Princess Grace of Earth

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Princess Grace of Earth Page 23

by A K Lambert

  First was the arrival of the Trun battle cruiser. Probably only a few days from Earth.

  Second, and more pressing, was the situation with Jon in South Africa. Jon’s safety concerned them, of course, but also the Trun with him were bound to be the first contact for the battle cruiser. Put them out of commission and Jon is safe and the cruiser is on the back foot.

  Eventually, they came to a plan with which they were all happy. Prime summed up the actions as he now saw them.

  He looked at Amanda first. ‘You will return immediately to Durban in Janet’s jet, and join up with Jon. William and Gordon will go with you but will keep their distance for the time being. You need to make Jon aware of our suspicions, and warn him he may be in danger. We need to find out if this friend of his is a Trun. Be very careful Amanda, if he is, then there will be others. You know what they’re capable of. They’re the same as us: holographic disguises, enhanced mental abilities. But William and Gordon will be close.’

  Mandy nodded, looking eager to get going.

  He checked his notes and turned to William, their Chief of Security. ‘You and Gordon need to flush out all of the Trun. We need them neutralised before the arrival of the battle cruiser. They will have a communication device somewhere. Find it.’

  William nodded. He had never heard Douglas speak with such authority in all the years they had been together. But then he’d never had to.

  Next, it was Janet.

  ‘Janet, my friend. Firstly, we are indebted to you for this discovery you made. We now have a fighting chance of a clean escape. But you have agreed to help us more.’ He checked his notes. ‘You and Ann have already contacted Sir Alister Carmichael and arranged a meeting with some of the leaders of Earth, tomorrow. Grace will travel to London later this evening with you to address them.’ He looked at Grace with an odd expression on his face, a mixture of annoyance and pride.

  Earlier in the discussions, Grace had asked to go to London to address the leaders of Earth. They would need convincing, but Douglas had flatly refused to let her go. ‘Much too dangerous. We can send someone else.’

  Grace’s reply had shocked everyone around the table, especially Douglas. ‘I am the leader of the Vercetians on Earth. I decide. And I have decided I will go!’

  It was the first time she had ever overruled him, and after the initial indignation, he felt pride. His little girl had grown up.

  Douglas finished, ‘And finally, I will contact Peter and Helen and divert them.’ He put his pad down and spread his hands expansively. ‘Everyone happy?’

  There was a chorus of agreement from the table.

  Chapter 37

  A Plea for Help

  Earth - COBRA, Whitehall, London, England - 2013, Sunday

  * * *

  Silence fell over the Cabinet Office briefing room.

  Chief of Defence Staff, General Sir Alister Carmichael leant back in his seat and took a deep breath. Why have the CIA brought us this girl with her crazy story of aliens and invading forces, and on a Sunday? he thought. He looked to his left at the Deputy Prime Minister, Janet Pennant-Davies, who was chairing this extraordinary meeting and was greeted by a perplexed look. To his right, the Secretary of Defence Alec Burrows started to speak, but stopped before a word could form. Only Janet Kilkenny, Assistant to the Deputy Director of CIA for Science & Technology seemed unconcerned. But then, she had instigated this meeting.

  The room remained silent.

  The other twenty-one members of this very select group looked towards Pennant-Davis to give a response to this unremarkable young lady and her plea for help. But it was Carmichael who eventually replied.

  ‘So, you want our help? You’ll need to give us more than that.’

  ‘You need more?’ Grace reached to her brooch and touched it lightly...

  Chapter 38

  The Capture

  Earth - South Africa - 2013, Monday

  * * *

  Amanda Walker, with William and Gordon, arrived at Pietermaritzburg airport late Sunday morning. They jumped into separate taxis, with Mandy going straight the bike race and William and Gordon heading into to town to find accommodation.

  She arrived at the downhill course in plenty of time. Jon wasn’t due to start his run until 3.35pm—ninety minutes away. She decided to climb the hill and find a daring section of the descent and watch the riders come flying down. She chose a section just past halfway, where there was a triple jump followed by two tight turns straight after landing, showcasing the riders’ skills to the maximum.

