Forbidden Desires

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Forbidden Desires Page 11

by Jodie Griffin

  “W-what?” She licked her lips again, and the heat in Marcus’s eyes flared as her tongue touched the tip of his cock.

  “Oh, fuck.” He moaned the words and dropped his head back. “Do that again.”

  “Pinch my nipples,” she countered with a grin that even felt wicked on her face.

  He did, and she did, and within a few licks and pinches, he pulled back with a muttered oath. “Stop. I don’t want to come like this. I want to be inside you.” She let go of the headboard and stopped his retreat with her hands on his hips, and gave him one more swipe with her tongue.

  He let out a strangled groan. “Jesus, you’re deadly.” He levered himself off her body and flung the comforter to the bottom of the bed.

  She laughed. Had she ever laughed in bed before? Sex with Marcus was fun, and frustrating, and—

  Her thoughts came to a crashing halt as Marcus settled himself between her thighs, entering her with one long, powerful thrust. A keening cry strangled in her throat and she threw her head back, panting at the delicious fullness. Oh, thank God. Finally.

  Marcus held still for a long moment, then drew out of her nearly all the way. His movements were slow, precise. Fun? Had she thought this was fun? This was torture, and she wanted to scream.

  “Look at me.” Same words he’d said before, when she’d distracted him with her tongue, but this time he was in total control, and she loved it. He slid deep, then almost all the way out, pausing again.

  She locked eyes with him, and he thrust back into her in tiny increments. “You are built exactly the way a woman should be.” When he reached the last word, he withdrew, flexing his hips once, twice, three times.

  “Wrap your legs around me, Bella mia. I want to feel each ripple as you come all over my cock.” His thrusts grew shorter, and with every slap of his body against hers, she felt the spiral tighten, taking her over until she could think of nothing but release. She was so close to the edge, so damn close, but she wasn’t sure if she’d get there, until Marcus slipped a hand between them, rubbing her clit in time with each stroke.

  Her back bowed off the bed and she came, screaming his name.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Marcus held Bella close in his arms as she slept. He didn’t want to wake her by moving, but he needed to check in with the hospital about Olivia, see how she’d fared through the night. He was almost afraid to ask, but he owed it to her.

  The guilt was still there, but it wasn’t as raw and all-consuming as it had been yesterday. He couldn’t have stopped Liv from taking point on the ladder. Shouldn’t have tried to stop her, either. Yes, she was a woman, but she was also a trained professional, like him, and she’d chosen this job. He’d have come to that conclusion eventually, but it would’ve been later rather than sooner. It had taken Bella helping him focus his thoughts, well, elsewhere, to still his chaotic brain and open him up to the realization.

  Amazing what the love of a good woman could do. The thought rocked him, and his whole body tensed. Love? He turned it over in his head, looked at it from every direction and, letting out a long, slow breath, realized it was true. Love.

  He loved Bella Massey. Not that he was ready to tell her yet, but there it was.

  She stirred in his arms and he kissed her on the temple, slipping out of bed, trying not to wake her.

  “Marcus?” Her voice was heavy with sleep, her eyes not quite focused as she turned to face him.

  He leaned closer, rubbed a thumb over her soft cheek and kissed her, then tucked the comforter around her shoulders. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. I just need to call the hospital. Keep the bed warm for me.”

  * * *

  At Marcus’s urging, they stopped at Roseville Manor to take Alice, Edna and Myrtle out for lunch at a diner just down the road from the nursing home. As they stood in the lobby waiting to be seated, Bella snuck a glance at him, wondering what he was thinking. On the way over, he’d told her Olivia was stable but still couldn’t feel her legs. Her parents and brother were at her side, and they were waiting for the swelling to go down. He’d passed the information along grimly, but now the words were tinged with worry and frustration, not guilt-filled, and for that she was grateful. She hated to see him in that kind of emotional distress.

  Her thoughts were interrupted by a voice to her left. She turned and smiled down at Alice. “Sorry?”

