a little appetizer from me to you."

  "Did you do this to all your lovers?” He pinched her nipple and she squealed. “Probably not. You wouldn't still be alive if you messed with anyone else the way you mess with me."

  He shifted her off his lap and smacked her behind.

  "Let's see what Marcie found."

  * * * *

  Shari and Dave went back into the cabin's main living area, their arms around each other's waist.

  A fire blazed in the fireplace and a stack of blankets and pillows were piled on the love seat.

  Marcie and Frank sat on the rag rug in front of the flickering flames.

  "Well, are we going on a starvation diet?” Marcie smoothed her hands over her ample breasts and tiny waist and grinned. “It won't work, you know. I never can seem to lose weight."

  Dave shook his head. “Not quite. We have some food. Not much.” He paused. “But, we have the most necessary things."

  "Each other?” Marcie asked.

  "Nope. A can opener and a flashlight."

  Everyone laughed and the tension dissipated.

  "There are two bedrooms and one bath.” Dave continued. He glanced over at Frank and Marcie. “You guys won't mind sharing, right? I'm going to turn off the heat in the bedrooms to conserve energy and we'll bank the fire. We'll divvy up the blankets and sheets. I'd suggest keeping your clothes on in bed. If you want.” His teasing brought smiles from the girls, but no answering one from Frank.

  "We've got soup and crackers for tonight,” Shari said. “Coffee and crackers for breakfast and hopefully, by then the snow will have stopped and we can ... what's wrong?"

  Dave shook his head.

  "I know this area. The road sucks and in the best of times, there's hardly any phone reception here.” He grimaced. “I didn't count on not having any food or a kitchen.” He sighed. “I need to check on the generator, too.” He shook his head. “What a fiasco.” He put his coat back on and picked up the flashlight from the kitchen. “I'll be back in a minute."

  Marcie rose. “I'm going to look through the closets again. Maybe there are some extra clothes packed away."

  "I'll get supper on the table—such as it is.” Shari headed to the kitchen. “I wonder if there are plates or cups or utensils? Dave didn't say."

  "Guess I'll just keep the fire going.” Frank tossed some crumpled up newspaper on the logs and sank back onto the rug, staring into the flames.

  What the hell was he going to do? He had planned on sleeping on the couch, leaving the bedroom to Marcie. Now, he'd have to share the same room, hell, the same bed. Despite keeping on their clothes, he knew she'd expect something more from him than simply body heat.

  What the fuck was he going to do?

  A blast of frigid air and a stream of curses announced Dave's return to the cabin.

  "What did you find? Nothing good, I can tell."

  Dave shook his head.

  "That son of a bitch! He never refueled the generator. We have enough for maybe three days if we coddle it. No lights after dinner; collect water in whatever containers we find.” He paused. “Let's get the girls and I'll give them the good news."

  * * * *

  "Well, that's it. As for personal hygiene,” he took a deep breath, “I hope you all brought lots of deodorant, because this place is going to get pretty rank otherwise."

  The group sat around the fire in stunned silence, taking in Dave's words. Marcie still held the box she'd found in one of the closets on her lap. An improvised apron made from a towel hugged Shari's waist.

  Dave leaned back against the couch and bowed his head. He spoke again, his voice muffled.

  "When the weather lets up, the snow plow will eventually clear the road to the cabin. The problem is that since no one is supposed to be here, we're a low priority. We could try calling them, but the cabin phone isn't working either.” He raised his head, impotent fury in his eyes. “The bastard was most likely pocketing the money for most of the bills.” He clenched his hands. “If I had that mother...” He loosened his fists. “We'll get through this, I promise. It's only a few days."

  Shari got up and brushed off her hands. “Well, I found a couple of pots under the sink and we have one mug minus its handle, a glass with one small chip and one unscathed measuring cup. We'll divvy up the crackers and dine by the romantic glow of the fire.” She chuckled. “That's ‘cause we only have two chairs. Dave, can you help me bring things in?"


  As soon as the door shut behind them, Dave turned Shari around.

  "Thanks.” He swiped a patch of dust from her cheek with his thumb. “You're being a lot more forgiving than I deserve."

  "Why? It's not your fault. It's your Gran's caretaker who should be strung up by his prick naked and gnawed on by hungry wolves."

  "Whoa!” Dave's laughter rang out. “That's some blood thirsty scenario you cooked up."

  "Well, I just don't think you should feel guilty for someone else's shitty behavior."

  Shari turned on the faucet, letting the water run into a large bowl she'd found rummaging through the kitchen. As soon as the water got as hot as it could, she poured it into the saucepan with the condensed tomato soup. On the table was a napkin with a half sleeve of crackers and the drinking vessels she'd gathered.

  "Well, it's not Mickie D's, but it'll do."

