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United Page 3

by Maggie Walsh

  “You’re one of Evan’s boys?” Raith asked with a hint of pain in his voice. He looked at Lexi with concern.

  “Yes, Beta,” Bailey answered and looked to Lexi also. Bailey’s smile faded and his eyes got sad.

  “Lexi,” Raith said.

  Lexi opened his pain-filled eyes and met Bailey’s sad ones. Oh no, pretty baby, don’t be sad. You should never be sad. “How old are you, little one?”

  Bailey’s bit his bottom lip. “Eighteen,” he answered softly.

  The smile returned to Lexi’s face and he reached across the counter and cupped Bailey’s cheek. “How late are you working?” Lexi asked.

  “Till midnight,” Bailey said shyly.

  “Would it be okay with you if I pick you up after work and bring you home? We could talk, get to know each other,” Lexi said.

  Bailey smiled shyly at him. “I would like that…Lexi.”

  Lexi gave him a big smile and nodded. “Okay then, it’s a date.” Bailey smiled again and bit his bottom lip and looked down as he twisted his hands together.

  “Well let me be the first to congratulate both of you on finding each other,” Raith said and slapped Lexi on the back.

  “Hear, hear. Congratulations,” Viktor chimed in.

  “Thanks, guys,” Lexi said without taking his eyes off his mate.

  Chapter 2

  He couldn’t believe it. His mate was here. He was finally here. But he couldn’t just pounce on him. He needed to take his time, go slow, and let the little cutie get comfortable with him. They needed to get to know each other first. Lexi raced up the stairs of the pack house, heading toward his room. He didn’t have much time. He needed to shower and change and get his ass back to the café before midnight. He raced down the hall and smacked right into a hard chest. “Umph.” A rush of air escaped him as he made contact but then stepped back.

  “Shit. I’m sorry, Micah. I wasn’t paying attention,” Lexi said.

  Micah chuckled. “It’s okay, Lex. Where’s the fire?” he asked in amusement.

  “In my pants. Where it’s gonna stay for gods only know how long,” he mumbled.

  “Excuse me?” Micah asked with a raised brow.

  “Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to say that out loud,” Lexi answered.

  “What’s got you all tied in knots, brother?” Micah asked with concern in his voice.

  Lexi met Micah’s gaze and a big smile crossed his face. “I met my mate tonight, Micah.”

  Micah smiled brightly at him and placed a hand on his shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “That’s fantastic, Lex. Congratulations.”

  “Thanks. You gotta see him, Micah. He’s so fucking adorable and hot as hell. And his voice,” Lexi groaned. “His voice is so cute. It sounds like angels singing. And his eyes are this amazing amber color. He’s a little shy and he turns this pretty pink when he blushes. It’s fucking adorable,” Lexi gushed.

  “He sounds like a cutie, Lex. I’m happy for you, brother. If anyone deserves to find their mate, it’s you.” Lexi’s face dropped and he got a sad look in his eyes. “What is it, Lex?” Micah asked.

  Lexi met his gaze again. “He’s eighteen and although I can claim him, I don’t think he would be ready for that right now. I think we need to take some time and get to know each other, but gods do I want to grab him and claim him right now.”

  “It will be hard, Lex, but I know you can wait. You’re a good man and I know you’ll do whatever it takes to keep your mate safe and happy.” Micah gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

  “I’m gonna try,” Lexi whispered. “I gotta get going. I want to shower and change before I pick him up. I’m gonna drive him home after he gets out of work,” Lexi explained.

  “Work? This late?” Micah questioned.

  “He works down at the café and doesn’t get out until midnight,” Lexi explained.

  Micah sighed and shook his head. “I never thought I would see the day were this town of ours would be open almost all night. I think it’s time we get all these people to go back to their packs so we can have a little peace around here,” Micah said and then his eyes got a worried look. “Your mate isn’t one of these visitors, is he?”

  “No,” Lexi answered and shook his head. “He lives here now.”

  “He lives here?” Micah asked in confusion. His brows knit down in a V. “The only people I have allowed to stay recently were Marcus, Evan, and his boys.”

  “He’s one of Evan’s boys,” Lexi offered.

  “Oh. Don’t tell me it’s Matthew?” Micah asked, worried.

  Lexi gave a humorless laugh and shook his head. “No, thank gods. His name is Bailey.”

  “I haven’t met him yet. Only Evan and Matthew so far. But they’re all supposed to come on the next full moon to pledge allegiance to me and the pack, and then run with us. I’ll have to meet him then.”

