Toxin: Dead Souls MC: Prospects #5

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Toxin: Dead Souls MC: Prospects #5 Page 10

by Rylan, Savannah




  “You really should get up, gorgeous.”

  Those words shivered me to my core. I peeked an eye open just as a pair of lips came down against the shell of my ear. My skin prickled at the touch. I giggled as a smile crossed my face. Toxin kissed me, over and over, slowly easing me out of my sleep. I pulled my knees up to my chest. His hand slipped around my waist. He cupped my breast, massaging my nipple until it stood on end before continuing his soft assault against my ear.

  “Toxin, you’re gonna—”

  “Gonna what?” he asked, chuckling.

  I sighed heavily as he nibbled on my earlobe.

  “Okay, okay, okay. I’m up,” I moaned.

  “Are you sure? Because I bet my fingers could—”

  I snatched his hand up. “Your fingers did enough last night.”

  And his chuckle sounded amazing first thing in the morning.

  He rolled me over and I gazed into his eyes. But I was shocked to find him dressed. Head to toe, in jeans and a t-shirt. Complete with a leather jacket I hadn’t seen last night.

  “Whenever you can get up and going, we need you in church,” he said.

  I furrowed my brow. “Church?”

  He nodded. “Yep. A formal meeting we hold when we need to discuss things. I told the guys you’d answer their questions about the mafia.”

  “And you didn’t think to ask me before volunteering me for that job?”

  He shrugged. “I mean, you are kind of here to help us.”

  Remember your place, Natasha. “Yes, well. I’ll be out in a second.”

  “I’ll wait for you.”

  “I’m good. Thanks.”

  I pushed him away and pulled the covers over my naked body. I stood up from the bed and looked over toward a chair in the corner. One that housed an outfit for me to wear. I looked over at the cracked door and saw shadows moving around. Which meant at least someone in this damn place knew I’d slept in his bed last night. Was that all I was? Some common whore to sleep with before coercing information out of me?

  You shouldn’t have given into him.

  “I’ll be out in a second,” I said.

  “Sure, you don’t want me to wait with you?” Toxin asked.

  “Yep. I’m good. A woman needs her privacy.”

  “You didn’t last night.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I was horny and lonely last night. Of course, I didn’t want privacy.”

  His silence told me I’d hit him straight in the gut. Which was great. I peered over my shoulder and shooed him out of his own room. To which he grumbled as he strode out. He slammed the door behind him, practically rattling the walls. So, if people didn’t know we were together last night, they sure as hell did now.




  “Women problems?” Ryker asked, grinning.

  I lunged at him and took great joy in watching him jump back.

  “I’ll take that as a ‘yes,’” Grave said.

  “She’s coming. Give her time,” I said.

  “Was she still in bed or something? It’s damn near noon,” Ryker said.

  “Yeah, well, guess she couldn't sleep,” I murmured.

  “I wonder why that is,” Saint said.

  And he said it with a telling grin on his fucking face.

  “Look, I’m sorry. But I’m gonna say what we’re all thinking. How the fuck is some waitress in a casino supposed to give us the kind of intel we need?” Bear asked.

  “I’m glad someone said it,” Knox said.

  “Would you guys have faith in him for once? He’s not a complete asshole,” Brewer said.

  “But he’s an asshole most of the time,” Ryker said.

  “Ain’t that the truth,” Natasha murmured.

  I whipped my head over toward the sound of her voice. I watched her emerge in a pair of leggings and a tunic. Clothes the mothers of this place practically lived out of. Still, it accented the length of her legs. Legs I’d wanted wrapped around me all night last night.

  Before I tired her out with my tongue.

  “We didn’t mean for you to hear that, we just—”

  Natasha interrupted Grave. “I’ll spit it out so I can get back to bed because I’m exhausted. First off, there are four casinos in Redding. I work at the main one. The one Lars usually runs by himself.”

  “Usually?” Rock asked.