  "We'll just have to find other ways to kill the hunger pangs.” Dave leered playfully. “I can think of something else I'd like to eat."

  "And if you're a good boy, maybe I'll let you.” Shari strutted ahead of him, brushing her ass against his crotch as she passed by.

>   With a rueful chuckle, he followed her out of the kitchen.

  * * * *

  "Hmmm, I never knew lukewarm canned soup could taste so good.” Marcie rubbed her stomach and licked off a few crumbs from her fingers. “What was that seasoning you put in it, Shari?"

  "A dash of salt and pepper.” Shari giggled. “I plan on sending the recipe to Rachel Ray.” She glanced over to the cardboard box placed next to Marcie. “Have you opened it yet?"

  Marcie turned to Dave and pushed the carton over to him. “I thought you should open it first, take a look inside. There might be some personal stuff you don't want to share."

  "Thanks, Marcie. I doubt there's anything private, but you never know."

  Dave slowly unfolded the tucked in flaps. He reached in and drew out a white silken shawl. Knotted fringes decorated the edges and deep blue stripes ran down it lengthwise. A small blue six-pointed star was embroidered on each corner.

  "It's lovely,” Shari whispered. “What is it?"

  "It's a Jewish prayer shawl.” Marcie lifted up one end and let the fringes filter through her fingers.

  "It's way too small, though.” Dave smiled. “It's mine. I haven't seen it in almost twenty-two years. I never expected to find it here.” He glanced at the others. “Maybe it's a sign."

  Chapter Two

  "Maybe finding it means my Gramp's looking out for us.” Dave took the shawl from Marcie, refolded it and placed it on top of the pillow nearby. “I didn't know my folks sent it back to him. I didn't wear it much."

  "He didn't have the time. Dave shot up the summer after he turned thirteen. Grew six inches and towered over me until I was sixteen.” Frank grinned. “He never went through an awkward stage; he morphed right into Franklin High School's star center.” He gazed at Dave with unconcealed pride. “Didn't the Knicks want to recruit you right out of school?"

  Dave grinned sheepishly. “Yeah, but that wasn't what I wanted. It was your cousin Joey who showed me what I wanted to do—become a cop."

  Shari reached over Dave's shoulder and took out a small four-sided object.

  "What's this? It's a top, right? Don't Jewish kids play a game with this on Hanukah?"

  Marcie chuckled. “I stopped playing with one of these when I was ten.” She wrinkled her forehead. “Now, how did it go?” She picked up the little top. “Each side is a Hebrew letter in a sentence that means ... damn, I don't remember."

  "A great miracle happened there. I was fourteen the last time I played.” He punched Frank lightly in the shoulder. “Remember? You were there with me, too."

  Although Frank returned his smile, he cringed inwardly. The winter he turned fourteen was the first time he confronted his feelings for Dave.

  "God, what a party! My twin cousins Rachel and Rebecca had a party for all the kids in the family. Naturally, I brought Frankie along. Couldn't let him sit in his room studying all weekend.” His thoughts drifted. “What did we call them?"

  "Rack and Ruin."

  Dave laughed. “Right. They came up with a whole new set of rules for a game they called ‘strip dreidle'. How did it go?” He pointed to one of the sides on the top. “The first person who spins a gimmel takes off three things he's wearing and puts them in the pot. If you spin a noon—that's this one—you don't do anything and the next player spins. If you spin and you get this—a hay—you take half of the items in the middle and can put some clothing back on. If you spin and the top lands on the side with this fancy looking letter—a shin, you have to put on one piece of apparel from the person next to you—no matter whose. You keep playing until someone is totally naked."

  Frank smiled. “We didn't quite get to that point. Your uncle came in when I was wearing Rachel's blouse and she just had her bra and panties on.” He rubbed the back of his head. “Man, he smacked me upside the head."

  "Yeah, me, too. He thought I had come up with the idea."

  "Let's play.” Shari sounded eager. She twirled the small wooden top in her hand.

  Marcie stared at her friend. “Are you nuts?"

  "Why not? It'll be fun. It'll help pass the time.” She cocked her head. “Why don't we play a game every day until we get out of here?” She shrugged. “No laptop, no TV. Marcie couldn't find any cards.” Her eyes crinkled. “No guitar for a sing-along. Why not?"

  Dave nodded.

  "Yeah, why not. But listen, no guilt trips later. It's just a game."

  "Hey, I have an idea, too,” Marcie said. “Let's tweak the rules a bit. I mean, it'll get boring if we play the same game every time. How about whoever gets naked first, gets to choose what to do with whoever they want?” Her gaze traveled to each of the others. “What do you think? Are you ... game?"

  Slowly, each one nodded in agreement.