  “Absolutely. Well, I gotta go, Micah. I don’t want him coming out and finding I’m not there.”

  “Go on,” Micah said and Lexi stepped around him. “Oh and, Lex?”

  Lexi turned around to face Micah again. “Yeah?”

  “Congratulations again.”

  “Thanks, Micah,” Lexi said with a big grin and walked away.

  * * * *

  The bell over the door rang and Bailey turned to find a man walking in. “I’m sorry, sir, but we’re just about to close,” Bailey said as he turned another chair upside down on the table.

  “Damn, I was hoping to get a cup of coffee. I need a little pick-me-up to get home,” the man offered.

  “Well…um…I think there’s a little left in the pot, but it’s a few hours old,” Bailey said and walked back around the counter. He grabbed the pot and a cup. He poured what was left of the coffee into the cup. “It’s not mud yet,” Bailey said with a smile.

  “I’ll take it.” The man chuckled. “Even if it were mud I think I would take it tonight.”

  “Milk, sugar?” Bailey asked.

  “If it’s not too much trouble, I would love a little cream in it,” the man said, giving Bailey a smile.

  Bailey returned the smile and turned toward the refrigerator. After pouring a little cream into the coffee and putting a cover on the cup, he turned and handed it to the man.

  “Thank you,” the man said. His eyes were staring deeply into Bailey’s eyes. “So what do I owe you?”

  Bailey shook his head. “Nothing. It was going down the drain anyway.”

  “Are you sure?” the man asked with unease.

  Bailey smiled again. “Yes, I’m sure. Hopefully it will give you the jolt you need to get home.”

  “You’re an angel. Thank you,” the man said and raised the cup in a salute. Then he turned to leave.

  “Have a good night,” Bailey called after him.

  The man stopped and turned halfway and looked back at Bailey. “Good night.”

  The man left and Bailey walked to the front door and locked it as he flipped the sign to closed. He went back to flipping the chairs as he kept looking at the clock to see if it was midnight yet. Five more minutes and he would see his mate again. He couldn’t believe he found his mate. He shook his head as a big smile took over his face. He was only eighteen and he found his mate already. Most wolves went their whole long lives without ever finding their mate, and he found his. He just couldn’t believe his luck lately. First, this pack, then the house, and this job, and now his mate. What else would go right in his life?

  He needed to talk to Josh. He would be over-the-moon happy for him. He and Josh had been through so much together. They spent years dreaming of their future and where they would be and if they ever found their mates, what they would look like, or who they would be. And his mate was freaking gorgeous. He was so big and muscular. His light-brown eyes were so pretty and just pulled him right in. They looked like they held a lot of happiness. And his hair, oh, is hair was so pretty. It looked so silky and shiny. It wasn’t too long, like a lot of the men around here, but it was just enough. It
hung just past his shoulders and framed his face nicely.

  Bailey wondered what Lexi’s hair would feel like. What would Lexi feel like? All those muscles and ridges, and those lips, ugh, he just wanted to kiss those lips. Bailey’s cock twitched and started to fill as he thought of his mate. He moved back around the counter and washed the last coffeepot and set it to dry. He looked around the café to see if he missed anything and reached down to adjust his now painfully hard cock. It had gotten so hard as he thought about his mate and it was starting to press against the zipper of his jeans. A knock came to the door, grabbing his attention. He looked up to find Lexi standing on the other side of the locked door.

  Shit. Did my mate see me grabbing my package? How embarrassing, Bailey thought and felt a blush rise up his cheeks.

  He raised a finger, giving Lexi the one-minute sign and his mate grinned as he nodded. Bailey turned and grabbed the keys. He stripped off his apron and hung it over the hook on the wall and then went to the door. He gave his mate a big smile as he unlocked the door.

  Swinging the door open he caught a whiff of his mate’s incredible scent. He smelled like man. Bailey’s favorite scent. But he also had a musk to him with an undertone of freshly cut grass. It was delicious.

  “Hi. Am I early?” Lexi asked.

  “No, you’re right on time. I just finished,” Bailey said as he stepped out and turned to lock the door. He turned back to Lexi and gave him a shy smile.

  “I hope you don’t mind motorcycles?” Lexi asked.

  Bailey’s eyes went wide. “No…I don’t…mind…”

  Lexi chuckled. “I’m only kidding. I have my truck.”