  “Mhm. He wasn’t there last night. He had my connection within the mafia, Phillip, step in and make sure the night ran smoothly,” she said.

  “Who’s Phillip?” Brewer asked.

  “The guy who agreed to help save me from my severely abusive ex,” she said.

  Toxin leaned toward me. “You know you didn’t have to tell them that.”

  “I’m only here to feed you information, remember?” she asked.

  I watched her glare at me hotly before she continued. But her words circled around my head.

  The fuck did she mean by that little quip?

  “All four casinos have a purpose. The one I work at is used for bringing in the money. We host all of our parties there. Late nights. Shit like that,” Natasha said.

  “What are the other three used for?” Rock asked.

  “One’s specifically used for sex. All I know is that the guys go there if their purpose is to win enough money to get laid in the upper rooms. That casino’s intentionally set up easier so the money they win will funnel back into the casino via drinks, great food, and sex. There’s another casino run by them that’s just a bank disguised as a casino. I’m not really sure what happens there. But I know a couple of the girls I’ve worked with in the past have gotten small loans from there when they need help,” she said.

  “I’m sure that’s a great deal,” Grave said dryly.

  “But I’m sure it’s the last casino you’re interested in. It’s non-operational now. Once the one I work—well, worked—at got off the ground and became hot, they turned a casino on the outskirts of town into a place where they hold guys with bad debts.”

  “And how do you know this?” Knox asked.

  She shrugged. “I asked Phillip one night where they were hauling a guy off to.”

  “And he told you,” I said.

  “He did.”

  “Just like that.”

  “Just like that,” she said.

  “How close are you and Phillip?” I asked.

  “You mean are we fucking around?”

  “All right, that’s enough,” Grave said.

  But when her eyes connected with mine, I saw her challenge me. I saw her asking for me to press the topic. I wasn’t sure I wanted to, though. Because I wanted last night to be something special.

  Not something she felt like she had to do simply because she was here.

  “Okay, so, let’s assume she’s right,” Ryker said.

  “Which I am,” Natasha said.

  “Yeah, yeah. Assuming she’s right, wouldn't keeping Diesel at that location be a bit too… obvious?” Ryker asked.

  “I agree with you, actually. It would be too obvious. But there’s only one other place he could have Diesel if he’s still in this town,” she said.

  “Where?” Grave asked.

  “I had a conversation with Phillip once. About a month ago. I hadn’t seen much of him, really. So, he came to check up on me. See how work was going and how I was being treated. Things like that. Anyway, I asked him where he’d been, and he told me they needed to handle some business. I could clearly see the bruises on his face underneath the terrible makeup he tried putting on, so I asked him again. ‘Hey, are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?’ That kind of thing,” she said.

  “How does this help us again?” I asked.

  “Shut up and I’ll get to it,” she said flatly.

  “Yeah, Toxin. Shut your mouth and pay attention,” Saint said, grinning.

  Wider and wider. Like he knew exactl
y what the fuck was happening.

  “Anyway, he wouldn't talk. So, I made him some food. His favorite meal. He took a phone call while I was cooking. And I guess maybe he assumed over the sizzling of the steaks in the pan that I couldn't hear him talking. But I could. Loud and fucking clear,” she said.

  “You cook steak?” Rock asked.

  “Focus, big boy,” Grave said.

  She giggled. “I’ll make some for you later. How’s that sound?”

  “And me?” I asked.

  “I don’t think I've ever heard Toxin sound like a lost puppy before,” Saint said, chuckling.

  “You’re going to die today if you don’t shut it,” I growled.

  “All right, all right. Natasha, can you please get to the point?” Grave asked.

  She shrugged. “Sure. Never been known for my storytelling. Anyway, Phillip mentioned things like ‘new club’ and ‘better strippers’ and ‘good investment’. And a couple of weeks later, a girl I worked with came rushing up to me at work and chattering about how she’d be tending bar at this new place they wanted her working at. She was very excited. Kept rambling on about how the A-plus strippers would bring in the good clientele, so she could craft expensive drinks and put her new outfits to good use,” she said.