  She stood next to two American lads who seemed well up for the next couple of hours of thrills and spills.

  Before she knew it, there was a buzz going around the crowd. The blond haired American said, ‘Rider on the course,’ his mate was whooping loudly.

  Mandy looked at the series of jumps, trying to imagine what speed they would be going over each one. It would need to be quite slow, she thought. How wrong she was, for when the first rider came into view he was flying, and hit the takeoff ramp so fast that he cleared all three jumps landing sweetly on the final down ramp. The two Americans were screaming with delight, as was the rest of the crowd. The rider was now firmly applying his brakes but still looked to Mandy to be going far too fast for the upcoming turns. With the banking helping him he zipped through both and was gone, the roar of the crowd following him down the hill.

  ‘Oh my God!’ said Mandy to nobody in particular, but the blond haired American replied, ‘It’s gonna be a great afternoon.’

  Very soon she was whooping with the rest of them, amazed at what these guys—and Jon—actually did. She couldn’t believe that after all the years being so close to him and knowing his love for this sport, that she had never actually watched him race. She turned to the Americans.

  ‘I never knew they went so fast!’

  The second American shouted back to her, ‘And the girls, dude. The awesome Rhian has just won the women’s race. She’s world champion, and she’s one of yours—a Brit.’

  These guys seemed to have a handle on who was coming next, so she asked them, ‘Do you know when Jon O’Malley’s turn is?’

  They consulted their scruffy notes. ‘Yeah, two more then the lucky Irishman is up.’ and both added a tremendous whoop, whoop, with Mandy joining in.

  Next was a Frenchman. His jump lacked height, and his rear wheel landed perilously close to the up side of the third ramp. He did well to stay upright. The Americans were mega animated. ‘Wow… serious casing, man! How did he stay on?’

  Then it was Jon’s turn. Amanda couldn’t help feeling apprehensive. Before she knew it, though, he was flying through the air right above her. He looked majestic, at least to Mandy, and landed effortlessly on the exit ramp, the wheels kissing the ground simultaneously. He eased forward marginally, slowing for the turns. He banked hard for the left one, flowing gracefully through it, then a wobble. He wasn’t taking the line for the right-hand turn that the previous riders had. He hit the bend, flying high over the bank, man and cycle completing a full summersault.

  There was a groan from the crowd. The marshals were climbing onto the course to get to the bank Jon had gone over. The Americans looked at each other, silently conveying their dismay.

  Amanda raced over to him, but she had crowds of spectators to negotiate, many of whom were heading in the same direction to see the wreck. When she arrived, Jon was already on his feet, talking to two marshals. One was holding his bike, and the other was pointing to his front tyre, which had completely ripped off.

  ‘Are you okay?’ Mandy was tapping him on the back.

  ‘Amanda. You managed to get here,’ He took his helmet and goggles off and pecked her on the cheek. ‘What time did you arrive?’

  ‘Never mind me,’ she said, fear having risen to angry tears. ‘How are you?’

  He stopped to assess the damage. ‘A bit of road rash here and there, but nothing broken.’ He smiled at her. ‘You must be my lucky charm. The first time you come and
watch me, and I crash.’

  ‘You know I’m your only charm.’ She grabbed his arm, pulling him to her.

  He winced, and she let go, ‘Road rash,’ he said, trying to smile.

  The two marshals, one carrying his bike, began to help him down the hill, with Mandy right behind. The journey that would have taken just over a minute to finish from here on his bike would now be closer to half an hour.

  At the bottom, they arrived at the team van, a monstrous thing with Fortune Factory Downhill Team plastered across both sides.

  Mandy was still trying to get Jon on his own. She needed to tell him what they thought might be going on but wasn’t sure how to broach the subject. She didn’t have to, for the time being anyway, because out of the van stepped Rob.

  ‘What happened, man?’ said Rob.

  ‘Tyre ripped out, mate. I didn’t stand a chance. Really lucky that I found a soft landing,’ Jon replied.

  Amanda studied Rob, trying to find clues as to his true nature. Nothing apparent.

