Babes in Toyland II

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Babes in Toyland II Page 39

by Aspen Mountain Press Authors

  He took hold of her hips, rubbing small circles with his fingertips. “Are you okay, beloved? Please tell me you're okay."

  "I'm fine, Ilex. Better ... now that you're in me."

  He stared up at her face for a moment before his gaze dropped to her breasts, her nipples hard points atop more than ample globes that rose and fell with her shaky breaths. Stroking up her sides and ribcage, Ilex pressed her breasts together then lifted his head to capture both nipples in his mouth at the same time.

  Shit. She couldn't hold still any longer. She had to move. Kayleigh rose up until just the tip of Ilex's cock remained inside her, then slammed herself down again. Again. Then again. Harder and faster, she rode him.

  Ilex began to pant and loosened his hold on her breasts to grasp her hips again and help guide her ever-more frantic movements. “Come, my Kayleigh. I want to see you come."

  The final straw, his words pushed her over the brink yet again, the encompassing explosion of her orgasm devouring her.

  He thrust into her grasping body once, then again, and she felt his cock swell. One last thrust, so deep within her she could feel him touch her cervix. Hot jets of semen pulsed into her, setting off another mini-climax before she collapsed on top of him, unable to remain upright.

  Exhausted, Kayleigh could only lay sprawled in sweaty, sticky bliss atop Ilex's hard muscles. The feel of his arms wrapped tightly around her made her feel happier than she had been even before her accident. This was right. She belonged here, with the man she loved.

  He murmured to her, stroking her back and kissing the shoulder that was about all he could reach.

  They should clean up, but it was too much trouble, too hard to move. And she didn't want to lose the incredible feeling of Ilex's slowly softening cock within her. There had to be a way she could be with him. Surely the Goddess would not have put them together just to tear them apart.

  She drifted off to sleep to the sound of Ilex whispering to her. “I love you, my Kayleigh. I love you."

  * * * *

  The dim light of dawn bled through the thin window coverings. No amount of wishing would make it halt. No desire to stay longer could delay his duty today. Soon the Goddess would come for him and he would be pitted against Quercus to carry out their twice yearly ritual battle.

  For the first time since he'd been named the Holly King, Ilex wanted nothing to do with his duties. Anything that took him from Kayleigh was painful and the length of this separation would be so very long. Maybe too long for her to wait for him.

  If only he was permitted to resign, but he wasn't. Only the Goddess decided when he had served long enough and on what terms to release him. He could be released now or in any number of years, even after Kayleigh's own death. Any time he had with her was precious and had to be savored, even if that meant things stayed as they were.

  How could he ask her to wait for months for him to return? Months of silence. Months of loneliness. For the first half of that time, he would be asleep, unable to even talk to her as his tree stored strength for the Summer Solstice's battle and subsequent months of his reign.

  Goddess, how could he not ask her to wait?

  He sat up in the bed, careful not to wake her. He'd lain awake all night, letting her sleep for a while before waking her with his need to make love to her again. And again. He couldn't get enough of this beautiful woman. His beautiful woman.

  Kayleigh sighed and reached out an arm. She frowned and patted up and down the bed until her hand touched his leg. A soft smile replaced the frown and she scooted closed to him again, her arm tossed over his lap, still asleep. Her exhaustion, on top of the little sleep he'd allowed her, had finally won.

  It was time to return to his tree. The Goddess chose him and would choose when he would be replaced by another. At sunset he must answer Her call.

  He unwrapped Kayleigh's arm from his hip and scooted down in the bed until his face was level with hers. Every feature of her face, every freckle, every minute crease was memorized. His gut clenched. How long would his memories be all that he had to sustain himself?

  His hands stroked over her face and into her silken, disheveled hair. Thumbs traced her cheekbones and her swollen, full lips. He rained kisses over her face, the scent of her body and taste of her skin inflaming his lust yet again. But it was lust he no longer had time to slake.

  "Beloved. Wake up.” Only willpower kept his voice steady. “Kayleigh. I need to go now."