  Alice’s eyes twinkled. “You keep staring at Marcus like you want to eat him up. I take it you’ve worked things out?”

  She looked over at him again. Offering to take everyone out to lunch had been sweet and unexpected and—

  “See? You’re doing it again,” Alice murmured.

  Bella felt herself flush, but she smiled. She kept her voice low, for Alice’s ears only. “Things are sort of worked out, I guess. I’m not really sure.”

  Apparently, she hadn’t kept her voice low enough. Myrtle piped up from her right. “Does he know what he’s doing in bed?”

  Marcus’s head popped up from his conversation with Edna, and he raised a single eyebrow, the devil twinkling in his eye. “Well? Are you going to answer her?”

  Bella laughed. “Yes. Yes, he does.”

  “Excuse me.” The young woman at the counter looked shocked by their conversation, her face bright red. “Um, would you follow me? Your table is ready.”

  The women went first, and Bella followed after them. Marcus walked just slightly behind her, his hand warm against back. “So do you, Bella mia. So do you.” His breath puffed across her skin, and she shivered from head to toe.

  After much debate about what to get, they ordered drinks and lunch, and then conversation turned to Marcus’s training and Alice’s mostly healed injury. It wasn’t until their meals were delivered that Myrtle started the grilling again.

  “So, Marcus. What are your intentions?”

  Good thing Bella was with a paramedic, because she nearly choked on her mouthful of chicken sandwich. “Jeez, Myrtle. Don’t do that.”

  “Do what? We’re family. I want to know if his intentions are honorable.” A sly look crossed her face. “And I don’t mean that in a missionary-sex-once-a-week-after-you’re-married kind of way.”

  Marcus barked out a laugh. “God, Nonna would’ve fit right in with you three.” He looked wistfully sad for a few seconds, but then it eased. “To answer your question, yes. My intentions are honorable.”

  What did that mean? Bella turned slowly and stared at Marcus, who grinned at her. “I—” She stopped, started again. “We—” Words failed her and she shot him a helpless look.

  He grinned again. “Would you go away with me next weekend? There’s somewhere I’d like to take you.”

  Edna chortled. “Now that’s what we’re talking about.”

  Alice and Myrtle both chimed in their agreement. “Say yes, Bella.”

  So this was what it felt like to be railroaded into something. She didn’t think she had a chance to say no, even if she’d wanted to. She wanted to say yes, so it wasn’t much of an issue, but a woman would have to be made of steel to withstand the pressure from these three and Marcus. “Okay, okay. Yes.”

  The wild three tried to coax the details out of him, but he wouldn’t share. He was charming about it but was as inexorable as a brick wall. While the women talked about what kind of place it might be, Marcus leaned close, his arm around her shoulders, his lips at her ear again. “I can’t wait for you to see it. If I can arrange it, we’ll head there Friday for dinner.”

  * * *

  Marcus drove to Bella’s house, anxious to see her. This past week of training had been long and stressful, and every drill had been tense. Olivia’s absence had left a gaping hole in their small, close-knit group of ten, and her injury had left them shaken. She was doing better, thank God, starting to have some sensation in her legs, and the progno
sis was hopeful, although she had a long road ahead of her. Still, they all needed this weekend off, badly.

  And Marcus needed Bella.

  He was taking a chance not asking her first if she’d be willing to play the submissive to his Dom this weekend, but after last week, he hoped she understood that either way, he’d be happy.

  He rang her doorbell, and whistled when she opened the door. “You look amazing, Bella mia.”

  And she did, in a short, stretchy black dress that left nothing—and yet, everything—to the imagination. He looked his fill, letting her see the heat in his gaze, loving it when her cheeks turned pink. Her hair was loose, hanging over her shoulders in long waves that flirted with the tops of her breasts. And those breasts. Jesus. He could see the outline of her nipples clearly, and he wondered if she was even wearing a bra. The dress came to mid-thigh, baring long, shapely legs covered in black lacy stockings.

  “You look pretty good yourself.” She grinned wickedly. “Although that tie is a little stretched out, I think.”