  “Lars bought a strip club,” Grave said.

  “That’s what I’m thinking. The more I think about that conversation, the more it makes sense. Phillip said something about whether or not it was ‘off the map.’ And whether or not they’d ‘take the girls there.’ I know damn good and well that they’re using that strip club he purchased to do as much dirty work as ever before. And I know that whatever secrecy they have it shrouded in, everyone that works there is completely cut off from the world,” she said.

  “How do you know that?” Toxin asked.

  I shrugged. “I haven’t heard from or seen that girl I worked with since she started working there. Got a new cell number and everything. I even went to her place and it had been cleaned out. They moved her away from where she used to live. Whatever’s going on there, Lars doesn’t want anyone on the outside knowing about it. Not even those that work with him on the inside.”

  Rock pulled away from the group and immediately rushed over to his laptop. He fell into the chair, and I listened to it creak and groan for mercy. We all watched him in silence. I saw a couple of the guys staring in dumbfounded shock at Natasha. And I had to admit, I didn’t even expect her to have this kind of shit on the mafia.

  Was she really just a waitress at some casino?

  “She’s right,” Rock said.

  “Didn’t realize you thought I was lying,” she said.

  “There’s a strip club on this side of town that was purchased just over a month ago. The LLC doesn’t check out, either.”

  “Wait, he got all of that from five minutes of typing?” Natasha asked.

  Rock grinned. “It’s sort of my specialty.”

  “Do all of you have those?” she asked.

  “We do, yes,” Grave said.

  She thumbed over to me. “So, is his specialty annoying everyone as a distraction?”

  And when all the guys started laughing at me, the need for blood filled my fingertips. I didn’t know where the fuck she got off making fun of me in front of these guys, but it wouldn’t happen again.

  Not after I spoke with her about it.

  “This is the less obvious place to hold Diesel. More so because it’s newer than anything else,” Rock said.

  “I agree. If he’s holding him anywhere, it’s there,” Saint said.

  “If they’re still in town,” Ryker said.

  “They’re still in town. Lars would never let Sutton that far out of his grasp. Not until the man’s dead,” Cage said.

  “How nice of you to finally pipe up,” I murmured.

  “Shut up, Toxin,” Natasha spat.

  The guys chuckled again, and I wanted to wring their fucking necks.

  “Give me some more time to dig up info in the strip club, then we can vote on it,” Rock said.

  “Fine by me. I’m starving anyway,” Saint said.

  “Me, too. She mentioned steaks and now my stomach won’t stop craving a couple,” Bear said.

  “A couple?” Natasha asked.

  “Growing boys need their protein,” I murmured.

  “I’ll let you guys know when I’m done,” Rock said.

  “All right, everyone. Church is dismissed for now. But don’t go too far,” Grave said.

  Then, he clapped his hands.

  We all scattered like roaches, with most of the guys heading back toward their families. And me? Well, I gripped Natasha’s arm and dragged her back to my bedroom. I didn’t stop moving until we were both behind the door. Then, I slammed it behind me. I whipped around and saw her rubbing her arm, but she didn’t complain. She didn’t pipe up. She didn’t bitch me out for it.

  Which was different.

  “What do you want now?” she asked.

  Her voice sounded so tired. And it caught me off-guard enough that I couldn't remember what I wanted to ask her.

  Then, she turned around and leveled me with her stare.

  “Can I call Phillip?” she asked.

  I blinked. “Why?”

  “So I can try and talk him into giving me some extra nights.”

  “You’re thinking about making money right now?”

  “I mean, I have to. I’ll need a life after you guys are done and discard me to the side of the road,” she said.

  “What makes you think we’re going to do that?”

