Tailor Made (69th St. Bad Boys Book 7)

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Tailor Made (69th St. Bad Boys Book 7) Page 4

by Hart, Rye

  I’ve had my fair share of one-night stands, but it was always obvious ahead of time that it was exactly that. Things with Gabriel hadn’t seemed that way, especially after he took me out to the restaurant, took me on a walk around Central Park, and told me a million things about his life and his family. One would think if he was trying to get in my pants, it would have been a lot more obvious, and he wouldn’t have put as much effort into it. It wasn’t like Gabriel was an unattractive guy. He had it all—looks, money, fortune, and drive. He could seriously slam any chick he wanted to, but he chose to spend time with me. That was the only thing keeping me from truly believing that he had moved on.

  “What’s up with you?” She always knew when something was wrong.

  “Just this Gabriel thing,” I sighed. “I mean after having such an amazing time at dinner and then our seriously hot sex in the pool, he basically just ghosts me.”

  “Yeah, remind me to not go swimming in there,” Gabby laughed.

  “It just doesn’t make any sense to me that he would get laid and dip out,” I said, sighing and falling back on my bed. “I mean, I’m not stupid, I know that’s how it goes sometimes. He just seemed different, is all.”

  “You sound really into this guy,” Gabby said walking over. “I mean, you’re acting like you got it bad, girl. Look, I don’t know this guy, and for you, I hope he is one hundred percent sincere, but if you look at his history and what people say about him at the club, he is a notorious playboy.”

  “He didn’t act like that with me,” I said, feeling grumpy.

  “And maybe he has changed,” she said. “I just don’t want you to be shocked if it turns out he is still a playboy and you got played.”

  “I know,” I said. “I just really want to get to know more about him. He’s extremely interesting and so is his life story. I mean he started his company when he was nineteen. He was a Harvard dropout who excelled beyond anyone’s expectations. He is smart as hell.”

  “Give it time,” she said, pulling me up to a sitting position. “He is a guy, and no man works on the same wavelength as us. For all you know he got caught up doing something like talking to his dudes about cars, and just straight paid no attention. I used to think it was an excuse dudes made, but I’m starting to think that they are just slow sometimes.”

  “Not Gabriel,” I said, laughing. “He knows exactly what he’s doing, even if no one else can figure it out. Ugh, he is never going to call me again. This is absolutely exhausting.”

  “Well, stop thinking about it and get your ass up,” Gabby said, snapping her fingers. “I don’t care what man you are waiting for, there are some seriously handsome eligible men waiting for me at the club.”

  “Okay,” I said, standing up and looking in the mirror. “But they’re all probably assholes too.”

  “Yes,” she said, poking her head around the corner. “The difference is, so am I!”

  The club was packed as usual, but tonight we were staying away from the third floor until we knew that Troy wasn’t lurking anywhere. I was pretty sure he still had my gold visitor’s card, and I wasn’t trying to run into him. However, as I turned the corner, I literally ran into someone else. My drink dropped to the floor, and I jumped back, trying not to get my feet wet. I looked up, irritated, but my face quickly changed when I saw Gabriel standing there, smiling down on me.

  “Well, hello there,” he said, oozing with charm.

  “You too,” I said, with a smile.

  “Let me introduce my best friend,” he said. “This is Jay Miller. Jay, this is Penny Wesley.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Jay said, shaking my hand.

  “You too,” I said, awkwardly. “And this is my best friend, Gabby. Gabby, this is Gabriel and Jay.”

  “Oh, the notorious Gabriel,” she said, shaking his hand and turning to Jay. “And Jay, who I haven’t heard about but would love to.”

  “Well, then let’s fix that,” Jay said, glancing over at Gabriel. “Let me buy you a drink.”

  “Sounds perfect,” Gabby said, glancing over at me.

  The only reason she was going to have a drink with him was to give me and Gabriel time alone. I wasn’t stupid; it was written all over her face. I looked back up at Gabriel, who hadn’t taken his eyes off me. He grabbed my hand and led me through a door into a small lounge with some couches. It was quieter there and I could actually hear the sound of my own voice. We started talking about nothing in particular, but it was nice being near him. I didn’t bring up dinner with my father and neither did he, which I was fine with since I felt like it was part of the problem. Sure, I wanted him to meet my father, but I also felt like he was taking it in a more serious way than I meant it. My father was not only my dad but he was like a good friend to me. It was no different than inviting him to dinner with Gabby. I guess for other people, though, meeting a girl’s dad was a big deal, and I hadn’t really even thought about it.

  We looked over at the dance floor as Jay led Gabby out there. I put my hand over my face and laughed, realizing that Jay was a terrible dancer, but Gabby was trying to keep him from being embarrassed by pulling out some seriously terrible moves herself. They were insane and fit together like a very weird puzzle.

  “That is the future of my company right there,” he said, laughing.

  “I mean it seems foolproof,” I said, with a giggle. “If nothing else he could get down during a dance battle for the highest bid, right?”

  “If meetings were held like that,” he said. “I would have one every single day.”