  ‘This is my friend Amanda,’ Jon said. Mandy shook Rob’s hand. It felt normal, but then, so did Grace’s.

  Rob looked at Amanda warily. He knows who I am, she thought. He’s given himself away.

  ‘Have you been riding today?’ she asked, smiling. She was looking at his riding outfit, with his number still on. ‘Oops, I see you have.’

  They then carried on chatting, with Jon grilling Rob about his performance. He was currently in sixth place, but there were quite a few big hitters still to come.

  ‘Well, I’m off to get showered,’ Jon said to Rob. ‘Amanda is buying me dinner later.’

  ‘I thought you were in the chair, O’Malley,’ she said, poking him and finding some more road rash.

  At dinner, Mandy explained everything they had deduced about Rob. Jon was utterly astonished.

  ‘Haven’t you noticed anything wrong with him?’ she asked.

  ‘No, just like I had no idea about anyone at Harewood Hall, before the assassination attempt.’ Jon looked a little hurt. ‘Though I have caught him talking to his ghetto blaster quite a few times.’

  ‘Nothing?’ persisted Mandy.

  ‘Now his aunt? Alien all the way. That’s one strange woman.’ Jon smiled. ‘I’m not convinced, Mandy. We’re going to have to dig around a bit. Set a trap.’

  ‘Or look inside the ghetto blaster,’ Mandy countered.

  The following day, Jon invited himself and Mandy over to Rob’s for a late breakfast.

  ‘Mandy’s heard about your legendary fried breakfasts,’ Jon told him.

  ‘I’ll need to get some stuff in,’ Rob said. ‘Make yourself at home.’

  ‘Is your aunt in?’ Jon asked.

  ‘I haven’t seen her all morning. I think you’ll be safe.’

  As soon as Rob left, Jon set about the ghetto blaster. No conventional way of getting in. No screws, nuts or bolts, rivets. Jon looked in Rob’s toolkit and saw what he wanted. A sonic entry device. Peter had shown him one at Harewood Hall, and showed him how to use it. He held it close to the blaster casing and depressed a button. He was rewarded with a click. Four secret entry point catches released, revealing a weird looking machine inside.

  Jon looked at Mandy. It all seemed perfectly clear.

  Unfortunately, all was perfectly clear elsewhere.

  An indignant food processor was reporting to Rob about being violated by aliens. Rob was sitting outside wondering what he should do about Amanda. This was all happening too fast, and still no sign of his father’s arrival. He would need to chat with Sonia.

  Sonia was monitoring everything from her room. She was aware of the imminent arrival of Mancer’s cruiser, but had her own agenda, and it didn’t include Rob.

  She entered the room to a startled Jon and Mandy and subjected them to a weird green mist from her wristbands. They collapsed.

  When Rob returned, she subjected him to the same treatment, and began planning a variation on a night of ‘fun’ she’d been planning for the last few days.

  Later, when she had loaded the back of the van with her three playmates, the reporter turned up on the pretence of a couple of beers with the other boys. She knew exactly what he was here for, and now would be the right time to sort him as well. The last thing Sam remembered was a strange green mist emanating from Rob’s aunt’s wristband.

  The day after William and Gordon’s arrival in South Africa, they lost contact with Amanda and Jon.

  They visited Rob’s apartment, but there was no one in sight.

  They contacted Grace, informing her that her friends were missing.

  ‘Janet’s arranging another jet, so we’ll be over there as soon as possible. It will just be me, Janet and Krankel. Janet is arranging for two local South African NIA agents to meet you at the airport prior to our arrival. Bring them up to speed as quickly as possible—especially as to our alien origins—we won’t have time for surprises on the day. Janet will have briefed them as much as is possible before you meet up. They’ll have transportation for us at the airport.’

  ‘All clear, Gentlemen?’

  ‘Yes, Princess,’ William replied.

  Chapter 39

  The Interrogation

  Earth - South Africa - 2013, Monday

  * * *

  Sonia paced up and down, waiting in sweet anticipation for her four captives to awaken.