  * * * *

  Dave looked around the little circle and grinned. The firelight cast interesting shadows on the semi-naked bodies seated on the floor. Shari wore her bra and panties—and Frank's socks. Marcie only had on a scarlet colored thong. The valley between her double-d breasts was deep in shadow. Her nipples were pebbled—Dave didn't know if it was from excitement or the chill in the cabin. Frank looked the most bizarre. He had so many clothes piled on he could barely move.

  And he had just lost his last piece of clothing. He sat cross-legged with his briefs in his lap.

  "Well, bro, this was fun. I haven't seen you in the buff since that time I came home early and you were screwing Emily in the living room.” Frankie grinned. “Pick your partner.” He chuckled. “Guess we all know whom."

  Dave rose and dropped his jock. He had no shame in his body. He kept it in trim. As for showing Marcie and Frank his naked penis—hell, he was sure it was nothing they hadn't seen before. He reached down and helped Shari get to her feet.

  "We'll see you guys in the morning. Have a good night."

  Two pairs of eyes silently followed the smooth play of the muscles in Dave's butt as he and Shari left the living room.

  "Damn, that's one fine ass.” Marcie sighed with greedy hunger. “I could just eat him up. Lucky Shari."

  "Yeah,” Frank breathed. “Lucky."

  "Let's go to bed.” Marcie turned and sashayed towards the second bedroom. She stopped, looked back and placed her hands on her hips. “Aren't you coming?” She cupped her breasts, squeezed the nipples and winked. “Or are you not excited yet?"

  Despite his feelings, Frank smiled. “Getting there, babe, getting there."

  * * * *

  Dave stalked over to Shari and grabbed her by the waist. “Well, that was fun.” He chuckled. “Marcie is really stacked."

  Shari pushed him away and turned her back on him, giving him a close-up view of her heart shaped ass. “Why don't you go and join them in a three-way?"

  He took a step forward, cupped her behind with one hand and squeezed. “Babe, you're more than enough for me.” He thrust his cock against the seam between her cheeks, seeking entry. “Christ, you drive me crazy.” He reached around and fondled her breasts, kneading them and pinching her nipples. “I can't get enough of you.” He groaned and nipped her neck, his breath hot on her skin. “I want to devour you."

  Shari shuddered as lust coursed through her. She needed to push Dave over the edge. “Take me to bed. Now."

  He bent, lifted her in his arms and carried her to the old-fashioned four-poster, dropping her onto the mattress, and looked down at her. “Babe, I'm going to fuck you so hard, your screaming will bring down an avalanche."


  "Bet your ass."

  Dave knelt on the bed and unsnapped Shari's bra, tossing it to the floor. Her nipples were hard and pointy and so very rosy. He smiled. She was as tasty as the sweet jam-filled donuts his grandmother used to make for Chanukah. He chuckled.

  "What's so funny, babe?"

  "I guess talking about my grandparents made me think of them. They were incredible. They went through a lot before coming to America. Man, could she cook! She used to make these really sticky, raspberry filled donuts f
or the Holiday.” He grinned. “Seeing you lying there ... well, you reminded me of those donuts.” He pounced on her. “Filled with sticky sweetness."

  "Then you better get that mouth going if you want a taste of my ... sticky sweetness."

  The flimsy, pink thong hardly covered her pussy. He paused and admired the tiny pink bows at each hip and a smile flickered across his face.

  "Good thing you brought tear-away panties, babe. How should I untie them? With my fingers or my mouth?"

  Shari laughed.

  "I don't think even your mouth is that talented. Use your fingers—and hurry!"

  He fumbled at the bows, his fingers clumsy in their haste to unwrap her. “Fuck it!"

  And he ripped off the material, burying his face between her thighs. He gripped her hips, raising her up and inhaled her arousing fragrance. His tongue darted out, delving deep between the plump lips of her sex.

  She groaned and arched against him letting him know how much she loved what he was doing to her.

  "Bite me, please, please, baby, please. Hard. Hurt me."

  She gripped his hair, tangling her fingers in his thick waves, pulling at the strands.

  He nipped her thigh, answering her demands, then sucked at her mound before biting down hard enough to leave the imprint of his teeth.

  Lately, their screwing had become more and more rough. He thought perhaps Shari sensed that he needed the harsh release after a day of dealing with murderers and human garbage.

  She never told him to ease up or demurred when he held her so tightly he left marks on her pale skin. She urged him on, like now.

  "Oh, God, that's good. Fuck me now, darling. Do it now."

  He lifted his head and looked at her. The moonlight streaming into the room revealed the sweat on her body, her distended nipples, her flushed face and her undulating body. Her shuttered eyes shielded her thoughts from him, but it didn't take a genius to recognize how much she was turned on.

  He rose up to his knees, lifted her and inch by inch worked his thick length into her. When he was seated to the hilt, he moved, slowly at first then harder and faster until the bed shook and her moans grew almost loud enough to drown out the creaking of the old iron bed frame.


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