  Her gorgeous, hazel eyes drifted open, the mix of golds, greens and browns vibrantly alive. She yawned and stretched like a lazy cat. “What's wrong, Ilex?"

  "I must return to my tree and await the coming of the Goddess. I need the rest of the day to prepare myself for my duties at sunset."

  His words sunk in and she sat bolt upright. Ignoring her glorious nakedness, or not noticing it, she gave him plenty to admire and remember. “So soon? You have to?"

  "Yes, my Kayleigh. I took an oath and I must fulfill it until the Goddess decides to release me in Her own time."

  The hand she reached down to touch his face trembled. “I love you, Ilex. I'll wait for you and will keep visiting your tree until you speak to me again. When you can come to me again, I'll be there."

  A single tear trickled down her cheek, glistening in the faint light.

  He sat up again and pulled her to him, wrapping her tightly in his arms. “I will come back to you, Kayleigh. I love you, too."

  Their parting kiss, slow and somehow sad as well as loving, went on and on. He fought back his own tears and released her. She didn't need to feel his physical form fade away as he returned to his tree. The sight of it would be bad enough, let alone the fact it would remind her of his inhuman nature.

  He stared at her as he let his human form dissolve and his awareness snapped back to his tree.


  Chapter Six

  The weather outside was growing colder and colder. Now even the national news and internet weather sites warned of the severity of the ice storm already moving into the Puget Sound area. Caroline told me this would happen yesterday.

  Kayleigh gave a smug smile. It had taken her friend a long time to learn to trust her own sensitivity and not assume that she was wrong if the “experts” didn't agree. All too often they were the ones in the wrong instead. Now Caroline was much more forthcoming about giving her weather predictions to others.

  She looked out the kitchen window again. Damn. The snow was still there but the sky that had been a clear blue had gone to a roiling field of angry grey clouds. The winds had also picked up quite a bit in the last few hours. Only three o'clock right now, the weather was worsening quickly.

  Was Ilex okay? No matter how she tried to distract herself, her thoughts kept returning to the man she'd fallen for so quickly. It had taken all her resolve to not burst into tears when he'd faded away that morning. Her logical brain knew he didn't want to leave her but had to. The emotional side of her felt abandoned. She missed him.

  She took another sip of her lukewarm coffee and tried to just enjoy the coziness of the bungalow, the kitchen warm while it was clearly very cold outside. Normally she would have been curled up with a warm blanket and a book. But today she couldn't seem to settle down. She'd not even been able to do more than pay a passing homage to the fact it was Yule.

  It wasn't like she'd been ignorant of the situation when she made love to Ilex. She knew she wouldn't see him again for at least a few months. Part of her was afraid last night was all there would be. Maybe he wouldn't remember or want her in the Spring. Fear of being hurt made her briefly consider not waiting around in case he didn't return. That was quickly discarded. She couldn't just leave him without finding out, especially since she'd told him she'd be there. She'd not felt anything deceitful when he told her he loved her. If she'd finally found the love she'd thought might only exist in romance novels or her dreams, she would be stupid to walk away because she was afraid.

  Only I could manage to get into this kind of si
tuation. She shook her head and smiled wryly. I couldn't just find a nice regular guy and fall in love, could I? No, it had to be a non-human man who can only be with me part of the year and who lives in a tree.

  It sounded ludicrous, even to her. Yet it was the truth. The truth truly is stranger than fiction.

  Kayleigh set her almost empty cup near the coffee maker and wandered down the hall. For the third time that day, she sat in front of her laptop and attempted to interest herself in the story she'd been reading before coming here. Her eyes read the words but her brain refused to put any meaning to them. After every few words, she'd find herself drifting yet again. Worry for Ilex, worry for the damage the ice storm would do. Fears for the future. You name it.

  The laptop screen displayed the same page for several minutes and she still had no idea what was on it so she gave up again and shut down the laptop. Reading was useless.

  I should light a fire. That might take a few minutes and maybe the cozy warmth would help calm her. At the very least it would be good to already have it going if the power went out. The lights had flickered several times since the wind picked up.