  She was in the conference room of a small motel with her four prisoners tied to chairs, in a circle, facing each other. The epidermis that was once Samantha Smith lay in one corner of the room, the scanner hovering above it. No one else in the establishment would disturb them, not now. She had all night.

  The situation was a little annoying—having been found out this close to the arrival of the Trun cruiser. Not that she was concerned about the four in front of her. She would kill them and make up a story to gloss over it. She knew where the Vercetian princess was—well approximately—and that would be sufficient for the Trun. No, it would be annoying when Birjjikk found out. Three times now she had been exposed on planetary surveillance postings, and her Player would regard that as extremely sloppy. Some retribution would be forthcoming, of that she was quite sure. Why am I always the one, she thought. She had never quite fit in with Birjjikk and the other two. Her antics at the Cadre leadership battle between Birjjikk and Graffojj hadn’t helped. She was realistic enough to realise that she had only got into Birjjikk’s Cadre because she was the only one left alive. Carffekk, Henkk and, of course, Birjjikk were the nucleus of the team, but rules were rules and the Cadre needed four and all from a single Academy.

  Kean was wakening. Years of suffering this Turdgutter. No wonder I needed to get out and kill. The humans were exquisite—fear in abundance. I will kill him last, she thought, he’ll suffer the longest. She slapped him hard across the face. He reacted aggressively, but without direction, still being under the influence of the drug.

  She stretched, so glad to have shed the human epidermis. She couldn’t switch it on and off like the Preenasettians, her physiology was just too different It took her about twenty minutes to change to a human or Trun. Phase shift manipulation and epidermic encasement weren’t quick processes, but the result was superior.

  Kean was awake now. His eyes were focussing slowly, trying to make out the being in from of him. She smiled at him, her sharp teeth turning it into a sneer. ‘You are awake, Kean?’ She studied his face.

  ‘Who are you? What are you?’ His words formed slowly.

  ‘Don’t you remember me? You’ve been working with me for the last four years.’ She was enjoying his look of. ‘I’m Sonia.’

  '‘But, you’re...’

  ‘Not a Trun? No, I’m a Zerot.’ She strolled over to him and slapped him hard again. this time Kean yelped and tried to pull out of his restraints. Sonia enjoyed his defiance. It would change soon enough.

  He composed himself. ‘So what do you want with us? Why have you kept up this charade for so long?’

  ‘Be patien
t.’ She she leant in, their faces now almost touching. ‘For now, all you need to know is that by the morning, you and your friends shall be dead. And your precious planet Preenasette will soon be just a memory. Let’s wake your Earth friends. I want to play.’

  Amanda’s drug-induced dream world began dissipating. In its place, unintelligible conversations, cries of anguish and the blurred impression of something moving. As her vision returned she became aware of a strange creature.

  It was unlike anything she had ever seen or imagined. The creature’s mottled grey skin made it look old. Amanda’s first impression was that this being was ancient. Its posture, however, belied the idea of old age, tall with an arrogant strut that oozed confidence. Its face was skeletally thin, with a small mouth housing savage, needle sharp teeth. Its ears were long and thin, pointing sharply, nearly backwards. She couldn’t begin to describe its eyes, evil and hate emanated from them. The most striking part of this alien’s appearance was the fleshy-looking horns protruding from its body. Six from its hairless scalp, three from each shoulder and a row following the vertebrae of its backbone. Two of the scalp horns were much longer, sweeping back and down to its waist.

  It was concentrating on the three men. She could see blood oozing from wounds on Jon and Sam’s faces, and Rob, who was now in his true Trun form, was bruised and swollen. Her shins were tightly bound to the legs of a wooden chair, her wrists secured to the arms. They were in a circle, and the creature’s back was to her.

  Amanda closed her eyes and feigned unconsciousness, wanting more time to understand what was happening here. The creature was apparently bragging to the others.

  ‘...nearly two hundred and fifty years old using your measurements, but I haven’t reached halfway into my lifespan. We spend an extended part of our life in estivation—a form of hibernation in the—usually after we have annihilated a planet and its inhabitants, and we’re feeling… satiated.’


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