  She shrugged. “Well, since my purpose here is to feed you information, eventually? You’ll be done with the information I have.”

  Shit. My comment from this morning.

  “Natasha, I didn’t mean it li—”

  She held up her hand. “You don’t look good groveling. So just stop and answer my question, please.”

  I sighed. “No. It’s not a good idea for you to reach out to Phillip.”

  “And why not?”

  “You mean, other than putting everyone else here at risk? You’d be putting yourself in harm’s way, for starters. He works for the organization that wants you dead right now.”

  “Phillip wouldn’t hurt me.”

  “Are you sure about that?”

  She sighed. “I’ll have to get in touch with him eventually. If I don’t check in or pop up on the radar, he’ll start searching for me. Hard.”

  I paused. “Are you sure about that?”

  She snickered. “You don’t know him like I know him.”

  “Fair enough. But you’re not reaching out to him.”

  “Why? Because you don’t trust me to not betray you and your guys?”

  “I just want to keep you safe. I meant what I said last night about you being safe here. With me. With us.”

  “You barely know me, Toxin.”

  I shrugged. “I know. Doesn’t mean I want to see you hurt, though.”

  Her eyes danced between mine. I moved slowly to her, letting my hand come up to cup her cheek. I expected her to push me away. But she didn’t. I let my touch linger. Her breath pulsated against my lips. I slid my arm around her waist, her arms still dangling at her sides. Still refusing to let go of her anger. Still refusing to touch me.

  But she didn’t back away from me.

  “I’m sorry,” I murmured.

  She snickered. “Do you even know what you’re sorry for?”

  “I do, yes.”

  Her nose touched mine. “Then, what are you sorry for?”

  I moved our lips closer. “I’m sorry for making you feel as if you owe us something. Because you owe this world nothing but your attempt at happiness.”

  I felt her sigh. And when she collapsed against me, I captured her lips once more. Electricity sizzled down my spine. I wrapped her up in my arms and dragged her back into bed. She fell on top of me. She straddled my hips. My cock rose to the occasion, screaming at me to fulfill what I
wanted most.

  But a loud scream interrupted our moment. Pierced through the hazy fog of want and filled my ears with words that sat me upright in bed.

  It was Brynn yelling down the hallway. Screaming out words that slid Natasha straight to her feet on the floor.

  “Guys! Guys! It’s Diesel! He’s on the phone!”



  We sprinted out of Toxin’s room and tore down the hallway. We rushed into the kitchen, looking around as we tried to figure out what the fuck was going on. I didn’t care who saw me coming out of his room. I didn’t care who grinned or winked or made snide comments. All I cared about was figuring out what the fuck was going on.

  And how I could help.

  “Grave. It’s Diesel. He’s… he’s—”

  “Let me see the phone.”

  “Please get him back. Please.”

  “Brynn, we will. Just hand me the phone.”

  I watched this little woman and this massive man go back and forth. I wrapped my arms around Toxin as tears rushed my eyes. I felt him jump. Like I had startled him. But soon, he settled his arm around my shoulders. He rubbed my upper arm with his hand, comforting me as the guys gathered around.

  Paying us no mind as Brynn wiped at her tears.

  “Diesel?” Grave asked.

  I saw him press a button and the phone lit up. There was soft chuckling on the other side of the phone. I heard something that sounded like a muffled curse. And then, a voice I didn’t recognize came alive. One that made Brynn cry out before her knees gave way.

  A voice I figured was her husband’s.

  “Grave, it’s me,” he said.

  “Are you all right? Do you know where you are?”

  “You really should know better than to ask those kinds of questions on a line like this.”

  Grave snickered. “Yep. You’re good. Still as sarcastic as ever.

  Then, a voice I did recognize came over the phone.

  “Now that I have your attention, I’ll make this quick. Time is running out for you and your little crew. I want that traitor. I want the man who stole my daughter from me. And in exchange for handing them over, you get your precious president.”


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