  We both burst out laughing and gave Gabby and Jay our thumbs up from across the room. Everything seemed just like it should, and I thought it was going incredibly well. Maybe that was me being optimistic, but either way it didn’t seem to be as bad as I thought. Meeting someone’s father can be an extremely nerve-wracking thing, maybe he just started to get cold feet because I asked too early. I could understand that completely since I was not a people person and hated meeting parents. Right then I didn’t care if he ever met my father, I just didn’t want things to change. We were getting along fabulously, and he even reached down and rubbed my knee while telling me stories from the last week of work.

  When his hand touched my skin, I could feel the electricity between us and it almost took my breath away. There was no denying how attracted I was to him, and from the looks of it, as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, shooting a passing group of guys a nasty look for staring at me, he was equally as attached. Maybe I needed to just chill out, and let things happen naturally. I was the worst at that. I overthought every single thing in my life. I didn’t know if that was a woman thing or just a me thing, but I drove myself more nuts than anyone around me.

  Right then, though, my focus was 100 percent on this gorgeous man sitting next to me, hoping he would be sharing those lips with me at some point that night.

  Chapter Nine


  Penny looked sexy as hell, and I already knew where I wanted this night to go. My cock hadn’t been okay since the day I woke up without her in my bed. I looked over at her and smiled, watching her move slightly to the music. She was so damn cute with her sexy dress and her perky personality. When she ran into me earlier in the evening I really thought that she was going to let me have it, but I was pleasantly surprised when she was calm and sweet.

  “You want to dance?”

  She looked up at me and nodded, excitement in her eyes. I was never a big fan of dancing, but it was one of the best ways to get a girl close to you and move in for the kill. I knew I didn’t need to do that with Penny, but there was something inside of me that just liked to see her happy. It was strange, but I was going with it because it seemed to be working. She got up from the couch and grabbed my hand, holding it over her head as she pulled me out under the cascading lights of the dance floor. The place was crowded but I didn’t mind because that meant that no one was going to be paying much attention to us. She turned around and smiled at me, moving her
hips to the beat of the music. Her tits were bouncing up and down and she was biting her bottom lip, driving me absolutely crazy.

  The music slowed just a bit and went from electronic to R and B. You could look out over the crowd and immediately see everyone slow down and move closer to their partner. I grabbed Penny’s hand and turned her in a half circle, pulling her back close to me. I wrapped my arms around her, grasping her across her tits and began to match her motions. Things seemed like they were starting to heat up fast as she clamped her hand down on mine, forcing me to massage her breast. I could see her chest rising and falling at a high speed as my lips moved to her neck and trailed her skin down to her shoulder. She pushed herself closer to me and began to grind against me. I could feel the warmth of her skin even through my pants. My cock was not having these games and was almost instantly hard, meeting her grinding and pushing back. I lowered my face by her head as she writhed up and down my shaft with her body.

  I gripped her tits as she moaned softly in my ear, letting me know she was really feeling what was going on. I wanted her so bad at that moment, but there was no way I was going to fuck her in the club. It wasn’t good enough for her. She pushed her ass out and rubbed my cock up and down with it. She bounced against me over and over, her head thrown back as she pressed her lips against mine. I could tell she really liked it as her tongue pushed into my mouth and explored it, tasting me and moaning into my mouth. I groaned, gripping her hips tightly, wanting so badly to slip my cock inside of her. We weren’t on the third floor, and there was no way we could get away with fucking right then and there. Instead, I turned her around toward me and reached down, grabbing her around the waist and lifting her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck as my hand moved down to her skirt. She bit her lip, feeling my fingers slide over the outside of her panties.

  I pulled them aside and slid my fingers through her folds, gently pushing two fingers inside of her. She gasped, pulling her legs up and wrapping them around my waist. We were in the center of a large group of people and no one was paying attention. She pulled her head back and closed her eyes as I started to finger her right there on the dance floor. She continued to move her hips like she was dancing, creating a rubbing sensation against my cock. I groaned, pushing my fingers faster and faster into her, watching her face as pleasure swooped in and out of her consciousness. She leaned forward, my fingers still fucking her hard and whispered in my ear.

  “I’m going to come,” she moaned softly. “Don’t stop.”

  She latched onto me and put her mouth right by my ear so I could hear her muffled moans. I dug my fingers in deeper, wiggling them inside of her juicy pussy. She started to lose control and began grinding harder, not caring what anyone around us thought. She screamed into my ear, biting down on my shoulder as she teetered on the edge of orgasm. Just as the next song came on and the bass hit, she exploded, screaming out and arching her back, grinding her hips against my hand as her pussy pulsated around my fingers. When she was done, she collapsed back onto my shoulder, pulling her legs down to the floor, and straightening her dress. I looked down at her and smiled, watching her cheeks beam red from the rush of blood. I grabbed her hand and led her off the dance floor, going to the bar to grab a drink.

  She smiled at me as I handed a drink over to her, watching her hold it to her forehead. She was so damn hot, and I couldn’t believe I had just made her come in the middle of a crowd of people. She was an incredible girl, and I knew I wasn’t going to want to let her out of my sight for quite a while.

  “On Thursday, my company is hosting an event,” I said, leaning over and talking loudly into her ear so she could hear me. She looked up and nodded, letting me know she understood. “It’s a charity auction to benefit the local children’s cancer research community. Would you like to be my date?”