  Bailey let out a relieved breath and his shoulders relaxed. “Good. I think it’s a little cold still for riding a bike.”

  Lexi held out his hand in front of Bailey in a gesture to lead the way. “You looked a little nervous. I just wanted to break the ice to help you relax. Looks like it worked,” Lexi said and lightly put his hand on the small of Bailey’s back as they crossed the street to Lexi’s truck.

  He could feel the heat from Lexi’s hand as it pressed lightly against his back. It felt as if his mate were protecting him. That small gesture made Bailey’s breath hitch and a warm, fuzzy feeling started in his gut. Lexi walked him to the passenger door and held the door open for him. He climbed inside and Lexi closed the door. Bailey reached over the console and the driver’s seat and unlocked Lexi’s door. He sat back just as Lexi opened his door. His mate gave him a big smile and climbed in. “Thanks,” Lexi said and started the truck.

  They both put their seat belts on. “For what? I should be thanking you,” Bailey said softly.

  “For unlocking my door for me,” Lexi answered and pulled away from the curb. “No one has ever done that for me before.”

  “Oh,” Bailey said shyly.

  “So…” Lexi started nervously. “You all live over in the old Victorian out on Trails Road right?”

  “Yes,” Bailey answered with a stunned face. “How did you know?”

  Lexi chuckled lightly and Bailey felt his cock thicken again from the sound. He liked Lexi’s laugh. “I live with the Alpha and it’s my job to know what’s going on around here.” Lexi looked at him with a big smile. Suddenly his eyes filled with heat as the smile dropped from his lips and he sniffed the air. Bailey groaned internally as his cheeks heated up. Great. I am such a goober. My mate is a wolf after all and there is no doubt he can smell my arousal. I am so embarrassed. Bailey put his hands in his lap to hide the evidence and lowered his face.

  The truck came to a stop at a red light and Bailey felt a warm finger under his chin. His eyes snapped open and he raised his head. Lexi gently turned his face to meet his. There was no disgust or amusement there. Only softness and concern. “It’s okay, mate. You don’t need to be embarrassed in front of me. It’s a natural reaction sometimes.” He shrugged. “And it makes me happy to know that I make you react that way. You do the same to me,” he said with mirth in his voice and looked down at his lap. Bailey followed his gaze and saw a huge bulge in the front of Lexi’s jeans. He gasped softly and felt his cheeks go pink again. He quickly averted his eyes and bit his bottom lip.

  Lexi chuckled softly. “You’re so adorable when you blush.” His words only made Bailey blush deeper. Lexi moved his thumb to Bailey’s lip and gently pulled it free from his teeth. “What have those beautiful lips ever done to you to make you abuse them so?” Lexi smiled at him and pulled his hand away. Placing it back on the steering wheel, he then turned away as the light turned green.

  They continued on as Lexi regaled him with stories about all the people that lived in the Alpha house. He found himself relaxing the longer Lexi talked. He even outwardly laughed a few times when Lexi told him stories about his best friend Taylor and some of the crazy stuff he did. He couldn’t wait to meet the man, but was also a little nervous to meet him. He sounded like the one person in this world who was the most important to his mate, which meant that he wanted the man to like him.

  They pulled up in front of Bailey’s house and Lexi put the truck in park. He stared out the front window for a moment and then turned to face him. “I’m sorry if I talked your ear off and didn’t let you get a word in. I tend to do that,” Lexi said shyly and Bailey found that he didn’t like it on the man. From what he could tell of his mate already, he was very outgoing, very funny, and loved life. The shyness didn’t fit with his personality.

  “It’s okay. I liked all the stories you told me and I liked listening to your voice,” Bailey whispered as his eyes jumped around nervously between Lexi’s eyes and everywhere else, before meeting his gaze.

  They stared at each other, neither of them saying a word as they just looked into each other’s eyes. Lexi hesitantly moved forward a little, and Bailey looked down. He could see his mate stop and pull back. Lexi cleared his throat and turned the car off. He opened his door and got out. Bailey closed his eyes briefly at the sting that suddenly rose. He was such an idiot. Damn, what was wrong with him? He wanted to feel his mate’s lips pressed against him, but he was so nervous. His mate was so going to reject him, he just knew it. Shit.

  The door next to him opened and Lexi stood there with a soft smile. He held out his hand for Bailey to take. He hesitantly placed his hand in Lexi’s and allowed the man to help him from the truck. Once his feet hit the ground, Lexi released his hand. Lexi walked him to his door, but never touched him. He found his heart sinking at the fact that Lexi hadn’t placed his hand on his back again as they walked.