  He looked down. Fuck, he was wearing one of the ties she’d used to bind him to the butler. He felt himself turn crimson. His cock twitched at the memory, but he willed it under control. “I guess I am. Are you ready to go?”

  “Just need my coat.” She nodded, smiling serenely now that she’d just pulled the rug out from under him.

  That was okay. He had his own plans for her tonight.

  He stepped inside, picked up the wool coat lying over the arm of the sofa and held it out for her. She stepped into it, and he used her lapels to pull her in close for a long, lingering kiss.

  “Now I’m ready.” He picked up her overnight bag, took her keys from her and locked the door behind them.

  After they’d gotten on the highway, Bella shifted in the seat and turned to him, an expectant look on her face. “So where are we going?”

  He was surprised she hadn’t asked sooner. “Virginia. Lovettsville. There’s a bed and breakfast there, with an attached Italian restaurant. Not quite as good as my parents’ restaurant, but very nice. I figured we’d have dinner there tonight.”

  “Sounds wonderful.” She leaned back into the seat, and he caught her happy smile out of the corner of his eye.

  They talked about music and books and movies as he drove, the miles spinning away quickly as day faded into night. Forty-five minutes later, he turned onto a smaller road, and then up a private driveway, pulling to a stop in front of a well-maintained old Victorian with white paint and green shutters. The wide front porch looked welcoming, overflowing with flowers and all sorts of plants in containers. The porch lights were on, lending a golden glow that made the porch seem intimate.

  “This is a bed and breakfast?” She worried her lip. “I don’t see a sign.”

  Marcus smiled, touching her cheek. “Trust me. It is one. It’s private, though. Not open to everyone.” He got out of the car, opened Bella’s door and helped her out.

  “I don’t understand.”

  He grinned. “Oh, you will.” He grabbed his bag and hers, threw them over his shoulder and started up the wide stairs, holding Bella’s hand.

  The door was opened by a tall, well-built man somewhere in his forties before they even reached the top step. “Mr. Aiello. Ms. Massey. Right on time. Won’t you come in?”

  Bella’s eyes widened, and she looked at him questioningly. He just smiled and introduced them. “Bella, meet Gabe McConnell. Former firefighter, current inn owner.” And Dom, although he kept that little tidbit to himself. Marcus held out his hand. “How’s it going these days, Gabe?”

  His former crewmate was one of the few people in his life who knew he sometimes hungered to be submissive, and had never once looked down on him for it. Gabe had told him submission wasn’t a weakness but a gift and simply a different way of achieving pleasure, but it had taken falling in love with Bella to really understand and accept that.

  “Never better, Marcus. We can catch up later. Here’s your key. I’ll take your bags up. It’s nice to meet you, Bella.”

  “It’s nice to meet you too.”

  “Thanks, man.” Marcus pocketed the key and turned back to Bella. “Ready for dinner, Bella mia?” She nodded, and he held out his arm. “Well then, let’s go.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Bella was quiet as she and Marcus walked under a vine-covered pergola that led from the inn to the restaurant. Gabe McConnell seemed like a nice guy, but rather intense and watchful, which tickled something in her brain. Whatever it was, though, she couldn’t pin it down and really, did it matter in the middle of her date with Marcus?

  As they entered the front door, she inhaled deeply. It smelled heavenly, like yeasty bread, garlic and spices. Marcus excused himself for a moment, then, when he returned, he stood behind her, close enough she could feel the heat from his body searing hers, so close his breath on her neck sent shivers twisting down her spine.

  He helped her remove her long wool coat and handed it to the woman at the coat check. Bella turned to face him and caught him looking her up and down, his dark eyes smoldering with fire. Her nipples tightened, and her stomach flipped.

  His broad palm was hot on the curve of her neck, and the curl of his fingers around the side of her throat was possessive as they walked to their table near the back of the restaurant. It felt new, but it didn’t feel wrong in the least.

  “That dress should be illegal. Are you even wearing a bra?” His words were low, but she heard the heat in them, and she almost stumbled.