  The jaunty notes of Bedlam Boys rang out, muffled a bit by the pillow covering her cell phone. For a moment she debated not answering. She'd never fool her mother and the older woman was sure to pick up on Kayleigh's misery.

  Only the knowledge that a failure to answer would make her mother panic and might make her family drive out in this weather caused her to flip open the phone. “Hi Mom."

  "Hello, dear. I'm sorry to pester you again, but I just have a feeling that something is wrong.” Clearly anxious, her mother still seemed tentative.

  "I'm okay. The weather is getting bad but I just started a fire and I'm going to bring a bunch more firewood in, just in case the power goes out.” Her voice quivered a little.

  A long silence on her mother's end then a sigh. “I don't want to intrude, but last night I didn't feel this way. Something happened today. Will you just promise to let me know if you want to talk?"

  To Kayleigh's embarrassment, the loving concern pushed her past the wall of self-control she'd erected out of desperation and she burst into tears. For several moments she couldn't even get a word out. She could only sob and listen to her mother's soothing noises.

  "I'm ... sorry ... Mom.” She managed to get a few words out between the last few sobs. “I fell in love, but he can't be with me until Spring."

  Her fears suddenly rushed out, confessed to the person she was closest to in the world. She could tell her mother wasn't quite sure what all had happened. Hell, she wouldn't believe it even if Kayleigh explained it in excruciating detail.

  When Kayleigh ran out of words, her mother took over. “No one can tell you what to do, Kay. Do you believe he loves you?"

  "I know he loves me. I'm not sure how but I really don't doubt that he does."

  "And you love him?"

  "Oh Goddess, yes. I know it sounds ludicrous since I've only known him a day or two but I do love him. I feel like he's the other half of me."

  "Then you really don't have a choice, dear.” Her mother's voice was solemn. “You have to trust that he's the person you think he is and knows his own mind and heart. A great love deserves the wait. Deserves the chance of disappointment or sorrow in return for the possibility of a soul mate."

  Her mother's words slammed home. Could it be that simple? Her mouth opened and shut several times before she could respond. “You're right, mom. I need to think about this, but I'm so afraid. What if I'm too scared to trust? I could cost both of us that chance at love."

  "I love you dear. Just remember that you have a big family who all love you and want you to be happy.” Kayleigh heard some muffled talking in the background. “I'll let you go now, hon. Just be sure to take care of yourself until this storm blows out."

  "I love you too, Mom. Tell dad and the bullies that I love them as well."

  She closed the phone gently, rubbing her thumb over the cover. She was so lucky. Blessed with her big, loving family and now blessed again with Ilex. If part of the year without him was the price she paid to have the rest of the year with him, she'd pay the price and revel in the love she'd found. She just had to find a way to stay close to him. Close to his tree even if he wasn't aware of her. Maybe she could continue to rent the house. She wasn't a gardener but she could see herself tending his tree while he recovered from his defeat and dormancy.

  Maybe I can beg a favor of the Goddess? But what would she ask? She didn't have much to trade for his freedom or even to be allowed to join him. Deals with the Goddess were notoriously fraught with tricks and lessons. Usually painful lessons.

  Scenarios ran through her head, most discarded when she realized the down sides. She just couldn't think of a workable one other than finding a way to stay with the house and the grounds. Kayleigh gave a frustrated sigh and gave up for the moment.

  The fire had died down a little so she fed a few more split logs into the great room's fireplace, then closed the screen again to contain the popping of the damp wood. She pulled herself off the green-tiled hearth and went back to the kitchen in search of her coffee.

  The now cold dregs remaining in the mug were rinsed down the sink and she poured herself a fresh cup. The sharp rattle of rain hitting the window made her flinch. Even darker outside now, the wind was whipping the trees back and forth in huge arcs.

  She sipped the fresh coffee but couldn't tear herself away from the window. The rain now fell so heavily she couldn't see across the deck. The tattoo on the roof pounded louder and her heart seemed to beat faster as well.

  It would be dusk soon and the temperatures would drop further. The snow on the deck, despite the falling rain, had never melted. And Ilex still had to perform his duty tonight.