  She looked up at me in surprise, not expecting me to ask her to the event. To be honest I was a bit surprised myself, seeing as I had never taken a date to a work function, at least not since the company had gotten big. I was kind of nervous as to what her answer would be. She reached up and pulled me back down to her mouth, talking into my ear.

  “I would absolutely love to go with you,” she said. “And that is such an awesome thing for your company to sponsor. I love charity events, I used to go to them with my father all the time.”

  I shook my head and smiled, finding that the thought of her coming with me to the event was exciting. Not much in the last few years had brought me excitement at all, and the thought of having her by my side as I greeted the different clients and dignitaries that would be there, seemed absolutely perfect. In fact, I couldn’t imagine anyone else by my side at that event. I looked back down as she tapped me on the arm. She turned and pointed at the adjacent bar where Jay and Gabby were standing, having a drink. They looked exhausted from their Jane Fonda dance floor workout and I couldn’t help but laugh as we walked up.

  Jay slapped me on the back and shook his head, wiping the sweat from his forehead. Penny walked over and wrapped her arms around Gabby, laughing at whatever she was telling her about Jay. They looked like they were all having a really good time, and I liked that a lot.

  “I don’t mean to be a fun killer,” Gabby said, “But I think I’m ready to call it a night.”

  “Okay,” Penny said, nodding her head.

  I walked Penny and Gabby to the door, leaning down and kissing Penny gently on the lips. She smiled up at me with sparkling eyes before turning and walking out of the club. I shifted my cock in my pants, realizing I still had a massive hard-on. I looked down and shook my head, still not believing what I had just done. I made a girl come, and come hard, and didn’t expect anything at all in return. The thought didn’t even cross my mind when it was happening. That was such a strange thing for me, but I walked back over to Jay and tried to put it out of my mind. Penny was really starting to get to me, but I didn’t seem to care at all.

  Chapter Ten


  Waking up on Sunday was a lot easier knowing that I was going to go shopping with Gabby. I loved fashion. I had this charity event coming up on Thursday and I wanted to find the perfect dress. Sure, I had about a million dresses stocked up in my closet from all the events my father had dragged me to through the years, but this was different. I was going to be the girl on Gabriel’s arm, something that not many people were expecting to see. I wanted to look like a million bucks and be sexy enough for Gabriel that he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off me.

  Gabby woke me up early and we went out to grab breakfast, trying to eat light since I was going to be putting on a million dresses that day. We started our shopping at some of the more generic designer shops in Manhattan, saving the handpicked places as a last resort in case I didn’t find anything that tickled my fancy. There were definitely enough dresses in New York City to clothe an army, but I wanted to make sure that my dress was unique, fashionable, and classy yet incredibly sexy at the same time. It was nuts how picky I was being, but Gabby totally got it, and I was glad that she wasn’t getting irritated with me. She had known me long enough to know I took the clothes I wore seriously and wouldn’t just settle for any old dress. We left one store and walked around the corner to the next, going to the racks and looking through them back to back.

  “I saw you and Gabriel on the dance floor last night,” Gabby said. “You looked pretty hot and heavy out there.”

  “Yeah,” I scoffed, leaning back so my head was next to hers. “It was a bit more than hot and heavy.”

  “What?” Gabby turned around and glanced up making sure no one was listening. “Do tell.”

  “I mean it started innocent, just us dancing,” I said. “Then came the boob grabbing, then he twirled me around and put his hand up my skirt.”

  “Damn,” she said.

  “That was not where it ended,” I laughed. “He picked me up in the middle of everyone and fingered me until I came.”

  I watched and laughed as Gabby froze, her mouth dropp
ing wide open as she tried to process what I just told her. She started fanning herself with her hand and shaking her head. Gabby and I had been friends forever, and though I usually felt too embarrassed to talk about this kind of stuff, this seemed different, and Gabby was like my sister. We pretty much told each other every dirty secret about every man we had ever slept with. Now, my stuff was generally more vanilla than hers, but I definitely got an earful on our normal Sunday-morning coffee dates. When I met Gabby, I was more than inexperienced, but she was this treasure trove of sexual knowledge. I was constantly going to her for advice, figuring out ways to make my orgasms better, and eventually telling her all my secrets as well. I really felt like every girl needed a friend like Gabby, someone they could really get down and dirty with. Gabby was my X-rated Dr. Phil, and she always told me the truth I needed to hear, even if I didn’t want to.

  “Girl you are naughty,” she said, under her breath. “I’ve never even done something that bold.”

  “I know,” I said, shaking my head. “I didn’t even think about it when it was happening, I just went with it. I mean this guy is dangerous for me big time. I go into this trance when I am with him and it’s like anything goes.”

  “You know what? I’m really happy for you,” she said.


  “Yeah,” Gabby said, looking at me with a smile. “You have been such a straight shooter, no fun, boring ass girl since you got into your senior year at Yale. I mean, I don’t blame you, you did kick ass in college, but you have been missing out on the brighter side of life. I’m just happy to see you out there taking chances, and having some damn fun.”


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