  Stopping at the front door, Bailey lifted his hand and began chewing on his thumbnail as he kept his eyes looking down at the porch. “Um…thank you. For…um…driving me home,” Bailey said nervously.

  “Thank you for letting me,” Lexi whispered. He heard the man sigh and then clear his throat. “Um…Bailey…I…um.” He reached up and ran his hand over the back of his neck.

  Bailey looked up at him through his long lashes. “What?”

  “Shit. I feel like an idiot,” Lexi mumbled.

  “You’re freaking me out, Lexi,” Bailey whispered.


  “Because you don’t seem like the shy, twisted-up type, but you’re acting all distant and nervous all of a sudden,” Bailey explained quietly.

  A burst of laughter rumbled out of Lexi, which caused Bailey to jump and look up at him. Lexi stepped closer as he continued to laugh. “You got me pegged already, huh, mate?” Lexi laid a gentle hand on his hip and Bailey felt heat immediately race through him. “I’m the last person anyone would ever describe as shy or nervous. It’s just that…you’re my mate. You’re not some random hookup or fuck-buddy. You’re so cute and hot, and shy. I’m afraid I’ll scare you away if I act the way I normally do.”

  “I like who you are. Just from your stories I can tell that you’re a nice guy. Fun to be with and you like to have a good time. But you also love and care about your family more than anything, so there is a serious side to you,” B
ailey observed.

  “I just don’t want to blow this with you,” Lexi said, lowering his voice. “I want to kiss you. I want to hold you in my arms. But I know I can’t,” Lexi said and stepped back, dropping his hand back down to his side.

  “Why…can’t you?” Bailey asked breathlessly. Yes, please kiss me, Lexi.

  “I don’t want to go all caveman on you or put any pressure on you. I know we only just met and you’re young, and I want you to feel safe with me first,” Lexi explained cautiously.

  “I know you won’t hurt me. I can sense it. You wouldn’t take advantage of me or make me do something I didn’t want. I can read it in your eyes.”

  “No, I wouldn’t,” Lexi agreed and looked deeply into Bailey’s eyes. He took a step toward him and placed his hand back onto Bailey’s hip. He raised his other hand and gently cupped Bailey’s face. His eyes dropped to Bailey’s pouty lips and back to his eyes. Lexi’s head slowly lowered until their lips were a hair away. “You have my permission to knee me in the balls if I ever go too far for you,” Lexi whispered and Bailey could feel his hot breath against his lips. A bright smile crossed Bailey’s lips as a chuckle burst from him. Lexi lowered his head, closing the gap between them, and softly kissed Bailey’s lips.

  The kiss was soft and gentle, and made Bailey’s head grow fuzzy. Lexi’s lips were so warm. He loved the feel of them against him. Lexi lingered there for a moment before he pulled back. He placed his brow to Bailey’s as he closed his eyes and his face changed as if he were in pain. “I have to stop before I never let you go,” Lexi said. He raised his head and opened his eyes as he stepped back. “When can I see you again?”

  Bailey gave him a bright smile. “I don’t have to work late tomorrow. I get off at six,” he said happily.

  “You better not be getting off at six,” Lexi said with a chuckle. Bailey looked at him in confusion for a moment, and suddenly Lexi’s innuendo dawned on him. He turned beet red and lowered his head, but he couldn’t fight the smile that came to him.

  Lexi placed a finger under his chin and lifted his head until their eyes met. He had a big, bright smile on his face. Lexi kissed his cheek and pulled back. “You’re too adorable. I’ll pick you up at six.” He stepped back and tuned. Lexi made his way down the porch steps and then stopped. He lifted his left foot off the ground and shook out his leg, causing Bailey to laugh. Lexi turned back to him with a smirk on his face. “See what you do to me? I can’t even walk with this thing,” he said happily as he gestured at the bulge in his pants. Bailey laughed again as he covered his mouth with his hand. “Did I forget to tell you I was a fortune teller?” Bailey looked at him in confusion and nodded. “I can see the future, and right now I see a lot of cold showers in mine.” Lexi laughed. Bailey couldn’t help it, he burst out laughing right along with Lexi. “Looks like you’ll be taking a few cold showers yourself there,” Lexi said with a big grin and winked at him. “Six, tomorrow.” He turned. He continued to laugh as he walked around his truck and got in. He gave Bailey one last smile before he drove away.


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