  She flipped on the deck light to try to get a better look and realized that the shiny dampness she'd assumed was rain was ice. A frozen layer of ice covered everything near the door with a transparent coating almost a quarter of an inch thick.

  The wind blew a strong gust and she flinched at the long tormented groan she heard from outside. Then a horrendous crash made the house shake and Kayleigh almost dropped her coffee when she jumped.

  "A tree. Oh Goddess. A tree came down."

  The realization hit her. Ilex's tree could be destroyed in this storm. His tree was a holly, a tree that retained its leaves, so the ice would have a lot of surface to cling to. Was he able to melt ice off his tree? She had no idea but he didn't have much energy to draw from, even if he could. She had to check on him. If anything happened to him, she would lose the chance she'd just decided to latch onto. She'd lose the man she loved.

  Abandoning the coffee again, she raced into the mudroom and yanked on her cold weather clothes. She grabbed her flashlight, tapped her pocket to make sure her phone was in it and set off out the door onto the deck.

  The cold slammed into her the instant she opened the door; so intense her nose hurt and her eyes watered. The rain was still falling, freezing the instant it touched any surface. Thankfully, it was still before sunset so she wasn't trying to navigate the slippery surfaces in the dark.

  Even so, her feet slipped and slid with every step. Care warred with speed, caution with desperation. Finally, after the third time she slipped and almost fell, Kayleigh sank to her knees and crawled to the deck steps. The traction was no better, but she had a lot less distance to fall and was less likely to hurt herself if she did.

  If she hurt herself, who would help her? Who would help Ilex?

  She scooted down the wooden steps on her ass, wincing at each impact but grateful to be able to quickly, if ungracefully, get to the ground. At the base of the steps, she stood again, tucked the flashlight into her pocket so she would have both hands free and walked down the path to the woods. Slowly. Carefully.

  Goddess, she wished she could move faster.

  She saw a huge hemlock lying on the ground. Its massive trunk was broken partway up and the layer of ice on
its branches and needles was nearly a half inch thick. The combination of the weight of the ice and the gusting wind must have caused it to snap.

  "Ilex. I'm coming. Ilex...."

  Her numb lips felt like they would crack and her panting breath froze into ice crystals on the edge of her wool scarf. Her cheeks hurt and her ears burned, despite the hat she tugged down as far as possible to try to protect them.

  Once in the woods, the path wasn't as icy. The overhanging branches and leaves of all the trees prevented the rain from penetrating in great quantity. She lurched unsteadily on the few slick areas but she moved a lot faster than before. By the time she reached the edge of Ilex's clearing, she was almost running.

  It was worse than she thought.

  Ilex's tree shimmered in the last of the sunlight, a thick layer of ice encasing each leaf, each branch. All that weight bent his tree over at a severe angle, nearly touching the ground with his branches on one side.

  "Ilex, I'm here. Don't give in.” She nearly screamed the words out.

  My Kayleigh. Beloved. You should not be out here. You could hurt yourself. I fear it is too late for me. This ice is too much for my limbs and it is too late in my reign for me to overcome it.

  "No, dammit. I won't lose you as soon as I've found you. I'll give you the energy to fight back. I've given you energy before."

  She dispensed with the courteous spiraled approach. There was no time for niceties. Slipping and sliding, she went straight to Ilex. She quickly grounded herself and reached a bare hand down to touch the soil. Seeking again for the living power in the earth's lei lines, she had to grab as much as she could and feed it into her love.

  I love you, my Kayleigh. We will meet again someday, in some lifetime. I need you to know I will come back for you. There is no way I would willingly leave you.

  Ilex's mental voice was tinged with what felt like a mix of resignation and love.

  Probing into the earth, she didn't spare the time or attention to answer him. Finally she felt the tingle and zap she sought and tore off her other glove to place a hand on Ilex's tree. Ignoring the pain sizzling though her nervous system, she poured energy into him as fast as she could gather it. She poured out every spec of power, every bit of love and all her own will.


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