  “Maybe. Maybe not. You’ll have to wait and see.” She tossed the words over her shoulder. His eyes flared at her teasing, and she grinned. Yep, she was wearing a bra, if you could call one that didn’t cover her nipples a bra. She was also wearing thigh-high stockings. And no panties. She had no idea what had gotten into her when she’d picked out the outfit, but she hoped he liked it. She did. It made her feel sexy as sin.

  Their table was in an out-of-the-way corner, extremely private and lit only by a single small candle on the table. The music was close enough to hear, but far enough away they wouldn’t be bothered by anyone dancing on the small dance floor. She loved it. Marcus held out the seat for her, and she slid into it, making sure to flash him an eyeful of the tops of the stockings.

  “Sexy as hell, Bella mia. But you’re not the only one with secrets tonight.” He grinned, his smile wolfish.

  Oh, really? Her heart fluttered wildly, and her body tingled in anticipation.

  Instead of sitting opposite her at the small table, he moved his chair around so they were sitting side by side. He draped an arm around her shoulders and let his fingers dip into the clingy material of the dress. His fingers were warm and rough, the hands of a man who worked hard for a living, and one of them grazed her nipple. The roughness of his skin added to the sensation, and she bit back a moan.

  “Marcus,” she hissed. “What are you doing?”

  “Playing. Does that feel good? Do you like knowing the waiter could come by any moment and see you with my hand on your breast?”

  Oh. My. God. She could barely breathe, let alone speak. She managed a nod, which seemed to satisfy him. Hell yes, she liked it. She’d never been interested in exhibitionism, so she wasn’t sure why she was enjoying this now. Her heart pounded, and her thighs felt slick from her arousal. Marcus must’ve seen their waiter coming, though, because he removed his hand. She didn’t know whether to be glad about that, or disappointed.

  After the waiter took their orders, Marcus rested his hand on her thigh, his fingers rubbing lazily back and forth against the bare skin above the edge of the thigh-high stockings. He left it there when the waiter came back to see if they wanted any wine. In spite of the fear of discovery—or maybe even because of it—she found herself parting her legs, inviting Marcus to slide his hand between her thighs as he talked vintag
es with the waiter.

  Once the waiter promised to return with the chosen bottle in just a few minutes, Marcus inched his fingers forward until he reached her slick curls, stopping with an indrawn breath. “Jesus, Bella. What do you have on under there?”

  She leaned close, licked the rim of his ear, then bit the edge of his earlobe gently. “Not a damn thing.”

  His gaze went molten hot, and he pressed the tip of one work-roughened finger lightly against her clit.

  Oh, two could so play that game. She dropped her hand to his thigh, brushing gently over his impressive erection. When he didn’t stop her, she looked around and made sure they were hidden by the tablecloth, and then she drew his zipper down.

  “Are you sure you want to go there?” He slid his finger ever so slightly inside her. “Now?”

  God, her body wanted so much more than that little taste. Still... “Positive.”

  He slid his finger deeper inside, rubbing the heel of his hand against her mound, his grin wicked. Her body flooded with heat, and her hands shook, but she grasped his heated, rigid length, rubbing her thumb over the fluid leaking from the tip. When she stroked from tip to root, she reached something she didn’t expect, something cool and smooth. She stared at him, openmouthed, utterly and completely shocked.

  He was wearing a cock ring.

  Realization dawned. He must’ve put it on when he’d gone to the bathroom. Guess that’s one of his secrets. Slowly, she rubbed her fingers around it, enjoying the way his muscles tightened under her hand.

  “Elephant.” He growled the word softly and used his free hand to put a stop to her playing. “I’m too close to the edge, and I don’t want to come so soon. And Jesus, not here. Which I’m guessing is how you feel, too.” He slipped his hand free from between her legs, rueful regret on his face. “I probably shouldn’t have started that.”

  Yeah, no kidding, although she wasn’t exactly innocent in it all. Her whole body was shaking, and Marcus’s face was flushed. Had she ever been this aroused, this fast? Had he?


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